VLookup from excel workbook on a network drive - vba

Right now I have 8 different textbox controls on a UserForm that when a value is entered a macro runs to open a workbook saved on a network folder then a VLookup is run. Below is the code for two of the TextBox controls and as you can see (due to my lack of coding ability); I ended up with 8 separate subs for each of the text boxes which opens up the workbook on the shared drive after a value is entered in the text box then closes the workbook and is not very efficient. After some research I am thinking of using Index and Match would be a better solution, but have no familiarity with those excel functions in VBA and could use some help with getting a starting point using Index and Match, if that is a better solution. Thank you all for your assistance.
Sub b1CIF()
Dim CustList As Workbook
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim thisWS As Worksheet
Dim wsRR As Worksheet
Dim bColor As Range
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
Msg = "OOOPS!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "The CIF Number of " & LendStart.lsPBCIF.Value & " " & "is not correct or does not exist." & vbNewLine & "Please re-enter the CIF Number."
Style = vbOKCancel + vbCritical
Title = UCase("***CIF Data Entry Error!***")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set CustList = Workbooks.Open("L:\Deposits\Information\Customers.xlsm")
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set thisWS = thisWB.Sheets("SavedInfo")
Set wsRR = thisWB.Sheets("RiskRating")
Set bColor = wsRR.Range("C3")
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If thisWS.Range("A2") <> "" Then
thisWS.Range("PBName").Value = _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisWS.Range("A2").Value, CustList.Sheets("CIFMAST").Range("A1:Z50000"), 2, False)
With LendStart.lsPBName
.Value = thisWS.Range("PBName")
.Visible = True
.Locked = True
.BackColor = bColor.Interior.Color
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 9
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.TabStop = False
End With
thisWB.Sheets("BorrInfo").Range("PB").Value = thisWS.Range("PBName")
thisWB.Sheets("BorrInfo").Range("PBPhone").Value = _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisWS.Range("A2").Value, CustList.Sheets("CIFMAST").Range("A1:Z50000"), 9, False)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
LendStart.lsPBSCIF.Value = ""
With LendStart.lsPBName
.Value = ""
.Locked = True
End With
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub b2CIF()
Dim CustList As Workbook
Dim thisWB As Workbook
Dim thisWS As Worksheet
Dim wsRR As Worksheet
Dim bColor As Range
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
Msg = "The CIF Number entered " & LendStart.lsPBSCIF.Value & " " & "is not correct." & vbNewLine & "Please re-enter the CIF Number."
Style = vbOKCancel + vbCritical
Title = UCase("***CIF data entry error!***")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set CustList = Workbooks.Open("L:\Deposits\Information\Customers.xlsm")
Set thisWB = ThisWorkbook
Set thisWS = thisWB.Sheets("SavedInfo")
Set wsRR = thisWB.Sheets("RiskRating")
Set bColor = wsRR.Range("C3")
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If thisWS.Range("A3") <> "" Then
thisWS.Range("PBSName").Value = _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisWS.Range("A3").Value, CustList.Sheets("CIFMAST").Range("A1:Z50000"), 2, False)
With LendStart.lsPBSName
.Value = thisWS.Range("PBSName")
.Visible = True
.Locked = True
.BackColor = bColor.Interior.Color
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 9
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.TabStop = False
End With
thisWB.Sheets("BorrInfo").Range("PBS").Value = thisWS.Range("PBSName")
thisWB.Sheets("BorrInfo").Range("PBSPhone").Value = _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(thisWS.Range("A3").Value, CustList.Sheets("CIFMAST").Range("A1:Z50000"), 9, False)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
LendStart.lsPBSCIF.Value = ""
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


VBA Page Break in MS Word

I am trying to combine individual MS Word docs into 1 MS Word doc. The below code works just fine to do that. The problem I am having is that I want to insert some code to create a page break after each document so that the next document starts on a new page. I believe something needs to be added in the Sumit routine.
I have tried every syntax that I can possibly find online. Nothing is working.
'Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim NoOfFiles As Double
Dim counter As Integer
Dim r_counter As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim listfiles As Files
Dim newfile As Worksheet
Dim mainworkbook As Workbook
Dim FetchFileClicked
Dim Folderpath As Variant
Sub Sumit()
If FetchFileClicked = False Then
MsgBox "First click the 'Load Control File' button"
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
strRandom = Replace(Replace(Replace(Now, ":", ""), "/", ""), " ", "")
MergeFileName = "Merger" & strRandom & ".doc"
MergeFolder = mainworkbook.Sheets("Main").Range("L10").Value
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
objWord.Visible = True
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objDoc.SaveAs (MergeFolder & MergeFileName)
For i = 1 To NoOfFiles
If Range("B" & i).Value = "Yes" Then
Set objTempWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set tempDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(Folderpath & "\" & Range("A" & i).Value)
Set objTempSelection = objTempWord.Selection
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Completed...Merge File is saved at " & MergeFolder & MergeFileName
FetchFileClicked = False
End Sub
Sub fetchFiles()
Set mainworkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Folderpath = mainworkbook.Sheets("Main").Range("L8").Value
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
NoOfFiles = fso.GetFolder(Folderpath).Files.Count
Set listfiles = fso.GetFolder(Folderpath).Files
counter = 0
For Each fls In listfiles
counter = counter + 1
Range("A" & counter).Value = fls.Name
'Range("B" & counter).Value = "Yes"
Range("A" & counter).Borders.Value = 1
Range("B" & counter).Borders.Value = 1
With Range("B" & counter).Validation
'replace "=A1:A6" with the range the data is in.
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="Yes,No"
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
Call controlFile
MsgBox "Control File Loaded"
FetchFileClicked = True
End Sub
Sub controlFile()
Worksheets("Main").Range("b1:b6").Formula = "=iferror(VLOOKUP(A1,Table2,MATCH(""load"",Table2[#Headers],0),0),"""")&"""""
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
End Sub
I expect each of the individual documents that are added to the newly combined document to be added at the "start of a new page", NOT in the middle of an existing page, like it is today.

Opening CSV files from textbox

I am developing a user form as you can see below
enter image description here
the code in the Browse Button is
Private Sub Browse_Click()
Dim fName As String
fName = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV File (*.csv), *.csv", , "Import .CSV File", , False)
If Not fName = "False" Then
TextBox1.Value = fName
End If
End Sub
Next step is to choose some of these options and the code behind it is
Private Sub Start_Click()
Dim Actsheet As String
Dim wkbCrntWorkBook As Workbook
Dim wkbSourceBook As Workbook
Dim rngSourceRange As Range
Dim rngDestination As Range
Set wkbCrntWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set rngDestination = wkbCrntWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A1")
If myBeforeImprovements = True Then
Actsheet = "Before "
ElseIf AfterImprovements = True Then
Actsheet = "After "
MsgBox ("Select Type of Analysis")
Exit Sub
End If
If Westbound = True Then
Actsheet = Actsheet & "WB"
ElseIf Northbound = True Then
Actsheet = Actsheet & "NB"
ElseIf Eastbound = True Then
Actsheet = Actsheet & "EB"
ElseIf Southbound = True Then
Actsheet = Actsheet & "SB"
MsgBox ("Select Traffic Bound")
Exit Sub
End If
my problem is I can't take the CSV file to its write sheet which are
Before EB
Before WB
Before NB
Before SB
After EB
After WB
After NB
After SB
maybe the following code will refer to the selected CSV file but it gives me an error
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=TextBox1.Text + "," + ComboBox1.Value + ".txt", _
DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True
Replace + with & and it'll hopefully work better. The concatenation operator is & in VBA

transfer data from word to excel via vba

I have a form in ms word with some of the fields are content control and some (which are the radio buttons) are ActiveX control. I want to automatically transfer hundred word forms to an excel file. I use the following vba code:
Sub getWordFormData()
Dim wdApp As New Word.Application
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim CCtl As Word.ContentControl
Dim myFolder As String, strFile As String
Dim myWkSht As Worksheet, i As Long, j As Long
myFolder = "C:\Users\alarfajal\Desktop\myform"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If myFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
Set myWkSht = ActiveSheet
Range("A1") = "name"
Range("a1").Font.Bold = True
Range("B1") = "age"
Range("B1").Font.Bold = True
Range("C1") = "gender"
Range("C1").Font.Bold = True
Range("D1") = "checkbox1"
Range("D1").Font.Bold = True
Range("E1") = "checkbox2"
Range("E1").Font.Bold = True
Range("F1") = "singlechoice1"
Range("F1").Font.Bold = True
Range("G1") = "singlechoice2"
Range("G1").Font.Bold = True
i = myWkSht.Cells(myWkSht.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
strFile = Dir(myFolder & "\*.docx", vbNormal)
While strFile <> ""
i = i + 1
Set myDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open(Filename:=myFolder & "\" & strFile, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
With myDoc
j = 0
For Each CCtl In .ContentControls
j = j + 1
myWkSht.Cells(i, j) = CCtl.Range.Text
End With
myDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False
strFile = Dir()
Set myDoc = Nothing: Set wdApp = Nothing: Set myWkSht = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
all the data (text fields, checkbox) are transferred successfully but, the radio button (which is ActiveX) is not transferred.
This is the word doc:
This is the excel result:
How can I solve this problem?
You can refer to an ActiveX control on a Word document by it's name
It is better to refer to the ContentControls by their tag names.
Refactored Code
Sub getWordFormData()
Dim wdApp As Object, myDoc As Object
Dim myFolder As String, strFile As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
myFolder = "C:\Users\alarfajal\Desktop\myform"
If Len(Dir(myFolder)) = 0 Then
MsgBox myFolder & vbCrLf & "Not Found", vbInformation, "Cancelled - getWordFormData"
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
With ActiveSheet
With .Range("A1:G1")
.Value = Array("name", "age", "gender", "checkbox1", "checkbox2", "singlechoice1", "singlechoice2")
.Font.Bold = True
End With
strFile = Dir(myFolder & "\*.docx", vbNormal)
i = 1
While strFile <> ""
i = i + 1
Set myDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open(Filename:=myFolder & "\" & strFile, ReadOnly:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
.Cells(i, 1).Value = myDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag("name").Item(1).Range.Text
.Cells(i, 2).Value = myDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag("age").Item(1).Range.Text
.Cells(i, 3).Value = myDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag("gender").Item(1).Range.Text
.Cells(i, 4).Value = myDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag("checkbox1").Item(1).Checked
.Cells(i, 5).Value = myDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag("checkbox2").Item(1).Checked
.Cells(i, 6).Value = myDoc.singlechoice1.Value
.Cells(i, 7).Value = myDoc.singlechoice2.Value
myDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False
strFile = Dir()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Your radiobuttons are inlineshapes so you need a separate loop for them
to keep in line with your current code, it would be something like
Dim shp As InlineShape
For Each shp In .InlineShapes
j = j + 1
myWkSht.Cells(i, j) = shp.OLEFormat.Object.Value
Next shp
However I wouldn't want to rely on Word always giving me the right order and there could be other inlineshapes so it might be better to check the controls first:
With myDoc
'content controls
For Each CCtl In .ContentControls
Select Case CCtl.Title
Case "name"
myWkSht.Cells(i, 1) = CCtl.Range.Text
'similar for age and gender
Case "checkbox1"
myWkSht.Cells(i, 4) = CCtl.Checked 'true and false are easier to evaluate in Excel than the checkmark symbols
'same for checkbox 2
End Select
Next CCtl
'option buttons
For Each shp In .InlineShapes
If shp.Type = wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject Then 'skip other inlineshapes
Select Case shp.OLEFormat.Object.Name
Case "singleSelectQuestionOption1" 'name it something unique
myWkSht.Cells(i, 6) = shp.OLEFormat.Object.Value
'similar for option button 2
End Select
End If
Next shp
End With

Long time before printing, no new header

I have the following code to print a specific header to each page I want to print. It takes quite some time before I can print because it regenerates over 40 sheets. Above that the project number never changes, somehow the old project number (F6) keeps in front of the new value of F6.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In Worksheets
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture
.Filename = "I:\Logo.png"
.Height = 40
.Width = 150
End With
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&G" & vbCr & "" & vbCr & "&10Project: " & Worksheets(1).Range("F6").Text
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = "p. "
Application.PrintCommunication = True
Next WS
End Sub
Try this:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim WS As Worksheet
Application.PrintCommunication = False
For Each WS In Worksheets
With WS.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture
.Filename = "I:\Logo.png"
.Height = 40
.Width = 150
End With
WS.PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&G" & vbCr & vbCr & _
"&10Project: " & Worksheets(1).Range("F6").Text
WS.PageSetup.RightHeader = "p. "
Next WS
Application.PrintCommunication = True
End Sub

Workbook becomes corrupted and won't open after macro saves with certain number of sheets

In one excel instance (Instance A), my workbook (Workbook A) performs calculations based on user inputs and creates a worksheet with a chart object. This worksheet is copied and pasted into another workbook (Workbook B), which is closed in Instance A and then opened in a second excel instance (Instance B). Workbook B/Instance B are kept open and in a separate window, as the function of Workbook A/Instance A is to create worksheets to be viewed in Workbook B/Instance B.
So the macro process is: Worksheet is created in Instance A/Workbook A -> Workbook B is closed in Instance B -> Workbook B is opened in Instance A -> worksheet is copied from Workbook A to Workbook B -> Workbook B is saved/closed in Instance A -> Workbook B is opened in Instance B
In the interest of full disclosure, this is the entire sub:
Sub CopySSToNewWorkbook()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim MoveFromWkb As Workbook
Dim MoveFromSht As Worksheet
Dim ChartName As String
Dim RngToCover As Range
Dim duplicateChtPic As Shape
Dim NewSheetName As String
Dim TagString As String
If InputPage.Range("PanelTag") <> "" Then TagString = "-" & InputPage.Range("PanelTag").Text
Set MoveFromWkb = ThisWorkbook
'Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Sheets("InputPage")
If InputPage.Range("PgNum") <> "" Then
NewSheetName = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").Text & TagString & " (Pg" & InputPage.Range("PgNum") & ")"
Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Worksheets(NewSheetName)
NewSheetName = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").Text & TagString
Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Worksheets(NewSheetName)
End If
Set RngToCover = MoveFromSht.Range("E19:Y34")
ChartName = "Panel" & InputPage.Range("PgNum")
'Duplicate method
Set duplicateChtPic = MoveFromSht.ChartObjects(ChartName).Duplicate()
duplicateChtPic.ZOrder msoSendToBack
Call DelinkChartFromData
With duplicateChtPic
.height = RngToCover.height ' resize
.Width = RngToCover.Width ' resize
.top = RngToCover.top - 2 ' reposition
.Left = RngToCover.Left - 6 ' reposition
End With
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").Visible = msoTrue
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").Visible = msoTrue
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").Visible = msoTrue
Dim CNumber As String
Dim RelNum As String
Dim CrtNum As String
Dim Percentage As String
Dim SSFolderName As String
Dim Wkbname As String
Dim FileLocation As String
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim SSCopyYesNo As Integer
Dim DoubleSheet As Boolean
Dim MoveToWkb As Workbook
Dim MoveToSht As Worksheet
Dim PasteSheet As Worksheet
Dim CellName As name
Dim SheetCounter As Integer
SheetCounter = 1
Dim i As Integer
Dim varLinks As Variant
With InputPage
CNumber = .Range("JNumber").Text
CrtNum = "Crt" & .Range("CrateNum").Text
RelNum = "Rel" & .Range("RelNum").Text
Percentage = (.Range("RelPct").value * 100) & "Pct"
End With
If CNumber <> "" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & CNumber
End If
If RelNum <> "Rel" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & RelNum
End If
If CrtNum <> "Crt" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & CrtNum
End If
If Percentage <> "0Pct" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & Percentage
End If
SSFolderName = CreateSSFolders
FileLocation = SSFolderName & "\" & Wkbname & ".xlsb"
Dim newXL As Excel.Application
'Set newXL = GetObject(FileLocation).Application
If IsFileOpen(FileLocation) = True Then
Set newXL = GetObject(FileLocation).Application
newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newXL.DisplayAlerts = False
newXL.Application.Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb").Close SaveChanges:=False
' newXL.Application.Quit
' Set newXL = Nothing
Set newXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
newXL.Visible = True
End If
If FileFolderExists(FileLocation) Then
' newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' newXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' On Error Resume Next
' newXL.Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb").Close SaveChanges:=False
' On Error GoTo 0
Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Set MoveToWkb = Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb")
Workbooks.Open (InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\SpoolSheetWorkbookTemplate.xlsb")
Set MoveToWkb = Workbooks("SpoolSheetWorkbookTemplate.xlsb")
'if SSFolder doesn't already exist, the EditSpoolSheet module is imported to the new spoolsheet
'it is also exported to update any changes made
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromWkb.VBProject.VBComponents("EditSpoolSheet").export InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas" 'change path for home
MoveToWkb.VBProject.VBComponents.Import InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas" 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").Visible = msoFalse
End If
End If
For Each CellName In MoveToWkb.Names
If Right(CellName.name, 10) <> "Print_Area" Then
End If
Dim NewPgNum As String
Dim OldPgNum As String
Dim startRead As Integer
Dim continueRun As Boolean
continueRun = False
NewPgNum = InputPage.Range("PgNum")
For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
startRead = InStr(Sht.name, "(Pg")
If Mid(Sht.name, startRead + 3) = (Right(MoveFromSht.name, Len(NewPgNum) + 1)) And DoubleSheet = False Then
DoubleSheet = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
SSCopyYesNo = MsgBox("Do you want to overwrite " & Sht.name & "?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If SSCopyYesNo = vbYes Then
Dim spoolPosition As Integer
spoolPosition = Sht.Index
Sht.name = "_"
'attaching a macro to the edit spool sheet button
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").OnAction = "EditSpoolSheetClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").OnAction = "UpdatePageNumberClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").OnAction = "CancelEditButtonClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").OnAction = "DeletePanelButtonClicked"
End If
MoveFromSht.Range("Page_Number") = MoveFromSht.Range("AK21")
MoveFromSht.Copy After:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(spoolPosition)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
continueRun = True
End If
ElseIf DoubleSheet <> True Then
DoubleSheet = False
End If
SheetCounter = SheetCounter + 1
If DoubleSheet = False Then
Set PasteSheet = Workbooks(MoveToWkb.name).Worksheets.Add
' MoveFromSht.Copy before:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(1)
'attaching a macro to the edit spool sheet button
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").OnAction = "EditSpoolSheetClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").OnAction = "UpdatePageNumberClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").OnAction = "CancelEditButtonClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").OnAction = "DeletePanelButtonClicked"
End If
MoveFromSht.Range("Page_Number") = MoveFromSht.Range("AK21")
MoveFromSht.Copy After:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(SheetCounter)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
continueRun = True
End If
If continueRun Then
For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
If Mid(Sht.name, 1, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
Set MoveToSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets(MoveFromSht.name)
Dim moveToShtName As String
moveToShtName = MoveToSht.name
'fix in here
For Each CellName In MoveToWkb.Names
If Right(CellName.name, 10) <> "Print_Area" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
Application.PrintCommunication = False
MoveToSht.DisplayPageBreaks = False
'For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
With MoveToSht.PageSetup
.PrintArea = "$A$1:$Z$36"
.Orientation = xlLandscape
.PaperSize = xlPaperLetter
.BlackAndWhite = True
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1.6)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.CenterHorizontally = True
.CenterVertically = True
End With
Application.PrintCommunication = True
'%%%%%%%%new crate code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
'******************* Update Crate Sheet Info **************************************'
Dim crateSht As Worksheet
Dim frontSht As Worksheet
Set crateSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets("Crate_List")
Set frontSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets("FrontSheet")
Dim writeRow As Integer
Dim continueToEnd As Boolean
Dim roomColumn As Integer, pageColumn As Integer, sizeColumn As Integer, widthColumn As Integer, typeColumn As Integer, tagColumn As Integer
Dim infoTableCol As Integer
Dim colStep As Integer
For colStep = 1 To 15
Select Case crateSht.Cells(1, colStep).Text
Case "ROOM #"
roomColumn = colStep
Case "PAGE #"
pageColumn = colStep
sizeColumn = colStep
widthColumn = colStep
Case "SQFT"
infoTableCol = colStep
typeColumn = colStep
tagColumn = colStep
End Select
'if first spoolsheet being added, set constant values (job name, job number etc.)
If MoveToWkb.Sheets.count = 3 Then
frontSht.Cells(5, 6) = MoveToSht.Range("AK2")
frontSht.Cells(6, 6) = MoveToSht.Range("AK3")
Dim EventsState As Boolean
EventsState = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False
frontSht.Cells(6, 12) = MoveToSht.Range("AK7")
Application.EnableEvents = EventsState
End If
'determines where to write panel data: if row is blank, if Page # being written and read are both "" and panel tag/room # match, and if page numbers are not "" and match
For writeRow = 2 To 500
If Len(crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value) = 0 Or (InputPage.Range("PgNum") = "" And crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn).value = "" And crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").value And _
crateSht.Cells(writeRow, tagColumn).value = InputPage.Range("PanelTag").value) Or (InputPage.Range("PgNum").value <> "" And _
InputPage.Range("PgNum").value = crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn).value) Then
'If continueToEnd Then
Exit For
End If
Dim panelCrateData(24) As Variant
Dim panelTableData As Variant
panelTableData = MoveToSht.Range("AK1:AK39")
'writing spoolsheet information to crate sheet
With MoveToSht
If roomColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, roomColumn) = panelTableData(22, 1) '.Range("AK22")
If pageColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn) = panelTableData(21, 1) '.Range("AK21")
If sizeColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, sizeColumn) = panelTableData(13, 1) '.Range("AK13")
If widthColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, widthColumn) = panelTableData(12, 1) ' .Range("AK12")
If tagColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, tagColumn) = panelTableData(24, 1)
If typeColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, typeColumn) = panelTableData(23, 1)
panelCrateData(0) = Round(CDbl(Replace(.Range("X35").Text, "SQFT", "")), 2)
panelCrateData(1) = panelTableData(15, 1) '.Range("AK15")
panelCrateData(2) = panelTableData(14, 1) '.Range("AK14")
panelCrateData(3) = panelTableData(17, 1) '.Range("AK17")
panelCrateData(4) = panelTableData(16, 1) '.Range("AK16")
panelCrateData(5) = panelTableData(18, 1) '.Range("AK18")
panelCrateData(6) = panelTableData(20, 1) '.Range("AK20")
panelCrateData(7) = panelTableData(19, 1) '.Range("AK19")
panelCrateData(8) = panelTableData(25, 1) '.Range("AK23")
panelCrateData(9) = panelTableData(26, 1) '.Range("AK24")
panelCrateData(10) = panelTableData(27, 1) '.Range("AK25")
panelCrateData(11) = panelTableData(29, 1) '.Range("AK27")
panelCrateData(12) = panelTableData(30, 1) '.Range("AK28")
panelCrateData(13) = panelTableData(31, 1) '.Range("AK29")
panelCrateData(14) = panelTableData(28, 1) '.Range("AK26")
panelCrateData(15) = panelTableData(34, 1) '.Range("AK32")
panelCrateData(16) = panelTableData(33, 1) '.Range("AK31")
panelCrateData(17) = panelTableData(35, 1) '.Range("AK33")
panelCrateData(18) = panelTableData(36, 1) '.Range("AK34")
panelCrateData(19) = panelTableData(37, 1) '.Range("AK35")
panelCrateData(20) = panelTableData(38, 1) '.Range("AK36")
panelCrateData(21) = panelTableData(39, 1) '.Range("AK37")
panelCrateData(22) = .Range("AU19")
'Holdback Info
panelCrateData(23) = .Range("AU12")
panelCrateData(24) = .Range("AU14")
'Additional Saddles
crateSht.Range(crateSht.Cells(writeRow, infoTableCol), crateSht.Cells(writeRow, infoTableCol + 24)) = panelCrateData ' "M" & writeRow & ":AK" & writeRow) = panelCrateData
End With
For writeRow = 2 To 500
If Len(crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value) = 0 Then ' Or crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").value Then
'If continueToEnd Then
Exit For
End If
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = writeRow - 1
Dim totSqft As Double
totSqft = WorksheetFunction.Sum(crateSht.Range(crateSht.Cells(2, infoTableCol), crateSht.Cells(lastRow, infoTableCol))) '(crateSht 2:M" & lastRow))
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With crateSht
.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$H$" & CStr(lastRow)
.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"
If lastRow = 2 Then .PageSetup.CenterHeader = "#" & MoveToSht.Range("AK3").value
.PageSetup.RightFooter = CStr(lastRow - 1) & " PANELS" & vbLf & "TOUCH UP KIT" & vbLf & "INTERCONNECTORS" _
& vbLf & "GLOVES" & vbLf & "T-BAR CLIPS" & vbLf & "INSULATION ON PANEL"
.PageSetup.RightHeader = CStr(totSqft) & " SQFT"
End With
Application.PrintCommunication = True
With frontSht
.Cells(11, 2) = lastRow - 1
.Cells(30, 2) = totSqft
End With
MoveToWkb.SaveAs filename:=FileLocation, FileFormat:=50
MoveToWkb.Close False
Set MoveToWkb = Nothing
'Add new entry to recent panels table, unless room number already exists then replace that entry with the current info=
Call AddRecentPanelData
newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
newXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
newXL.Application.AskToUpdateLinks = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Set MoveFromWkb = Nothing
Set MoveFromSht = Nothing
Set MoveToSht = Nothing
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation ', UpdateLinks:=False ', ReadOnly:=False
Set newXL = Nothing
MoveToWkb.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set MoveToWkb = Nothing
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Set newXL = Nothing
Set MoveFromWkb = Nothing
Set MoveFromSht = Nothing
Set MoveToSht = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
Dim Msg As String
If Err.number <> 0 Or Err.number <> 20 Then
Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & "Error Line: " & Erl & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End If
Call ReactiveUpdating
End Sub
So Workbook A uses this sub to create Workbook B/Instance B and save worksheets to it. The problem is, when Workbook A tries to add the 20th worksheet (sometimes 24th or 23rd but consistently in this area) there is an error in opening Workbook B in Instance B on this line (a couple scrolls up from the bottom) causing the code to break:
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Method 'Open' of object 'Workbooks' failed
If I click continue after this error pops up, it completes without an issue, but Workbook B in Instance B is corrupt. Also, if I click the X to close it Excel crashes, and Workbook B is corrupt/unable to open.
The strange thing is, it will always crash after the same number of worksheets are saved (between 20-23 worksheets). Even when I tried closing both workbooks and instances down completely after saving 19 times (just before the expected crash), saving the 20th worksheet still caused a crash.
This only started happening about a month ago, and it occurs on all the computers we have tested it on. We have even tested year old versions of the workbook, that certainly never had this issue, and they all have the same issue.
Please let me know if you can offer any help or need any more detail, any insight is greatly appreciated!
After a lot of work trying to change around the saving/opening process of the workbooks, I managed to figure out the issue. The workbook being saved (Workbook B) contained an ActiveX List Box control object, and after getting rid of it the issue went away. Hopefully this saves somebody the hours it took me to solve it!