I was doing a bit of research on the Twitter API and while I could find something for internal user mentions, I couldn't find an API call that grabs the authenticating user's mentions from other users. Is there a way to grab this?
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean GET statuses/mentions_timeline?
That will show you all the mentions of the authenticated user.
I am trying to retrieve the user's information after getting the Music Token from the Apple Music API. It seems that the /me endpoint is not available for queries other than the storefront (https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/storefront).
Problem is, I need to identify each user with a unique ID, so I need to retrieve any good information to do that (for example, the email address could be a good starting point).
From the Apple Music API developer page, I can't find any endpoint to do so. Is there something I am missing?
Thank you :)
No, you're not missing anything. It's really frustrating that you can't get any user data from the api, because it probably means you'll have to also provide another sign-on method like Google or email/password to get information. Apple has just released its own SSO here, but I think the user would still have to authenticate that and MusicKit.
I want to Write Bot for Follow/Unfollow user in instagram , but instagram Api deprecated Follow and Relationships ...
can i use instagram Api for this goal or must be use selenium automation ?!
As per this article the Instagram API no longer provides functionality to follow or unfollow users. Looking at the current endpoints provided by the Instagram API the set of operations looks very limited - fetch a user, or a user's latest media, and get a list of comments on your media. You can view the changelog for the Instagram API here.
So to answer your question, no you can no longer use a bot to follow or unfollow a user via the Instagram API. Yes you will be able to write a Selenium script that will do this.
Try https://www.instagram.com/web/
6810462142 = ID USER...
I think it works
You may need to use a tool such as Keygram - https://www.thekeygram.com
It does exactly what you are looking for with the follow/unfollow
I have the problem in Instagram Permissions that I sent 2 submissions, which got denied... LOL My app needs public_content Scope but Instagram approved only my basic request. I am wondering whether you may help me to use my app to solve this issue.
Regards: amir
Try using this call of api to get the access code
Try reading the oficial Instagram developer guide. This links can help you.
link | https://www.instagram.com/developer/review/
link | https://www.instagram.com/developer/authorization/
In this website you can read about permissions on three main criteria.
Criteria for Review
1. Utility
The requested permissions must provide a non-automated, authentic, high-quality experience to your user and the larger Instagram community.
2. Visibility
Data gained from the permission needs to be tied to a direct use and visibly used within your app. We do not accept permission requests for data that you may decide to use later.
3. Validity
The requested permission needs to be tied to a valid use case.
I'm testing Google+ API v1.
I kepp fail to get my friends' personal information with the APIs with the authorization in the sandbox at the reference page.
I found the APIs in the documentation page, https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/people/get,
and I understood that I can get my friends' personal information if these are open to me.
Is it google's policy that I can only retrive public data regardless of the circular relation between me and my friend, or do I need any other authorization more than plus.login and plus.me.
Please help me, if you are familiar with Google+ APIs.
The current API only allows you to get public information about any user. Even if they have permitted the data to you, if it is not available to everyone, it won't be available in the API.
I am planning to use facebook authentication for my application. I thought of using facebook account creation date to identify fake accounts. After extensive searching I retired without a solution.
So decided to read user posts to check if the user account existed for sometime, but using read_stream I could only get a user's feed, I would like to know by someway can I get only the user's post.
http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/ see statuses connection.
Calling the Facebook API is a (relatively) slow operation; especially if you have to call it multiple times. So, when possible, it is a good idea to get the information you need, without making API calls.
You can take a look at http://metadatascience.com/2013/03/11/inferring-facebook-account-creation-date-from-facebook-user-id/. It explains how to figure out the creation date of a Facebook account without having to call the Facebook API, just based on the user’s Facebook UID.