update main table from two others with modification of data before updating - sql

I have two tables that I need to update. I have to go through every record on one table then do some modifications to the data then upload the modified
data to another table!
The two tables have 3,000 records and 11,000 records. Plus I also have to
check some info from a third table with about 50 records!
Dim id
Dim fly_SQL
Dim rsc1_conn As ADODB.Connection
Set rsc1_conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
rsc1_conn.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
rsc1_conn.ConnectionString = "SERVER=companyserver;UID=" & id &
";Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=DATAbank" '
Set rsc1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM main_database",
dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
do until rsc1.EOF
fly_SQL = "Select * from alt_db where alt_db.number = main.net_number"
Set rsc2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(fly_SQL)
do stuff
code = dlookup( "type_def", "third_rec" , alt_db.activity = activity)
The two tables both use net_number as a reference which on the main is primary key unique, but the alt_db has multiple entries.
So basically I have to loop through each net_number on the main, look at the matching net_number on the alt_db then compare an activity field
with a third table to see which field I update on the main! If it's a Project management expense I put it in the main.PM_cost. The net_number in alt_db might repeat for 10 other expenses that need to be funneled into their proper expense categories in the main DB! As an example:
Main table looks like
first record shows
main.netnumber = 123456
alt_db table looks like
third_rec looks like
where data can be something like con1 , sabb ,
code type
sauf construction
con1 management
I130 project management
And needed rules:
check alt_db.activity with third_rec.act and return activity type
If activity type is construction then I put the alt_db.cost into main.const_cost
If activity type is project_mgmt then I put the alt_db.cost into main.PM_cost. The alt_db.activity could be con1 or SAF4 and the type is determined by the third_rec table.
Trying to figure out the best (most efficient way) to go about this.
Any suggestions?
The above code will surely be missing proper variable definitions and such but it's just for explaining my dilemma!
I could probably do it with DLookup but I don't think that would be very efficient!

Best way was to build a query that produces a file filtered data from the Main and alt_db to group the activities by net_number . Then use a case to determine which fields from alt_db to update using the third file and update the result in the proper fields on the main db.


How to show results by Category in SQL and display in classic ASP

I have a table from where I want to display records on the page grouped by categories in Classic ASP in such order that the Latest records are displayed on top. I am using MS SQL 2005 server.
For example table is like
ID Data1 Data2 Category
1 abc def test1
2 rrr 344 test2
3 ttt edf test1
4 www ghj test2
sql="select * from TABLE where Category='test1" and Category='test2' order by ID desc"
I want to display the all the data from category Test1 and Test2 on the page at different places. How to separate results by category?
If you want to display the results in different places, just run both SQL statements and store the results into 2 different Recordsets.
set rs1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
set rs2=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
SQL1="select * from TABLE where Category='test1' order by ID desc"
SQL2="select * from TABLE where Category='test2' order by ID desc"
rs1.Open SQL1, ConnectionString
rs2.Open SQL2, ConnectionString
Test1_ID = rs1("ID")
Test1_Data1 = rs1("Data1)
Test1_Data2 = rs1("Data2")
Test1_Category = rs1("Category")
Test2_ID = rs2("ID")
Test2_Data1 = rs2("Data1")
Test2_Data2 = rs2("Data2")
Test2_Category = rs2("Category")
This code assumes you already have set your connection string = ConnectionString and have already opened it, and side note, you can share the connection, or you can make one for each recordset, if its not that much data it won't matter, but if its a larger chunk of data, it wouldn't hurt to have 2 connection objects.
Now when you go to display the results you can just rs1.MoveNext to move to the next record in the first set, and rs2.MoveNext to move to the next record in the second recordset. Your question was how to be able to display the records in different places, so now you have the variables names and a way to move to the next record, if you know how to move through a loop advancing the recordsets until you reach the last record, you just do that for both recordsets, and as each one is being done and displayed, they will be separate until you write the part to display the results from rs2 as well.
Closing Notes - In case you need to be specific in your SQL, you can specify the source in the format of database.tablename. So in the example you would do something like this for SQL1:
select * from DATABASE.TABLE where Category='test1' order by ID desc

Multiple entries in crystal reportviewer after adding a SQL expression field

I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I installed the latest crystal reportviewer (22)
What I want is to click a button and create a report from the customer that is selected in the datagridview and the addresses that are shown in the second datagridview.
I managed to do all that but the problem is that a few fields contain numbers which need to be converted to text. An SQL query I would use to do this would be like:
SELECT c.customer_nr, c.status, s.rename FROM CUSTOMERS c INNER JOIN SETUP s on s.id = c.status WHERE s.afk = 'STA'
In my SETUP database I have the columns ID,AFK and RENAME so if the status would be 1 it would convert to text: "ACTIVE", if status = 2 it would convert to "INACTIVE" for example.
I could do something with a formula field like this:
IF ({c.status} = 1) THEN "ACTIVE" ELSE
IF ({c.status}) = 2 THEN "INACTIVE"
but that is not good because i could add another status or change the name in the database etc.
So then I tried with an SQL expression field and I put something like this:
There must be something wrong because I get the correct conversion but there is only one address in the database but I get 7 pages all with the same address. There should only be one address like I get when I remove the SQL expression field. Where does it go wrong?
* EDIT *
I found the problem. When I create a new database that contains only unique id's then it works. In my original database I have multiple times the id's 1,2,3,4,5 but with different abbreviations in column AFK. Somehow the query looks for the id value and every time it finds this id no matter the AFK value it generates an entry for the address value.
Maybe in the future I will find out how this exactly works for now I have a workaround.
Create a new table for example CrRepSta and add the following entries:
The new query:
And by the way the statement "CrRepSta"."AFK" = 'STA' is not really needed.

MS Access-Return Record Below Current Record

I am very new to Access, and what I am trying to do seems like it should be very simple, but I can't seem to get it.
I am a structural engineer by trade and am making a database to design buildings.
My Diaphragm Analysis Table includes the fields "Floor_Name", "Story_Number", "Wall_Left", and "Wall_Right". I want to write a new query that looks in another query called "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" and pulls information from it based on input from Diaphragm Analysis. I want to take the value in "Wall_Right" (SW01), find the corresponding value in "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection", and report the "Elastic_Deflection" corresponding to the "Story_Below" instead of the "Story_Number" in the Diaphragm Analysis Table. In the case where "Story_Number" = 1, "Story_Below" will be 0 and I want the output to be 0.
Same procedure for "Wall_Left", but I'm just taking it one step at a time.
It seems that I need to use a "DLookup" in the expression builder with TWO criteria, one that Wall_Right = Shear_Wall and one that Story_Number = Story_Below, but when I try this I just get errors.
"Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection" includes shearwalls for all three stories, i.e. it starts at SW01 and goes through SWW for Story Number 3 and then starts again at SW01 for Story Number 2, and so on until Story Number 1. I only show a part of the query results in the image, but rest assured, there are "Elastic_Deflection" values for story numbers below 3.
Here is my attempt in the Expression Builder:
Right_Defl_in: IIf(IsNull([Diaphragm_Analysis]![Wall_Right]),0,DLookUp("[Elastic_Deflection_in]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]","[Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection]![Story_Below]=" & [Diaphragm_Analysis]![Story_Number]))
I know my join from Diaphragm_Analysis "Wall_Left" and "Wall_Right" must include all records from Diaphragm_Analysis and only those from "Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection"![Shear_Walls] where the joined fields are equal, but that's about all I know.
Please let me know if I need to include more information or send out the database file.
Thanks for your help.
Diaphragm Analysis (Input Table)
Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection (Partial Image of Query)
I think what you are missing is that you can and should join to Diaphragm_Analysis twice, first time to get the Story_Below value and second to use it to get the corresponding Elastic_Deflection value.
To handle the special case where Story_Below is zero, I would write a separate query (only requires one join this time) and 'OR together' the two queries using the UNION set operation (note the following SQL is untested):
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
da2.Elastic_Deflection AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM ( Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left )
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da2
ON da2.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
AND da2.Story_Number = da1.Story_Below
SELECT swid.Floor_Name,
0 AS Story_Below_Elastic_Deflection
FROM Shear_Wall_incremental_Deflection swid
INNER JOIN Diaphragm_Analysis da1
ON da1.ShearWall = swid.Wall_Left
WHERE da1.Story_Below = 0;
I've assumed that there is no data where Story_Number is zero.

Filling 2 records inside of a rowset

I am trying to find out how to fill two seperate records in one rowset to be published to integration broker. I am filling both rowsets seperatly (RS1 for the Level 1 of record Names and RS for the Level 0 record of Person)
&RS1 = CreateRowset(Record.NAMES);
&RS1.Fill("Where emplid=:1 and name_type=:2", &emplid, &nameType);
&RS = CreateRowset(Record.PERSON, &RS1);
&RS.Fill("Where emplid=:1", &emplid);
I have also tried to use this after the above code and the NAMES record didnt show up into the rowset
&RS1.CopyTo(&RS, Record.NAMES, Record.PERSON);
The problem is that when I look at &RS after this runs, the Names record in &RS does not contain any of the name information from &RS1, but the person record is populated. Could anybody help me on how to get this name record in &RS populated with the data from &RS1?
The issue with your code is that &RS1 is really just used to determine the structure of &RS. The actual instantiated rowset is not part of &RS. In the code below note where I get the NAMES rowset for a specific row and assign it to &RS1, then I fill it.
Local Rowset &RS, &RS1;
&RS1 = CreateRowset(Record.NAMES);
&RS = CreateRowset(Record.PERSON, &RS1);
&RS.Fill("Where emplid=:1", &emplid);
&RS1 = &RS(1).GetRowset(Scroll.NAMES);
&RS1.Fill("Where emplid=:1 and name_type=:2", &emplid, &nameType);

Is it ever okay to violate first normal form?

I have an Access database that will be required to present data with several one-to-many relationships on one row (e.g., it would list items as "a, b, e, f", and I would have multiple columns like that). I know it's a bad idea to store data that way as well, but considering that I'm allowing the user to filter on several of these columns, I can't think of a better way of dealing with the data than violating first normal form.
As an example: say that I have several journal articles, each of which may report on multiple animals and multiple vegetables. The user can filter on the source name, or they can filter on one or more animals and one or more vegetables. The output should look like
Source name....animals...............vegetables
Source 1.......dogs, cats, birds.....carrots, tomatoes
Source 2.......leopards, birds.......tomatoes, zucchini, apples
Source 3.......cats, goldfish........carrots, cucumbers
Typically you would have a separate table with Source name + animal:
Source name......animal
Source 1.........dog
Source 1.........cats
Source 1.........birds
Source 2.........leopards
and a similar table for vegetables. But considering how the data needs to be presented to the user (a comma-separated list), and how the user filters the data (he may filter to only see sources that include dogs and cats, and sources with carrots and tomatoes), I think it makes sense to store the data as comma separated lists for animals and vegetables. With a comma-separated list, when the user selects multiple vegetables and multiple animals, I can say
WHERE (Vegetables like "*carrots*" and Vegetables like "*tomatoes*") AND (Animals like *dogs*" and Animals like "*cats*")
I can't think of an efficient way to do this same kind of query in Access without using a lot of VBA and multiple queries.
You can always construct a scenario in which violating any rule makes sense, so the answer to the question in your title is Yes.
This is not one of those scenarios, however. The searching and presentation issues you raise are common to most one-to-many relationships (or, at least, to many one-to-many relationships) and if this were a reason to violate first normal form then you wouldn't see a lot of normalized databases.
Construct the database correctly and you won't have to worry about commas, search terms embedded in each other, and slow searches due to the lack of indexes. Write a reusable piece of code to perform the comma-separate roll-ups for you so you don't keep reinventing the wheel.
i would still normalize this properly - and then worry about the presentation.
in Oracle - this would be done with a user defined aggregate function.
Why not contruct a Join Table so you can sustain the 1:1 in relationship to field referential integrity. Otherwise you will have to parse out the 1:many field value to then get a referential association so everything works magically (hehehe ;))
When i find myself in need to violate the 1st normal form, the answer 9:10 is to create a Join Table and construct some methodology to produce the desired effect.
Edited: 2012-10-09 9:06AM
This design was in response to an unknown amount of information to be displayed in an unknown amount of column/fields. Although mine is oriented towards numerical values, you could simply develop a vba method to concatenate the information fields to produce a singular field of data.
gid (Number) <- Table2.id
cid (Number) <- Table3.id
price (Number)
gid MANY <- ONE Table2.id
cid MANY <- ONE Table3.id
TRANSFORM Sum(Table1.price) AS SumOfprice
SELECT View1.tid, Table1.cid, View1.category
FROM Table2 INNER JOIN (View1 INNER JOIN Table1 ON View1.cid = Table1.cid) ON Table2.gid = Table1.gid
WHERE (((Table2.active)=True) AND ((View1.active)=True))
GROUP BY View1.tid, Table1.cid, View1.category, Table2.active, View1.active
ORDER BY View1.tid, Table1.cid
PIVOT [Table2].[gid] & " - " & [Table2].[nm];
Refresh the CT Table
Public Function RefreshCategoryPricing(Optional sql As String = "")
If HasValue(lstType) Then
Application.Echo False 'Turn off Screen Updating
Dim cttbl As String: cttbl = CreateCTTable("crt_CategoryPG") 'Create Table to store the Cross-Tab information
If IsNullOrEmpty(sql) Then
sql = SQLSelect(cttbl)
End If
Dim flds As DAO.Recordset: Set flds = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
Dim fldwd As String, fldhd As String 'Store the Field Width pattern and Field Header Row
fldhd = "-1;-1;Category"
fldwd = "0"";0"";2.5""" 'Handles `tid`, `cid`, and `category` columns in the ListBox
'Assign the number of columns based on the number of fields in CTtable
lstCategoryPG.ColumnCount = flds.Fields.Count
Dim fld As Long
For fld = 3 To (flds.Fields.Count - 1)
fldwd = fldwd & ";.75"""
fldhd = fldhd & ";" & flds.Fields(fld).Name
GC flds
lstCategoryPG.ColumnHeads = True
lstCategoryPG.ColumnWidths = fldwd
sql = SQLSelect(cttbl, , ("tid = " & lstType.Value))
lstCategoryPG.Enabled = True
RefreshControl CurrentDb, lstCategoryPG, sql, , False
lstCategoryPG.AddItem fldhd, 0
Application.Echo True 'Turn on Screen Updating
End If
End Function
Create Cross-Tab Table
'#ct - String value, Source Cross-Tab to base Table design off of
Public Function CreateCTTable(ct As String) As String
Dim tbl As String: tbl = "tbl_" & ct
Dim sql As String
If TableExists(tbl) Then
'Table exists and needs to be dropped
sql = SQLDrop(tbl)
CurrentDb.Execute sql
End If
'Create Table
sql = SQLSelect(ct, "* INTO " & tbl)
CurrentDb.Execute sql
CreateCTTable = tbl
End Function