google container cluster giving auth error while creation - authentication

Below is the error coming while creating a cluster:
(gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Request had insufficient authentication

Check the IAM roles for the "Compute Engine default service account" and make sure it has enough permission to run the command [2]. Usually it would have an owner or editor role.
If you are on the Google Cloud Console, when creating an instance you need to look for the 'Identity and API access' section, and select 'Allow full access to all Cloud APIs' [1]


Get-AzRoleAssignment: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException' was thrown

We have lighthouse configured and I am trying to extract azure aks RBAC permissions information for a managing subscription from a managed tenant:
Get-AzRoleAssignment -scope "/subscriptions/0000000-0000-0000-00000000000000/resourcegroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/testakscluster
Can we extract role assignments for a managing tenant's subscription while logged in a managed tenant cloud shell?
Thanks for your help
When using the Get-AzRoleAssignment command, it will call the Azure AD Graph - getObjectsByObjectIds meanwhile to validate the objects in Azure AD.
To solve the issue, make sure your user account logged in the cloud shell has permission to call the API, if your user account type is member, it will has the permission by default. So I suppose your user account is a guest, if so, there are two ways.
1.Navigate to the Azure Active Directory in the portal -> User settings -> click Manage external collaboration settings -> select the first option like below.
2.Navigate to the Azure Active Directory in the portal -> Roles and administrators -> search for Directory readers -> click it -> Add assignments -> add your user account as a Directory readers role.
Just select any of the options above, then the command will work fine.
For anyone coming to this thread after some searching: I had the same issue with this call across multiple versions of the AZ.Resources module: 2.5.0, 4.1.0 an 5.6.0. All my rights where setup correctly, both for an SPN and a user, both got the same error.
Changing the call to use the Azure CLI and that just works 😠.
az role assignment list -g [resource group name]

Google Cloud Platform failure to complete job - permissions error?

I am trying to use the GCP to train a computer vision project.
I am using the AI platform.
When I submit my job, it fails with the following error:
message: ....does not have storage.objects.list access to NAME OF BUCKET REMOVED FOR SECURITY
"domain": "global",
"reason": "forbidden"
Any suggestions of where to start to fix this?
Does it matter that my project location and bucket location are different?
This problem caused by insufficient IAM permissions. More information you can find in the documentation like Cloud IAM roles for Cloud Storage section Predefined roles.
To solve this issue you should grant to your service account Storage Admin role (roles/storage.admin) or you can use other IAM roles to grant permissions storage.objects.* (in some cases permissions storage.buckets.* could be required) like Environment and Storage Object Administrator role (roles/composer.environmentAndStorageObjectAdmin) you've mentioned above.

How to create programmatically an AWS Console enabled user

I'm trying to add programmatically a "working" AWS account via API.
Actually I'm performing this operations:
CreateUser (login)
CreateLoginProfile (password)
When I go on "AWS" console I get an error an if I look to the Accounts linked to the Organization I can't find my new account.
But if I go on the user is there.
Do I'm missing something? Is there any difference between USER and ACCOUNT?
Of course USER and ACCOUNT are different. An account contains users and other resources (S3 bucket, EC2 instance).
If you want to create new AWS account, you need to use Organizations API.
create-account in the AWS CLI
CreateAccount documentation

Subscription-scope authorization for Azure Resource Manager API user

Trying to put together an Azure ARM integration, where my code uses the Azure API to retrieve the full list of VMs in the entire subscription.
Went successfully through all the (many!) steps here to get an API user ready with all relevant IDs needed for authentication.
Using the same set of instructions, we were also able to grant this user the Reader role, for listing VMs in specific groups (we did this through the Azure UI). However, we have been unsuccessful in implementing the instructions here for setting up Reader role for this user to the entire subscription (through the CLI).
Running this:
azure role assignment create --objectId app-oid --roleName Reader --scope /subscriptions/subscription-id
Or this:
azure role assignment create --objectId app-oid --roleName Reader --subscription subscription-id --scope /subscriptions/subscription-id
Yields this:
Principals of type Application cannot validly be used in role assignments.
So currently we have no way of programmatically browsing the full set of VMs without adding a specific authorization for each Resource Group.
Does anybody know of a way that actually works to assign this permission at the subscription level?
Found the answer in the comment area of the link in the question body:
In the new portal, edit the subscription and add the role, just like you would do with a resource group. Still curious as to why the CLI doesn't support this.
The steps to use the Azure CLI to create and authorize a service principal are documents here:
Instead of using --objectId app-oid try using -ServicePrincipalName <appId>
Had the same error for role assignment with terraform
Principals of type Application cannot validly be used in role assignments.
But as described here, using the Object Id that is displayed on the overview page of the app registration in the Azure portal resulting the above error.
The solution is to get the Object Id from azure cli:
az ad sp show --id [Application (client) Id] -o json | grep objectId
# and then using this objectId assign your role
az role assignment create --role contributor —-assignee-object-id [object id] —-resource-group [MyResourceGroup]

Setting "domain" permission on google cloud storage bucket/object - UI or API only?

Is it possible to set this permission through the Cloud Console UI for cloud storage? Or is it only settable through the API (for example, following the guidance in this post)
In the documentation for Google's cloud storage, one of the defined permission scopes is "domain". This allows you to specify that the read or write permission is granted to any authenticated user that is part of your Google Apps domain.
When accessing a storage container UI in the cloud console, you can set user or group permissions, but entering a naked domain with either "User" or "Group" selected results in an "Invalid Value" message when the changes are saved.
This setting is now exposed via the Cloud Console UI. You should notice 3 sections in the dropdown: user, group, and domain.
The setting is also available via the API and via the command-line utility, gsutil. To grant read access to the domain from gsutil, you'd do something like this:
gsutil acl ch -g gs://bucket