Opta-planner cloud balancing example - optaplanner

I'm using the cloud balancing example as a reference to a very similar problem. My model requires a dynamic processes adding/delete. I cannot find this feature it in the example.
How do you suggest to dynamically add/delete processes? Do i have to create a new cloudBalance problem instance, and call the solver ? Or i can modify the existing cloudBalance instance ?
Thank you

See AddProcessProblemFactChange in optaplanner-examples.


Make native query in standalone Waterline

When trying to use Waterline standalone mode, I could not find the correct method to perform native queries. With Sails.JS the sendNativeQuery method is used which I could not find in the instances of the models. Does anyone know how I can perform these queries?
Thank you!
I have the same problem, i think it sail who set getDatastore() and sendNativeQuery() function on model and datastore.
Surely on this file: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-hook-orm/blob/master/lib/build-registered-datastore-instance.js
and the function is defined here: https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-hook-orm/blob/master/lib/build-registered-datastore-instance.js
Im going to implement this in my code but if someone have a better idea or have already doing this i appreciate help :)
Sails enables you to access what called datastore.manager
Depending on the adapter, this might represent a connection pool, a single connection, or even just a reference to a pre-configured client library instance.
If you are using MongoDB for example, you can have a raw Mongo collection instance.
see here.

Restcomm variable for the date

I'm creating a new App in RVD and creating a request to an external service. Everything works as expected, I'm using different variables as core_From, core_To and so on. The problem is, I would like also send the date when the call is done but I don't find any variable for that and I wasn't able to find any documentation defining those variables.
I guess I could invoke an external service to know the date, but it seems to costly to do something so trivial... so I think I'm missing something obvious here. Any help on that would be welcomed.
After this PR, the variable core_callTimestamp is available to provide this functionality.

Updating the steps in Saga

I am looking for a way to change the steps in the saga, example: insert a step during the processing, preferablly during runtime
Is it possible to do using sagas?
Sagas (particularly those written using Automatonymous) were not designed to handle dynamic configuration at runtime. They are a codified way to create process monitors and workflows.
If you need to dynamically modify the steps of a workflow, you could use the Courier routing slip, which is built into MassTransit. It allows an activity in the workflow to revise the itinerary, adding or removing steps (activities) as needed.

noflo-ui: Load and save projects/graphs/components from external database or api

I'm trying to create a custom build of noflo-ui that is effectively only a graph editor. Don't need it to connect to any runtimes.
I'm struggling to find where I can inject this code as it appears part of noflo-ui is written in noflo itself and I cannot find the scripts for those pieces.
For example, in graphs/main.fbp, there is this line:
'user,main,project,github,runtime,context' -> ROUTES Dispatch
Three questions on this:
Where is the source behind the Dispatch component?
If I add my own interface elements to Load data from an external api, where would be the best place to inject that data?
I see a lot of event driven code, so I'm guessing I would add a new polymer element, do my ajax call, the emit or fire something. I believe this is what happens when connecting to a noflo-nodejs runtime; I've traced the connection to line 51312 in a built noflo-ui.js
return port.send({
componentDefinition: definition
... but I can't figure out where it goes past here. A port on the main.fbp graph? As per my 1st question, I cannot find the source behind these core graphs.
And this leads to my last question
The code I pasted above from noflo-ui, I cannot find this code anywhere pre-build. I even searched the entire project tree for "componentDefinition: definition". Where is this coming from?
Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
The FBP runtime protocol is the primary extension point of noflo-ui. You can implement a "runtime" which just provides components and graphs (for instance from a database), without a way to run these.
A network:persist message to let the UI indicate that "this is a good point to save the graphs" has been specced but is currently not implemented. For now you can just autosave latest state.

ALSB automation

One of the elegant things about WebLogic is WLST (Weblogic Scripting). Is it possible to script actions done in ALSB (Aqualogic Service Bus)?
For example: Exporting resources from the bus.
I found out how to export. You need to grab an instance of ALSBConfigurationMBean like so.
if currentTree() != domainRuntime:
alsbConfigBean = findService(ALSBConfigurationMBean.NAME, ALSBConfigurationMBean.TYPE)
From there you just do a query for the correct references. Documentation for ALSBConfigurationMBean is here
Found some sample Jython code here
The short answer is yes. Check out Using deployment APIs.