Oracle SQL: selecting date field without day (Only Month and Year) - sql

I need to select values from a Database where I have a complete Date. Now I have to get this Date without the Day because I have to group and count them per Month.
I did it like this, but this will get me the Month like for January with 1 and I need 01...
(extract(YEAR,Month from ) || '.' ||extract(Month from ) as Datum

Use the TO_CHAR function for this:
TO_CHAR(, 'YYYY.MM') as Datum

Another way:
Advantage of this is that date sorting and date arithmetic still work.


Compare date filed with month and year in Postgres

I have a date field in one of my tables and the column name is from_dt. Now I have to compare a month and year combination against this from_dt field and check whether the month has already passed. The current database function uses separate conditions for the month and the year, but this is wrong as it will compare month and year separately. The current code is like this
SELECT bill_rate, currency FROM table_name WHERE
emp_id = employee_id_param
AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM from_dt) <= month_param
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM from_dt) <= year_param
Now the fromt_dt field has value 2021-10-11. If I give month_param as 01 and year_param as 2022, this condition will not work as the month 10 is greater than 1, which I have given. Basically, I need to check whether 01-2022 (Jan 2022) is greater than r equal to 2021-10-01(October 1st, 2021). It would be very much helpful if someone can shed some light here.
If you just want to check whether one date is >= then another:
# select '2022-01-01'::date >= '2021-10-11'::date;
If you want to restrict to year/month then:
select date_trunc('month','2022-01-01'::date) >= date_trunc('month', '2021-10-11'::date);
Where the date_trunc components are:
select date_trunc('month','2022-01-01'::date) ;
2022-01-01 00:00:00-08
select date_trunc('month','2021-10-11'::date) ;
2021-10-01 00:00:00-07
See Postgres date_trunc for more information.
Assuming the given year_param and month_param are integers you can use the make_date function to create the first of the year_month and date_trunc to get the first on the month from the table. Just compare those values. (See date functions) So:
select bill_rate, currency
from table_name
where emp_id = employee_id_param
and date_trunc('month',from_dt) =
make_date( year_param, month_param, 01);

SQL to display data of current month & next month from table

I wanted some guidance on producing an SQL query that collects the table information of the current date and also next month without having to type in every day for the current month being October or the next month being November.
Basically I've got a table called WORK, in this table there are SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID. I basically need to list the SHIFTID's of shifts where MEMBERSHIPID = null and where DATEOFSHIFT is in November (next month)
Then I need to produce a query for the shift roster showing SHIFTID, DATEOFSHIFT, and MEMBERSHIPID of each shift in this current month.
This is the structure of my database table if needed.
I would recommend:
select w.*
from work w
where w.membershipid is null and
w.dateofshift >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month and
w.dateofshift < trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '2' month;
You can also phrase the where as:
where w.membershipid is null and
trunc(w.dateofshift, 'Month') >= trunc(sysdate, 'Month') + interval '1' month
but this makes it hard for Oracle to use an index if an appropriate one is available.
Well from what you've provided, I infer that you want a query to display the information on all those fields for the current month. That is achievable by:

current month record should be display from table

please assist me to correct it.i want to show current month data i tried this but its showing error the literal is too long :
number date
10 20-Jan-2018
20 30-Oct-2018
30 24-Sep-2018
24 01-Oct-2018
select number
from table
where date <= to_char(sysdate,'mm');
It looks like your date column contains text. You should ideally always store date information in proper date columns. As a workaround, we can go in the other direction and use TO_DATE on your date column, to compare it to the first of the current month:
SELECT number
FROM yourTable
WHERE TO_DATE(date, 'dd-mon-yyyy') < TRUNC(sysdate, 'mm');

Oracle SQL Retrieve Data From End of Month - 16th And 15th - 1st

Alright so I am trying to retrieve data a field we will call DATE_OF_ENTRY and the field is like this.
Example DATE_OF_ENTRY Data
So I need to use this field in a script that will be running twice a month to pull certain records. Basically when it's the 16th day of the current month I want all the records from the 1st-15th to be pulled up. When I run this script on the 1st of the next month I want all the records from the 16th-End of last month.
What I am using now
WHERE ROUND(DATE_OF_ENTRY,'MM') = ROUND(sysdate-1,'MM') AND DATE_OF_ENTRY < trunc(sysdate)
The problem with this statement is that it works on the 1st for the 16th to End of the last month, but on the 16th it gets data from the prior month still.
Any help is appreciated!
Using TRUNC() function with MONTH parameter will get the first day of the month.
Using TRUNC() function with DATE_OF_ENTRY will remove the TIME part.
Use + operator to add days to a DATE
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') firstDay,
TRUNC(sysdate, 'MONTH') + 15 Day15,
FROM yourTable

Selecting the first day of the month in HIVE

I am using Hive (which is similar to SQL, but the syntax can be little different for the SQL users). I have looked at the other stackoverflow, but they seems to be in the SQL with different syntax.
I am trying to the get the first day of the month through this query. This one gives me today's day. For example, if today is 2015-04-30, then result would be 2015-04-01. Thanks!
FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd') as first_day_of_month_transaction
--DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0) as first_day_of_month_transaction --SQL format. Not compatible in Hive.
Try this
To get the first day of the month, you can use:
1 - day(<date>) )
Applied to your expression:
date_add(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
1 - day(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
But this will work for any column in the right format.
SELECT TRUNC(rpt.statement_date,'MM') will give you the first day of month.
You can use this query to calculate the First day of the current month
Select date_add(last_day(add_months(current_date, -1)),1);
Instead of current_date, you can use the date field name.
last_day => Gives the last day of current month
add_months with -1 => Gives previous month
date_add with 1 => Add one day
Another way - select concat(substring(current_date,1,7),'-01');