bs-sortable selection on perticular item selecting complete grid while dragging - ngx-bootstrap

I have implemented bs-sortable using below link ,functionality is working as per expectation , but I am facing problem with drag-drop,when i am trying to select one element in grid and drop it complete grid is getting selected while dragging .


SelectAll checkbox should get unchecked when move to next page in table

I am using datatable using jquery to check and uncheck the check box.Everthing is working fine but when i am moving to next page in table (Suppose i have 50 records in table and showing 10 records in one page) then everything is unchecked but selectAll option is still checked . I want it should also not to be checked. When moving to next page it should take as a fresh page.
I am using drawCallback function of dataTable. If you don't use this function then on click of selectAll it will select all the data of each page . After using this functiion i able to select only data on same page but select all still showing in all page.
below code can helps you...
$(document).on('click' , '.paginate_button' , function(){
$('#select_all').prop('checked' , false);
In this example .paginate_button is a class of pagination and #select_all is a main table heading checkbox id

Tosca: How to scan Dropdown textbox which disapper upon opening xScan

I have a problem in scanning a drop-down menu which disappears upon opening the xScan. I need to get the module id of the dropdown menu to verify some test steps.
Do you have any solution with this if it is not really possible to get the module id of the dropdown menu?
Open developer tools in your browser of choice (F12), navigate to the console and input the following code:
var fulldoc='';
var scrollX=0;
var scrollY=0;
if(event.key=='q' && event.altKey){
if(event.key=='w' && event.altKey){
When the window looks the way you would want to scan, press 'Alt + Q', then press 'Alt + W'.
Now your window will freeze and then you can scan your page.
To steer the objects you need to refresh your browser.
You can resolve the issue with below 2 steps
1 - Add some text in textbox which will populate the dropdown below it .
2 - Use Send Keys Module to scroll down and select the value.
I had a similar issue where we had a popup that only appeared when clicking on a text box. The solution we received from the Tricentis trainer was as follows:
Part One
1. Open your application in Chrome
2. Right click the inspect
3. In the inspector window, on the Elements tab, navigate to your html element where it should be (you can do that by clicking on the element and check that you can see the html in the element)
4. Use the debugger to add a break point there, this should pause it and you should be able to see the elements you need to steer it.
5. Once you found the element, you will need the type of element (e.g. div, span, etc), and the class name
Part two
1. Rescan your module and select any element that matches the criteria of your element selected in Part One #5
2. Identify it by only it's class name property and tag
3. Save and close
4. Edit the element in the module view by changing the class name. This should help you steer it
Note: if the element class name is not unique, you might need to use Explicit name.
Good luck

How to traverse all the element of dropdown in Selenium WebDriver?

I have a drop down on my web page and I have to traverse this drop down and select the specific one.But its not so simple, In this the traversing should be show by the hover and at last the specific element or item should be selected.(The mouse hover action should start from the first element till the required element and then select the element).
You need to look into Select, there are a couple of different ways of selecting elements from the dropdown, below is one example.
Select dropdown = new Select(<WebElement>);

Displaying data on an laretdialog using titanium and remote database

i'm developping a mobile app using titanium appcelerator. in my app i have a tableview contains list of persons' name retrieved from remote database. when i click on each row of my tableview, i want to display some other data from remote database (the activity of each person of my list). i used a php web services to do this. i used a loop "For" to display data, but the problem that when i click on a row all data (all activity of persons are displayed). i tried to do this whitout loop, i can display now only one data (on click, only the activity of the first person is displayed for all rows of my tableview). i do not know what exacly should i put as condition or witch loop must be used for this.
Any help please. this is a screenshot of my tableview and the alert dialog:
You have to add the click EventListner to TableView..
Hope it will works for you...
and Pass the data object to TableRow when its created
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
height : Ti.UI.Size,
left : 0,
obj : your_data[i] // From the array etc for specific row .
Add EventListner

summary row for a grid in dojo

I Am looking for a Summary row or a Footer row for a grid where i can display total value of all column ,This footer row should not get scrolled(Virtically) .
Please Correct me if i am wrong .A Summary row for a Grid is not available in Dojo as a Default widget.
I Have achieved the above Summary row feature for Grid By
1) Adding a second grid only with Header Just below the Grid where you want footer row ,as a whole its look like a footer row to a Grid
Problems faced are
1) Column resizing i.e., when you resize any column in Grid 1 the same column in Grid 2(Grid with only Header ) must be resized
The above problem can be solved be capturing a resizing event in Grid 1 and propagating the event to Grid 2.
2) When you resize the column we will get Horizontal scroll Bar For both the Grids
Is there a way to propagate Horizontal scroll event from Grid 1 to Grid 2 so that when u scroll the Grid 1 then simultaneously Grid 2 has to get scrolled or how to get only one scroll for two Grids
Is there any other way to achive above feature for a grid .
I have achieved this by "stacking" the grids together. A primary data and footer grid. Use CSS to hide the heading of the footer grid. You have to use javascript to update the sums for the footer grid.
See demo and detailed reference
DoJo EnhancedGrid has a summary property that can be set, as described in the api documentation