SAS regression plot errors - error-handling

I use proc reg to model regression and plot the results. However, I got the error below. Is there any way to solve it?
ods graphics on;
proc reg data = Work.Cmds PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE);
model Investment = Size Growth_New Leverage complex Deficit pc_income_NEW
Density/hcc adjrsq ;
output out=CMDSreg r = AbnInvestment; run;
ERROR: Java virtual machine exception. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded.
ERROR: Java virtual machine exception. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.CMDSREG may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 0 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.CMDSREG was not replaced because this step was stopped.
NOTE: PROCEDURE REG used (Total process time):
real time 1:05.39
cpu time 13.48 seconds
ods graphics off;
I browsed the website here but still don't understand.
The data set WORK.CMDS has 587831 observations and 142 variables.


Pandas to Koalas does not solve spark.rpc.message.maxSize exceeded error

I have an existing databricks job which heavily uses Pandas and below code snippet gives the error "org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Serialized task 101059:0 was 1449948615 bytes, which exceeds max allowed: spark.rpc.message.maxSize (268435456 bytes). Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values"
Current code snippet is
normalized_df = pd.DataFrame(data=normalized_data_remnan, columns=['idle_power_mean', 'total_eng_idle_sec', 'total_veh_idle_sec', 'total_sec_on', 'total_sec_load', 'positive_power_mean', 'time_fraction_eng_idle_pcnt', 'time_fraction_veh_idle_pcnt', 'negative_power_mean', 'mean_eng_idle_sec', 'mean_veh_idle_sec', 'mean_stand_still', 'num_start_stops', 'num_power_jump', 'positive_power_med', 'load_speed_med'])
where normalized_data_remnan is an ndarray outputted by scipty.zscore.
I thought moving this to koalas would solve the issue as Koalas uses distributed computing and so converted the code as below.
import databricks.koalas as ks
normalized_df = pd.DataFrame(data=normalized_data_remnan, columns=['idle_power_mean', 'total_eng_idle_sec', 'total_veh_idle_sec', 'total_sec_on', 'total_sec_load', 'positive_power_mean', 'time_fraction_eng_idle_pcnt', 'time_fraction_veh_idle_pcnt', 'negative_power_mean', 'mean_eng_idle_sec', 'mean_veh_idle_sec', 'mean_stand_still', 'num_start_stops', 'num_power_jump', 'positive_power_med', 'load_speed_med'])
But even after this conversion, I am getting the same error. Do you have any clue for this error?
I can think of changing this spark.rpc.message.maxSize to 2 GB. What's the maximum value of this parameter? My driver node is 128 GB memory, 6 cores and worker is 64GB,32 cores and total 8 workers
Usually, sending some huge items from the driver to executor's results in this error message.
spark.rpc.message.maxSize : Is the largest message (in MiB) that can be delivered in "control plane" communication. If you are getting alerts about the RPC message size, increase this. Its default value is 128.
Setting this property(spark.rpc.message.maxSize) in Spark configuration when you start the cluster, you might be able to resolve this error.
To lower the size of the Spark RPC message, you can break the huge list into numerous smaller ones by increasing the partition number.
largeList = [...] # This is a large list
partitionNum = 100 # Increase this number if necessary
rdd = sc.parallelize(largeList, partitionNum)
ds = rdd.toDS()

Dask-Rapids data movment and out of memory issue

I am using dask (2021.3.0) and rapids(0.18) in my project. In this, I am performing preprocessing task on the CPU, and later the preprocessed data is transferred to GPU for K-means clustering. But in this process, I am getting the following problem:
1 of 1 worker jobs failed: std::bad_alloc: CUDA error: ~/envs/include/rmm/mr/device/cuda_memory_resource.hpp:69: cudaErrorMemoryAllocation out of memory
(before using GPU memory completely it gave the error i.e. it is not using GPU memory completely)
I have a single GPU of size 40 GB.
Ram size 512 GB.
I am using following snippet of code:
cluster=LocalCluster(n_workers=1, threads_per_worker=1)
##perform my preprocessing on data and get output on variable A
# convert A varible to cupy
x = A.map_blocks(cp.asarray)
km =KMeans(n_clusters=4)
I am also looking for a solution so that the data larger than GPU memory can be preprocessed, and whenever there is a spill in GPU memory the spilled data is transferred into temp directory or CPU (as we do with dask where we define temp directory when there is a spill in RAM).
Any help will be appriciated.
There are several ways to run larger than GPU datasets.
Check out Nick Becker's blog, which has a few methods well documented
Check out BlazingSQL, which is built on top of RAPIDS and can perform out of core processings. You can try it at

Terminology used in Nsight Compute

Two questions:
According to Nsight Compute, my kernel is compute bound. The SM % of utilization relative to peak performance is 74% and the memory utilization is 47%. However, when I look at each pipeline utilization percentage, LSU utilization is way higher than others (75% vs 10-15%). Wouldn't that be an indication that my kernel is memory bound? If the utilization of compute and memory resources doesn't correspond to pipeline utilization, I don't know how to interpret those terms.
The schedulers are only issuing every 4 cycles, wouldn't that mean that my kernel is latency bound? People usually define that in terms of utilization of compute and memory resources. What is the relationship between both?
In Nsight Compute on CC7.5 GPUs
SM% is defined by sm__throughput, and
Memory% is defined by gpu__compute_memory_throughtput
sm_throughput is the MAX of the following metrics:
gpu__compute_memory_throughput is the MAX of the following metrics:
In your case the limiter is sm__inst_executed_pipe_lsu which is an instruction throughput. If you review sections/ latency bound is defined as having both sm__throughput and gpu__compute_memory_throuhgput < 60%.
Some set of instruction pipelines have lower throughput such as fp64, xu, and lsu (varies with chip). The pipeline utilization is part of sm__throughput. In order to improve performance the options are:
Reduce instructions to the oversubscribed pipeline, or
Issue instructions of different type to use empty issue cycles.
As of Nsight Compute 2020.1 there is not a simple command line to generate the list without running a profiling session. For now you can collect one throughput metric using breakdown:<throughput metric>avg.pct_of_peak_sustained.elapsed and parse the output to get the sub-metric names.
For example:
ncu.exe --csv --metrics breakdown:sm__throughput.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed --details-all -c 1 cuda_application.exe
"ID","Process ID","Process Name","Host Name","Kernel Name","Kernel Time","Context","Stream","Section Name","Metric Name","Metric Unit","Metric Value"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","gpu__dram_throughput.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.38"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","l1tex__data_bank_reads.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.05"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","l1tex__data_bank_writes.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.05"
The keyword breakdown can be used in Nsight Compute section files to expand a throughput metric. This is used in the SpeedOfLight.section.

TensorFlow: Allocator ran out of memory trying to allocate

I've got a DiscoGAN which I've built with Tensorflow Slim. The code executes on a CPU, but throws an out of memory error when trying to run it on a GPU. The stack trace shows the following error multiple times in a single execution:
Allocator (GPU_0_bfc) ran out of memory trying to allocate 288.00MiB. Current allocation summary follows.
That size for that error varies (see full stack trace below) - sometimes it doesn't even get to 288 mb. I've seen 4 bytes shown as an error.
I'm just testing execution right now. I have a batch size of 12 (over 72 images) and each image is 64x64x3.
Some other people who had similar errors managed to sort this problem out by adding the following to their code:
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config = config)
However this didn't do anything to resolve my problem.
Stack trace is: (too big to paste in here)

cuda uncorrectable ECC error encountered

My environment is
Windows 7 x64
Matlab 2012a x64
Cuda SDK 4.2
Tesla C2050 GPU
I am having trouble figuring out why my GPU is crashing with the "uncorrectable ECC error encountered". This error only occurs when i use 512 threads or more. I can't post the kernel, but i will try to describe what it does.
In general, the kernel takes a number of parameters and produces 2 complex matricies defined by the thread size, M and another number, N. So the returned matrices will be of size MxN. A typical configuration is 512x512, but each number is independent and can vary up or down. The kernel works when the numbers are 256x256.
Each thread (kernel) extracts a 999 size vector out of a 2D array based on the thread id, ie size 999xM, then cycles through the row (0 .. N-1) of the output matrices for calculation. A number of intermediate parameters are calculated, only using pow, sin and cos among the + - * / operators. To calculate one of the output matrices an additional loop needs to be executed to sum up the contribution of the 999 vector that was extracted earlier. This loop does some intermediate calculations to determine a range of values that will allow contribution. The contribution is then scaled by a factor determined by the cos and sine values of a calculated fractional value. This is where it crashes. If i stick in a constant value or 1.0 or any other for that matter, the kernel executes without trouble. however, when only one of the calls (cos or sine) is included, the kernel crashes.
Some psuedocode follows:
/* Extract 999 vector from 2D array 999xM - one 999 vector for each thread. */
for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++)
/* Cycle through the 2nd dimension of the output matricies */
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
/* Calculate some intermediate variables */
/* Calculate the real and imaginary components of the first output matrix */
/* real = cos(value), imaginary = sin(value) */
/* Construct the first output matrix from some intermediate variables and the real and imaginary components */
/* Calculate some more intermediate variables */
/* cycle through the extracted vector (0 .. 998) */
for (int k = 0; k < 999; k++)
/* Calculate some more intermediate variables */
/* Determine the range of allowed values to contribute to the second output matrix. */
/* Calculate the real and imaginary components of the second output matrix */
/* real = cos(value), imaginary = sin(value) */
/* This is were it crashes, unless real and imaginary are constant values (1.0) */
/* Sum up the contributions of the extracted vector to the second output matrix */
/* Construct the Second output matrix from some intermediate variables and the real and imaginary components */
I thought this could be due to a register limit, but the occupancy calculator indicates that this is not the case, I'm using less than the 32,768 registers with 512 threads. Can anyone give any suggestions as to what the cause of this could be?
Here is the ptasx info:
ptxas info : Compiling entry function '_Z40KerneliidddddPKdS0_S0_S0_iiiiiiiiiPdS1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_' for 'sm_20'
ptxas info : Function properties for _Z40KerneliidddddPKdS0_S0_S0_iiiiiiiiiPdS1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_
8056 bytes stack frame, 0 bytes spill stores, 0 bytes spill loads
ptxas info : Function properties for __internal_trig_reduction_slowpathd
40 bytes stack frame, 0 bytes spill stores, 0 bytes spill loads
ptxas info : Used 53 registers, 232 bytes cmem[0], 144 bytes cmem[2], 28 bytes cmem[16]
"Uncorrectable ECC error" usually refers to a hardware failure. ECC is Error Correcting Code, a means to detect and correct errors in bits stored in RAM. A stray cosmic ray can disrupt one bit stored in RAM every once in a great while, but "uncorrectable ECC error" indicates that several bits are coming out of RAM storage "wrong" - too many for the ECC to recover the original bit values.
This could mean that you have a bad or marginal RAM cell in your GPU device memory.
Marginal circuits of any kind may not fail 100%, but are more likely to fail under the stress of heavy use - and associated rise in temperature.
There are diagnostic utilities floating around to stress-test all the RAM banks of your PC to confirm or pinpoint which chip is failing, but I don't know of an analog for testing the device RAM banks of the GPU.
If you have access to another machine with a GPU of similar capability, try running your app on that machine to see how it behaves. If you don't get the ECC error on the second machine, this confirms that the problem is almost certainly in the hardware of the first machine. If you get the same ECC error on the second machine, then ignore everything I've written here and continue looking for your software bug. Unless your code is actually causing hardware damage, the chances of two machines having the same hardware failure are extremely small.