Setting "domain" permission on google cloud storage bucket/object - UI or API only? - permissions

Is it possible to set this permission through the Cloud Console UI for cloud storage? Or is it only settable through the API (for example, following the guidance in this post)
In the documentation for Google's cloud storage, one of the defined permission scopes is "domain". This allows you to specify that the read or write permission is granted to any authenticated user that is part of your Google Apps domain.
When accessing a storage container UI in the cloud console, you can set user or group permissions, but entering a naked domain with either "User" or "Group" selected results in an "Invalid Value" message when the changes are saved.

This setting is now exposed via the Cloud Console UI. You should notice 3 sections in the dropdown: user, group, and domain.
The setting is also available via the API and via the command-line utility, gsutil. To grant read access to the domain from gsutil, you'd do something like this:
gsutil acl ch -g gs://bucket


How can I download a list of Bigquery users?

Is there a way to download the list of BigQuery users to audit?
There is no export option in BQ's IAM page for members.
You can use Searching Cloud IAM policies option, which allows you to use a custom query language to search Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) policies within a project, folder or organization. Before using, we have to enable the Cloud Asset API for your project and grant the cloudasset.assets.searchAllIamPolicies permission to the user account or service account that is making the request.
Following command will show you the users who are granted with BigQuery roles on the specified project:
gcloud beta asset search-all-iam-policies --scope=projects/<PROJECT_ID> --query="policy : bigquery" | egrep "role:|user:"
Moreover, you can save the result of a query to the file by adding > <FILENAME>.txt at the end of above command. To gain more knowledge about this command, please, refer to the official documentation.
I hope you find the above pieces of information useful.

google container cluster giving auth error while creation

Below is the error coming while creating a cluster:
(gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Request had insufficient authentication
Check the IAM roles for the "Compute Engine default service account" and make sure it has enough permission to run the command [2]. Usually it would have an owner or editor role.
If you are on the Google Cloud Console, when creating an instance you need to look for the 'Identity and API access' section, and select 'Allow full access to all Cloud APIs' [1]

How to create programmatically an AWS Console enabled user

I'm trying to add programmatically a "working" AWS account via API.
Actually I'm performing this operations:
CreateUser (login)
CreateLoginProfile (password)
When I go on "AWS" console I get an error an if I look to the Accounts linked to the Organization I can't find my new account.
But if I go on the user is there.
Do I'm missing something? Is there any difference between USER and ACCOUNT?
Of course USER and ACCOUNT are different. An account contains users and other resources (S3 bucket, EC2 instance).
If you want to create new AWS account, you need to use Organizations API.
create-account in the AWS CLI
CreateAccount documentation

"Could not update the configuration for app" error message when adding Office365 Unified Application permissions

I want to get started with the Office365 Unified API , so I decided to register a new web app to our azure directory.
In the section: "permissions to other applications" , I select Office365 unified API(preview)
I only get set delegated permission (I don't have all admin powers in our tenant), so I choose the ones I need (user profiles, sign-in , the exact number does not matter).
When I save the configuration I get the message
Could not update the configuration for app ""
Information tells me:
Unauthorized. You do not have sufficient permissions to access this resource.
The strange is , that when I log out and return to the application in the Azure Portal, I do see those modification in the configuration ?!
Finally when I try to call the REST endpoint (with valid Accesstoken etc..) I get this message:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: No permission to access user information is configured for 'f1299649-ea20-4cf6-9cd6-afb69d9b5760' application, or it is expired or revoked.\r\nTrace ID: 69ab1a6c-eeda-4351-8e1e-2b774c19a5a0\r\nCorrelation ID: 968a962e-d851-48bb-ad6f-3f05ea7b8efe\r\nTimestamp: 2015-06-18 20:12:15Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2015-06-18 20:12:15Z","trace_id":"69ab1a6c-eeda-4351-8e1e-2b774c19a5a0","correlation_id":"968a962e-d851-48bb-ad6f-3f05ea7b8efe","submit_url":null,"context":null}
So maybe the Azure Portal UI is right the first time and those permissions where never stored with the app ?
the application details in tell me this:
This app works with data in your documents. It will be able to:
Read directory data
Sign you in and read your profile
Read all users'basic profiles
Access the directory as you
Read directory data
as you and read your profile
What would be the next step to take to get this to work ?
What is your app trying to do (in terms of access to users, groups etc)?
Access the directory as you is a permission that requires admin consent. The portal unfortunately has a bug that it appears as though you have the permission, but that's not true. That's because there are 2 elements here - configuring the permissions your app needs which drives the consent experience AND the consent grant. The portal (under the covers) tries to consent the app for the permissions it requires within the developer tenant. A non-admin in this case has permissions to update the app configuration, but not to consent for those permissions in their tenant.
Hope this helps,
It is impossible to set permissions to Office 365 Unified API for your application even if you are tenant administrator due to error. I have tried it. Remember that whole Unified API is in Preview mode so there will definitely be other errors.

Best Practices in Protecting Amazon S3 Files?

For example, I have a website with User A and B.
Both of them can login to my website using my own login system.
How do I make certain files from S3 accessible only to User A once he login to my website?
Note: I saw "Permission" in AWS Management Console with "Authenticated Users" option but it seems that it's meant for other S3 users only, is it something I can use to achieve my goal?
You need to use Amazon IAM - you can define what part of any S3 bucket A can see, as well as B and each will not have access to do 'anything'. In general you should never use the account ID and secret for anything, always make an IAM user have just whats needed to run your stuff. The admin user likely does not need EC2 or SQS, or SimpleDB, etc.
Federated access is great for allowing arbitrary users to sign into your website and only be granted access for say 12 hours. They get special AWSIDs for that access that will work only on the section of S3 you let them look at.