Validation Rule in VBA to determine the length of text - vba

I have a form for recording the phone numbers which have two kinds:
Internal has 4 characters
External has 4 or 7 or 8 characters
I want to make the ValidationRule change according to the Combobox that determines the type of phone numbers.
I tried to use ValidationRule in the form properties but it doesn't work with IIf formula or dependening on the value of another textbox or combobox.
So I made this piece of code, but it doesn't work:
If me.combo.value = "internal" then
Me.field.validationrule = "Len([field]) = 4"
ElseIf Me.combo.value = "external" Then
Me.field.validationrule = "Len([field]) = 4 or Len([field]) = 7 or Len([field]) = 8"
End If
Thanks in advance.

You don't have to change the validation rule. Try something like this instead:
([combo]="internal" And Len([field])=4) Or ([combo]="external" And (Len([field])=4 Or Len([field])=7 Len([field])=8))

The code for which I ask
If me.combo.value = "enteral" then Me.field.validationrule ="Is Null OR Like """"" Elseif me.combo.value = "extetnal" then. Me.field.validationRule="Is Null OR Like """" OR Like """" OR Like """""
End if.
The sourceالتحكم-بخاصية-قاعدة-التحقق-من-الصحة-validationrule-لمربع-نص-برمجياً-vba/


Wildcard Search character in

I am wanting to make a wildcard search character (ex. Binary%) so when they click search it finds all the files with the word Binary in the filename and loads them into a list box. My current code is below.
Private Sub _test_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As TextChangedEventArgs) Handles _test.TextChanged
For x As Integer = 0 To _listbox.Items.Count - 1
If _listbox.Items(x).ToString = _test.Text$ Then
_listbox.SelectedIndex = x
End If
End Sub
Any help is welcome!
Thank you!
What you are asking doesn't really match your code.
... "when they click search it finds all the files" ...
But you have a TextChanged event handler of a TextBox (not a Button)
..."with the word Binary in the filename and loads them into a list box"
But you select only the first item which matches the filter of items already in a ListBox
To get your code to do what it seems to want to do, simply use the Like operator and add the wildcard character (*) after the TextBox.Text
For x As Integer = 0 To _listBox.Items.Count - 1
If _listBox.Items(x).ToString Like _test.Text & "*" Then
_listBox.SelectedIndex = x
End If
Now you can select the first item in the listbox which matches the filter
If you have a multi-select ListBox, you can use this
If _test.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
_listBox.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiSimple
For x As Integer = 0 To _listBox.Items.Count - 1
_listBox.SetSelected(x, _listBox.Items(x).ToString Like _test.Text & "*")
(the filter logic is the same as the first example)
And you can make it case-insensitive
_listBox.SetSelected(x, _listBox.Items(x).ToString().ToUpper() Like _test.Text.ToUpper() & "*")

Using variable in for next loop code

I have following code,
My.Settings.h301 = TextBox301.Text
My.Settings.h302 = TextBox302.Text
My.Settings.h303 = TextBox303.Text
My.Settings.h304 = TextBox304.Text
My.Settings.h305 = TextBox305.Text
I want to convert above code like following;
For i = 301 To 305 Step 1
My.Settings.h & i = TextBox & i.Text
So, please provide me correct for next loop code. Thank you.
To pass a string as a control name, you can use: ParentControl.Controls("ControlName").
To pass a string as an application setting name, you can use: My.Settings("SettingName").
Hence, your code should look something like the following:
For i = 301 To 305 Step 1
My.Settings("h" & i.ToString) = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i.ToString).Text
Please note that if the parent of your textboxes is not the form, you'll need to replace Me with the parent control name.
Hope that helps :)
If this is a WinForm project, all of the controls are included in the form's Controls collection, which is accessible by name, like this:
For x As Integer = 300 to 400
Me.Controls("My.Settings.h" & i.ToString()).height = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i.ToString()).Text

How can i check for a character after certain text within a listbox?

How can i check for a character after other text within a listbox?
Listbox contents:
Key1: V
Key2: F
Key3: S
Key4: H
How do I find what comes after Key1-4:?
Key1-4 will always be the same however what comes after that will be user defined.
I figured out how to save checkboxes as theres only 2 values to choose from, although user defined textboxes is what im struggling with. (I have searched for solutions but none seemed to work for me)
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key1: " & UsersKey) Then
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
End If
Which textbox1.text would then contain V / whatever the user defined.
I did try something that kind of worked:
Dim UsersKey as string = "V"
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key1: " & UsersKey) Then
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
End If
but i'm not sure how to add additional letters / numbers to "V", then output that specific number/letter to the textbox. (I have special characters blocked)
Reasoning I need this is because I have created a custom save settings which saves on exit and loads with form1 as the built in save settings doesn't have much customization.
e.g Can't choose save path, when filename is changed a new user.config is generated along with old settings lost.
Look at regular expressions for this.
Using the keys from your sample:
Dim keys As String = "VFSH"
Dim exp As New RegEx("Key[1-4]: ([" & keys& "])")
For Each item As String in ListBox1.Items
Dim result = exp.Match(item)
If result.Success Then
TextBox1.Text = result.Groups(1).Value
End If
It's not clear to me how your ListBoxes work. If you might find, for example, "Key 2:" inside ListBox1 that you need to ignore, you will want to change the [1-4] part of the expression to be more specific.
Additionally, if you're just trying to exclude unicode or punctuation, you could also go with ranges:
Dim keys As String = "A-Za-z0-9"
If you are supporting a broader set of characters, there are some you must be careful with: ], \, ^, and - can all have special meanings inside of a regular expression character class.
You have multiple keys, I assume you have multiple textboxes to display the results?
Then something like this would work. Loop thru the total number of keys, inside that you loop thru the alphabet. When you find a match, output to the correct textbox:
Dim UsersKey As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
UsersKey = c
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key" & i & ": " & UsersKey) Then
Select Case i
Case 1
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
Case 2
TextBox2.Text = UsersKey
Case 3
TextBox3.Text = UsersKey
Case 4
TextBox4.Text = UsersKey
End Select
Exit For 'match found so exit inner loop
End If
Also, you say your settings are lost when the filename is changed. I assume when the version changes? The Settings has an upgrade method to read from a previous version. If you add an UpgradeSettings boolean option and set it to True and then do this at the start of your app, it will load the settings from a previous version:
If My.Settings.UpgradeSettings = True Then
My.Settings.UpgradeSettings = False
End If
Updated Answer:
Instead of using a listtbox, read the settings file line by line and output the results to the correct textbox based on the key...something like this:
Dim settingsFile As String = "C:\settings.txt"
If IO.File.Exists(settingsFile) Then
For Each line As String In IO.File.ReadLines(settingsFile)
Dim params() As String = Split(line, ":")
If params.Length = 2 Then
params(0) = params(0).Trim
params(1) = params(1).Trim
Select Case params(0)
Case "Key1"
Textbox1.Text = params(1)
Case "Key2"
Textbox2.Text = params(1)
End Select
End If
Next line
End If
You can associate text box with a key via its Name or Tag property. Lets say you use Name. In this case TextBox2 is associated with key2. TextBox[N] <-> Key[N]
Using this principle the code will look like this [considering that your list item is string]
Sub Test()
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then Return
Dim data[] As String = DirectCast(ListBox1.SelectedItem, string).Split(new char(){":"})
Dim key As String = data(0).Substring(3)
Dim val As String = data(1).Trim()
' you can use one of the known techniques to get control on which your texbox sits.
' I omit this step and assume "Surface1" being a control on which your text boxes sit
(From ctrl In Surface1.Controls
Where ctrl.Name = "TextBox" & key
Select ctrl).First()), TextBox).Text = val
End Sub
As you can see, using principle I just explained, you have little parsing and what is important, there is no growing Select case if, lets say, you get 20 text boxes. You can add as many text boxes and as many corresponding list items as you wish, the code need not change.

How do I display the result of a loop on a new line in a text box?

Basically, how do I write a new line in a text box, keeping the existing information as well.
If I have for loop,
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim result = i
i = i + 1
textbox1.text = result
This will display '10' in the textbox. I want it to be like:
First, your TextBox must allow multiple lines. This is a property of the textbox control that you can set from the designer or from the code. You may want to ensure that a scroll bar is there to scroll in case the height is not large enough.
If you want to set the properties from code, use this code in the Load event of the form.
' Set the Multiline property to true.
textBox1.Multiline = True
' Add vertical scroll bars to the TextBox control.
textBox1.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical
' Change the height of the textbox so that it could accomodate the lines
TextBox1.Height = 120
Now, your approach had a major problem in this line:
textbox1.text = result
The way you coded it, every new value of i, would overwrite the old value. What you want to do is to first construct a string, then send the entire string to the TextBox control. This is not required had you been using Console.WriteLine method.
Method 1
Dim s as string
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
s = s & Environment.Newline & i.ToString() 'we use Environment.NewLine to force new line
Next i
textbox1.text = s
Method 2
.NET offers a class to handle strings better than the way we did before. It won't matter in your case but it is the efficient way to handle concatenation when volume is large and/or performance matters
Dim s as new System.Text.StringBuilder() 'Initialize stringbuilder instance
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
s.AppendLine (i.ToString()) 'We use stringbuilder to concat. and inser line feed
Next i
textbox1.text = s.ToString()
Note: If you want double spacing then you need to add a linefeed (using & ) to both of the above methods.
Something like this should work:
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
if i = 1 then
textbox1.text = i
textbox1.text &= vbcrlf & i
end if
For i = 1 To 10
textbox1.AppendText(vbNewLine & i)

Update text box with each click of a button

I am trying to set up a userform that will be used to take orders. e.g. each time you click the Cappuccino button it will increment the text box by one indicating that you are ordering 1, 2, 3 etc.
As far as I can get it is to only populate the text box one time. Each additional click does not appear to do anything. This is the Code I currently have for it. I tried declaring num as public. I thought that might be part of the problem but it did not seem to make a difference. Could it be a type casting issue since it is a "text" box and I am trying to treat it as in integer?
Private Sub Capuccino_Click()
If (Cap_qty.Value = Null) Then
Dim num As Integer
num = 1
Cap_qty.Value = Cap_qty.Value + num
ElseIf (Cap_qty.Value = IsNotNull) Then
num = num + 1
Cap_qty.Value = num
'Cap_qty.Value = num + 1
'num = Cap_qty.Value
End If
End Sub
Well, that makes a difference. I looked at something somewhere that told me to use Null, IsNotNull. I was able to get it working with the following which at the moment does not make sense to me I will have to figure out why it works this way. I guess there is some background action happening that is letting me do math with stings
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If (TextBox1.Value = vbNullString) Then
TextBox1.Value = 1
TextBox1.Value = TextBox1.Value + 1
End If
End Sub