Cannot access org.openqa.selenium.WrapsDriver Selenide + TestContainers - selenium

I am trying to use Selenide 5.0.0 with TestContainers 1.9.1
dependencies {
testCompile 'com.codeborne:selenide:5.0.0'
testCompile 'org.testcontainers:selenium:1.9.1'
Apparently, these versions are incompatible, cause when I run my test I get:
java: cannot access org.openqa.selenium.WrapsDriver class file for org.openqa.selenium.WrapsDriver
enter code here
Everything works fine with selenide 4.12.3

you can try to add it to maven pom dependencies, for example when using java:


A very incredible question, Maven becomes naughty,selenium 4.0.0-beta-1

This is my maven dependency
But seleniu-chrome-driver in the local warehouse will always appear in two versions 3.14.0 and 4.0.0-beta-1
And when I
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
The imported one is always ChromeDriver() in 3.14.0;
But what I really need is ChromeDriver() in beta;
Because only this version has executeCdpCommand() method
How can I force the use of ChromeDriver() in beta;
why are you using that dependency explicitly , you could use :
<!-- -->
it has driver.executeCdpCommand(commandName, parameters) method
make sure you clean and rebuild your project.

How to see Kotlin stdlib source code in Intellij?

Any idea how to obtain the source code for Kotlin's stdlib?
In the screencap below, I don't have any option to download the source code like other maven libraries.
I'm using the following Kotlin dependency:
For me it helps to change maven dependency on Kotlin in pom.xml from
more info on adding Kotlin to project as maven dependency can be found here:

JUnit and WebDriver by IntelliJ IDEA

Im working in IntelliJ and need to add dependency's to Selenum WebDriver and Junit.
I already added the jars (as mentioned in all possible tutorial) to my Project lib.
I can also see them in the project view - Selenium-java-2.39.0.jar, Selenium-java-2.39.0.srcs.jar, Selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar AND junit-4.11.jar
Nevertheless, my project can not recognized this items (for example
import org.openqa.selenium.;
import static org.junit.Assert.;
Any ideas?
I would recommend investing some time learning about some dependency management solutions. Here are my top two selections:
If using maven, you'd have a pom.xml in your project and you'd have something like:
Ivy is very similar, but i won't get into it. If you need a project to get you started, you can check out this project (download here) which is used by Major League Gaming for their selenium framework
I agree, you should invest in a dependency management solution, but if you are not forced to use maven, try gradle.
It is way lighter and flexible...
In that case, my dependencies are resume to 1 line:
compile "org.gebish:geb-spock:0.9.2", "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:2.39.0", "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:2.39.0"
I agree, I could add a second line with a property for the selenium version.
Gradle is really well supported by intellij Idea.

What is the "official" way to use Selenium 2 (Selenium WebDriver) with Maven?

I'm just trying to make the basic Selenium2Example work with Firefox 4 using Maven to get the Selenium jars :
public class Selenium2Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a new instance of the Firefox driver
// Notice that the remainder of the code relies on the interface,
// not the implementation.
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// And now use this to visit Google
// Find the text input element by its name
WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));
// Enter something to search for
// Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element
// Check the title of the page
System.out.println("Page title is: " + driver.getTitle());
//Close the browser
If I go there :, it says I should try a dependency like this :
but the latest jars can be found in no repositories, the last version which works (with all dependencies found) is "2.0a4" (2.0a5 to 2.0a7 and 2.0b1 to 2.0b3 have missing main jars or missing dependencies), and this "2.04" version doesn't have the right classes to make the example work.
If I go there :, it says I should use this dependency :
It makes the example compile, but this release hasn't been updated since october 2009, and it doesn't run with Firefox 4 (see
If I go there, it says I should try something like :
But the 2.0b3 version doesn't work either (missing dependencies). Here is the error message :
23/05/11 22:09:07 CEST: Build errors for first-webdriver-test; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project first-webdriver-test: Unable to get dependency information for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1: Failed to process POM for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1: Non-resolvable parent POM org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:4.0.1 for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.0.1: Failed to resolve POM for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:4.0.1 due to Missing:
1) org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.0.1
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
central (, releases=true, snapshots=false)
I don't know the meaning of this error, since I can find the requested pom here :
So the only way I can make the example work for now, is manually downloading the 2.0b3 jars.
Does anybody succeed in making it work with Maven ?
Since RC2, you just need:
For me this is working (with Maven 2.2.1):
Notice this line: <type>pom</type>
Also, I had to add the dependency on the junit library to get it to pass some surefire exceptions, but you might not need this.
With RC3 you need:
to include all the jar
For me, this works:

Can anyone give a good example of using org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli programmatically?

I'm trying to create an intelliJ plugin that needs to execute maven targets on the current project. All the talk in the intertubes recommends using the MavenEmbedder. Good luck with that. The 2.0.4 version isn't well supported and there are no references for how to use it.
I gave it a whirl and ran into a wall where the embedder had not been initialized with all the fields it needs. Reflective private member injection? Awesome! Why would anyone need an obvious way to initialize an object?
It seems a few people are using a 2.1 version with some success. I have been unable to find that in a jar or even sources.
I went and checked out the 3.0 version of the embedder project: It does away with the MavenEmbedder object all together and seems to only support access through the main or doMain methods on MavenCli. Has anyone used these methods and can give some advice?
Yeah, the's not much in the way of documentation of MavenCli. The API is significatly simpler but i'd still like some examples. Here's one that works...
MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
int result = cli.doMain(new String[]{"compile"},
System.out, System.out);
System.out.println("result: " + result);
It takes a dir and runs the 'compile' phase...
Working maven configuration for maven 3.6.3
MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
System.setProperty("maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory", workingDirectory);
cli.doMain(new String[]{"compile"}, workingDirectory, System.out, System.err);
<!-- -->
<!-- enable logging -->
The dependency matrix information for provided scopes and dynamically acquired components can be a bit confusing. It was for me, since it appeared to me that I got all the required items by direct or transitive dependency, but then remote resolution didn't work.
I wanted to jump to Maven 3.3.3 (latest as of 2015-05-25). I got it working without the sisu errors that presented when I tried to optimistically update to current versions of things specified here (and elsewhere). This is a project with a tag that worked with the example specified as of today using JDK8.
Relevant deps (SLF4J is just so I can see the logs)
Running this is:
rm -r ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/
mvn exec:java
Probably should have made it a unit test of some sort.
If someone has a superior solution for embedded Maven 3.3.3 (i.e. came up with a smaller or more range-oriented set of required dependencies), please post them.
to build on the comment from #StevePerkins, and using maven version 3.1.0,
I had to exclude the transitive dependency from aether-connector-wagon to wagon-provider-api to get it working.
and here is a java example:
MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
ByteArrayOutputStream baosOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream baosErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(baosOut, true);
PrintStream err = new PrintStream(baosErr, true);
cli.doMain( new String[] { "clean" }, new File("."), out, err );
String stdout = baosOut.toString("UTF-8");
String stderr = baosErr.toString("UTF-8");
full example here
There is a dependency matrix for each version of maven-embedder, e.g. for 3.2.5:
Based on that I had to use org.apache.maven:maven-embedder:jar:3.2.5, org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.2.5, and org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.8.
It also fixes dependency on very old Guava library, since this version uses 18.0.
Dependency list for Maven Embedded 3.6.3 version that works in my Spring Boot 2.3 project (JDK8 or JDK 11 runtime):
<!-- Maven Embedder -->
The Maven CLI command looks like to:
// Maven CLI to execute Maven Commands
MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
int result = cli.doMain(args, workingDirectory,