react-native: animate height of Text component? - react-native

So I have a Text component, with a numberOfLines prop of 5. Whenever the number of lines of that component exceeds 5, it ends with an ellipse. Is there any way for me to animate the height of this Text component to show the rest of the lines that were automatically cut off?
Would give me
But I want a button clicked, and then for it to animate the height and show the rest of the text.

To show the rest of the lines you can toggle the number of lines attribute value and to smoothly animate the height you could apply a css transition to the component.
<Text class="text-animate" numberOfLines={`${!this.state.buttonClicked ? '5' : ''}`}>
.text-animate {
transition: all .3s ease-in;
-webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in;
Note this depends on how react-native applies the given class within the component and and is subject to <Text/> API documentation.


Vuetify - v-select hidden inside v-stepper inside v-dialog

I'm trying to keep the v-select menu attached to the v-select but in the meantime also have it over the dialog when open, in the bellow codepen you can see that the Age dropdown is hidden inside its container and I can't figure out how to make it visible
I have this hierarchy of v-dialog -> v-stepper -> v-select
:items="['0-17', '18-29', '30-54', '54+', '60', '77']"
P.S. I don't want to remove the attach, the client wants it to be glued to the v-select :)
Stepper component in vuetify has overflow: hidden style by default. You can change this property to visible in CSS:
.v-stepper__items {
overflow: visible;
You can visit this codepen too.
Because Modal has a fixed size.
And your v-select is almost at the bottom of modal.
If you move that field to top or middle, it will work for you.
Or you can make modal height larger than now.
Please add this css.
.v-menu__content .theme--light .menuable__content__active {
position: initial !important;
this will work for you.

Vue.js sidebar transition

I have a sidebar and a content inside a bootstrap row and I want to animate the toggle of the sidebar and to expand seamlessly the content container, I'm applying those transition classes:
.slide-fade-enter {
transform: translateX(100%);
position: relative;
.slide-fade-leave, .slide-fade-leave-to {
transform: translateX(-100%);
position: absolute;
but it flickers when expanding, you can see it here:
How can I prevent this?
Looks like you're doing some dirty stuff with flex and absolute positioning. I'd find a way to leave the sidebar as always absolutely (or relatively) positioned and figure out another way to collapse+expand it. The switch between absolute and relative is causing the rendering issue.

NumberField text align since react-admin 2.1.3

The release 2.1.3 of react-admin introduced the use of <Typography /> for the NumberField component (and others) in place of <span />.
This component has a style to align text on the right.
const styles = {
input: { textAlign: 'right' },
I don't know why, but with the span element the number was aligned left.
Now the number is aligned right, but not aligned with the same margin if there are others number fields.
Code demo (Comment show screen) / Screenshot
I tried to define a className on my component...
<NumberField source="id" className="leftalign" />
.leftalign {
text-align: left;
...but the class is overridden by the style-generated class NumberField-input-234 (except if I set !important but I would like to avoid this).
My questions are:
Is there a way to align them on the left without the uggly !important css flag or writing style={{ textAlign: 'left' }} each time I use a <NumberField />?
Is there a way to align right with the same margin?
This issue has been resolved in react-admin#2.2.0

React Native white-space: nowrap width for absolutely positioned Text node

In HTML/CSS if you want an absolutely positioned element to expand wider than its parent to fit all its text in one line, you can use white-space: no-wrap
.parent {
position: relative;
width: 100px;
// text content of this node is wider than 100px
.child {
position: absolute;
white-space: nowrap;
The child element will grow just wide enough to fit all the text in one line. There doesn't be a way to do this with Text components in React Native. You have to specify a fixed number width or the Text component will max out at the parent width. Is there a way?
Figured out that the answer is quite simple.
Text wrap can be specified with the <Text> component's built-in interface called numberOfLines, instead of CSS.
<Text numberOfLines={1}>Foobar</Text>
The documentation for this can be found here.

Minimum width/height in React Native

How can I set minimum width or height for React Native component?
In css, I can use min-width/min-height
There is no minWidth/minHeight on react-native docs
minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth and maxWidth properties are supported as of react-native version 0.29.0 for iOS and Android.
Here is the maxHeight description from react-native documentation. This description also applies for other min/max style properties.
maxHeight is the maximum height for this component, in
logical pixels.
It works similarly to max-height in CSS, but in React Native you must
use points or percentages. Ems and other units are not supported.
See for
more details.
A dummy example:
minWidth: '20%',
maxWidth: 500,
minHeight: '10%',
maxHeight: 150,
This answer is outdated now, use halilb's answer.
I solved this by using the onLayout prop, its very easy:
Step 1: I create a prop in our state that will be holding the current height of the image called curImgHeight.
Step 2: Use the prop in any View or Element that supports the onLayout prop.
Here I use it with an Image. Then all we have to do is, change that state property whenever the actual image height is than our minimum height.
source={{uri: ""}}
style={[styles.image, {height:(this.state.curImgHeight<=0?null:this.state.curImgHeight)}]}
let {height} = e.nativeEvent.layout;
let minimumImgHeight = 400; //We set the minimum height we want here.
if(height<= minimumImgHeight){ //Whenever the real height of the image is less than the minimum height
this.setState({curImgHeight:minimumImgHeight}); //just change the curImgHeight state property to the minimum height.
Thats how I solved it for me.
p.s: During my search I found that react-native unofficially supports minHeight and maxHeight but only for iOS and not for Android. I wouldn't dare using them though. The above code works well and gives me control.
I was able to work out the solution for you. Here's a working demo...
And here are the key parts.
First, you pull in the device dimensions...
var Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
var {
} = Dimensions.get('window');
Here's the button component, which uses the device width as the basis for the button's with
const Button = React.createClass({
<Text style={[styles.button,{width: width - 20}]}>
Then, as you can see here, the button width will be the same regardless of label content width.
You can use minHeight or flexBasis - it is similar.
You can do something like that:
_getButtonStyle() {
var style = {height:36,padding:8}
if(this.props.buttonText.length < 4){
style.width = 64
return style