sikuliX cant find image - automation

I am just learning to use SikuliX and for some reason it worked on a few attempts but after awhile it started to not detect the image that i want to click.
This is the screenshot of my sikuli. Not sure what the error is about.
I am using a mac so i want sikuli to click on the search icon button at the top right hand corner.
This is my matching preview.
Sorry my problem seems so trivial but yet i am not able to understand why it is not working.

I realised it could be an issue regarding multi - monitor environments.


Fix JetBrains IDE graphic bug where menu windows are displayed across multiple monitors

Many IDEs from JetBrains have this annoying graphic bug (IntelliJ & PyCharm, and probably WebStorm / PhpStorm too): while on dual screens, when you open menu or right click somewhere, if it's close to the edge of the screen, and there is another monitor next to it, the window is displayed across both screens and is very poorly readable.
I have been dealing with that issue forever but I forgot how to fix it. I always struggle to find the answer and I can't find it again this time, so I'm creating this question for posterity. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
This is the IDEA-157583 issue. Unfortunately there is no known reliable workaround. The issue has some workarounds that help some users e.g. see one, two, three. See also other comments in that thread or in linked issues.

WebKitGTK WebInspector doesn't close

I'm working on a project using WebKitGTK and I'm having trouble with the WebInspector after having enabled it using the enable-developer-extras property.
I can open it fine, but when I click the close, pop-out into own window, or switch to sidebar buttons they don't do anything. In my application there's literally no way to close WebInspector once you've opened it.
It doesn't appear to be anything I've changed in my code because I remember it working before, but when I check those commits from Git they're now broken as well. At the same time however it does look like something I'm doing because other applications on my computer using WebKitGTK have their WebInspector working perfectly (and yes, I checked out their code).
So my question is: Has anyone faced a similar issue? And does anyone have an idea how it might be fixed?
You're probably hitting this bug. Workaround is to add a dummy call to webkit_web_view_get_inspector somewhere.

Intellij search in file causes full screen box to appear

Apologies if this belongs on a different stack exchange site.
Using Intellij Ultimate v 2017.1.1 on OSX Sierra, when I do a search in file, using CMD+f, I get an unusable full screen search dialog. Has anyone seen this ? Images attached.
Before clicking CMD+f (all is well)
I try to search for something:
Any help appreciated. The Internets has so far yielded no help.
This issue is already fixed, please see for details.
It was caused by the Swing MigLayout misbehavior when system DPI was extremely high.
This can happen if you accidentally paste a huge block of code into the finder, try CMD+f and then CMD+a and finally delete.

Intellij cursor keeps following mouse and highlight

For some reason Intellijs text cursor keeps following my mouse and highlighting everything. Is there some setting that can do that? I can't seem to find it from searching the settings. Where else could it be?
If you have a touchscreen try touching it somewhere. It helped me to solve the issue.
Found the solution in this thread on the JB website.
I use a touch screen monitor and i deal with the same issue. my mouse cursor remained in selecting state and highlight every thing.
I touch somewhere on the my monitor screen once and solved this problem without closing app.
Other solutions are:
close and open app
/ restarting computer
I had that problem twice on two different computers in different jetbrains IDEs, gogland and pycharm.
The solution, as annoying as easy, restarting of the machine. Restarting the IDE or even up/downgrading did not help.
Go to setting
Search for mouse
In the editor action, edit the Add rectangular selection on mouse drag

wxWidgets, wxCheckBox label sensitive

I'm trying to get wxCheckBox to have sensitive label like it is in some other toolkit's.
It is often too delicate to aim on little box so whole area with label would be much convenient way to change a state.
But I can't find a way to do it.
Any help would be appreciate.
wxWidgets 2.8, Ubuntu 10.04
I can confirm this is a bug in wxWidgets GTK for wxALIGN_RIGHT check-boxes. If we take a quick look at the source code for the wxCheckBox we can see that right aligned controls are created as two seperate parts, a label and a check box and that the label is never connected to to respond to click events. If you create a ticket on the wxWidgets bug tracker then I am sure someone will fix it.