Defining type as a reference in golang - oop

To my surprise this block
type Object *struct{
X int
compiles in golang. However, I don't know how to create an instance of the underlying struct.
Functionally, what I wanted to achieve is to remove all the stars from all type signatures without hacks (redefining the type and other tricks). This would make the type/structs very much like Java classes.
The question is - is this construction supported in golang? Or should I stick to putting stars everywhere?

If you don't want to pass pointers around everywhere, you don't have to. You could just pass your structs around by value.
Define your struct as:
type Object struct{
X int
And then define your functions as:
func DoStuffToObject(obj Object) {
// Do things with obj here
There's nothing wrong with passing around objects by value if that's what you wish to do.


Property must be initialised even though type is defined in Kotlin

I am not sure Stack overflow will like this question. I am learning Kotlin and trying to declare a basic variable without any class.
This is the simplest example.
I now understand why the compiler won't accept it, says it must be initialised. But if I put it inside the main function, then it works fine.
I saw this tutorial on W3Schools and it says you dont have to initialise the variable if you declare its type? Well I have and it still is forcing me to initialise it
It's a simple variable in a file no class:
* Number types:
* This is the most important, and we should be able to go over it quick.
* We start from the smallest to the biggest
var byteEg: Byte;
Even inside a class it doesn't work:
class Variables{
var byteEg: Byte;
When I try latentinit it gives an exception: 'lateinit' modifier is not allowed on properties of primitive types
What W3Schools fails to mention is that it only holds true for variables that are not top level. So inside functions like
fun someFunction() {
var byteEg: Byte
if you want to do it with top level declarations you can mark it as lateinit like
lateinit var byteEg: Byte
The general principle is that everything must be initialised before it's used.*
(This is in contrast to languages like C, in which uninitialised values hold random data that could be impossible, invalid, or cause an error if used; and languages like Java, which initialise everything to 0/false/null if you don't specify.)
That can happen in the declaration itself; and that's often the best place. But it's not the only option.
Local variables can be declared without an initialiser, as long as the compiler can confirm that they always get set before they're used. If not, you get a compilation error when you try to use it:
fun main() {
var byteEg: Byte
println(byteEg) // ← error ‘Variable 'byteEg' must be initialized’
Similarly, class properties can be declared without an initialiser, as long as a constructor or init block always sets them.
In your example, you could set byteEg in a constructor:
class Variables2 {
var byteEg: Byte
constructor(b: Byte) {
byteEg = b
Or in an init block:
class Variables {
var byteEg: Byte
init {
byteEg = 1.toByte()
But it has to be set at some point during class initialisation. (The compiler is a little stricter about properties, because of the risk of them being accessed by other threads — which doesn't apply to local variables.)
Note that this includes vals as well as vars, as long as the compiler can confirm that they always get set exactly once before they're used. (Kotlin calls this ‘deferred assignment’; in Java, it's called a ‘blank final’.)
As another answer mentions, there's an exception to this for lateinit variables, but those are a bit specialised: they can't hold primitive types such as Byte, nor nullable types such as String?, and have to be var even if the value never changes once set. They also have a small performance overhead (having to check for initialisation at each access) — and of course if you make a coding error you get an UninitializedPropertyAccessException at some point during runtime instead of a nice compile-time error. lateinit is very useful for a few specific cases, such as dependency injection, but I wouldn't recommend them for anything else.
(* In fact, there are rare corner cases that let you see a property before it's been properly initialised, involving constructors calling overridden methods or properties. (In Kotlin/JVM, you get to see Java's 0/false/null; I don't know about other platforms.) This is why it's usually recommended not to call any of a class's non-final methods or properties from its constructors or init blocks.)

Accepting managed struct in C++/CLI both with "hat" operator and without. What is the difference?

I've got a C++/CLI layer that I've been using successfully for a long time. But I just discovered something that makes me think I need to relearn some stuff.
When my C++/CLI functions receive an instance of any managed class, they use the "hat" operator ('^') and when they receive an instance of a managed struct, they do not. I thought this was how I was supposed to write it.
To illustrate as blandly as I can
using Point = System::Windows::Point;
public ref class CppCliClass
String^ ReturnText(String^ text) { return text; } // Hat operator for class
Point ReturnStruct(Point pt) { return pt; } // No hat operator for struct
I thought this was required. It certainly works. But just today I discovered that CancellationToken is a struct, not a class. My code accepts it with a hat. I thought it was a class when I wrote it. And this code works just fine. My cancellations are honored in the C++/CLI layer.
void DoSomethingWithCancellation(CancellationToken^ token)
// Code that uses the token. It works just fine
So apparently I can choose either method.
But then what is the difference between passing in a struct by value (as I've done with every other struct type I use, like Point) and by reference (as I'm doing with CancellationToken?). Is there a difference?
^ for reference types and without for value types matches C#, but C++/CLI does give you more flexibility:
Reference type without ^ is called "stack semantics" and automatically tries to call IDisposable::Dispose on the object at the end of the variable's lifetime. It's like a C# using block, except more user-friendly. In particular:
The syntax can be used whether the type implements IDisposable or not. In C#, you can only write a using block if the type can be proved, at compile time, to implement IDisposable. C++/CLI scoped resource management works fine in generic and polymorphic cases, where some of the objects do and some do not implement IDisposable.
The syntax can be used for class members, and automatically implements IDisposable on the containing class. C# using blocks only work on local scopes.
Value types used with ^ are boxed, but with the exact type tracked statically. You'll get errors if a boxed value of a different type is passed in.

Can I have a string object store its data within the structure?

I'm looking for a quick way to serialize custom structures consisting of basic value types and strings.
Using C++CLI to pin the pointer of the structure instance and destination array and then memcpy the data over is working quite well for all the value types. However, if I include any reference types such as string then all I get is the reference address.
Expected as much since otherwise it would be impossible for the structure to have a fixed.. structure. I figured that maybe, if I make the string fixed size, it might place it inside the structure though. Adding < VBFixedString(256) > to the string declaration did not achieve that.
Is there anything else that would place the actual data inside the structure?
Pinning a managed object and memcpy-ing the content will never give you what you want. Any managed object, be it String, a character array, or anything else will show up as a reference, and you'll just get a memory location.
If I read between the lines, it sounds like you need to call some C or C++ (not C++/CLI) code, and pass it a C struct that looks similar to this:
struct UnmanagedFoo
int a_number;
char a_string[256];
If that's the case, then I'd solve this by setting up the automatic marshaling to handle this for you. Here's how you'd define that struct so that it marshals properly. (I'm using C# syntax here, but it should be an easy conversion to syntax.)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct ManagedFoo
public int a_number;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=256)]
public string a_string;
StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential) specifies that the fields should be in the declared order. The default LayoutKind, Auto, allows the fields to be re-ordered if the compiler wants.
CharSet=CharSet.Ansi specifies the type of strings to marshal. You can specify CharSet.Ansi to get char strings on the C++ side, or CharSet.Unicode to get wchar_t strings in C++.
MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr) specifies a string inline to the struct, which is what you were asking about. There are several other string types, with different semantics, see the UnmanagedType page on MSDN for descriptions.
SizeConst=256 specifies the size of the character array. Note that this specifies the number of characters (or when doing arrays, number of array elements), not the number of bytes.
Now, these marshal attributes are an instruction to the built-in marshaler in .Net, which you can call directly from your VB.Net code. To use it, call Marshal.StructureToPtr to go from the .Net object to unmanaged memory, and Marshal.PtrToStructure to go from unmanaged memory to a .Net object. MSDN has some good examples of calling those two methods, take a look at the linked pages.
Wait, what about C++/CLI? Yes, you could use C++/CLI to marshal from the .Net object to a C struct. If your structs get too complex to represent with the MarshalAs attribute, it's highly appropriate to do that. In that case, here's what you do: Declare your .Net struct like I listed above, without the MarshalAs or StructLayout. Also declare the C struct, plain and ordinary, also as listed above. When you need to switch from one to the other, copy things field by field, not a big memcpy. Yes, all the fields that are basic types (integers, doubles, etc.) will be a repetitive output.a_number = input.a_number, but that's the proper way to do it.

Possibility of having "dynamically-binded" and "implicit" interface?

Is there any construct that allows all classes which implemented a set of functions to be considered as a certain interface, even when the classes themselves do not explicitly implement the interface?
To make the question clearer, I'll make an example. Suppose we want to implement LinearSearch, which look through the whole array and search for certain key, and return the index of the key upon discovery. Essentially, the psudeocode might look something like this:
LinearSearch(A, key)
for (k = 0; k < A.length(); k++)
if (A.get(k) == key)
return k
return NULL
In that case, any classes which implemented length and get will be able to search through the structure. We could implement this on DynamicArray, which acts the same as ArrayList in Java. We could implement this on a LinkedList, ignoring the fact the get takes linear time per query. Similarly for other structures that implement these 2 functions. However, such classes might not have explicitly implemented a common interface, even though it is favorable to have them being in one.
While writing this question, I feel a sense of insecurity tinkering within me about such a construct, but I cannot put it into words. So, is there any reason you think that this might not be a good construct in actual languages?
It's called "duck typing". Message-based object models like Smalltalk allow sending any message to an object as long as its name and parameters match.
In languages like C++, you can emulate this using "signals" and "slots", which, at their most primitive, can be implemented by writing a little template adapter class like
class CallGetLengthAdapterBase
int length() = 0;
key_type key() = 0;
template<class N>
class CallGetLengthAdapter : public CallGetLengthAdapterBase
CallGetLengthAdapter( N* obj ) { mObject = obj; };
int length() { return mObject->length(); };
key_type key() { return mObject->key(); };
N* mObject;
So the LinearSearch would just know about CallGetLengthAdapterBase, and would take a pointer to an object of this type. Whoever owns and connects both of these objects would call them like:
LinearSearch( CallGetLengthAdapter<A_type>(&A), key );
That's all.
From Wikipedia:
Go has "interface" types that are compatible with any type that supports a given set of methods (the type does not need to explicitly implement the interface). The empty interface, interface{}, is compatible with all types.
It sounds like this is what you mean, so it is another sense of interface than we might be used to from Java or such. This is a structural typing kind of interface, where the structure of methods involved are the important part, not a name given to the interface.
More formally, it seems that this is called a type class.

Object Slicing, Is it advantage?

Object slicing is some thing that object looses some of its attributes or functions when a child class is assigned to base class.
Some thing like
Class A{
Class B extends A{
Class SomeClass{
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
// Some where if might happen like this */
a = b; (Object slicing happens)
Do we say Object slicing is any beneficial in any ways?
If yes, can any one please tell me how object slicing be a helpful in development and where it might be helpful?
In C++, you should think of an object slice as a conversion from the derived type to the base type[*]. A brand new object is created, which is "inspired by a true story".
Sometimes this is something that you would want to do, but the result is not in any sense the same object as the original. When object slicing goes wrong is when people aren't paying attention, and think it is the same object or a copy of it.
It's normally not beneficial. In fact it's normally done accidentally when someone passes by value when they meant to pass by reference.
It's quite hard to come up with an example of when slicing is definitively the right thing to do, because it's quite hard (especially in C++) to come up with an example where a non-abstract base class is definitively the right thing to do. This is an important design point, and not one to pass over lightly - if you find yourself slicing an object, either deliberately or accidentally, quite likely your object hierarchy is wrong to start with. Either the base class shouldn't be used as a base class, or else it should have at least one pure virtual function and hence not be sliceable or passable by value.
So, any example I gave where an object is converted to an object of its base class, would rightly provoke the objection, "hang on a minute, what are you doing inheriting from a concrete class in the first place?". If slicing is accidental then it's probably a bug, and if it's deliberate then it's probably "code smell".
But the answer might be "yes, OK, this shouldn't really be how things are structured, but given that they are structured that way, I need to convert from the derived class to the base class, and that by definition is a slice". In that spirit, here's an example:
struct Soldier {
string name;
string rank;
string serialNumber;
struct ActiveSoldier : Soldier {
string currentUnit;
ActiveSoldier *commandingOfficer; // the design errors multiply!
int yearsService;
template <typename InputIterator>
void takePrisoners(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
while (first != last) {
Soldier s(*first);
// do some stuff with name, rank and serialNumber
Now, the requirement of the takePrisoners function template is that its parameter be an iterator for a type convertible to Soldier. It doesn't have to be a derived class, and we don't directly access the members "name", etc, so takePrisoners has tried to offer the easiest possible interface to implement given the restrictions (a) should work with Soldier, and (b) should be possible to write other types that it also works with.
ActiveSoldier is one such other type. For reasons best known only to the author of that class, it has opted to publicly inherit from Soldier rather than providing an overloaded conversion operator. We can argue whether that's ever a good idea, but let's suppose we're stuck with it. Because it's a derived class, it is convertible to Soldier. That conversion is called a slice. Hence, if we call takePrisoners passing in the begin() and end() iterators for a vector of ActiveSoldiers, then we will slice them.
You could probably come up with similar examples for an OutputIterator, where the recipient only cares about the base class part of the objects being delivered, and so allows them to be sliced as they're written to the iterator.
The reason it's "code smell" is that we should consider (a) rewriting ActiveSoldier, and (b) changing Soldier so that it can be accessed using functions instead of member access, so that we can abstract that set of functions as an interface that other types can implement independently, so that takePrisoners doesn't have to convert to Soldier. Either of those would remove the need for a slice, and would have potential benefits for the ease with which our code can be extended in future.
[*] because it is one. The last two lines below are doing the same thing:
struct A {
int value;
A(int v) : value(v) {}
struct B : A {
int quantity;
B(int v, int q) : A(v), quantity(q) {}
int main() {
int i = 12; // an integer
B b(12, 3); // an instance of B
A a1 = b; // (1) convert B to A, also known as "slicing"
A a2 = i; // (2) convert int to A, not known as "slicing"
The only difference is that (1) calls A's copy constructor (that the compiler provides even though the code doesn't), whereas (2) calls A's int constructor.
As someone else said, Java doesn't do object slicing. If the code you provide were turned into Java, then no kind of object slicing would happen. Java variables are references, not objects, so the postcondition of a = b is just that the variable "a" refers to the same object as the variable "b" - changes via one reference can be seen via the other reference, and so on. They just refer to it by a different type, which is part of polymorphism. A typical analogy for this is that I might think of a person as "my brother"[**], and someone else might think of the same person as "my vicar". Same object, different interface.
You can get the Java-like effect in C++ using pointers or references:
B b(24,7);
A *a3 = &b; // No slicing - a3 is a pointer to the object b
A &a4 = b; // No slicing - a4 is a reference to (pseudonym for) the object b
[**] In point of fact, my brother is not a vicar.