Olap exception : Mondrian XML : :No function matches signature 'Exists(<Member>, <Set>)' - mdx

if there anyone who already get this type of error:
OlapException: XMLA provider gave exception: <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode> SOAP-ENV:Client.00HSBD01 </faultcode> <faultstring> XMLA MDX parse failed </faultstring> <faultactor> Mondrian </faultactor> <detail> <XA:error xmlns:XA="http://mondrian.sourceforge.net"> <code> 00HSBD01 </code> <desc> The Mondrian XML: Mondrian Error:No function matches signature 'Exists(<Member>, <Set>)' </desc> </XA:error> </detail> </SOAP-ENV:Fault>`.
My architecture: I used tomcat-server and I deploy saiku as OLAP client and mondrian as olap server on the server because I need to access to the result in XMLA format.
Actually, this work but it depends on the query. When I do some Filter this error appears.
For example:
I want to analyse the number of production during all year and all month for each year it works but if I want to analyse only one year with all month of that year then It's not work.
If anyone have an idea, I would be nice.

According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/mdx/exists-mdx?view=sql-server-2017, arguments are: Set, Set.
Try encapsulating your first argument in curly braces.


Error with setpayload in mule?

i fetch data from SAP and set the payload.
while setting the payload getting below error.
13:30:52.705 10/03/2017 Worker-0 [apl-sfa-batch-interface-v44].sfdc-sap-bw-interfaceFlow.stage1.57 ERROR
Message : Execution of the expression "dw('payload.ZCS_SR.tables.ET_DATA.*row')" failed. (org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException).
Payload : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<EV_SUCCESS>The SR Details is successfully returned from BW system</EV_SUCCESS>
<row id="0">
So it could fail for many reasons.
First guess is suspicious
It means that you pass the string "payload.ZCS_SR.tables.ET_DATA.*row" to unknown function dw().
So, actual transformation is not involved.
Usually it looks like
arrayOfRows: payload.ZCS_SR.tables.ET_DATA.*row
Second guess would be that XML is not ended. There is no end tag even for row itself.
Guesses could continue endlessly.
You had provided too limited information.
It is impossible to answer based on information you had provided.

SSIS XML Source Error - Input string was not in a correct format

I have an attribute tlost with the definition below in the XSD file. I have tried both use="required" and use="optional".
<xs:attributeGroup name="defense">
<xs:attribute name="tlost" use="required" type="xs:decimal"/>
In the XML document I am trying to import I will get a value like the following:
<defense ast="0" category="special_team" tlost="0" int="0"/>
I am executing an SSIS package that takes the tlost value and inserts it into a sql database table. The column in the database table has a datatype of DECIMAL(28,10) and allows nulls.
When I execute the package, the previous values work perfectly and the data is inserted. However, when I get a value where tlost="" in the XML file, the package fails and the record is not inserted.
In the data flow path editor, the data type for tlost is DT_DECIMAL. When I check the Advanced Editor for the XML Source, the Input and Output properties have a data type for tlost as decimal [DT_DECIMAL].
I can't figure out why this is failing. I tried to create a derived column and cast it as a (DT_DECIMAL, 10) data type. That didn't work. I tried to check for a null value and replace with 0 if null, that didn't work. So I just ignored the column all together and in the Derived Column task, I replaced the tlost column value with (DT_DECIMAL, 10) 0 to just insert a 0 value and ignore whatever is in the xml file, and the job still failed with the following error message:
Error: 0xC020F444 at Load Play Summary Tables, XML Source [1031]: The error "Input string was not in a correct format." occurred while processing "XML Source.Outputs[defense].Columns[tlost]".
Error: 0xC02090FB at Load Play Summary Tables, XML Source [1031]: The "XML Source" failed because error code 0x80131537 occurred, and the error row disposition on "XML Source.Outputs[defense].Columns[tlost]" at "XML Source.Outputs[defense]" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
Error: 0xC02092AF at Load Play Summary Tables, XML Source [1031]: The XML Source was unable to process the XML data. Pipeline component has returned HRESULT error code 0xC02090FB from a method call.
Error: 0xC0047038 at Load Play Summary Tables, SSIS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on XML Source returned error code 0xC02092AF. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
Please help. I have exhausted everything I can think of to fix this issue. I am processing hundreds of files, and I can't keep fixing bad data files every time this issue occurs.
Can you please try these
1 - Change to data type to string in xsd and before loading into tables take care of data type conversion.
2 - If possible generate the xsd by passing your xml and then verify the data type and use it accordingly ...
rest of the xsd can be changed accordingly...
below is screen grab of what I tried. hope it helps]1

Mondrian - Cannot find MDX member exception

I'm running mondrian as a standalone on mysql. I'm getting the exception mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Cannot find MDX member '[Measures]'. Make sure it is indeed a member and not a level or a hierarchy. when i run any MDX query
the catalog xml which is creating issue is
<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Measures]" rollupPolicy="partial" access="custom">
<MemberGrant member="[Measures]" access="none"/>
<MemberGrant member="[Measures].[X]" access="all"/>
Here the hierarchy name and member name are same. This is cause for the issue.
But the same XML works fine on Saiku over mondrian + mysql.
I used mondrian 3.3 in both the cases.
help me resolve this issue.
Perhaps, edit file mondrian.properties:

How to override the crystal report error?

I have a crystal report which is having a data source from sql server .I am always getting this error when we want to show the report.I have seen the connection too.No Problem with that connection.
error :
Unknown Query Engine Error
Failed to open a rowset.
Error in File C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\student{ED5C2412-C7A1-4E1D-8093-1EFDA02340ABD}.rpt:
Unknown Query Engine Error
Can any one help me ?
In extension to this Question I found a problem was caused by one column of the table in the report when i remove that fields it is working fine.When the report is migrated from access to sql server source it is converted using cross join.Does this raised from table linking only ?
I'm sure if this is relevant but try the solution given in this link . The solution suggests you add this line to your config file :
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>

SQL2008: MSOLAP & SSRS Class not registered error with certain dimension

Our product leverages Analysis Services combined with Reporting Services, we recently made some changed to add compatability for SQL2008. Everything works great except with certain dimensions, drillthroughs or measures added to a report we suddenly get this following error:
Server: The operation has been
cancelled. Errors in the high-level
relational engine. A connection could
not be made to the data source with
the DataSourceID of 'Adventure Works
DW', Name of 'Adventure Works DW'. OLE
DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Class
not registered.
Any ideas?
Found the issue.
SQL2008 doesn't come with the SQL Native Client provider which my cube was using to retreive data from the datawarehouse.
Change the provider to SQL OLE DB Provider instead.
You can use XMLA if you so wish:
<DatabaseID>Adventure Works DW</DatabaseID>
<DataSourceID>Adventure Works DW</DataSourceID>
<DataSource xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RelationalDataSource">
<ID>Adventure Works DW</ID>
<Name>Adventure Works DW</Name>
<ConnectionString>Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=s;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDWDW</ConnectionString>