How to make it visible in for a vue-cli project - vue.js

I have created a vue-cli project.
After I run build it, it works in the http-server. I'd like to push it to my, and I build it as what I found on the Internet. However, at I can only see a blank page and it show like this,nothing in the div whose id is app.
enter image description here

It looks like you're building Github Pages from master. To make this work you'll either need to build into a directory called docs (instead of dist) and change the settings on your repo to point to docs, or move the built files up to the project root.

It's in the documentation:
deployment to github pages


how i can add a vue template in exist project

how i can add a vue template like this :
in my vue cli project
i want just add it in specify route like :
in documentaion just write about run demo
but its folder like a complete project and i dont know how i can add it to specify part of my project
If I understood you correctly what you can do to is right click on the vue-pager-dashboard and inspect so the developer tools shows up. When the developer tools shows up click on the sources like the picture below
After that you will see webpack you can go in there and see how they made their files and designed the dashboard so you can from there work your way and copy the important parts that you want in your project. In the (. dot) folder you can see the routes plugins etc.. and in the src folder you can see pages components well in both folders you can see the components. So this is the way you can do it but if it isn't as you asked or didn't help you out be more specific with your question.

Change blog theme (blogdown+netlify)

I have followed tutorial by Yihui and created a website using blowdown, github and netlify. Now, I want to change theme of my website. The issue is that I have several posts that produces many plots. As a result when I create a new website locally and add my posts, git push fails. I suspect it is because I have too many files.
I tried adding posts piece by piece as if I am writing a new post, which worked. But it will take too much time. I suspect others have the same problem. Is there a way to change theme of my website easier?
Two ways of changing themes in blogdown, which are documented here:
install the theme via blogdown::install_theme(), or just create a new site under another new directory and pass the GitHub repository name to the theme argument of new_site(). We recommend that you use the second approach, because Hugo themes could be very complicated and the usage of each theme can be very different and highly dependent on config.toml
In your use case, you can
1. blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic") to build a new site
2. Copy your *.Rmd|*.md|*.Rmarkdown files into content/post
3. blogdown::serve_site(), if local preview is ok
4. setup github repo, push your new site to it ,and connects to netlify
It's strange that git push failed, it would be of great help to share the error message.

Modules not loading in platform

Despite a successful build, no modules will load. The Browse menu is empty (except for Assets) and custom modules in the Configuration menu are missing.
After downloading the most recent build from our repository, I followed all steps in the "Source Code Getting Started" page. It has been a few months since looking at the VC documentation, and it looks like it has been updated. I recall an extra step after creating the Assets virtual folder in IIS that isn't there now. Is there perhaps a step here that is missing since the docs update?
Fwiw, the build deployed in our QA environment is fine. This is the same code, but I am trying to run locally and am having no luck with modules.
Virtual folder for Modules is optional in IIS and this step was skipped in the updated docs. But adjusting permissions in needed: "Open properties for vc-platform\VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\Modules (create this folder if not exsist) folder and give permission Modify to IIS_IUSRS user group as shown above."

How do I share a flohub graph?

How can I share (or publish) a flohub graph like is done in this answer?
I need to be able to post a publically accessible project, and am willing to set up a server if needed.
Examples indeed only support a single graph for now. If your example uses subgraphs or custom components and is targeting NoFlo on the browser, another nice option is to make a public HTML build of it and host it somewhere (for example GitHub pages).
The noflo-browser-app repository has build automation setup for this, including pushing to GitHub. To use it, you need to do the following steps:
Fork noflo-browser-app
Set your project to use your forked repository path in project settings on Flowhub
Push your graphs and components to GitHub
Share the live mode URL
To make the automatic publishing of app builds to GitHub Pages work, you need to enable the project in Travis CI and provide a GitHub access token via the GH_TOKEN secure env var.
Also remember to tweak the component.json file to include whatever custom component libraries you need.
noflo-browser-app bundles the WebRTC runtime, so it should be quite easy to access.
Sharing is somehow magically implemented through github gists. This works with graphs using ONLY the built-in components. Here's how you do it:
create a github gist
copy the json for the graph you want to share and paste them into the gist. my main.json, for example.
name the gist file noflo.json (not sure if this is required)
copy the gist's id from the url, in my case it is ecf36f449034209b8c2e
form your share link like this<yourGistId> here is mine
This only works for projects which use standard components. This issue is tracked here

Rally - clone existing app

I'm trying to create a custom release burnup app for my group. There is an existing app called 'Release Burnup' in Rally, and based on the instructions for rally-app-builder I thought I would be able to clone this app as a starting point.
However, when I use the rally-app-builder clone RallyApps ReleaseBurnup command, it doesn't seem to do anything except change the title in the output html files to "Son of ReleaseBurnup". When I tried the same thing with the example from the github page (which uses rally-app-builder clone RallyApps StoryBoard) then it seems to be successfully cloning an app, with updates to the App.js file, etc.
I'm guessing that I might be using the wrong name to clone, but I'm not sure how to know what names are valid for this command to clone the app I want.
Unfortunately rally-app-builder clone functionality predates newer developments and the availability of source code of catalog apps from RallyApps/app-catalog, so it does not support drilling down those directories.
clone RallyApps StoryBoard works because there is a StoryBoard app at that location. There is no ReleaseBurnup there. ReleaseBurnup code is not available.
Here are the steps to build an app from javascript source files from GitHub app-catalog repository
Get the source to a local directory (you may either fork the
app-catalog repo, or download zip from the same location):
in terminal, cd to the directory of the app you want to work on, and call this command:
rally-app-builder build.
As a result a deploy folder is created with App.html and
App-uncompressed.html inside, and App-debug.html is created in the
root folder of the app.
These steps make sense only if you intent to customize the catalog app and want to use the source as basis. If you want to use a catalog app as it was designed, install the app directly from the AppCatalog as described in this help document.