I have an Excel formula that works fine in excel 2003 but in Excel 2016 I get the error when clicking on Data Validation.
"You may not use reference operators (such as unions, intersections, and ranges) or array constants for Data Validation criteria"
My formula is
=INDIRECT("IQ!"&LEFT($T28, 2)&"11"):INDIRECT("IQ!"&LEFT($T28, 2)&11+$V28)
I had to do the formula like this, as the business users cannot update the formula themselves.
I have a dropdown list in another sheet within Excel, which this refers to.
I'm curious why Excel doesn't accept the current format of Indirect range..
However, one workaround could be to create a named range:
And then refer to the named range (test1) in your data validation list:
I'm trying to run a duplicate check In which varying data is pulled from a website and compared to a master list, the master list being stored in Excel. The information from the website is read from a table in which has line breaks. These breaks are translated over to the data collection they are initially stored in. Some of the data from the website us eventually written to the master list in Excel. So when I read the master list back into Blue Prism to run a duplicate check, the rows that have line breaks are written into a collection as multiple rows (ex. I should have on 7 rows in my collections but am getting 42). Since the rows are not EXACTLY the same between the 2 collections, when it runs the automation does not recognize the duplicates.
The easiest way to solve this would be if I could make the collection rows have no line breaks as soon as the data is read. I've attempted to use the calculation stage to do so with no luck. I'm not sure if it is actually possible to do this, but would appreciate any direction.
Record an Excel macro to do the data sorting/cleaning in Excel (possibly Text To Columns, etc..) and then include the running of the macro as part of your Blue Prism process by using an action stage and the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro. Get the process to create an Excel instance (and create a handle data item from that stage), then use Open Workbook (whatever workbook you store your Macro in) and then use the MS Excel VBO - Run Macro (use the same handle created earlier and type in the name of the "macro").
It sounds like what is happening is that the MS Excel VBO is grabbing the data from the Excel Worksheet wholesale.
This is to say that it's accessing your Worksheet table, copying the cell values BUT not the cell formatting data, and then dumping the values into a BP collection.
Since it did not bring along any of the original cell formatting data to reference when it went to populate the collection it's just breaking up the values based on crturn/line breaks. Thus, your collection is organized based on that, and not on the original Worksheet cell.
So, with that said, on to a solution!
Solution 1
Brute force the organization of the incoming Excel cell data to the collection by looping over the Excel Worksheet cell-by-cell.
Run a loop, and in that loop have BP go into the Excel Worksheet and grab the first populated cell it comes across. Run a formatting/cleanup Calculation stage over the data. Dump the cell value into a single collection field.
This is...inelegant, expensive at best, and not at all recommended for any medium to large dataset. But it's definitely the best way to do string manipulation and value comparisons before it hits your collection. Since it sounds like your using a Master template then you as-well know what the expected format of your data should be.
This method will enable you implement Trim(), Concat(), or Split() in a Calculation stage to better organize your incoming data before you dump it into a collection.
This is also basically what I think you're already trying to do, but cell-by-cell instead of Worksheet row-by-row or table-by-table.
Solution 2
Clean up the table data you grab from the website before you dump it into the Excel Worksheet.
This is basically Solution 1, but in reverse. Simply format/cleanup your data before it hits you Excel Worksheet.
I'm not sure this is any better than Solution 1, but, you know, it's something...
Solution 3
Format the cell data IN the MS Excel Worksheet itself.
Basically rearrange the cells and cell data in the Excel Worksheet into a more predictable format by using the Split, Trim, Merge, or other actions included in the MS Excel VBO. You can also do this using the Data - OLEDB utility object, but that requires some pretty solid understanding of SQL syntax.
This would look like this using the MS Excel VBO:
Grab the Excel Worksheet data wholesale and dump into a collection
Count the rows/fields of the collection
Is that number consistent with the desired/expected format of your data?
If not, have the bot go back into the Excel Worksheet and reformat the cells by removing any carriage returns/line breaks/whatever else
However, I'm always reluctant to reformat any original source, as it's then hard to figure out what wrong and where it went wrong when you've changed the original structure of your data. So it's best to always make a copy of the Worksheet before you make any manipulation.
Unfortunately I don't have access to my BP environment at the moment or I'd provide you with the act object actions you'd need to do any of this, my bad. Once I do I'll update this answer.
I have created a series of Dynamic Named Ranges using VBA by creating a copy of a sheet that already contains a series of dynamic named ranges and then renaming the ranges that are automatically generated in the new sheet. All of the new ranges show up in the name manager window Required Named Range. However, I can't seem to use any of the ranges in excel functions. Desired Functions. Any Suggestions?
I worked it out. When a sheet is copied the scope of all the dynamic ranges are local to that sheet not the workbook and so can not be used on other sheets even after changing the range names.
I found this code that changes all local scopes to workbook on a given sheet.
I have a logical doubt. Is it possible to return a value to a cell by performing Vlookup operation in 3 sheets, i.e the value to be returned might be in one of the three sheets. If so how can I approach this? I am trying to create a macro using VBA.
if there are no real differences between the worksheets you can use formulas instead of VBA using =IFERROR() and =VLOOKUP()
An example would be:
This would just perform the search on the first sheet, if the value isn't there it will return an error, hence looking in the following sheet etc.
Bear in mind I've written the formula given your Excel is in English with commas (",") as separators, you might need to translate it in you default language and separators.
I have an excel workbook with 5 worksheets in each of this worksheets there is a table with values.
I then delete some of the rows (using VBA) depending on user selection (using dropdown list).
After my VBA code deleted all the unnecessary rows Excel states that I have "inconsistent column formulas" which I'd like to resolve with VBA before the user sees it.
Is there any way to do this with VBA?
I've searched Google the whole day now and still found nothing usefull and the only thing I'd have in my mind would be iterating through all Rows and Columns with formulas in it, checking, if the formula contains an error, which would definitely be super slow...
Note: If this counts as duplicate of Find inconsistent formulas in Excel through VBA I'm sorry, but the only answer there doesn't work with tables as data range
If you are trying to reset a formula in a Table, you can use the DataBodyRange.Formula property to reset the formula for the entire column. This addresses one way to get the Inconsistent Calculated Column Formula.
Example of the error was obtained by setting the formula for the column, changing one cell, and then telling Excel not to change the formula column after that edit.
To revert this back to a column formula (and remove the error), you can run VBA that changes the formula for the DataBodyRange.
Code to change back
Sub ResetTableColumnFormula()
Dim listObj As ListObject
For Each listObj In ActiveSheet.ListObjects
listObj.ListColumns("b").DataBodyRange.Formula = "=[#a]"
End Sub
Note that I am being a bit lazy by iterating through all ListObjects instead of using the name of the table to get a reference. This works since there is only a single Table on the Worksheet.
Formulas after that code runs:
Note that this answer is very similar to the answer here.
I have two different workbooks. Book 1 and Book 2 both have the same number of columns A through M.
I want to do match the records between two workbook, for example: I have a column A name Birthday, Column B City, Column C Passport Number......., in worksheet 1 & 2. I want to match worksheet 1 Cell A1 from the Range A:A worksheet 2, If the record in column A cell 13 not matching it shows Birthdate not match in N13 Workbook 2, If it does not match with worksheet 1 Cell 13 from the Range B:B worksheet 2 it shows city not MATCH in Column N 13 in workbook 2, and so on till column M.
I am using the formula below but it's not working properly, I don't know what I am missing and what formula should I add in. I have no idea about VBA. But I want to see is it easier to do by using excel formula or vba?
IF(COUNTIF(Target!$A$2:$A$5964,Source!A8)=0,"Birthday",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$B$2:$B$5964,Source!B8)=0,"City",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$C$2:$C$5964,Source!C8)=0,"Country",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$E$2:$E$5964,Source!D8)=0,"Passport Number Mismatch in Target",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$F$2:$F$5964,Source!E8)=0," Travel Date Mismatch in Target",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$G$2:$G$5964,Source!F8)=0,"First Name Mistmatch in Target",IF(COUNTIF(Target!$H$2:$H$5964,Source!G8)=0,"Full Name Mismatch in Target","Match in Target")))))))
Thanks in Advance.
VBA has access to these same worksheet formula functions (e.g. COUNTIF): there really aren't column or matrix functions that VBA has that formulas don't have.
However, VBA lets you write loops (e.g. while, for), it allows if-statements, procedure calls, and many lines of code so your calculations can have more steps and hence be more complex. VBA also lets you have temporary space in the form of arrays (and strings and objects, too) (so you don't necessarily need to use columns for temporary space as one might do with formulas). VBA also allows recursion, which makes some calculations easier (to some definition).
VBA provides an imperative programming model. VBA procedures can read and write any cell of the spreadsheet. Imperative programming, on the other hand, needs to be triggered somehow such as by using a button.
By contrast, the data-flow programming model with formulas will automatically recalculate whenever their input sources change, which is good. But there are some cases it doesn't handle naturally (e.g. recursion).
Another option is to combine VBA with formulas, by writing new formulas that are then implemented in VBA. If you are doing that, the VBA can only return information thru function return values; it cannot otherwise modify the spreadsheet.
So, if you can think of how to do this easier using loops (and arrays) or recursion and maybe with a button to trigger the computation (or by using custom formulas) then VBA might be interesting.