Will there be support to establish a private connection to Azure AKS - azure-container-service

My client is currently evulating AKS which seems to be really promising. Our current platform is based on Azure VM's we provision ourselves. We would like to create private communication between both our existing platform and the managed AKS cluster but so far that does not seem to be supported yet.
Some example use cases for us are:
- Proxying incoming HTTP traffic via our main entrypoint, a Varnish server, to the new AKS environment so we don't have to change url's
- Accessing non publically exposed API's from the AKS environment
Right now the AKS cluster is it's a different subscription and resource group than other parts of our platform. The main reason we we can't connect though seems to be that it's not possible to specify which private IP range should be used when creating an AKS cluster.
Is there support planned for this or is there a reliable workaround?

Thanks for the inquiry, there's a workaround for the stated case, it's through the use of ACS Engine, "ACS Engine, for Azure Container Service Engine, is a CLI tool that helps to generate Azure Resource Manager templates to deploy Docker enabled clusters on Microsoft Azure. It works with all the orchestrators supported by ACS: Docker Swarm, Mesosphere DC/OS and Kubernetes"
So using this solution will allow you to integrate Azure Container Service Cluster into an existing Virtual Network.More details and step by step guide can be found here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jcorioland/2017/01/10/how-to-integrate-a-new-azure-container-service-cluster-into-an-existing-virtual-network-using-acs-engine/


Deploy a dynamic Service Gateway for Lagom in production

I have developed a set of Lagom microservices. The development environment provides with default Service Gateway and Service Locator.
In a production environment I would like my services to:
register to a service registry
be available to a web app through a service locator that uses this registry
What should I use as Service Registry / Service Locator / Service Gateway ?
A simple NGINX would be a reasonable service gateway but it implies a very static configuration based on redirect rules (no actual registration).
I cannot find any code sample on this subject and the documentation is very poor (it describes well development tools but doesn't help when it comes to actual production).
The documentation on that area is vague on purpose because the ecosystem is very vast and changes fast.
You could, for example, use Consul or ZooKeeper to keep track of the instances that are runnning for each service and where they are running (where means IP:PORT). Then you would need to use a Consul-based or a ZooKeeper-based Service Locator instance. The preferred target deployment environment these days is Kubernetes (in any of its flavors) so the service location is based on DNS-SRV lookups on the DNS server provided by k8s. The registration step happens automatically in a k8s setup for each pod so you won't need to care for that.
Then, the reverse proxy on the edge capable of directing each request to the appropriate process is a plain-old HTTP proxy that can check your service location (or cache the service location information). These days the recommendation is configuring an Ingress/Route (for k8s or OpenShift) edge proxy for each of your lagom services.
See the guide on Deploying a Lagom application to Openshift for a thorough explanation.

AKS in a private VNET behind a corporate proxy

we have our AKS running in a private VNET, behind a corporate proxy. The proxy is not a "transparent" proxy and needs to be configured manually an all nodes. Is this a supported behavior? Is it possible to configure worker nodes and all system containers to work via proxy?
Actually, Azure Kubernetes managed by Azure and in a private Vnet create yourself or Azure. You can use the Load Balancer to transfer the traffic or use ingress. But you just can select one size and type for the nodes when you create the cluster and it seems not support multi size for the nodes currently. Maybe it will be supported in the future on Azure.
For more details about AKS, see Azure Kubernetes Service.

How do you make an Express.js API accessible from the Internet?

I have an Express API server running on localhost on my own machine. How do I make it accessible from the Internet and not just my own machine?
Preferably, it would be deployed on AWS.
In AWS there are multiple ways of hosting your express application based on flexibility vs convenience.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk:
This will provide you more convenience by creating an autoscaling and loadbalancing environment with version management and roll back support from one place in AWS web console. Also provide you IDE support for deployments and CLI commands for CI/CD support.
If you plans to dockerize your application(Which I highly recommend) you can use AWS ECS to manage your docker cluster with container level Autoscaling and loadbalancing support for more convenience. This also provides CLI for CI/CD.
If you need more flexibility, you can get a virtual server in AWS and also manually configure autoscaling and loadbalancing which I prefer as the least option simply for a web app since you have to do most of the things manually.
All this services will provide you with publicly accessible URL if you configure them properly to grant access from outside. You need to configure networking and security groups properly either exposing the loadbalancer or instance IP/DNS URL to the outside.

Kubernetes API for provisioning pods-as-a-service?

Currently I have an app (myapp) that deploys as a Java web app running on top of a "raw" (Ubuntu) VM. In production there are essentially 5 - 10 VMs running at any given time, all load balanced behind an nginx load balancer. Each VM is managed by Chef, which injects the correct env vars and provides the app with runtime arguments that make sense for production. So again: load balancing via nginx and configuration via Chef.
I am now interested in containerizing my future workloads, and porting this app over to Docker/Kubernetes. I'm trying to see what features Kubernetes offers that could replace my app's dependency on nginx and Chef.
So my concerns:
Does Kube-Proxy (or any other Kubernetes tools) provide subdomains or otherwise-loadbalanced URLs that could load balance to any number of pod replicas. In other words, if I "push" my newly-containerized app/image to Kubernetes API, is there a way for Kubernetes to make image available as, say, 10 pod replicas all load balanced behind myapp.example.com? If not what integration between Kubernetes and networking software (DNS/DHCP) is available?
Does Kubernetes (say, perhas via etc?) offer any sort of key-value basec configuration? It would be nice to send a command to Kubernetes API and give it labels like myapp:nonprod or myapp:prod and have Kubernetes "inject" the correct KV pairs into the running containers. For instance perhaps in the "nonprod" environment, the app connects to a MySQL database named mydb-nonprod.example.com, but in prod it connects to an RDS cluster. Or something.
Does Kubernetes offer service registry like features that could replace Consul/ZooKeeper?
1) DNS subdomains in Kubernetes:
Additionally, each Service loadbalancer gets a static IP address, so you can also program other DNS names if you want to target that IP address.
2) Key/Value pairs
At creation time you can inject arbitrary key/value environment variables and then use those in your scripts/config. e.g. you could connect to ${DB_HOST}
Though for your concrete example, we suggest using Namespaces (http://kubernetes.io/v1.0/docs/admin/namespaces/README.html) you can have a "prod" namespace and a "dev" namespace, and the DNS names of services resolve within those namespaces (e.g. mysql.prod.cluster.internal and mysql.dev.cluster.internal)
3) Yes, this is what the DNS and Service object provide (http://kubernetes.io/v1.0/docs/user-guide/walkthrough/k8s201.html#services)

Openshift .kubeconfig file and certificate authentication

I have been messing around with openshift and reading as much documentation as i can. Yet, the authentication performed by default(using admin .kubeconfig) puzzles me.
1)Are client-certificate-data and client-key-data the same as the admin certificate and key? I ask this because the contents of the certificate/key files are not the same as in .kubeconfig.
2).kubeconfig (AFAIK) is used to authenticate agains a kubernetes master. Yet, in OpenShift we are authentication against OpenShift master (right?). Why using .kubeconfig?
Kinds regards and thank you for your patience.
OpenShift builds on top of Kubernetes - it exposes both the OpenShift APIs (builds, deployments, images, projects) and the Kubernetes APIs (pods, replication controllers, services). A client connecting to OpenShift will use both sets of APIs. OpenShift can run on top of an existing Kubernetes cluster, in which case it will proxy API calls to the Kubernetes master and then apply security policy on top (via the OpenShift policy engine which may eventually become part of Kube).
So, the client is really an extension of Kubectl that offers some additional functionality, and it can use .kubeconfig to be consistent with a Kubectl setup. You can talk to an OpenShift cluster via kubectl, so vice versa seems fair.
The client-certificate-data and key-data are base64 encoded versions of the files on disk. They should be the same once you decode them. We do that so the .kubeconfig can be shipped around as one unit, but you can also set it up to reference files on disk.