Google API Provider for movie and tv show - api

I looked everywhere and I couldn't find what I'm looking for, I would like to develop for me a small app that based on a movie or tv show name, that tell me where I can see it for free/paid whatever.
Exactly like this:
Does anybody knows where to look for in the Google API documentation ? Thanks


Can I track if someone clicked a link on my Twitter post

I have a private business Twitter account and I would like to know when someone clicks any link inside one of my posts. This solution cannot assume that we know the form of the link being posted.
For example a twitter post like this:
Have you guys heard of this amazing site called google?
I would like to see how many people clicked on this link. I don't need to know any specific information about who they are, just if it was clicked or not.
Ideally I would want this from the API but crawlers and plugins are also possible. I would like to avoid using a paid tool but those would be acceptable.
I think you have multiple choices:
Use google firebase or google analytics
Create your own short link services by python or any other programming languages.
Just search in the google and look for short link generators which gives appropriate service.
Hi using the twitter api you should be able to understand how many clicks a link has.
But to have all this info automated you might need to use a third-party tool.
This should be the most straight forward solution.

APIs to get Movies, Music, TV Shows and Books details

I am trying to apply some APIs so that I can display and save Title, Image and Description of Latest Movies, Music Charts, Books & TV Shows on my PHP Website.
Currently I have come across the following APIs:
Movies: RottenTomatoes or TMDB API
TV Shows: TVRage or TMDB API
Books: iTunes RSS Feeds
Music: Last.Fm API or iTunes RSS Feeds
Could anyone please suggest me which one will be more helpful. Or if there are any better APIs than that ?
Also can I store the data returned by these APIs ?
I have been going through the Terms & Conditions, and everytime I read them I find something contradiciting. Please if anybody who has implemented these APIs can help ?
I can't recommend any for music or know of any API that gives you Latest Movies and such, but for the rest I'll give it a shot. I've been looking into this for weeks for a project I'm doing to teach myself how to program and I've came across a few.
OMDb API - Movies and TV
Free, no registration required, and easy to get started with data all retrieved from IMDB.
It returns Title, Poster URL, age rating, description, IMDB rating, etc.
Like I said, I can't see anything that would suggest it could show recent movies or anything, but until you find something to do that, take a look at this.
Google Books API - Books of course!
Also free with no registration requirement unless you want to use features that needs account access which probably isn't likely.
Storing Data
I originally misunderstood you here, so heres a quick edit:
You should be fine with storing it locally as it is publicly accessible anyway.
It's why the API is there in the first place.
I hope I've been able to help!
I think the iTunes Search API is what you need.
I can't make any recommendations for TMDB, however I have used OMDB and can recommend it. It's free and open source so you shouldn't have to worry about saving data.
For the others, I personally wouldn't be too worried about storing meta data for books, music, or movies/tv as long as you're not distributing the actual product in an illegal way.
For Movie and TV Shows you could have a look at - there are quite a few sources used for each of those, and the data is stored on the user's machine (which probably bypasses the question about rights).
For books have a look at Calibre - again, multiple sources of data stored on the user's computer.
There's the obvious answer of finding sources of data and then contacting them directly - T&C are often obtuse and unreadable, but having an email reply that says you can do something gives a plain and simple yes/no answer (even if it contradicts the T&C - but generally you'd only argue if the T&C says yes, and the reply says no)...
Finally, an API is good for consistent data, but technically HTML is similar to XML, which isn't unknown as API results - so any website can be a source of data if it's easily parsed :-)

Upload photos on my website in real time with twitter, instagram or another service

I have a question about uploading images from my smartphone to my website.
I want create a little blog where I write and upload image in real time.
For example I like this restaurant, i take pictures of dishes and I share those pic on my blog.
My question is: is possible using the Api/App of twitter or instagram do that?
Take a picture from my smartphone camera, have a "button" for share image on my website.
I hope my english let you understand what I say.
thank's Davide
The answer is yes - you can publish your photo on for example twitter and then use one of many ways to show this (your twitter feed as an example) on your blog. The easiest will probably be to use a twitter widget:
Of course, you can also use the APIs to import the photos from twitter/insta - but that requires more coding,

Know user's twitter applications installed

first of all, I'm spanish so sorry about my English.
It's my first question, so I hope do it correctly.
I have been looking for in the searcher and google but I didn't find solution about my problem.
I need to know who of my friends have installed one app via API (I have twitter4j lib.).
I have a friend's list id and I need to know if one per one have or not permission to one app.
I have seen all the methods in twitter4j but I don't know how do it.
It seems easy... so sorry if the answer is stupid, I have tried to search everywhere I have could.
This is possible via twitters settings page, however there's no API available for this.
If you mean source of the tweets? Like Web, Mobile Web, Twitter for Blackberry
Source of tweets (Application user tweeted with) is returned for each tweet gotten.

Is it possible to get upcoming event / show information from a Myspace page without scraping?

I want to get show information from myspace artists. One way I could do this is ask an artist to input their myspace URL and I could try to scrape the page.
What I would really like to do is ask the artist for their myspace credentials and use the myspace api to get their show data. I cannot find how to do this on the myspace developers site. Does anyone know?
And as a side question, if I decide to go the page scraping route, is that legal? I feel like a lot of people do this.
Try out . It includes all music concerts posted on myspace.
Found this great article on just that: scraping myspace for tour dates. Haven't tested it but looks good.