Why am i getting this error? Return tag error (page does not link back) - canonical-link

I have a website https://www.safetoconvert.com with multi-language support, so, I have used hreflang tag, but I am doing something wrong.
it's working with all languages except the English language.
http://hreflang.ninja/check/?url=https://www.safetoconvert.com OK
http://hreflang.ninja/check/?url=https://www.safetoconvert.com/en Failed
http://hreflang.ninja/check/?url=https://www.safetoconvert.com/es OK
Please tell me, what I'm doing wrong?

You are doing a little mistake, you should add language code (en) for the English language.
<link rel="alternate" href="https://www.safetoconvert.com/" hreflang="en">
<link rel="alternate" href="https://www.safetoconvert.com/en" hreflang="en">


What is the right value for nav_host_fragment?

First of all, I am totally noob on Android Studio so please bear over with me.
I tried to resolve an error with nav_host_fragment, but obviously did something wrong and I get an error at this file:
<item name="nav_host_fragment" type="id">"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"</item>
What should I put instead of "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"?
Thanks for helping!
The navHostFragment should not be added inside resource tag.
The above code snippet is not correct.
Please thoroughly go through the document by clicking on below link and make changes to your code accordingly. This page also has a video which will help you even better.
Get started with the Navigation component
If you still face challenge, then please post all files and elaborate you issue in more detail.

Ghost: Custom error message

Is there a way to have custom error message. For example, instead of having Page Not Found for 404, we can have Page Non Trouvé (in french!).
Is it possible? Directly from the error.hbs page?
Or maybe is it a french pack?
Yes you can provide your own error.hbs file with your template (see: http://support.ghost.org/ghost-themes-overview/#error.hbs). In your custom error page you can show the error message in french or customize it's appearance with handlebars.
Ghost is going to provide better language support in the future. For now it's still on the wishlist (see: http://ideas.ghost.org/forums/285309-wishlist/suggestions/7191893-localization).

SDL Trados Studio XLIFF global attribute has been already declared

Not sure if this is the right place to ask the question, but...
I've got the following xliff file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
<file original="file1.txt" datatype="plaintext" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-us">
<trans-unit id="unit_5">
<source xml:lang="de">unit_5</source>
I try to open the document as "translate single document" and get the following error from the image below. What might it be?.
I just opened your xliff file in Trados Studio 2014 (SP1) without any error messages coming up. I am afraid I do not really understand what Studio was complaining about for you: the file looks fine to me.
Did you try to disable schema validation in the file type settings for XLIFF, just as a workaround?
Generally, file[source-language] and trans-unit[xml:lang] should have the same value. I'm not sure if it's allowed to use different notations (de, de-de).
Also, I've found Trados to be a bit strict and sometimes you'll see that even if the specs allow for some elements to be missing, in some cases Trados still expects them to be present. I'd try putting the target node inside trans-unit and see if it works.
From the XLIFF 1.2 spec:
The optional xml:lang attribute is used to specify the content language of the <source> this should always match source-language as a child of trans-unit but can vary as a child of alt-trans.
So I think it's probably the mismatch between de and de-de that is causing the complaint. You could align these values, or just remove xml:space from the <source> element entirely, as it is optional in this context.

How to use the Common/StandardStyles in a C# WinRT project?

I'm working on a WinRT project in C#
I wanted to use things like: {StaticResource EditAppBarButtonStyle}
this is defined in Common/StandardStyles.xaml
but when I try to compile my project I get the error that the resource could not be resolved.
I guess I need to add the Common/StandardStyles.xaml but I dont know how
Solution: I just needed to remove the <!-- ... --> in the Common/StandardStyles.xaml
A few years too late, but maybe helpful to someone else who stumbles on this question from a bing search: For a Windows 8.1 app, that's not how you do it anymore.
Since most people never used most of the styles in StandardStyles.xaml, this file was removed for performance reasons. In Windows 8.1, you use an AppBarButton like
<AppBarButton Icon="Edit" Label="Edit" />
Info taken from this blog post right here

Could not load 'dijit.Menu'

I want to run Dojo/Dijit with the Google CDN:
<script type="text/javascript"
I've tried 1.3.2, 1.3, 1.2 and all give this same problem.
If what I've read is true, I only need to include the dojo.xd.js - then the requires will properly find dijit somehow relative to dojo.
In Firebug I see the following:
200 OK
I'm confused by this, because I if http status=200 is okay - then why is this line showing up in red?
The next line says
could not load 'dijit.Menu'; last
tried '../dijit/Menu.js'
I had this working with all the Dojo/Dijit source code local - but I'm determined to get it running with the CDN.
I did some searches, and the best I could find was that Menu.js was included in certain releases, but I think they were talking 1.2 or before.
Same error occurs in the Chrome browser.
Thanks for helping.
Neal Walters
More Info Added:
Thanks for the example. I took it and got a simple menu working:
Here's the "beast" that I'm trying to get working.
This was originally a copy of the Dojo Theme demo - and it was working when I was running with Dojo local. It does a delayed/manual parse.
Like I said above, I tried 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.2 and so on, so it was just a matter of timing when I copyied/pasted into my question.
And OOPS - I didn't have djconfig - so I added that - but similar problem - just more explicit paths.
Thanks again - I'm going to love Dojo when I over these little humps.
This is the page I'm trying to reproduce:
Do you have something strange in your djConfig? The fact that it's spitting out "../dijit/Menu.js" makes it seem like you have a path setting in there.
I set up a simple demo page that uses the Google CDN and does:
without problem.
Also, the script tag has 1.3.2 but it's loading menu from 1.2 which is strange.
Post a the full source code of what isn't working and that'll help track down the problem.
Remove these lines from your testDijit page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dijit/dijit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dijit/dijit-all.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Call me crazy (since you don't seem to approve or upvote answers on SO making this a kind of no-op for me) but I got it working with the CDN here.. It still has problems because the CDN doesn't have all the test files on it (dijitTest.css and countries.json for example). You can download it and do a diff on your ow file to see what I changed. I mostly added a bunch of missing requires and changed paths to CSS and images. You also have a script tag referencing /dojo.js in your file.
I'm curious why you are so driven on getting the dijit tester running on your app since it seems like it'd be more fun/productive to learn dojo solving problems within your application.