Konsole keyboard shortcut for switching between active Split View? - keyboard-shortcuts

The KDE 5 terminal emulator Konsole has a great feature Split View that allows me to make full use of my big monitor. However, I cannot find a way to use keyboard shortcuts, rather than clicking mouse, to switch between the active views (see: The Konsole Handbook). This apparently reduces the work efficiency. Anyone has an idea how to enable this? Thanks a lot in advance.

What works on version 19.08.2 is Ctrl+Shift+Arrow. You can use up, down, left, right as required.

Ctrl+Tab can be used to switch between all views including in other tabs. It is like Alt+Tab of window managers that you can switch between last ones relasing the Ctrl and using this shortcut again.

You can use the shortcut Shift + Tab.

the shortcuts are called Focus (Above|Below|Left|Right) Terminal. by default they are mapped to Ctrl+Shift+Arrows.
to change these shortcuts, go to Settings -> Configure Keyboard Shortcuts -> Search for "focus".

Shift+Right/Shift+Left should work to navigate between the Konsole tabs.

shift + tab worked for me to switch across multiple tabs that are open in an active split-view screen on a Konsole application in CentOS versions > 6.x


Textexpander 5 optional section keyboard shortcut

I'm using TextExpander 5. Is it possible to use a keyboard instead of a mouse then working with a popup window with importing choices? Like, if I don't want to include a section I'd rather use my keyboard to uncheck a checkbox then reaching out for a mouse.
Actually completed such task by using Mac OS X built-in ability to TAB focusing on non-inputable UI elements.
You can change it at System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
At a bottom of a window you will found «Full Keyboard Access». This guy will help you to do that I was hoping to get (and finally got).
If you are interested in following my adventures on this, go here https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/is-there-a-way-to-count-how-many-times-a-key-was-pressed-since-boot/6618/15
tldr version of the link above;
Found somewhat "almost-there" solution. I can check current status of this option by typing in terminal:
defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
It will return 0 (off) or 2 (on) dependent of current setting.
Right now, I'm using Keyboard Maestro Macro for doing this.

Short cut in Xcode to switch between help and IDE

I'm new to the XCode IDE, Mac and IOS programming. Means that I'll swap a lot between help and editor. However when using Cmd+Tab I'll not swap between help and IDE but between other open apps.
Does anyone know a short cut to switch between IDE and help?
OPT+Cmd+? will bring the help in XCode (the shortcut is mentioned if you go to the help section)
use 1. in combination with CMD+' to scroll through all open projects / windows within XCode.
You can have a look to this page: it refers all XCode shortcuts and gesture.
The default shortcut to open the Organizer is Cmd+Shift+2, which you can edit in the Preferences of Xcode if you want.
There is also a shortcut which will directly bring you to the Documentation tab: Cmd+Alt+?.
Additionally, you can set a shortcut to switch between the windows of the active app in System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts. The default is Cmd+< but I prefer Alt+Tab.
Command-Option-Shift-/ (a.k.a. Command-Option-?) will bring up the documentation window.
Also, you can cycle between windows within an application with Command-` (works in any application). You can use that to switch easily between a project window and other open windows, including the documentation window.
Command-Tab cycles between applications, not windows.
Note that the keyboard shortcut for a given menu command will be displayed in the menu along with the command (this is true for any application):
If you are on Mountain Lion (not sure if it works on earlier versions), you can also use the 4 finger scroll (Mission Control shortcut) if you prefer. With the Organizer (help) open, use 4 fingers and swipe upwards to reveal mission control. On top you'll see virtual desktops. Drag and drop your Organizer/help window onto the second desktop. Now you can flick right or left with 4 fingers on your trackpad to switch between code view and help. I know this sounds complicated but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature. But yeah Cmd + ~ is good too.

How to move focus to another "tab group" in Intellij IDEs

IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform let you split the editor in various ways, but I don't see an option to move focus from one editor to another using just keyboard (something like other-window from Emacs).
Is there an "action" to do that?
For mac users, the default shortcut is option + tab
I think you're already find answer, but for someone who have same question and find this post like me.
Go to Prefernces -> Keymap or simple use search in preference and find Goto Next Splitter and make your own hotkey for this action.
Main Menu Window | Editor Tabs | Select Next/Previous Tab
There's also Switcher (Ctrl+Tab) available in the same menu as Goto Next/Previous Splitter which switches between splitted editor parts, tool windows, and many other things.
For macOS it is option + tab keys to switch between tab groups
ctrl + tab works for Windows system.

IntelliJ Split Window Navigation

If I split the editor window (horizontal or vertical) into N tab groups, how do I switch/toggle from one tab group to another via the keyboard? If all of the tabs are in the same group you can switch from each tab easily (CTRL + right/left arrow), but when they're in separate tab groups I can't. I've searched through the key mappings and have not found one that seems to accomplish this. I know I can use the mouse, but I'm trying to find ways to avoid the mouse and stay with the keyboard.
TIA for any help on this.
Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab for Window | Goto Next Splitter and Goto Previous Splitter. However, these hotkeys may be taken by the Switcher, so you need to remap them in Settings | Keymap.
It looks like it's now mapped to Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab so no need to remap (at least for OSX 10.5+ settings).
I had the same case and this plugin solve my problem:
As I write this, here is what it support:
Move tab to another editor split
Move focus between splits
Resize the split
You may refer more details on the page/github. It works pretty well in 2019.2
I can switch the splitters with CTRL+E and then ENTER.
If you have more then 2 splits, then you can navigate or quick search in the Recent Files dialog.
Switching the splitters with the Switcher doesn't work.

keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in Intellij IDEA

Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in intellij?
I have two projects open and the only way I've found to select the non-active project is to drag the top window/frame out of the way and then click on it.
On osx, I use the standard keystroke (both Command+~ or Command+` seem to work) for switching windows within an application.
On windows, I use alt+tab.
Annoyingly, you can use "Cmd + `" to switch through your windows but it doesn't loop back to the first window when you reach the end. You have to use "Shift + Cmd + `" to go in the reverse direction.
for Mac OS X, try:
option + command + [
option + command + ]
If you have multiple projects just switching between them may be too tedious.
In such case it's better to open Window menu using ALT+W and choose project from list.
To make quick search working for project names you need to open Window menu as popup. To do it just assign keyboard shortcut for it:
I chose CTRL+ALT+W as my shortcut to open the following window with project quick search:
for Windows, try:
Crtl + Alt + [
Ctrl + Alt + ]
I've stumbled upon an intellij-native popup for switching projects. To find it and set a key mapping:
cmd+shift+a (if macosx; shift+shift might work cross-platform) for the find-command popup menu
type/search for the "open project windows" command
option+enter (or equiv) to assign a key mapping
This Project Windows popup lets you type to filter and select by project name.
Go to Intellij Preferences.
Under Keymap find Activate Next Window.
Right click on it and choose Add Keyboard Shortcut.
Press cmd + ` and click OK.
Click OK to close Preference window.
Map key to Activate Next Window
2013 answer for people who want an "up to date" answer:
If you maximize (full screen) all your project windows and keep them grouped together in "mission control" then I find the three finger swipe works really well to move between projects.
Ctrl + Shift + [
Ctrl + Shift + ]
Does it for me. On both Intellij IDEA and PyCharm.
On Windows the following should work:
Ctrl + tab
There is no such shortcut by default, but it should be possible to implement this feature as a plug-in.
In ubuntu 18.10, you can use the below key combination for toggling betwee two open instances -
alt + `
In ubuntu, switching between multiple windows inside an IntelliJ,
use alt + ~
If you're a MacOS user, as well as the Command+` and Command+Shift+` keyboard shortcuts which IntelliJ offers to toggle between IntelliJ windows, the OS-level Control+↓ keyboard shortcut is an excellent way to see and navigate between windows of the current app. The screenshot below shows the view which it offers. If you turn on App Exposé in your Trackpad preferences, you can also get to this view by swiping down with three fingers.
For Mac,
Command + Shift + [ or ]
works in full screen mode.
fast forward to 2022 and you get...
I'm working on a Mac OS X. Right click on IntelliJ dock icon shows all your open projects.
I was struggling with the same issue. This is how I dealt with it.
If you have set up your mac for expose ( by default F10 for application windows), then you could use that keyboard shortcut. This is the quickest way I know and since I usually have around 5 project windows I use this fairly frequently.
On MAC CMD + ` will work.
Ensure that you haven't maximised windows.
Have been searching solution for macOS for long time and found this great plugin finally https://github.com/krasa/FrameSwitcher.
Switching intelliJ windows by searching project name including recent opened ones.
I am just put a new update her for MAC OS on version (20220.1.4)
it has new: command + option + stands for the next and command + option + shift + stands for back
I am using Mac Big Sur 11.2.3 plus IntelliJ 2019. to switch among windows, I use the following 3 keys.
⌥ ⌘ `
If you have opened multiple projects and want to switch between them, then you can use:
command `
that is, command and tilde (you can get it just above tab button).
This is for mac os.