Google Play Developer Console total downloads statistic - google-play-services

Google was changed Developer Console views. We can't reach total downloads in new view. Is there any way to find total download's? or would i add month by month? example
i choosed time interval to all of time

All of the updates to Play Console Data are described on this help page. It looks like no recent change took total downloads away. So what you describe sounds like maybe a bug. You should contact Play Console support, which you can do via the help menu. This is on the "?" question mark icon.

The best way I found was set the period as lifetime and download csv file.
Then you can sum it easily with excel(window) or Numbers(mac).


BigQuery API: Query usage per day quota reached for unknown reasons

I'm a user of bigquery and the last week I just keep hitting the Query usage per day for no apparent reason. According to the Quota page I have reached 17TiB, however according to the Billing page I am only billed for 9 TiB since yesterday. See this and this screenshot.
I've also set up billing export (saved in a table cloudaudit_googleapis_com_data_access_) for my project and if I add up the processed bytes of all jobs since yesterday I only get to about 10TiB.
I have no idea where else to look for the reason I keep hitting this quota limit? So some help would be much appreciated.
The Billing doesn't seems to work in real-time as you can see in other questions.
I suggest that you wait a little to generate a new report and compare with the usage indicated in the quota.
If you need to increase your quota at the moment to keep everything working, you can do:
Go to APIs & Services
Find BigQuery API and click
Go to Quotas in the menu at the left of the screen
Edit the desired category's limit
Please, let me know later if the Billing still not matching the usage.
I hope it helps

Working with Synology Surveillance Station Web API

If is someone that worked with Synology API documentation is here
I wonder if there is any possibility to get a snapshot picture on a certain timestamp (let's say a snapshot from yesterday). I have all the recordings saved on the server grouped in videos of about ~10 min on a full day.
What I managed to do so far is to get a snapshot of the live screen with this API GET call:$currentsid
This will get me each time I call it a print of the current screen, somehow the xtamp=1486308916 (unix timestam) won't take any consideration. I tryed with (time,timestamp,update_time), no luck, any idea ?
The GetSnapshot method from the API SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera ist only for the current view.
I have no idea for your problem, but look at the "List" method from the SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording API.

Conversion Specs

What do you put in for the URL Object ID in conversion specs if wanting to use: {'action.type':'link_click', 'post.object':'URL_OBJECT_ID'}
In the example it says: [{"action.type":"like", "page":[133445987]}]
But I do not know where they are getting the number after page or what I would put in if I am directing people to my website. I would like to track when people click on the link and go to the website.
I think you put the pageID in that field- that being said I am trying to do something similiar with following code:
and the ad works, but it doesnt show very often (ie i ahve it set to a $10 daily budget but it only spends 1-2 per day.

get +1 date timestamp or for google plus activities/posts

I am trying to get some information about the post people do in google plus. In particular I am interested in the "+1"'s.
Either from the google api or directly from the google plus web site you can get the total count and name of the people who did "+1". But, I would be interested in getting the time or timestamp of the "+1"'s. Does anyone knows if it is possible or how can I do that?
Help is always appreciated
Thanks to all,
As you can see at, the only data we return for a +1 is a list of the +1-ers, as well as the total number of people who +1'ed the item you are looking at.
If you would like to request additional data, please file a feature request in our Issue Tracker: It would really help if you could be as detailed as possible in the type of data you would like to see and how you would ideally use that data.
If you're dealing with your own website and only care about +1s for pages on your own domain, you could use Google Analytic's social information to see how +1s change over time. You wouldn't get information about who did the +1ing.

See how much was donated to a particular Thing

Say you want to have a kickstarter-like site using Flattr, where you create a Thing for each individual user. How would you be able to tell (with the API) how much each user Flattr'd? It wouldn't update right away (it would have to update at the first of each month), but would it be possible at all? If there's no way to do this, could you tell how much a particular Flattr'd to you in total?
In the details of each months revenue reports there's a link to download that revenue report as a CSV-file which you could then import into your system to find out how much each thing has received. The information is not yet exposed through the API (see this question) so you would have to download the files manually - luckily there's only twelve months a year so it's not too much work to do :)
The CSV-file contains these columns:
period - Date in the format of YYYY-MM
id - The internal numeric id of the flattr thing
flattr url - The URL to the thing on
url - The original URL that the thing is pointing to
clicks - The amount of clicks for the thing during the period
revenue - The revenue for the thing during the period
clicks total
So - as you see you can't see how much each individual click has been worth if a thing has received more than one click and you can't either see which users it is that has clicked the thing (you can however see some of the users by asking the regular API for more information, but since some users are anonymous you can't figure out who they are without asking them for permission to do so).
If you really need to know if a user has flattred something, then you can force them to flattr the thing through your system by having them authenticate with your system using the Flattr API - that way you will at least know if a flattr has been made by the user or not, but you will still have trouble trying to figure out how much their flattrs are worth - but that's kind of the point with Flattr - that people should spend whatever they personally feel comfortable with rather than spending what others think they should be spending.