Microservice Authentication on Azure Kubernetes With Gigya - api

I have a set of Microservices in Docker containers in AKS which need to serve only authenticated requests.
I have another Microservice which authenticates with Gigya.
Is there any way in AKS wherein I can put an APIM or Gateway in the middle and have unauthenticated requests to be sent to the Authenticate Microservice and the authenticated requests to be sent to the corresponding Microservice within AKS.
I have been looking for sources on the net for this, but haven’t been able to find any. Can you help?

How about the ORY Oathkeeper?
It works together with ORY Keto and ORY Hydra.


Using Firebase Auth id tokens to authenticate (multiple) Cloud Run services

Related to Security Cloud Run services for end-users and other services
I'm using:
Firebase Auth to generate id tokens for users with Google, Microsoft, GitHub ... identities
Cloud Endpoints on Cloud Run to invoke (Cloud Run) gRPC services
Firebase Auth users are auth'd by one of my services
Where I'm struggling....
My app provides 1 or more Cloud Run services that the app's users should be able to curl. But authenticating Cloud Run services require per-service id tokens; the id token's audience must use the Cloud Run service URL and the Cloud Run service URL is service-specific.
It seems as though I ought to be able to exchange the Firebase Auth id token for (Google Account) id tokens (with appropriate audiences) that can then be used to invoke the Cloud Run service. The proxy could also run on Cloud Run and it would use my app's auth service to verify whether the id token user should be issued with a Google id token.
Guillaume Blaquire's answer proposes either Coud Endpoints or a proxy similar to what I describe above. However, Cloud Endpoints requires that the backend services be known at deploy time (which these Cloud Run services won't be) and I want to provide the user with the id token so that they can use curl or some other tool to make the auth'd request.
Cloud Run has some compelling documentation for Authenticate (sic.) but I want something between:
Authenticating users -- I have the JWT but I want to receive a Google id token for the Cloud Run service
Authenticating service-to-service which Guillaume's alternative proposal in the answer.
Rather than place your Cloud Run behind Cloud Endpoints, where you have to know the Cloud Run instances ahead of time, you can handle the request and authentication inside the Cloud Run instance itself.
To be able to handle Firebase Authentication tokens inside the Cloud Run instance, they must be setup so that they can be invoked unauthenticated. Then, inside the Cloud Run, it should launch a web server, parse the incoming request (paying attention to the Authorization header - Firebase Auth sample) and then either action or terminate the request.
To achieve this, take a look at this thread for details on how you can handle both HTTP and service-service requests. Alternatively, you could just deploy the Functions Framework image from which that thread's code is based.
If you want cleaner URLs, host multiple endpoints within a single Cloud Run instance and then place that instance behind Cloud Endpoints or you can take a more manual approach via a custom domain using a service like Firebase Hosting.

is it possible to enable client certificate authentication in EKS?

Searching through the Internet, I have seen that EKS only enables IAM authentication for IAM users.
Is it possible to configure client certificate authentication manually? I mean, create Kubernetes users and roles internally and not use IAM authentication.
Kubernetes supports several authentication modules, for example:
X509 client certificates
Service account tokens
OpenID Connect tokens
Webhook token authentication
Authenticating proxy, etc.
You can find more details regarding them in the official documentation.
However, Amazon EKS uses only one specific authentication method, an implementation of a webhook token authentication to authenticate Kube API requests. This webhook service is implemented by an open source tool called AWS IAM Authenticator, which has both client and server sides.
In short, the client sends a token (which includes the AWS IAM identity—user or role—making the API call) which is verified on the server-side by the webhook service.
So the answer to your question is: if you choose to use EKS you only have one authentication option which is IAM.
I hope it helps.

How to implement external auth in KONG?

I'm using KONG API Gateway, and I want to implement JWT authentication as separate microservice (not using KONG plugin), now I can easily register this service with KONG, and so users can register and login. Assume an authenticated user had sent a request with a token attached in the header, how to make KONG forwards the request to the authentication service first, then if it is valid the request is forwarded to the requested service?
Yes you can (But I have not used them) there is as far as I know two options:
https://docs.konghq.com/hub/kong-inc/openid-connect/ Enterprise
https://github.com/aunkenlabs/kong-external-auth Free

APIs authentication and JWT token validation with KONG

I plan to use Kong in our project. I'm currently working on a POC to see how we can integrate it in our platform as the main API gateway. I also want to use the JWT plugin for authentication and authorisation. I know that all the API calls should go through the Kong gateway to be authenticated. Then, if the authentication is validated they can go to the API.
Clients ---> Kong gateway ----> Apis
The part that is not very clear in my mind is how the APIs and Kong fit together.
Imagine a scenario where a client try to call directly an API with a token (bypassing the Gateway). How can the API use Kong to validate this token ?
How does Kong authenticates the APIs (not the Client) ? In the examples I have seen so far, only the authentication of the clients is documented, not the authentication of the APIs that are "protected" by Kong.
When using kong as an API Gateway (or for that matter any gateway) we tend to put it at the point where external clients talk to your service. It is a means to discover the individual services. And kong can do good enough job to validate such request.
For the calls you make to other services from within your set of microservices, you may allow for the free passage by means of directly invoking the service. Challenge in that case will be how the services will discover each other. (One way is to rely on DNS entries. We used to do that but later moved to kubernetes and started using their service discovery), and restrict all the incoming traffic to a given service from outside world. So they can only get in via gateway (and thats where we have all the security)
The reason behind the above philosophy is that we trust the services we have created (This may or may not be true for you and if its not then you need to route all your traffic via an api gateway and consider your APIs as just another client and they need to get hold of access token to proceed further or may be have another service discovery for internal traffic)
Or you may write a custom plugin in kong that filters out all the traffic that originates from within your subnet and validates everything else.

Security considerations for API Gateway clustering?

Clients that communicate against a single point of entry via an API Gateway over HTTPS against a RESTful API
API Gateway: API Keys for tracking and analytics, oAuth for API platform authentication
User Micro service provides user authentication and authorization, generates JWT that is signed and encrypted (JWS,JWE)
Other micro services determine permissions based on claims inside JWT
Micro services communicate internally via PUB/SUB using JWT in the message and other info. Each micro service could be scaled out with multiple instances (cluster with a load balancer).
Question: Can I cluster the the API Gateway and have the load balancer in front of it. What do I need to consider with respect to managing authentication? ie: sharing of API Keys across the API Gateway cluster?
Extra notes, I'm planning on terminating SSL at the gateway and the use of bcrypt for passwords in the db.
Any feedback would be great, thank you.
Can I cluster the the API Gateway and have the load balancer in front
of it.
Yes, you can. Most of the good Api Gateway solutions will provide the ability to do clustering. e.g. https://getkong.org/docs/0.9.x/clustering/ or you can use cloud based Api Gateway: Azure API Management or AWS API Gateway
What do I need to consider with respect to managing authentication?
These specifics depends on your selection of API Gateway solution.