Use Wepack for Client only in strongloop-loopback - vue.js

I want to use webpack bundling for only client part of Strongloop Loopback project (I want to use vueJs in client or frontend). I've been looking at loopback-webpack-plugin. As there is no proper documentation for it, I am unable to use in way I wanted.
Thanks in advance.

Since you are going to write your client in VueJS, the configuration of your build process for the client is going to be pretty much independent of LoopBack. Please look for resources on how to configure Webpack for VueJS.
There is one part relevant to LoopBack though: how to serve you VueJS front-end files from a LoopBack application. In a typical LoopBack project scaffolded via lb, the client (front-end) assets created by Webpack should be placed in the client directory. See Adding a static web page in LoopBack's documentation to learn how to expose the content of the client directory as a web application.


Netlify with Basic authentication

I have created a Netlify web application using Vue.js as frontend framework and netlify function on backend side. I am trying to apply Basic authentication using build in Netlify functionality with _headers file. I only need the Basic Authentication for staging environment so I followed the guidens from this article, but the problem is that the Basic-Auth promts for username and password on every xhr call that the frontend is making to Netlify functions. Is there a solution for this, or have anyone experienced or did configuration like this before. I am looking for solution no matter if it is with configuration file or custom code implementation. Thank you!

Is there a way to proxy api calls in production

I have a vue.js frontend and I need to make api calls to an external api which doesn't allow cross-origin.
Is there a way to proxy this in the vue frontend, in development I used a devServer proxy and this worked. I could always forward it through my own spring backend but this seems like a worse solution then just proxy in the fontend.
You can't do it in production, proxy through bachend server seems right solution for you.
Also you can do a lot of stuff, like caching answers from external api, working with data immediately, without additional frontend work. Just try to do it.
If i were you, i'd just create/add separate service on backend that should work with that api.

Next.js API is back-end?

I know Next.js is front-end but when i used API of next.js it can response and can manage route or anything about back-end can do.
Then i want to know "Next.js api is back-end ?"
Yes. Next.js is a pre-rendered React app in the client-side that users can view and interact with and can be considered as front-end. At the same time, it also does server-side rendering and API routes which can perform server-side code and access data in the database and can be considered as back-end.
Next.js > v13 uses two folders app or api for Dynamic Routing. Store React components in app for client-side or server rendered components. The backend functions or server-side of Next.js is with the api folder. The api JavaScript code is not executed in the browser but with Node.js so this is not safe for static page generation. When Next.js is hosted in the cloud with Vercel then your server-side or serverless JS will render, but on Netlify or other static hosts the api folder will be ignored or throw errors. It's like running Express.js code in the browser the JIT rendered will fail
Next.js v13 transitioned React folders from pages to app and currently supports both folders. Before v13 the React client code was stored in pages only.
Next.js api provides REST API. We are sending requests internally to our next.api routes. With this you can add business logic in your next.js project without writing any additional custom server code and without configuring any api routes. In node.js app, we need to separete api code into controllers and routes, then register each route in express app, then you need to make sure that you registered the routes in correct order.
The only drawback as of now, vercel does not support websocket connections. So you cannot have realtime services. But you can kinda make it almost realtime with SWR. More on SWR Basically, with swr, you tell next.js to fetch data periodically, keep the response in cache and serve it.
With this feature, Next.js provides everything to build a full-stack application. So next.js also simplifies the backend for us.
Yes. Next js is framework of React js. you can use it both like- frontend and backend. Thanks.
I come from the world and am slowly, enjoying, learning javascript development. It does clash with me though when people describe something like Next.js, which I'm enjoying learning, as a backend.
To me it is more conceptually like an server-side frontend (Webforms, MVC, Razor Pages) etc. It seems its main concern is producing reactive frontend UI. Just because some of the frontend functionality runs/processed on server does NOT make it a backend AT ALL.
What about the fact it has api endpoints?
Well to me, a web api is only a means of enabling a frontend to talk to a backend across a network, the internet in this case. For me an api handles only very limited concerns; provides the endpoints, handles de/serialisation, talks http to the caller and that's kind of it, thin and dumb.
The backend doesn't really start till you get to your App layer and then the architectural fun can start, Application orchestration, Domain logic, dependency inverted data access layer etc. etc. all the things that talk to the complexity of designing robust software.
So much talk seems to be focused on where bits sit, is it on the client, is it on the server and less about the concern of what goes where.
I thing Next.js is an excellent server-side, frontend framework but whatever your onward stack into the backend, it's not a backend!
Your Question: "Then i want to know "Next.js api is back-end ?""
Simple Answer: It depends
For any technology to be a backend it must fulfill its minimum criteria to identify itself as a backend.
If you don't use NextJS features and use it as a frontend, it behaves as a frontend.
But you can use it as a backend if you want to use that way.

Is there a possibility to use gRPC in Nuxt.js?

Im using Nuxt.js to build a frontend for some data I pull from a REST API. Now I need to call functions on a remote service, ideally via gRPC since the service has a endpoint for that.
I searched the web but I guess Im misunderstanding the whole process of creating a frontend with nuxt, since I cant find any information on that topic.
How can I, for example embed the solution provided here: into my frontend?
nuxt is frontend. and the lib you are linked for backend. Nuxt dont care how you get your date, e.g. grpc or rest or anything. You need to use grpc javacsript client that work in browser e.g.

Creating a content hub and client application using Piranha CMS

First off, I need to mention that I'm not sure if what I'm trying to achieve is even supported by Piranha CMS (that's partly what I'm trying to determine here). They mention the ability to create a standalone content hub on their website, but my assumptions of what is possible with that model might be incorrect. What I've already done is created an ASP.NET MVC application that is hosting Piranha CMS and I've published it to Azure websites for testing purposes--that part works as expected. The content management interface is the only user facing piece here--it is meant only to serve as the content hub for the client application (just the one for now as this is just proof of concept work).
I am now trying to build a client ASP.NET MVC application that pulls content from the hub. This is where I'm thinking that my assumptions may have been wrong. I was thinking that I'd be able to install the Piranha CMS nuget package(s) on the client as well, and I'd be able to configure the framework to get content from the hub in the same way that it would if the content were hosted on the client site. I realize that I could get the content from the hub using Piranha's REST api, but what I want to do is to be able to use the more friendly entity model based api for this.
So my question is whether it is possible (within reason) to setup Piranha CMS in the way that I've described. If it is, how exactly do I configure the client such that it is aware of the location of the content hub?
There are currently no .net client api consuming the rest services as the simplest scenario would be to deploy .net applications together with the server. In the setups I've done native apps & html5 knockout/angular applications have used the rest api's for getting json data. You should however be able to white such a module, performing the HTTP calls and the deserializing the json without any problems.