Vue Dev Tools - does not working "Open in Editor" button. How to fix this? - vue.js

I am trying to setup this feature from tutorial:
but got an error
"C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft" не является внутренней или внешней, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом.
Could not open LeadsEdit.vue in the editor.
The editor process exited with an error: (code 1).
To specify an editor, sepcify the EDITOR env variable or add "editor" field to your Vue project config.
in my vue.config.js (project based on vue cli 3.0)
const openInEditor = require('launch-editor-middleware');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
devtool: 'source-map',
devServer: {
before(app) {
app.use('/__open-in-editor', openInEditor('code'))
UPD. Without this code the problem still remain.
I am trying to set EDITOR variable in .env file
VUE_APP_EDITOR=/c/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe
Or with vue.config.js
const openInEditor = require('launch-editor-middleware');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
devtool: 'source-map',
devServer: {
before(app) {
app.use('/__open-in-editor', openInEditor('/c/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe'))
But the problem still remains
What may cause this problem?
How can I fix this error?

It seems like dev tools is trying to open the editor executable C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft, which is most likely wrong. The default install location on Windows 10 is (to the best of my knowledge) C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe.
launch-editor tries to find the editor from the currently running processes and falls back to the environment variables EDITOR and VISUAL (see, so you can probably set the EDITOR env var to the correct path.
Probably, there are quotes missing around the editor config so it gets cut off at the first space. I don't really know where the path comes from, either you configured it via environment variables or in your vue project config.
Based on the information in your updated question, you could try this:
I don't know where the variable name VUE_APP_EDITOR comes from, but I guess it should be EDITOR. Change it to EDITOR and see what happens
The path you are using looks wrong (i.e. not like a windows path). Try c:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe instead.
app.use('/__open-in-editor', openInEditor('c:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe'))
You can test whether the path is correct by starting a cmd shell and entering the path. If it is correct, VS Code should open. If not, it will tell you the path was not found.
Also have a look at this, there is some more on how to integrate vue devtools & VS Code:


Vue CLI deploy to a subfolder using relative paths

Using Vue CLI, and Vue 2.
Anyone knows how to build the project using relative paths, so I can place it in any subfolder in my server and it will work? (for example
I've tried with
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: "",
And it builds the paths relative (ie, js/app.js instead of /js/app.js), but the app wont' load. Nothing shows on the page.
Strangest thing is that all files are loaded correctly (I can check on network tab in Chrome devtools), no JS errors, etc. So the page is loading all the files but it seems like it's refusing to mount the app when using relative paths.
I know that I can add the absolute path to the build process but that's not what I need. My client needs to be able to move the files freely from one subfolder to another and the app should work without the need to recompile
PS: Also tried building the project with Vite and Vue 3, same problem.
Alright, looks like all that's needed is:
build with a relative publicPath (empty string)
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: "",
add a <base> tag to the final HTML...
<base href="/subfolder/" />
For Vite, the export should be
// vite.config.js
export default {
base: "",

how to override vue cli-service entry settings

I'm trying to integrate a vue project that I built with the vue cli into an existing .net app. I'm very new to vue, so I'm trying to follow guides and such, but am left with lots of questions.
While trying to compile this, I found that the vue cli-service node module has the following for setting the main.js file located in it's base.js file.
.filename(isLegacyBundle ? '[name]-legacy.js' : '[name].js')
I need to override this since my .net app doesn't have a src directory and the usage of this vue app won't follow that path structure. I'm not seeing a way to do it in my vue.config.js file. I would expect that if I can override it, that would be the spot.
I could overwrite the base.js file where this exists, but when a co-worker runs npm install, they would get the default value rather than what I have. The only option I see there is checking in all the node modules to git which we really don't want to do.
For anyone in a similar situation, I found what worked for me. It's not the ideal solution due to the fact that it forces you to build into a js folder. That resulted in the file being put in Scripts\build\vue\js. Would be nice to be able to just dump it in the vue folder, but at least this works. Code below.
module.exports = {
publicPath : "/",
outputDir: "Scripts/build/vue", //where to put the files
// Modify Webpack config
chainWebpack: config => {
// Not naming bundle 'app'
config.entryPoints.delete('app'); //removes what base.js added
// Overriding webpack config
configureWebpack: {
// Naming bundle 'bundleName'
entry: {
quote: './Scripts/Quote/index.js' //where to get the main vue app js file
optimization: {
splitChunks: false
filenameHashing: false,
pages: {
quoteApp: { //by using pages, it allowed me to name the output file quoteApp.js
entry: './Scripts/Quote/index.js',
filename: 'index.html'

Vue CLI v3 - How does it know what JS files should be chunked in a different file(s)

I am having hard times wrapping my mind around new CLI and configuration.
In the official documentation, I couldn't really find anything about CSS and how to add it as an entry point and not import it directly into an component or main.js file.
I realized that some JS files are being chunked into separate file, from main.js and the rest gets compiled where supposed to - into the app.js.
I was wondering, how does it know in the background what should be stored as "vendor" for the JS, but when I try to import some "vendor" SASS files into main.js it does not and it merges all within a single app.css file.
Can anyone tell me, how does one create/modify the vue.config.js and tell the bundler that I also want app.scss to be an entry point and vendor.scss to be another entry point.
I am unsure what are best practices for such purpose, but I always did it this way with my own webpack config...
Partial example below:
entry: {
vendor: [
app: [
I think I got the first one...
"How does it know what should be chunked in "vendor" files?
Whatever gets imported from node_modules, it is being chunked.
What I did not figure out yet is... What if I am having my personal assets/styles/vendor directory where I #import those SASS files from NPM and do some modifications of variables or whatever.
Importing this file to main.js does not get chunked in this case... So there must be a way to tell bundler that I want everything within that directory or everything within vendor.scss file where everything is being imported, to be chunked out.
I figured I can use WebPack's magical comments to import the main vendor SCSS file, such as:
import(/* webpackChunkName: "vendor" */ './assets/styles/vendor.scss')
I don't have a problem with this, but apparently the bundler does. It generates an empty vendor.[hash].js file as well.
I did further research and learned that there's a command vue inspect which would output the webpack configuration.
So when making tweaks to vue.config.js, we can look a the output with this command if there's a bug or something is not working as expected.
Further more, I learned that if we specify entry directly in our vue.config.js file, that we will get an error that entry cannot be specified within our configuration file.
The following is forbidden to do so, but it's what I actually want to achieve...
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: [
vendor: [
The actual proper way to do this will be an answer to my own question...
The way to achieve this is by using WebPack's Chain API.
However, if I did everything correctly, I still see a problem of generated vendor.[hash].js file with some WebPack module boilerplate. This JS file is also being injected to the index.html template.
Which leads to the same outcome as the attempt of my EDIT #2, except that we're no longer importing our Sass files within main.js
To modify entry points for my purpose of this question, we can do it the following way:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
We're not specifying the app entry JS file, which would be main.js by default, because we're not overriding the current entry point. Instead, we're extending it, so everything works as expected.
Until WebPack resolves this in future major releases, I found a great package - fqborges/webpack-fix-style-only-entries. It solves this issue that I was having and I'd suggest you to use it.
Final configuration would look like this:
const FixStyleOnlyEntries = require('webpack-fix-style-only-entries')
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new FixStyleOnlyEntries()
After further investigation and use of such configuration for projects, I realized that I had to use !important in styles where I had a need to override anything vendor related.
This is simply because WebPack will inject app, before vendor (both JS and CSS) and it will cause such issue.
Even if we modify the configuration from above and move app entry, below the vendor entry, it will still fail. Reason being, because we're modifying the entry point which already exists by default within vue-cli config. We're adding more entries to the app and we're adding new vendor entry.
To fix this issue of ordering, we must delete the app entirely and then create it ourselves.
const FixStyleOnlyEntries = require('webpack-fix-style-only-entries')
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new FixStyleOnlyEntries()

vue-cli-service build: validationError for new workbox-webpack-plugin options

With the following vue.config.js:
module.exports = {
pwa: {
name: 'My App',
workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
workboxOptions: {
swSrc: 'src/sw.js', //and I use "sw.js" in my registerServiceWorker.js file
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true,
The validation errors during build are that 'skipWaiting' and 'clientsClaim' are not supported parameters. Why? swSrc is from the same list of options listed here and the build doesn't complain about that option. When I remove these two options, the build works.
So I guess my question is:
skipWaiting, clientsClaim are "not a supported parameter" of what? Of webpack? of the PWA plugin? Of the workbox-webpack plugin? Where can I find the correct set of options? Thanks.
UPDATE: I do not have a .env file setting the NODE-ENV. However npm run build which I guess builds production assets works only if I remove the 2 options. The removed options in dev (npm run serve) yields NO service worker file.
You are using workbox plugin in InjectManifest mode, but pass parameters for GenerateSW.
InjectManifest mode expects an existing service-worker file to be injected and it's path defined in swSrc, while GenerateSW will create service-worker file, thus accepts different set of options (e.g. swDest, etc)
All options for each of modes can be found on the same documentation page of workbox-webpack-plugin you've posted in corresponding sections.

Is it possible to specify "main" file when launching node-webkit

I'm not sure if this is possible or not. I am wondering if there is a way to specify the index file that is opened up when node-webkit is launched. i.e., I am trying to override the "main" key in the manifest file.
Here is a basic example of a setup and what I want to do:
"main": "index.html",
"name": "nw-demo",
The package looks something like this:
| -- package.json
` -- index.html
` -- anotherIndex.html
Desired command:
nw app.nw --main="anotherIndex.html"
I am aware of the --url="FILE.html" command line switch specified here, but when I pass this param node-webkit fails to open at all.
Node Webkit can support opening the file, as you want it to. This code is not bullet-proof, but it should get you started.
Follow these steps:
Place the following JavaScript in the head of your default index.html page:
window.gui = require('nw.gui');
checkFile = function()
var arg = window.gui.App.argv[1];
if (arg)
window.location = arg;
Now add this to the body tag : onLoad="checkFile();"
You should now be able to call Node WebKit from the command line as follows:
nw app.nw startwiththisfile.html
If startwiththisfile.html is in your app.nw package, it should launch.