I am trying to learn Selenium in C# and everything is going smooth so far. But I wanted to export reports to xml.
Looked over some answers but did not find any exact answer. Seems like it is done with NUnit console, but what command is not specified anywhere. Would appreciate even for useful links.
VS 2017
NUnit 3.11.0
Selenium 3.14.0
Have only 1 Test
public void Open()
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Assert.AreEqual("Google", driver.Title);
So after some research I found the answer. The commands is:
nunit3-console "file.dll"
DLL file can be found in bin\debug\projectname.dll after building the solution (CTRL+SHIFT+B).
Utilizing Test Explorer and the NUnit or NUnit 3 connector, there is no real way to spare the test results as a XML record. You would, as you say, need to introduce the NUnit reassure sprinter and run tests with it. You can utilize the NuGet NUnit.Runners bundle to get a duplicate of NUnit3-support sprinter into your undertaking.
See this answer
NUnit testing can be run with the nunit-console.exe application which is installed with nunit under {Project_root}/lib/nunit/nunit-console.exe. It downloads with NuGet when NUnit installs.
It can be passed a list of testing binaries, or testing project files, or an nunit project (listing multiple if needed).
{PathToProject}\lib\nunit\nunit-console.exe{PathToTestDll}\Project1.Tests.dll{PathToTestDll}\Project2.Tests.dll /xml=nunit-result.xml
or create an NUnit Project with the NUnit Project Editor if you want to group all your test projects into a single config file.
For Nunit 2.6.4, the command is as follows, see below. Using the option /result you can select location of where the results in XML will be saved:
nunit-console.exe "D:\X-Test\TestFramework\Aumentum.Tests\bin\Debug\Aumentum.Tests.dll" /out:"d:\NUnitOutput.txt" /result:"d:\TestResult.xml" /trace=Verbose /labels /noshadow /framework=net-4.6 /nothread
As I am implementing an automated way to GUI test our webapplication with selenium I ran into some issues.
I am using selenese-runner to execute our Selenium test suites, created with Selenium IDE as a post build action in Jenkins.
This works perfeclty fine, as the build fails when something is wrong, and the build succeeds if all tests are passed. And the results are stored on a per build basis as HTML files, generated be selenese-runner.
My problem is however, that I seem to be unable to find a way, how to display these results in the respective jenkins build.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue. Or maybe I am on the wrong path at all?
Your help is highly appreciated!
I believe the JUnit plugin should do what you want, but it doesn't work for me.
My config uses this shell script to run the tests (you can see the names of all my test suites):
/usr/bin/Xvfb &
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
java -jar ./test/selenium/bin/selenese-runner.jar --baseurl http://${testenvironment} --screenshot-on-fail ./seleniumResults/ --html-result ./seleniumResults/ ./test/selenium/Search_TestSuite.html ./test/selenium/Admin_RegisteredUser_Suite.html ./test/selenium/Admin_InternalUser_Suite.html ./test/selenium/PortfolioAgency_Suite.html ./test/selenium/FOAdmin_Suite.html ./test/selenium/PublicWebsite_Suite.html ./test/selenium/SystemAdmin_Content_Suite.html ./test/selenium/SystemAdmin_MetaData_Suite.html
killall Xvfb
And I can see the result of the most recent test (you can see the name of my jenkins task folder)
Earlier tests are all saved on the Jenkins server, so I can view them if I need to.
I have gotten our TeamCity build server to execute the Selenium suite from the command line successfully, and I would like to have the results posted back to TeamCity.
Is there an XSLT for taking the results of Selenium and turning it into a format that TeamCity can read? I saw something in a similar question about using nxslt3.exe to do it, but I can't find the template anywhere
NOTE: I cannot use the c# export function of the Selenium IDE, I have to use the html templates to execute the tests.
I have had the same problem with our Play project Selenium tests. They return their result as a HTML file of the tests, which i can not easily import into TeamCity. To solve this i have written a parser which parses the HTML files and outputs the testresults to TeamCity via service messages.
For more information see this blog post: http://q42.nl/importing-play-selenium-tests-in-teamcity or https://github.com/crunchie84/play-seleniumresults-parser for directly downloading the tool/sourcecode
We have a Play (1.2.4) application which is auto-tested via our Teamcity server. The regular (JUnit) tests return a Test-{classname}.xml datafile in the /test-result/ directory when using
play.bat auto-test
but the selenium tests do not. They only generate a /test-result/{testname}.test.html.failed.html or ...succes.html
This is annoying because i can not easily show which selenium test has failed from within Teamcity. I have to look at the logfiles/artifacts and see which failed.html file is present, open it and look at it which testcase has failed. Annoying!
How can i have play 1.2.4 generate a datafile/xml something which i can parse to see which selenium test has failed?
Since i could find no information what so ever and no clue's how to get it done i wrote my own parsers of the Selenium HTML testresult files. I have released it on github with sourcecode under GPL: https://github.com/crunchie84/play-seleniumresults-parser
Currently I am working on selenium IDE, now I need to switch to selenium RC. I have downloaded selenium server.But I really don't know how to proceed further. Even I am not able to start server from command prompt. I have used C:\Selenium RC\selenium-server\jave -jar selenium-server.jar, but it struck in between and not proceeding further..
I am looking for language java or PHP.
Let me know how should I move further for successful execution of scripts by using selenium RC
First of all: save a test suite in Selenium IDE (File > Save Test Suite). You should generate test suite - it will contain information about test cases (which, of course, should also be saved (File > Save Test Case)).
Then you are ready for testing with Selenium RC.
Try it with below command:
java -jar path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar -htmlsuite "*firefox" "http://google.com" "path/to/your/testsuite1" "path/to/result.html"
result.html - this file will be generated during/after execution.
Be sure that name of browser, URL and paths to test suite and result file are in the quotation marks.
I am using Selenium with PHPUnit. I have got class called, lets say, somethingTest (test classes must have 'Test' at the end of their names) and extended PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase. This class contains several test cases as methods (e.g. function testSomeMethod1() - 'test' at the beginning).
And I run it by command:
phpunit somethingTest.php
As to the second thing:
Unknown command: gotoIf
You should load gotoif extension by adding to the execution command something like: -userExtensions path/to/extension-file
This indicates a JavaScript file that will be loaded into Selenium.
If you choose Java to write code, a better approach would be using an IDE like Eclipse. Once you link the JARs and import them in your Java classes you can write your code quickly and efficiently. On top of that, Ecplise has lot of plugins for testing software like Junit, TestNG's to help you create better test suites. Not to mention a Java IDE is always helpful in debugging test code. Here is a tutorial on how to setup Eclipse with Selenium: http://selftechy.com/2011/05/31/setting-up-selenium-with-eclipse
Hope it helps.
So i have been writing Selenium tests for a while now and i have been running the only from the IDE untill now.
i would like to be able to write a script that runs all my tests sequentialy.
I am using the testng framework with eclipse and selenium-2.0b3 jar.
What i'd like is eventually to have a file like "runSeleniumTests.bat" witch just runs them and gives me some sort of report when in finishes.
if anyone has an idea, it will be very greatly appreciated, thanks :)
This has 4 options for how to run testng tests the xml file should include all your tests
You could also try to use maven and as long as your tests are annotated correctly and in /src/test/java they will all be run for you with mvn integration-test (as long as you have the proper dependencies defined and I believe maven-surefire-plugin). This might be more difficult to setup initially but usually pays off.