How to exceed the limitation of FeatureLayer? - arcgis-js-api

I using ArcMap published a Feature Service with about 5000 polygons, and on the ArcGIS Server, I am pretty ensure that "Maximum Number of Records returned by Server" is set to 10000. however, when this FeatureLayer is displayed in a SceneView,(yes, we need SceneView for 3d) I found that some polygons are not displayed in Chrome browser(latest, verion 70) !
I searched on the net, and it seems that ArcGIS js 4.9 can only display 2000-3000 features. Could you please how to exceed this limitation, whether it have some graphic card settings I can adjust to try ? Thanks!


Calculating Front end performance metrics via Web API's ( navigation API and performance timeline API)

In order to calculate the first contentful paint , i used the below command in my browser console.
window.performance.getEntriesByType('paint') -> From that , i fetched the start time of first contentful paint which is : startTime: 710.1449999972829 ms.
But if i audit the same page via lighthouse(from chrome dev tools), the first contentful paint calculated by lighthouse is '1.5 s'
I am trying to understand why there is a wide difference between the two data. Tried running the audit couple of times via lighthouse, still the data hardy matches with web api data.
Can anyone explain me as to why there is huge difference. Should i go ahead with the data from web api's or should i consider lighthouse data as valid one?
Thank you for the great question, I learned something today because of it.
It appears that even on desktop view there is some throttling applied to the CPU, this didn't used to be the case as far as I am aware.
I found this article that explains the current throttling policy.
The key part here is as follows:
Starting with Chrome 80, the Audits panel is simplifying the throttling configuration:
Simulated throttling remains the default setting. This matches the setup of PageSpeed Insights and the Lighthouse CLI default, so this provides cross-tool consistency.
No throttling is removed as it leads to inaccurate scoring and misleading metric results.
Within the Audits panel settings, you can uncheck the Simulated throttling checkbox to use Applied throttling. For the moment, we are keeping this Applied throttling option available for users of the View Trace button. Under applied throttling, the trace matches the metrics values, whereas under Simulated things do not currently match up.
Point 3 is the main part. Basically the throttling is still applied to the CPU on desktop. Also note they say "for the moment" so this is obviously something they are considering removing in the future.
This is actually a really good idea, most developers are running powerful hardware, most consumers are running cheap off the shelf laptops with i3 processors (or equivalent...or worse!).
As Google spend a lot of time refining Lighthouse I would leave Simulated throttling ON and use their results as they will be more indicative of what an end user might see.
Switching off simulated throttling
If you want your trace results (or console performance API results) to match then uncheck "simulated throttling" at the top of the page.

arcgis: load kml files upto 80 megbytes total(10 megabytes per file)

Hi I am using Arcgis for JS version 4.9, I am trying to load upto 8 kml files(each file is about 10 megabytes).
The loading of the kml is passing successfully but the interaction(pan&zoom) with the map is very slow and not smooth.
I have several questions regarding this issue:
Can Esri load such an amount of kml files? if not is there any other alternatives ?
Why in openlayers I can do it smoothly and in pure arcgis it more problematic?
Can I upload a RAW kml data and not diretly via hosting url?
I would appreciate any kind of help, thanks in advance!!
Kml is a vector format. One option would be to generalize the geometry of the features. Also, you could decrease the precision of the coordinates. For instance, a coordinate in meters with 5-6 digit after the coma is not necessary for visualization in a web map. You can round it to the meter.
Finally, if by raw data you mean parsing and loading a kml from a string, that's not possible with the ArcGIS API. The kml/kmz must be a separate file accessible on the internet.
The KMLLayer uses a utility service from, therefore your
kml/kmz files must be publicly accessible on the internet. If the
kml/kmz files are behind a firewall you must to set the
esriConfig.kmlServiceUrl to your own utility service (requires ArcGIS
Source: the KMLLayer documentation

CameraRemoteAPI get number of remaing pictures to take

I'm developing an Android app with CameraRemoteApi to take pictures using an HDR-AS30V and store them on the smartphone. I need to know if it's possible to get the number of pictures the camera microSD can hold before it's full.
'getStorageInformation' API can be used to determine number of recordable images and also recordable time left. Right now only HDR-AZ1 and Lens style cameras QX1 and DSC-QX30 support this API.
Please check the latest SDK documentation for more information on the API.
Best Regards,
Prem, Developer World team

MediaElement.js HTML5 video player pre-rolls not working when frequency capping enabled in DFP

We're currently using the MediaElement.js HTML5 video player for site viewing on tablets and are using DFP to serve pre-rolls via VAST. The main parts of this works fine (playback, tracking of views and clicks), but we are encountering an issue where pre-rolls will not serve at all when frequency capping (i.e., max once per 5 minutes for each line item) is enabled for them in DFP. This does not appear to be specific to playback in tablet browsers (e.g., based on default cookie security settings), as testing in desktop browsers returns the same results. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue, and if so, what was done to resolve it? Thanks.
We were able to solve this by not pulling the DFP XML file directly, but by using the Google IMA HTML5 library to do so. As soon as we did this, frequency capping no longer became an issue.

Trouble in driving Point Grey Grasshoper cameras

I am trying to drive two Grasshopper cameras, from Point Grey Research, using a laptop. As my laptop (and generally majority laptop's) does not have any FireWire 800 port, I am using a FireWire 800 to Express Card device which contains two FireWire 800 ports.
I am trying to capture sample images using the example codes provided by FlyCapture (SDK of Point Grey). When I run these examples on my laptop, they show an error "Error starting isochronous stream". However, I am able to run the same examples on a desktop and could capture images successfully.
Please note that power supply to drive the cameras doesnot seem to be a problem as both the cameras show a glowing led.
I have also written a sample code using libdc1394 library to list the active cameras connected to the machine. And upon running this code on my laptop, it shows that two cameras are connected. (which may mean that the problem lie in flycapture)
Did anyone face a similar problem ? Or could any of you successfully drive one or two Grasshopper camera using a laptop ?
Thanks a lot for the incoming help.
This is Nina from Point Grey's Support team. I can assist you with your question.
The fact that the cameras work well on your desktop PC but generate Isochronous stream error on your laptop indicates the cameras are working well. I suspect that you are running into problems with the bandwidth when you run two camera synchronously through the express card on your laptop. As the bandwidth the express card can sustain is S800 if you try to run two grasshoppers at full frame rate and resolution you might be generating more data from the cameras than the express card can sustain. Please try reducing the frame rate or resolution on your two cameras or try running one camera only and let me know if it streams well.
What FlyCapture example code are you trying to run? Which grasshopper model are you using? When you tested the camera on your PC did you run the cameras on two separate firewire buses?
Please let me know. You can also contact us by sending us an email at