Where can i find node public ip on aks made cluster? - azure-container-service

I've been asked by Azure support to open the question here, though i think this is an AKS bug.
When deploying a cluster each node 'node.status.addresses' should show an externalip or hostname of the node by design but there is a VM name in hostname address in instead of it in AKS made cluster. Which makes it is really hard to know node public ips for various reasons we need them.
Is there any standard or nonstandard way to get node public ip ?

There is the public IP exposed for the Azure Kubernetes Service, but it's not directly to the node. Actually, the Kubernetes node will not be exposed to the internet with a public IP.
The AKS nodes create in a VNet on Azure and access or can be accessed through the Azure Load Balancer with a public IP. The VNet is a private network as a resource of Azure. For the VNet, there are two types such as Basic and Advanced. You can get more details, see Network concepts for applications in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

AKS nodes are not exposed to the public internet and therefore will not have an exposed public IP.
With that said, I’ve been investigating an issue where nodes either lose or fail to ever get an internal IP. We (AKS) have implemented an initial fix, which restarts kubelet, and does seem to at least temporarily mitigate the lack of an internal IP. There are ongoing efforts upstream to find and fix the real root cause.
I don’t think I’ve come across the scenario of a node not having a hostname address though. I’m going to log a backlog item to investigate any clusters that appear to be experiencing this symptom. I can’t promise an immediate fix, but I am definitely going to look into this further early next week.

There is a preview of a feature enabling a public IP per node. Please see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#assign-a-public-ip-per-node-in-a-node-pool

In common scenarios, each AKS node cluster will be behind a Load Balancer, which in turn will have an Public IP. You can get the public IP by going to your AKS Cluster -> Services & Ingresses -> Check for Service with Type Load Balancer. This will have a Public IP.
You can also configure the cluster so each Node has a Public IP. You can then access the details from the Node Pool tab.


Traefik, Metallb portforwarding

I'm having problems portforwarding traefik. I have a deployment in Rancher, where i'm using metallb with traefik to have ssl certs. applied on my services. All of this is working locally, and i'm not seeing any error messages in the traefik logs. It's funny because, at times, i am able to reach my service outside of my network, but other times not.
I have portforwarded, 80, 433, 8080 to
What am i doing wrong? are there some ports im missing?
Picture of traefik logs
Picture of the exposed traefik loadbalancer
IPv4 specifies private ip address ranges that are not reachable from the internet because:
The Internet has grown beyond anyone's expectations. Sustained
exponential growth continues to introduce new challenges. One
challenge is a concern within the community that globally unique
address space will be exhausted.
(source: RFC-1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets)
IP addresses from these private IP ranges are not accessible from the internet. Your IP address is part of the class C private ip address range hence it is by nature not reachable from the internet.
Furthermore you state yourself that it is working correctly within your local network.
A follow up question to this is: How can I access my network if it's a private network?
To access your local network you need to have a gateway that has both an internal as well as a public IP so that you can reach your network through the public IP. One solution could be to have a DNS name thats mapped to the public IP and is internally routed to the internal load balancer IP with a reverse proxy.
Unfortunately I can't tell you why it is working occasionally because that would require far more knowledge about your local network. But I guess it could i.e. be that you are connected with VPN to your local network or that you already have a reverse proxy that is just not online all the time.
Edit after watching your video:
Your cluster is still reachable from the internet at the end of the video. You get the message "Service unavailable" which is in fact returned by traefik everytime you wish to access a non-healthy application. Your problem is that the demo application is not starting up after you restart the VM. So what you need to do next is to check why the demo app is not starting. This includes checking the logs of the pod and events of the failing pod.
Another topic I'd like to touch is traefik and what it actually does. First to only call Traefik a reverse proxy, while not false,is not the entire truth. Traefik in a kubernetes environment is an ingress controller. That means it is a reverse proxy configured by kubernetes resources, namely by the "Ingress" object or the "IngressRoute" object. The latter is a custom resource introduced by Traefik itself (read here for further informations) because it introduces andvanced options to configure traefik.
The reason I tell you this is because you actually have two ingress controllers installed in your cluster, "Traefik" and "nginx-ingress-controller" and you just need a single one.

AKS in a private VNET behind a corporate proxy

we have our AKS running in a private VNET, behind a corporate proxy. The proxy is not a "transparent" proxy and needs to be configured manually an all nodes. Is this a supported behavior? Is it possible to configure worker nodes and all system containers to work via proxy?
Actually, Azure Kubernetes managed by Azure and in a private Vnet create yourself or Azure. You can use the Load Balancer to transfer the traffic or use ingress. But you just can select one size and type for the nodes when you create the cluster and it seems not support multi size for the nodes currently. Maybe it will be supported in the future on Azure.
For more details about AKS, see Azure Kubernetes Service.

Will there be support to establish a private connection to Azure AKS

My client is currently evulating AKS which seems to be really promising. Our current platform is based on Azure VM's we provision ourselves. We would like to create private communication between both our existing platform and the managed AKS cluster but so far that does not seem to be supported yet.
Some example use cases for us are:
- Proxying incoming HTTP traffic via our main entrypoint, a Varnish server, to the new AKS environment so we don't have to change url's
- Accessing non publically exposed API's from the AKS environment
Right now the AKS cluster is it's a different subscription and resource group than other parts of our platform. The main reason we we can't connect though seems to be that it's not possible to specify which private IP range should be used when creating an AKS cluster.
Is there support planned for this or is there a reliable workaround?
Thanks for the inquiry, there's a workaround for the stated case, it's through the use of ACS Engine, "ACS Engine, for Azure Container Service Engine, is a CLI tool that helps to generate Azure Resource Manager templates to deploy Docker enabled clusters on Microsoft Azure. It works with all the orchestrators supported by ACS: Docker Swarm, Mesosphere DC/OS and Kubernetes"
So using this solution will allow you to integrate Azure Container Service Cluster into an existing Virtual Network.More details and step by step guide can be found here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jcorioland/2017/01/10/how-to-integrate-a-new-azure-container-service-cluster-into-an-existing-virtual-network-using-acs-engine/

Pod to Pod connection with using multiple port

I have a Google Cloud Container Engine cluster with 2 Pods, master and slave. Each of them runs RabbitMQ instance, that supposed to be joined into one cluster.
Ports exposed from Dockers aren't available from other machine, but could be accessed only through a Service. That's not a problem, I could establish a service for each instance (one-to-one, service-to-pod), and point each Pod to opposite service IP.
The problem that RabbitMQ uses more that one port for communications. That means that service IP should open all this ports from underlying Pod. But I cannot specify list of shared port for a Service, and if I create a new service for each port each of them will have own IP.
Is there any way to expose list of ports from same Docker/Pod on same internal IP address using Container Engine cluster? maybe some special routing configuration?
Your question is similar to this question, and unfortunately has the same response: Kubernetes / Google Container Engine does not currently have a way to expose a range of ports for a service at the current time. There is an open issue in GitHub to address this use case.

How can I make Apache on an amazon ec2 linux box using the elastic IP instead of the private IP?

I've migrated a website to Amazon ec2 that hooks into a service we are using that is installed on another server (not on Amazon). Access to the API for that service is IP-restricted and done by sending XML data using *http_build_query* & *stream_context_create* in PHP.
If I want to connect to the service from a new server, I need to ask the vendor to add the new IP first. I did that by sending the Elastic IP to them, but it doesn't work.
While trying to debug, I noticed that the output for $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] is the private IP of the ec2 instance.
I assume that the server on the other side is receiving the same data, so it tries to authenticate the private IP.
I've asked the vendor to allow access from the private IP as well – it's not implemented yet, so I'm not sure if that solves the problem, but as far as I understand the way their API works, it will then try to parse data back to the IP it was contacted from, which shouldn't be possible because the server is outside the Amazon cloud.
I might miss something really obvious here. I added a command to rc.local (running CENT OS on my ec2 instance) that associates the elastic IP to the server upon startup by using ec2-associate-address, and this seemed to help make a MySQL connection to another outside server working, but no luck with the above mentioned API.
To rule out one thing - the API is accessed through HTTPS, with ports 80 and 443 (and a mysql port) enabled in security groups and tested. The domain and SSL are running fine.
Any hint highly appreciated - I searched a lot already, but couldn't find anything useful so far.
It sounds like both IPs (private and elastic) are active in your VM. Check by running ifconfig -a. If that's what's happening then the IP that gets used for external traffic will depend on the remote address and your VM's routing table. It could even vary from one connection to the next.
If that's what's going on then the quickest fix would be to ifconfig down the interface that has the private address. That should leave only the elastic address for all external connections. If that resolves the problem then you can script something that downs the private IP automatically after the elastic IP has been made active, or if the elastic IP will be permanently assigned to this VM and you really don't need the private IP then you can permanently disassociate the private IP from this VM.