I want to use materialize date picker to set select date range from currently to other date. Example: I have 2 input.I click first input select tomorrow date then I click second input it will disable before date. So how do I do? and I always research I saw they use: $('.datepicker').pickadate(); why using pickadate? and in Materialize document they use datepicker.
The form uses begin date and end date text boxes formatted as "General Date" to filter results. They are generally filled using the calendar date picker tool as format m/d/yyyy. ODBC SQL table that it's pulling the date field from is also showing format "General Date" in Design View but the field includes date and time as format m/d/yyyy H:MM:SS AM/PM.
When the same date is entered in the form begin and end date it shows no results, but I am told by my team in the past it has shown results. I am assuming that this is due to the form date picker including no time and defaulting to 12 AM in both boxes when the query runs. If that is/may be the case, is there a way to edit the end date text box to default to 11:59:59 PM of the date selected?
10/28 EDIT: I was asked to provide the SQL that refers to the end date text box. For context: the command button on the form opens query dbo_GEN_INSP_Count_Daily which is based on query dbo_GEN_INSP_Count_Monthly where the text box is mentioned. See below.
query dbo_GEN_INSP_Count_Daily
SELECT DateValue([INSP_DTE]) AS Insp_Date, Count([INSP_DTE]) AS DailyCount
FROM dbo_GEN_INSP_Count_Monthly
query dbo_GEN_INSP_Count_Monthly
WHERE (((dbo_INSPECTION_GENERAL.INSP_DTE) Between [Forms]![Form1]![StartDate] And [Forms]![Form1]![EndDate]));
I'm not sure how it would play with your ODBC connection, but in the date field in the form under the data tab in the property sheet there is a default value for the form, just like in the MS Access table. You could try to put your default time in there at 11:59:59, it will automatically put quotes around it and it should reflect in your form.
You could also create a default constraint on the database itself to reflect 11:59:59 for the end date if nothing is there. Going this route you would probably need to break up your time and date fields in the database and bring them together in MS Access with a function. That way if a date was placed there with no time it would default to 11:59:59.
When the user enters the same date for both StartDate and EndDate, you want the query to return all rows containing that date regardless of the time component stored with the date.
So, instead of your current Between ... And approach, make the endpoint target less than one day after EndDate.
dbo_INSPECTION_GENERAL.INSP_DTE >= Forms!Form1!StartDate
And dbo_INSPECTION_GENERAL.INSP_DTE < (DateValue(Forms!Form1!EndDate) + 1)
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//input[#placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"]').click()
print(WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.react-datepicker__day--today'))).text)
driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.react-datepicker__day--today').click()
this is part of my code, I am using it to select a date from calendar, the chosen date is "Today" this date is dynamic. Need to compare that the today date is actual todays.
Is there a way to do the comparison?
Save web elements text as string, then convert it to date object, and compare to real date.
For example: https://www.educative.io/edpresso/how-to-convert-a-string-to-a-date-in-python
In Report Builder 3.0, I want to create a date parameter so that I can have the little calendar and have the end user click the calendar to select a date. However, the data stored in the table is set to 2021-07-08 22:45:38. I tried the TO_CHAR function, but then I can't put the little calendar as the data is not a date anymore.
Is it possible to convert the date time into regular MM/DD/YYYY and still have it be kept as date column so I can create that parameter?
The table is C_LAB, and the date column is LAB_DATE. Like I said, I want to create parameter where user can select the date and have the option to use the calendar as well.
2021-07-08 22:45:38 looks like a perfectly correct DateTime to me. Assuming that the LAB_DATE column datatype is DateTime then you could easily produce a "date only" version with.
or if you want to use a date picker on the report and filter the results, the query would just be something like
SELECT * FROM C_LAB WHERE CAST(LAB_DATE as Date) = #myDatePickerParameter
In my database(an Oracle 11 database) I have a attribute which is of Date type but has a time in the value for some reason, idk why it is Date type and not DateTime. When I select this " Position_time" Of course it just displays the date but when i attempt a filter on the column more options are shown of the same date for multiple times so a time value is present in this column even though it is of date type.
Link to picture of position_time context
As seen in the image even though the attribute is of type Date it contains a time "component" This is not shown in the overview btw only when i try to filter the column idk of that matters.
Id like to extract this time from my date. I've seen plenty of posts explaining how to extract from a DateTime column but not from a Date. I cannot change the type of this column. Is there any way to achieve this?
for example
from positions
Do you mean like this :
select to_char(to_date(position_time,'dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI:SS'),
'HH24:MI:SS') time from positions;
if you already passing the date type as parameter then just use to_char function for extract the time from it.
Select to_char(position_time,'HH24:MI:SS') from positions;
You would convert to a string:
select to_char(tr_position_time, 'HH24:MI:SS')
from positions;
In Oracle, date datatype consist of date + time.
It is the NLS setting of your IDE which is displaying the data like this.
If you want to show date and time then use:
To_char(tr.position_time,'dd-mon-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')
from positions
Or if you want just time portion then use:
from positions
If you want to see all the dates in your session with time then alter your session's NLS setting.
ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
tr.position_time -- formatting is not needed
from positions
In your IDE also, there must be setting to change the NLS setting.
I have a timestamp column 'ts'. I need to convert it into the format:
'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi'.
I used this to complete the requirement:
to_char(ts, 'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi').
The problem is this returns a String. I am using Oracle Apex and outputting everything in a table. The table allows sorting. Now when I sort it sorts the column as a string and not as a date, so the sorting is not accurate. How can I convert a timestamp into the format I need while still being a timestamp/date field (any type as long as it accurately will sort by real dates).
#sstan is right. There are four date formats that can be set at the workspace level, and at the application level: Application Date Format, Application Date Time Format, Application Timestamp Format, and Application Timestamp Time Zone Format. That way your timestamp stays a timestamp and so it sorts correctly. Select the application, click on the Edit Application Properties button (top rightish), click on the Globalization button (top leftish), and there you can set the date formats.
Since you are already calling the table output the
select to_char(ts,...) as formatteddate, original_date
columns but then in the sort do the following:
ORDER BY original_date