How can I transform an array of objects to an array of strings and not lose the key in Dataweave? - mule

Hi I need to transform the following JSON object:
"products": [
"itemno": "123131",
"description" : "Big Widget",
"attributes": [
"color": [
"value": "Red",
"codeValue": "RED_NO2"
"value": "Blue Licorice",
"codeValue": "BLUE-355"
"chemicals": [
"value": "Red Phosphorous",
"codeValue": "RED_PHOS"
"value": "Chlorine Bleach",
"codeValue": "CHLRN_BLCH"
I am trying to transform this with each attribute having an array of values where their value is the codeValue and it's an array of those string values.
This is the desired output:
"products": [
"itemno": "123131",
"description: : "Big Widget",
"attributes": [
"color": ["RED_NO2", "BLUE-355"]
"chemicals": ["RED_PHOS", "CHLRN_BLCH"]
This is the Dataweave. I cannot determine how to get the attribute names (i.e. color, chemicals as keys with the desired data.
There is not a lot of good examples on transforming data with Dataweave and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this out.
This is one of the dataweaves that got there somewhat, but isn't the solution:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
payload.products map
"ItemNo" : $.sku,
"Desc" : $.description,
"Test" : "Value",
"Attributes" : $.attributes map
'$$' : $ pluck $.value
Your help is greatly appreciated.

You can do something like this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%function attributeCodeValues(attributes)
attributes map ((attr) ->
attr mapObject ((values, descriptor) ->
(descriptor): values map $.codeValue
payload.products map {
"ItemNo" : $.sku,
"Desc" : $.description,
"Test" : "Value",
"Attributes" : attributeCodeValues($.attributes)


Transformation of Json array in Dataweave

How to write Dataweave transformation in Anytime Studio for given input and output of Json array.
"result": [{
"Labels": [{
"value": [{
"fieldName": "firstName",
"value": "John"
"fieldName": "lastName",
"value": "Doe"
"fieldName": "fullName",
"value": "John Doe"
"result": [{
"Labels": [{
"value": [{
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"fullName": "John Doe"
} Reduce function might be the one should be used
Thank you in advance
You can just use map to map all the arrays to required format. For the value part you can map the values as fieldName: value array and deconstruct them to an object by wrapping the array around parentheses
%dw 2.0
output application/json
result: payload.result map ((item) -> {
Labels: item.Labels map ((label) -> {
value: [
(label.value map ((field) ->
(field.fieldName): field.value
)) //wrap the array, i.e. lavel.value map ... in parentheses so that it will give you individual key pair.
You can try below if you are aware that the keyNames will not change:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload update {
case res at .result -> res map (res, resIndex) -> (res update {
case lbl at .Labels -> lbl map (lbl, lblIndex) -> (lbl update {
case val at .value -> [
(val reduce ((item, acc = {}) -> acc ++ {
(item.fieldName): (item.value)
Here's 2 caveats and a solution. Your input and output files, both are not valid JSON.
Input file, in your "result" object, "Labels" need curly braces {} since they are objects. Key-value pairs should look like this {key:value} not like that key:value
Output file, inside your "value" arrays, key-value pairs need to have the curlies {key:value}
So here's a valid JSON version of your input
"result": [
{"Labels": [
"value": [
{"fieldName": "firstName","value": "John"},
{"fieldName": "lastName","value": "Doe"},
{"fieldName": "fullName","value": "John Doe"}
{"Labels": [
"value": [
{"fieldName": "firstName","value": "John"}
Here's a solution
%dw 2.0
import keySet from dw::core::Objects
// this is "result"
var layer1key = keySet(payload)[0]
// this is "Labels" and grabs the first Labels, so assumes Labels doesn't change
var layer2 = payload[layer1key]
var layer2key = keySet(layer2[0])[0]
// this is "value"
var layer3 = layer2[layer2key]
var layer3key = keySet(layer3[0][0])[0]
// this is "fieldName" and "value"
var layer4 = layer3 map (x) -> x['value']
var data1 = ((layer1key) : layer4 map (x) -> {
(layer2key): x map (y) -> {
(layer3key): y map (z) -> {
output application/json
And a valid JSON version of your output
"result": [
"Labels": [
"value": [
"firstName": "John"
"lastName": "Doe"
"fullName": "John Doe"
"Labels": [
"value": [
"firstName": "John"

how to remove objects that have all keys with null values in dataweave?

I have this below payload and I want to remove object where all the keys have ALL empty values,
"Order" : "123",
"Product" : "456"
"Order" : "",
"Product" : ""
This is what the output should be like,
"Order" : "123",
"Product" : "456"
None of the posted solutions handle things like nested structures or arrays, so I thought I'd throw this recursive solution in the ring. This allows us to traverse the entire structure of the object until we hit the first non-null field.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
import everyEntry from dw::core::Objects
import every from dw::core::Arrays
var allFieldsNull = (obj: Any) ->
obj match {
case is Object -> obj everyEntry (allFieldsNull($))
case is Array -> (sizeOf(obj) == 0) or (obj every allFieldsNull($))
//case is Array -> false
else -> isEmpty(obj)
payload filter !allFieldsNull($)
If you wanted to consider an empty array as enough to keep the object since that technically isn't null, you would just need to comment out the case is Array line and uncomment the one below it.
"Order" : "123",
"Product" : "456"
"Order" : "",
"Product" : "",
"Address": {
"Field1": ""
"Test": [
"Order" : "",
"Product" : "",
"Address": {
"Field1": ""
"Order" : null,
"Product" : null,
"Address": {
"Field1": null
"Test": [
"Order" : null,
"Product" : null,
"Address": {
"Field1": "A value even in a deeply nested field means I show up"
"Order": "123",
"Product": "456"
"Order": null,
"Product": null,
"Address": {
"Field1": null
"Test": [
"Order": null,
"Product": null,
"Address": {
"Field1": "A value even in a deeply nested field means I show up"
Would something like this work for you?
"Order" : "123",
"Product" : "456"
"Order" : null,
"Product" : null
%dw 2.0
output application/json
import * from dw::core::Objects
var valuesOfInputObjects = payload map { ($ takeWhile((value, key) -> value == null))}
payload -- valuesOfInputObjects
"Order": "123",
"Product": "456"
You can filter by a condition, using the everyEntry() function to see that not all values are empty.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
import * from dw::core::Objects
payload filter ($ someEntry (value, key) -> !isEmpty(value))

Creating a single json from a combined json list

I am getting multiple json files in a for loop and each json in each loop are in a format :
"myproperties": {
"http.port": "8088",
"http.base": "/abc",
"http.path": "test"
"information": [{
"abc": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"efg": {
"key1": "value1"
"myproperties": {
"http.port": "6789",
"db.base": "tat",
"db.path": "ghghghg"
"information": [{
"efg": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"ijk": {
"key1": "value1"
and so on ……….
I manage to combine all the json in a list out side the for loop and the combine json list looks like:
"myproperties": {
"http.port": "8088",
"http.base": "/abc",
"http.path": "test"
"information": [{
"abc": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"efg": {
"key1": "value1"
"myproperties": {
"http.port": "6789",
"db.base": "tat",
"db.path": "ghghghg"
"information": [{
"efg": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"ijk": {
"key1": "value1"
Now I want to make **single** json output out of this combine json something in a following format:
"myproperties": {
"http.port": "6789",
"db.base": "tat",
"db.path": "ghghghg",
"http.base": "/abc",
"http.path": "test"
"information": [{
"efg": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"ijk": {
"key1": "value1"
"abc": {
"key1": "ghghghghgh"
"efg": {
"key1": "value1"
please note in the myproperties section only unique and distinct node is there.
I am not sure how to begin this with dataweave… any pointer will be appreciated,
I tried the following :
%dw 1.0
%output application/json skipNullOn="everywhere",encoding="UTF-8"
payload map {
myproperties: $.myproperties,
information: $.information
But not working
Try mapObject for combining properties and flatten for changing information array to single array like
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
myproperties : payload.myproperties mapObject $ ,
information : (flatten payload.information)
For distinct properties you have to get distinct properties first and then map all distinct properties. But you may loose duplicate properties. refer below
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%var distinctProperties =((payload.myproperties mapObject $) pluck $$) distinctBy $
%var aggregatedPropertiesMap = (payload.myproperties mapObject $)
myproperties : {( distinctProperties map { // interate over distinct properties
($) : aggregatedPropertiesMap[$] // map property as key and fetch its value from aggregatedPropertiesMap
})} ,
information : (flatten payload.information)

Modify Existing Json key : Mule

My Input
"Root": {
"order": [
"locale": "en-US",
"orderItems": [
"product": {
"partNumber": "23853864"
"itemSpecifics": {
"options": {
"color": "Olive",
"size": "S"
"actualPrice": "7",
"customItemData": {
"TEMP_8401": "8.95",
"TEMP_150207": "3.00"
... Large amount of JSON Data ...
Expected output
"Root": {
"order": [
"locale": "en-US",
"orderItems": [
"product": {
"partNumber": "23853864"
"itemSpecifics": {
"options": {
"color": "Olive",
"size": "S"
"actualPrice": "7",
"customItemData": {
"8401": "8.95",
"150207": "3.00"
... Large amount of JSON Data ...
I want to remove "TEMP_" in the "customItemData" object keys, but I don't want to manually remap the entire JSON object again, assigning properties one by one. Is there any alternative? Any shorter logic in DataWeave? I'm using Mule 3.9.0.
This uses recursion and pattern matching to walk through the data structure and modify the keys. If the key doesn't contain the string "TEMP" it leaves it as is, if it does, it modifies it according to your requirements.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%function applyToKeys(e, fn)
e match {
:array -> $ map ((v) -> applyToKeys(v, fn)),
:object -> $ mapObject ((v, k) -> {(fn(k)): applyToKeys(v, fn)}),
default -> $
((key) -> ((key as :string) splitBy "_" )[1]
when ((key as :string) contains "TEMP")
otherwise key))
Please keep in mind the tradeoffs when using a solution like this. The code is certainly less verbose, but it requires a solid understanding of advanced concepts like recursion, pattern matching, lambdas, and higher order functions.

MuleSoft transform gives error while transforming using DWL for JSON payload

Im am new to MuleSoft.I am trying to transform a JSON payload,using transform.
I want to transform my payload as below
"ResponseStatus": {
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"StatusText": "SUCCESS"
"Processes": {
"Process": [
"ProcessId": "1234567",
"ProcessProperties": {
"Property": [
"Value": "11111111",
"Desc": "YYYYYYYY"
"Name": "AAAAAAAAA",
"Value": "2222222",
"Desc": "BBBBBBBB"
"Name": "QQQQQQQQQ",
"Value": "#######",
"Desc": "CCCCCCCC"
"Name": "NNNNNNN",
"Value": "IIIIIIII",
"Desc": "UYUYUYUY"
"EditMode": "CCCCCC",
"ProcessType": "ABCD",
"AppName": "VFVFVGBG",
"StatusHistory": {
"STS": [
"ProcessId": "1234567",
"AAAAAAAAA": "2222222",
"QQQQQQQQQ": "#######"
I have read DWL reference from below Mulesoft link.Also reffered this SO link.
Below is what I have tried so far,
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
"ProcessId": (payload.Processes.Process.ProcessId)[0],
(payload.Processes.Process.ProcessProperties.Property mapObject {
($.Name):$.Value when $.Name =="AAAAAAAAA" otherwise ""
(payload.Processes.Process.ProcessProperties.Property mapObject {
($.Name):$.Value when $.Name =="QQQQQQQQQ" otherwise ""
I am still not able to get the desired output.
It gives me "Cannot coerce a :array to a :key"
Can anyone please help me?
The "property" json element in your input json is "Array",which it is not able to parse to a single value.
Please try below snippet and let me know if that gives your deisred o/p.
payload.Processes.Process map (
(val , index) ->
(val.ProcessProperties.Property map {
(($.Name) : $.Value) when $.Name =='AAAAAAAAA' }
(val.ProcessProperties.Property map {
(($.Name) : $.Value) when $.Name =='QQQQQQQQQ' }