MuleSoft transform gives error while transforming using DWL for JSON payload - mule

Im am new to MuleSoft.I am trying to transform a JSON payload,using transform.
I want to transform my payload as below
"ResponseStatus": {
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"StatusText": "SUCCESS"
"Processes": {
"Process": [
"ProcessId": "1234567",
"ProcessProperties": {
"Property": [
"Value": "11111111",
"Desc": "YYYYYYYY"
"Name": "AAAAAAAAA",
"Value": "2222222",
"Desc": "BBBBBBBB"
"Name": "QQQQQQQQQ",
"Value": "#######",
"Desc": "CCCCCCCC"
"Name": "NNNNNNN",
"Value": "IIIIIIII",
"Desc": "UYUYUYUY"
"EditMode": "CCCCCC",
"ProcessType": "ABCD",
"AppName": "VFVFVGBG",
"StatusHistory": {
"STS": [
"ProcessId": "1234567",
"AAAAAAAAA": "2222222",
"QQQQQQQQQ": "#######"
I have read DWL reference from below Mulesoft link.Also reffered this SO link.
Below is what I have tried so far,
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
"ProcessId": (payload.Processes.Process.ProcessId)[0],
(payload.Processes.Process.ProcessProperties.Property mapObject {
($.Name):$.Value when $.Name =="AAAAAAAAA" otherwise ""
(payload.Processes.Process.ProcessProperties.Property mapObject {
($.Name):$.Value when $.Name =="QQQQQQQQQ" otherwise ""
I am still not able to get the desired output.
It gives me "Cannot coerce a :array to a :key"
Can anyone please help me?

The "property" json element in your input json is "Array",which it is not able to parse to a single value.
Please try below snippet and let me know if that gives your deisred o/p.
payload.Processes.Process map (
(val , index) ->
(val.ProcessProperties.Property map {
(($.Name) : $.Value) when $.Name =='AAAAAAAAA' }
(val.ProcessProperties.Property map {
(($.Name) : $.Value) when $.Name =='QQQQQQQQQ' }


how can I loop through the payload and search within the same payload in another array with similar structure and alter matches

I have entered the payload as shown below, but I have to replace the values ​​of "labelnumber" with the similar number from the main line array with the matches "payload.lines.number = payload.notification.body.lines.number" that are inside the line array inside the notification element, can anyone help me how can we replace it.
input payload
"date": "2022-11-15T19:24:36.871Z",
"lines": [
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:17.955Z"
"number": "456",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:57.426Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"date": "2022-11-15T19:24:36.871Z",
"lines": [
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:17.955Z"
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:57.426Z"
"number": "456",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
expected payload
"date": "2022-11-15T19:24:36.871Z",
"lines": [
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:17.955Z"
"number": "456",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:57.426Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"date": "2022-11-15T19:24:36.871Z",
"lines": [
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:17.955Z"
"number": "123",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:30:57.426Z"
"number": "456",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
"number": "789",
"received": "2022-11-15T19:31:49.042Z"
As you can see in this example, I need to loop through the main row array and find the matches within the notification array and assign the corresponding value.
NOTE: maybe in the notification.body has many elements and I don't need to change them and I don't know the name of its elements, in this case it only has "date" but I need to keep them as they are.
With the update operator you can update only the keys that you want. This solution assumes that all the number values are defined in payload.lines.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload update {
case lines at .notification.body.lines -> lines map ((item, index) ->
item update {
case .labelnumber -> (payload.lines filter ($.number == item.number))[0].labelnumber
Converting reference line Array to Hashmap will help replace values efficiently instead of looping every time. Following code will work
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var lineMap = {(payload.lines map {
($.number) : $.labelnumber
var modifiedLines = (payload.notification.body.lines map ((item, index) -> {
data : item mapObject ((value, key, dataindex) -> {
(key) : if (key ~= 'labelnumber') lineMap[item.number] else value
(payload - 'notification') ++
"lines": modifiedLines
Update : with updated requirement body can have any fields
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::util::Values
output application/json
var lineMap = {(payload.lines map {
($.number) : $.labelnumber
var modifiedLines = payload.notification.body.lines map ((item, index) -> item update 'labelnumber' with lineMap[item.number])
var body = (payload.notification.body - 'lines') ++ {lines : modifiedLines}
(payload - 'notification') ++
"body": body

How to check a particular value on basis of condition in karate

Goal: Match the check value is correct for 123S and 123O response in API
First check the value on this location x.details[0][0].codeable.text if it is 123S then check if x.details[0].data.check value is abc
Then check if the value on this location x.details[1][0].codeable.text is 123O then check if x.details[1].data.check is xyz
The response in array inter changes it is not mandatory first element is 123S sometime API returns 123O as first array response.
Sample JSON.
"type": "1",
"array": 2,
"details": [
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "yty",
"condition": "check1"
"text": "123S"
"sample": "test1",
"id": "22222"
"data": {
"check": "abc"
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "def",
"condition": "check2"
"text": "123O"
"sample": "test",
"id": "11111"
"data": {
"check": "xyz"
How I did in Postman but how to replicate same in Karate?
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
pm.test("Body matches string", function () {
for(var i=0;i<jsonData.details.length;i++){
if(jsonData.details[i][0].codeable.text == '123S')
if(jsonData.details[i][0].codeable.text == '123O')
2 lines. And this takes care of any number of combinations of lookup values :)
* def lookup = { '123S': 'abc', '123O': 'xyz' }
* match each response.details contains { data: { check: '#(lookup[_$[0].codeable.text])' } }

Transformation of JSON data in mule 4

I have a requirement wherein I have to convert JSON data from one format to other.
I have to fetch corresponding values of JSON array and make them a key value pair.
Below are the required details:
"Headers": {
"Header": [
"Key": "SellerOrganization",
"Value": "XYZ"
"Key": "SellerType",
"Value": "B2C"
"Key": "Region",
"Value": "SOUTH"
"Key": "OrderType",
"Value": "RETURN"
"Key": "InvoiceType",
"Value": ""
"Key": "EventType",
"Value": "Created"
"Key": "EntryType",
"Value": "Call Center"
Expected Output:
SellerType: B2C,
EntryType:Call Center
You can use the dynamic object that it will basically do what you want.
%dw 2.0
output application/json
(payload.Headers.Header map ((item, index) -> {
(item.Key): item.Value
You can take advantage of reduce function here which will let you convert your array to an key, value pair object
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload.Header reduce ((item, acc = {}) -> acc ++ {
(item.Key): item.Value

"Transform JSON to JSON with applying groupBy"

I'm transforming payload from json to json with applying groupBy condition but I am not getting proper data what I want.
I have to group the Employee and list his all the tasks.
Currently I am able to apply groupBy employee but his all task is not showing.
payload is:
"Id": 1,
"EmployeeName": "AA",
"Task": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
"Id": 1,
"EmployeeName": "AA",
"Task": {
"TaskName": "Test"
"Id": 3,
"EmployeeName": "BB",
"Task": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
This is my transformation code:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
(payload groupBy ($.EmployeeName ++ $.Id)) map {
EmployeeName : $[0].EmployeeName,
Email : $[0].Email,
Task: $[0].Task
This is what I am getting:
"EmployeeName": "AA",
"Task": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
"EmployeeName": "BB",
"Task": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
Expected result:
"EmployeeName": "AA",
"Task1": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
"Task2": {
"TaskName": "Test"
"EmployeeName": "BB",
"Task1": {
"TaskName": "Deploy"
How can I modify my dataweave to get the expected result.
Following code should work fine.
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
payload groupBy ($.Id ++ $.EmployeeName) map {
EmployeeName : $[0].EmployeeName,
({Task : {($.Task map {
('Task' ++ $$ + 1) : $
Hope this helps.

How can I transform an array of objects to an array of strings and not lose the key in Dataweave?

Hi I need to transform the following JSON object:
"products": [
"itemno": "123131",
"description" : "Big Widget",
"attributes": [
"color": [
"value": "Red",
"codeValue": "RED_NO2"
"value": "Blue Licorice",
"codeValue": "BLUE-355"
"chemicals": [
"value": "Red Phosphorous",
"codeValue": "RED_PHOS"
"value": "Chlorine Bleach",
"codeValue": "CHLRN_BLCH"
I am trying to transform this with each attribute having an array of values where their value is the codeValue and it's an array of those string values.
This is the desired output:
"products": [
"itemno": "123131",
"description: : "Big Widget",
"attributes": [
"color": ["RED_NO2", "BLUE-355"]
"chemicals": ["RED_PHOS", "CHLRN_BLCH"]
This is the Dataweave. I cannot determine how to get the attribute names (i.e. color, chemicals as keys with the desired data.
There is not a lot of good examples on transforming data with Dataweave and I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this out.
This is one of the dataweaves that got there somewhat, but isn't the solution:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
payload.products map
"ItemNo" : $.sku,
"Desc" : $.description,
"Test" : "Value",
"Attributes" : $.attributes map
'$$' : $ pluck $.value
Your help is greatly appreciated.
You can do something like this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
%function attributeCodeValues(attributes)
attributes map ((attr) ->
attr mapObject ((values, descriptor) ->
(descriptor): values map $.codeValue
payload.products map {
"ItemNo" : $.sku,
"Desc" : $.description,
"Test" : "Value",
"Attributes" : attributeCodeValues($.attributes)