Cloud Automation Manager - offline install via helm CLI - cloud-automation-manager

I recently hitted an issue where I could not use the ICP GUI to install Cloud Automation Manager, but yet I really needed to select the "optimize for offline" option since it was an air-gapped environment. I reviewed the knowledge center but I did not find the way to use this option via helm CLI. Is there a way to do this? Thanks,

Hi you can add the following set to your Cloud Automation Manager helm install command ( FP1 or newer release)
--set global.offline=true
for example
helm install ibm-cam-3.1.0.tgz --name cam --namespace services --set global.iam.deployApiKey=[Api key for service-deploy] --set global.audit=<true | false> --set global.offline=true --tls
We will also add this to our installation parameters page shortly as well here:
Thanks for your question!

Please also take a look at this recent blog post in the Dev Works area:


Building Docker images with GitLab CI/CD on existing git-runner

I have to build and push docker image via gitlab-ci. I have gone through the official document.
I want to adopt shell method but my issue is I already had a working gitrunner on my server machine. So what the procedure for it. If I tried to re-register the git runner on the same machine. will it impact the old one?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming that you installed gitlab-runner as a system service and not inside a container, you can easily register another shell runner on your server using the command gitlab-ci-multi-runner register.
This is indirectly confirmed by the advanced configuration documentation, which states that the config.toml of the gitlab-runner service may contain multiple [[runner]] sections.
Note: To allow the shell runner to build docker images, you will need to add the gitlab-runner user to the docker group, e.g.:
sudo gpasswd --add gitlab-runner docker

Server not starting in IBM API connect toolkit

I have created API's in API connect toolkit. For testing the API locally in Explore tab, I am trying to start server.
But getting "Error: It appears that Docker for Windows has not been installed. To install Docker for Windows, please visit For more information, check the docs" error.
From my understanding you don't need docker to test locally in toolkit. Any suggestions to fix the issue?
More Info: APIC version: API Connect: v5.0.8.3 (apiconnect: v2.7.209) NPM version : 6.1.0
It used to work before suddenly I am getting the above error. I tried re-installing but issue persist.
With new versions of APIC you must have Docker installed and working properly on your Windows environment to be able to install the API Connect Toolkit with DataPower.
Please find the steps to install the APIC toolkit on these pages:

Lumify: Not Launching Local Instance on Vagrant

Followed the instructions to run a local instance of lumify using Vagrant.
Vagrant up demo, fails as the is down.
The try site is down as as well.
Need pointers if any yum repo can be used for this.
I see that there are few dependencies related to opencv etc and i could not find them all in 1 place.
Any inputs on this would be greatly appreciated
I'm pretty sure active development of Lumify's open source version ended in 2015. Have you tried the open source version of Visallo? There's also an enterprise edition if you need additional capabilities or greater scalability.

Ambari plugin development

I would like to develop Ambari plugin for deploying some services (something like this
I would like to ask for good practices for developing/debugging.
Currently we do delete and copy new files to AMBARI_SERVER_SERVICE_PATH/services/ and then ambari-agent stop && ambari-server stop && ambari-server reset --silent && ambari-server start && ambari-agent start and I don't feel it like nice solution.
Do you have any good tips, recommendations, links?
The proper term is Ambari Custom Service and not plugin.
The following sequence is the best approach I've found so far in developing custom services. Lets say you're developing custom service 'FOO'.
1) Extract your foo service to the stack you're developing for. For this eg. I will assume HDP 2.4:
tar -xzvf foo_service.tgz -C /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/FOO
2) Restart ambari-server to pick up the stack changes
sudo ambari-server restart
3) Use the Ambari UI service install wizard to install your custom service.
4) Do your testing and debugging, make any changes to your custom service descriptor files.
5) Stop your service and all of its components using the Ambari UI.
6) Uninstall your service from Ambari using something similar to the script below.
7) Re-install your modified service, starting at step 1. Rinse and Repeat.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Deleting the FOO service..."
curl -i -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -u $user:$password -X DELETE http://$host:$port/api/v1/clusters/$cluster/services/FOO
NOTE: Sometimes this approach will not work if you're custom service fails to install correctly. In that scenario you sometimes have to make corrections to your descriptor files, restart ambari-server, and then use the ambari rest API to re-install your service. Using the service install wizard to re-install will not work in this scenario. See the ambari wiki for more details on how to use the rest api to re-install the service.
A lot of useful information can be found on developing custom ambari services and the ambari rest api on the Ambari Wiki.

-restcomm configuration for Windows

I am beginning to set up on Restcomm Mobicents framework.
In particular I am trying to set up Restcomm on my Windows 8.1 laptop.
Can anyone assist with how to set up RESTCOMM on Windows Server please. The reason I ask this is that most of the information is presumed to be on Linux, Ubuntu. Environments like "installation of screen" and also any sample configuration shared are for Ubuntu, Linux environments, but not specifically on Windows.
Restcomm is currently prepared to run natively on Linux operating systems, indeed.
Considering the diversity of OSs and configurations, a Docker image was created to gather everything Restcomm needs to run properly, as an independent layer.
Please check the following links to install Docker in Windows 8.1 and use Restcomm docker image.
About docker:
Docker installation:
About Restcomm docker image:
Restcomm docker image:
You should avoid installing Restcomm on windows, although the simulation will work, when you will have to go live, you will be unable because Windows does not implements the SCTP stack need by Restcomm.