current month record should be display from table - sql

please assist me to correct it.i want to show current month data i tried this but its showing error the literal is too long :
number date
10 20-Jan-2018
20 30-Oct-2018
30 24-Sep-2018
24 01-Oct-2018
select number
from table
where date <= to_char(sysdate,'mm');

It looks like your date column contains text. You should ideally always store date information in proper date columns. As a workaround, we can go in the other direction and use TO_DATE on your date column, to compare it to the first of the current month:
SELECT number
FROM yourTable
WHERE TO_DATE(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy') < TRUNC(sysdate, 'mm');


Compare date filed with month and year in Postgres

I have a date field in one of my tables and the column name is from_dt. Now I have to compare a month and year combination against this from_dt field and check whether the month has already passed. The current database function uses separate conditions for the month and the year, but this is wrong as it will compare month and year separately. The current code is like this
SELECT bill_rate, currency FROM table_name WHERE
emp_id = employee_id_param
AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM from_dt) <= month_param
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM from_dt) <= year_param
Now the fromt_dt field has value 2021-10-11. If I give month_param as 01 and year_param as 2022, this condition will not work as the month 10 is greater than 1, which I have given. Basically, I need to check whether 01-2022 (Jan 2022) is greater than r equal to 2021-10-01(October 1st, 2021). It would be very much helpful if someone can shed some light here.
If you just want to check whether one date is >= then another:
# select '2022-01-01'::date >= '2021-10-11'::date;
If you want to restrict to year/month then:
select date_trunc('month','2022-01-01'::date) >= date_trunc('month', '2021-10-11'::date);
Where the date_trunc components are:
select date_trunc('month','2022-01-01'::date) ;
2022-01-01 00:00:00-08
select date_trunc('month','2021-10-11'::date) ;
2021-10-01 00:00:00-07
See Postgres date_trunc for more information.
Assuming the given year_param and month_param are integers you can use the make_date function to create the first of the year_month and date_trunc to get the first on the month from the table. Just compare those values. (See date functions) So:
select bill_rate, currency
from table_name
where emp_id = employee_id_param
and date_trunc('month',from_dt) =
make_date( year_param, month_param, 01);

DB2 How to select dates for the previous 2 months

I am using Oracle SQL developer on DB2 and have a date field stored as an integer e.g. 20210401
I want to bring back results for the last 2 months and have tried this:
select * from table where date > add_months(sysdate, -2)
This is producing error 206 saying it is not valid in the context used.
Does anyone know how to convert the data column or have an easier way to filter for the last 2 months
Use this:
select *
from table

Sorting SQL Query By Date Column

I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy and need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks. I've tried a few different functions of convert, to_date, and can't seem to get anything to work.
I'm still very new to SQL and I don't know if this is a special case because I'm working with an oracle db
Not the full code, because it has dozens of queries and multiple joins (would that affect the date syntax?) but this is the format I'm trying for...
create table "Visits"
insert into "Visits" (
'John Doe',
'Story about the visit',
'More room for story if needed')
from "Visits"
where "Visits"."Visit_Date" >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy
No, you don't have it in the format mm.dd.yyyy. A DATE data type value is stored within the database as a binary value in 7-bytes (representing century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute and second) and this has no format.
need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks.
You want a WHERE filter:
If you want to have the values that happened in the last 14 days then TRUNCate the current date back to midnight and subtract 14 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
WHERE visit_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
(or subtract 13 if you want today and 13 days before today.)
If you want it after Monday of last week then TRUNCate to the start of the ISO Week (which is always a Monday) and subtract 7 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
I ended up figuring it out based on an answer from another forum (linked below);
it appears that my original to_date() was incomplete without a second and operator in my where clause. This code is working perfectly
from "SQLUser"."Visits"
where "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" >= to_date('5/10/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
and "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" < to_date('5/24/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')

Oracle sql. finding last quarter's last date for given number of dates

I need to find the last quarter's last date and insert into another column for dates from present in a column. i.e read from the same table and insert into another column
column 1 | column 2
Assuming you know how to insert a value in a column, and also assuming - if your date is not in the correct date datatype but instead is a string, then you know how to change it to a date with to_date() ...
the only remaining question is, given a date, how do you find the last date of the previous quarter.
trunc() can used with a date parameter. The function truncates the input date. You can give it a second argument to show what to truncate to. 'q' is for quarter. So trunc(date_col, 'q') will return the first day of the "current" quarter (current to the value stored in date_col, that is). Then you can subtract 1 (which means one day) to get the last day of the previous quarter.
SQL> select sysdate as today, trunc(sysdate, 'q') - 1 as last_day_of_prev_qtr from dual;
---------- --------------------
2016-08-02 2016-06-30
If I got it right, truncate the source date to a quarter start and substract one day
select col1, TRUNC(col1,'Q') - interval '1' day col2
from (
select cast('02-aug-16' as date) col1 from dual
union all
select cast('05-dec-16' as date) col1 from dual

Oracle SQL: selecting date field without day (Only Month and Year)

I need to select values from a Database where I have a complete Date. Now I have to get this Date without the Day because I have to group and count them per Month.
I did it like this, but this will get me the Month like for January with 1 and I need 01...
(extract(YEAR,Month from ) || '.' ||extract(Month from ) as Datum
Use the TO_CHAR function for this:
TO_CHAR(, 'YYYY.MM') as Datum
Another way:
Advantage of this is that date sorting and date arithmetic still work.