How to pass variable into the title of a scenario/scenario title in Karate framework - karate

While using data-driven feature in Karate framework, I see the generated report just show the title as configured in Scenario Outline NOT attached the value using in Example table. It causes the Tester confuse which data is using, and take time to expand each scenarios to know which data is using; so I want the report can pass variable into the title - Scenario/Scenario Outline. Please take a look at the example below.
Feature: Login Feature
* configure headers = { 'Webapp-Version': '1.0.0'}
Scenario Outline: As a <description> user, I want to get the corresponding response_code <status_code>
Given def path = 'classpath:features/Authentication/authentication.feature'
And def signIn = call read(path) {username: '<username>', password: '1234567890'}
Then match signIn.status == <status_code>
|username | status_code| description |
| | 200 | valid user |
|null | 400 | invalid user|
My expected result, the generated report should fill the value on table for field "status code" and "description" fields.
-> As a valid user user, I want to get the corresponding response_code 200.
Please share your ideas and comments on it.

Not supported. Just use the print syntax and you will see it in the report.
EDIT: okay this will be possible in the next version:


Karate Gatling report - is it possible to avoid url based aggregation?

I just started to use Karate Gatling for performance tests and facing following problem:
I have a call for the search and would like to evaluate different types of search depending on the parameter e.G.
'keyword1, keyword2' etc.
The feature file looks something like this:
Feature: Search
* url ''
Scenario Outline: Search -> Simple search for a single word
Given path '/search/facetedSearch'
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchAreaID] = -1
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchKey] = '<SearchTermSimple>'
When method post
Then status 200
And assert iNumHits >= iNumHitsExpected
| read('../testData/performanceTestData.csv') |
Scenario: Search -> Simple search for *
Given path '/search/facetedSearch'
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchAreaID] = -1
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchKey] = '*'
When method post
Then status 200
And assert iNumHits >= iNumHitsExpected
Scenario Outline: Search -> Search for multiple words
Given path '/search/facetedSearch'
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchAreaID] = -1
And param facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchKey] = '<SearchTermMultiple>'
When method post
Then status 200
And assert iNumHits >= iNumHitsExpected
| read('../testData/performanceTestData.csv') |
I would like to evaluate different types of search separately, as the performance is significantly different. What gatling does - it aggregates all different types of search in one result - "POST /search/facetedSearch".
Is there a possibility to let evaluate every type of search individually in one run?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, refer the docs on using a custom nameResolver:
For your case you should be able to call req.getParam("facetedSearchAdditionalFilter[searchKey]")[0] or something similar. Or you could choose to use an additional header.

How to generate more than one random UUID and use in scenario outline examples in karate [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to use cucumber table when it is code driven
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am new to Karate API, pardon me for the mistakes if any.
I want to generate multiple random UUID and then use them in scenario outline examples
def UUID = function() {return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + ''}
Scenario outline: to do post call
Given url 'http://localhost:8080'
def UID = UUID()
print UID
And request {CID:"", name :""}
When method POST
Then status 201
|CID| name|
|UID1| james|
|UID2| rahul|
Here in above 'Examples' I wanted to use randomly generated UUID in data table of examples so that I can run multiple scenarios for UUID with one POST API call.
First question: How can I generate multiple random UUID ?
Second question: once multiple UUID gets generated how can i call in scenario outline examples and use them?
Can anyone suggest me on this?
Please try running the following simple example.
* def uuid = function(){ return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + '' }
Scenario Outline:
* url ''
* param foo = uuid()
* request { item: '#(item)' }
* method post
| item |
| first |
| second |
It will make 2 requests, and each request will use a different param called "foo" and the URL will be like this:
So it is simple. Think of the Examples: as like a "loop". Each time the Scenario Outline runs, we are calling the uuid() function again, which will return a different, random value.

Forcing a null value as a parameter does not get included in the call [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
The json key is not being omitted where the cells are empty in examples of Scenario Outline .What change needs to be done?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I read in the Karate documentation that if one uses "null", it will result in the key being omitted from the call. However, if one still wants to force a null, they could wrap it in parentheses like: "(null)".
It does go through with the key. However, on the actual call, the key is still omitted from the parameters. How can I force it there as well? Is it LITERALLY the same thing as an empty string?
| Environment| Application| Version | status |
| Environment| Application| (null) | 401 |
call read....
"Environment": "Environment",
"Application": "Application",
"Version": "null",
"status": 401
But the URL looks like:
GET https://?Environment=Environment&Application=Application
Please advise.
EDIT below for a better example:
In my "primary" file, I have the following:
* table requestTable
| q | um | ie | status |
| (null) | 1 | utf | 400 |
Where all three params (q, um, ie) are required parameters.
My "secondary" runner file, looks like the following:
* def requiredParams = { q: '#(q)', um: '#(um)', ie: '#(ie)'}
* def mainUrl = ''
* def apiPath = '/search'
Given url mainUrl
And path apiPath
And params requiredParams
When method GET
Then status 400
I am expecting a 400 since a required param is required. It doesn't get sent as "null", even if I use (null), it removes that field altogether in the actual call. This example obviously won't work in real life since I am using example google stuff. I apologize about that. If you still need a real life example, please show me how I can do it.
I assume that you are talking about Examples: but your question is incomplete.
Try this:
| Version! |
| '' |

How to put a value in Scenario Outline Examples (karate framework)?

In my feature I have:
* def loc = responseHeaders['location'][10]
* def id = loc.substring(loc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
And I would like to use id in scenario outline examples:
Scenario Outline: fkdfslqknfd
Given url ''
And path <bar>
When method get
|bar |
|id |> The last example is ok.
But instead of receiving '' (assuming that id is 13) I have ''. I tried with #, but it doesn't work. How I can replace this id? I need to test this id put in String format. Thanks
At least within JSON parameter, it was working for me
| request_body |
| {username: '#(email)', password: '#(password)'} |
This is a known limitation of Cucumber, that the Examples cannot be dynamic. Refer to this last paragraph of the documentation:
If you are really trying to loop over a feature with different values, again, refer to the above doc, and there are plenty of examples if you look around. Look at all the ones that start with call- here:

How to use data in a file with postman?

I have a list of IDs and Values in a file and would like to use postman to connect to an API and update the records found in this file.
I tried with the Runner but am stuck in writing the syntax.
The answer is pretty simple and very well explained on this page
You can start with the a basic "put/post" - try to modify one single data set with static values to determine how the final query needs to be build. In my case the API accepted only RAW JSON formated data payloads.
As soon as you have your static postman query running - you can start automating it by determining which parts should be replaced. This data should be found in a data file (JSON or CSV). The schema is important for postman to understand the data. As reference I state the example as if I would like to replace an ID and a Value. My data document has one more column which is not a problem.
| id | email | value |
| data 1 | data 1 | data 1 |
| data 2 | data 2 | data 2 |
| data 3 | data 3 | data 3 |
Column two (aka email) will be ignored and not be used. Notice how "id" and "value" are written in the header.
I would like to replace the ID which needs to be attached to the API endpoint and like to update a value which is within the dataset of this ID. Replacing the static parts with variables like {{variable}} allows Postman to understand that it needs to fill dynamic data here.
Notice that the variable attached to the URL says that it is not defined in the environment - if you did not set it up in the environment, this is correct and will work with data files.
I used simple tests to confirm if the data of the file made it into my query:
tests["URL has ID"] = responseURL.has(;
tests["Body contains SFID"] = responseBody.has(data.value);
If you reach this point - all there is left to do is to go to the runner page, select the query to run, add the data file (you should preview if everything looks okay) and run it.