Short cut in Xcode to switch between help and IDE - objective-c

I'm new to the XCode IDE, Mac and IOS programming. Means that I'll swap a lot between help and editor. However when using Cmd+Tab I'll not swap between help and IDE but between other open apps.
Does anyone know a short cut to switch between IDE and help?

OPT+Cmd+? will bring the help in XCode (the shortcut is mentioned if you go to the help section)
use 1. in combination with CMD+' to scroll through all open projects / windows within XCode.
You can have a look to this page: it refers all XCode shortcuts and gesture.

The default shortcut to open the Organizer is Cmd+Shift+2, which you can edit in the Preferences of Xcode if you want.
There is also a shortcut which will directly bring you to the Documentation tab: Cmd+Alt+?.
Additionally, you can set a shortcut to switch between the windows of the active app in System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts. The default is Cmd+< but I prefer Alt+Tab.

Command-Option-Shift-/ (a.k.a. Command-Option-?) will bring up the documentation window.
Also, you can cycle between windows within an application with Command-` (works in any application). You can use that to switch easily between a project window and other open windows, including the documentation window.
Command-Tab cycles between applications, not windows.
Note that the keyboard shortcut for a given menu command will be displayed in the menu along with the command (this is true for any application):

If you are on Mountain Lion (not sure if it works on earlier versions), you can also use the 4 finger scroll (Mission Control shortcut) if you prefer. With the Organizer (help) open, use 4 fingers and swipe upwards to reveal mission control. On top you'll see virtual desktops. Drag and drop your Organizer/help window onto the second desktop. Now you can flick right or left with 4 fingers on your trackpad to switch between code view and help. I know this sounds complicated but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature. But yeah Cmd + ~ is good too.


Konsole keyboard shortcut for switching between active Split View?

The KDE 5 terminal emulator Konsole has a great feature Split View that allows me to make full use of my big monitor. However, I cannot find a way to use keyboard shortcuts, rather than clicking mouse, to switch between the active views (see: The Konsole Handbook). This apparently reduces the work efficiency. Anyone has an idea how to enable this? Thanks a lot in advance.
What works on version 19.08.2 is Ctrl+Shift+Arrow. You can use up, down, left, right as required.
Ctrl+Tab can be used to switch between all views including in other tabs. It is like Alt+Tab of window managers that you can switch between last ones relasing the Ctrl and using this shortcut again.
You can use the shortcut Shift + Tab.
the shortcuts are called Focus (Above|Below|Left|Right) Terminal. by default they are mapped to Ctrl+Shift+Arrows.
to change these shortcuts, go to Settings -> Configure Keyboard Shortcuts -> Search for "focus".
Shift+Right/Shift+Left should work to navigate between the Konsole tabs.
shift + tab worked for me to switch across multiple tabs that are open in an active split-view screen on a Konsole application in CentOS versions > 6.x

Textexpander 5 optional section keyboard shortcut

I'm using TextExpander 5. Is it possible to use a keyboard instead of a mouse then working with a popup window with importing choices? Like, if I don't want to include a section I'd rather use my keyboard to uncheck a checkbox then reaching out for a mouse.
Actually completed such task by using Mac OS X built-in ability to TAB focusing on non-inputable UI elements.
You can change it at System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.
At a bottom of a window you will found «Full Keyboard Access». This guy will help you to do that I was hoping to get (and finally got).
If you are interested in following my adventures on this, go here
tldr version of the link above;
Found somewhat "almost-there" solution. I can check current status of this option by typing in terminal:
defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode
It will return 0 (off) or 2 (on) dependent of current setting.
Right now, I'm using Keyboard Maestro Macro for doing this.

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.

How do I set up IntelliJ on dual monitors?

I have just installed IntelliJ 9.0.2 on a machine running 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04.
How do I get another window to put on my second screen?
I would like to have both an editor and some tool windows on both screens.
All 'windows' inside of IntelliJ other than the code editor tabs have a "Float" option which pops open an independent window which you can drag to anywhere on your screen. This will allow you to manage your IDEA windows however you like.
IntelliJ also allow you to open multiple projects at once. When opening a project with one already opened, you are prompted as to wether you would like it in your current window or a "New Instance". If you choose new instance, it will open up a completely new IntelliJ with the other project in it. This will work for you if you have many projects you work on at once.
IntelliJ 14 and onwards you can select the settings cog and tick floating mode to detach menus, or drag editor tabs off the main window to detach them
If you're running on OSX you'll need to make sure it's not treating the screens as separate spaces, otherwise they'll snap back onto the same window as the main editor when switching between windows.
To do this untick Displays have separate Spaces in the Mission Control System Preferences.
IntelliJ 10 will have draggable & dockable editor tabs. A very nice feature. It's already present in the early access versions.

How to open files in Intellij-IDEA with double click?

My first day using this IDE...
is there a way to configure the IDE to open files in the project by double click? It is rather painful having to drag files from the project overview into the editor window.
You can change the KeyMap.
Go to File->Settings and find the keymap section.
You will have to create a new KeyMap by clicking copy, and then look in the View section for "Jump to Source" and change/add the keymap you want.
However, as Bozhidar Batsov noted, double clicking may not always work so well. Whether it works may vary by OS and/or windowing system. I have no trouble with it in Mac OS X, but it doesn't seem to work well in openSUSE.
There are also other predefined keymaps that you can select from this settings screen. They're set up to resemble other IDEs, so you might find them helpful if you're transitioning from something else.
It is easy way to do in windows.
I found a great solution to this problem by Jelmer Kuperus over at Orange11.
Create an .Xresources file in your home directory. Add the following line:
*multiClickTime: 400
Jelmer explains that this setting changes the default double-click speed from 200ms to 400ms, effectively slowing it down. Save the file and then run:
xrdb ~/.Xresources
The effect is immediate, no need to logout or reboot. Double-click in Intellij works as expected. I did try changing the mouse double-click speed in System Settings first before trying this out to see if that made a difference but it did not.
I am using Ubuntu 11.04, Intellij 10.5.2, and Sun JDK 1.6.0_26. YMMV
Use F4 to open quickly the selected files. Btw double clicking on files should work as well(at least in theory). Swing's buggy handling of such events, however, causes the double click to not always work in IDEA, so I eventually stopped double clicking and switched to using F4. You can also use "Autoscroll to source" from the projects menu - this will open the source files as soon as you select them in the project browser.