Apache Access Log File Strange - apache

I'm newbee on linux/server/apache..
I have an apache server runing on my machine, and I have a monitoring app "gotop" that I check from time to time. Even when there is a lot of traffic on my server the 4 core CPU are between 50~70 (not all of them at the same time, they switch between them..).
Today I checked gotop and saw all of them where about 100% with 85° temp!!
I stoped the apache and the CPUs went down of course then went to the access.log and saw an local ip which is the one of my router making infinite requests!
As you can see in the picture.
What is happening? why my router is requesting all this??
Thank you for your help =)

It was a local machine which was downloading from the server.. Nevertheless, expecting another IP than the router one.


Session is lost in apache after nginx proxy switch

I am building a docker which i can use for my work. I am using MacOS. If I create docker container with xdebug installed (Ubuntu 16, php7.2, xdebug, apache), code execution is extremely slow even if i am not listening to xdebug port. I have already get rid of 'mounts'.
So I decided to created something like this:
docker structure
And everything works just like i want. When i change cookie in browser, my wesbite works fast, but when i change cookie to another one, i am able to debug. But i am facing a problem that it logs out me when i change that cookie value and nginx proxies me to another server. (Each apache is a single docker container with ubuntu and apache)
So my question is if there is a workaround for this so I could share session between server that I don't get logged out? Or at least any ideas what needs to be changed in that scheme.
P.S. My project is Magento 2 and probably the source of an issue is in this one. But i actually don't think so.
According to https://www.nginx.com/products/nginx/load-balancing/, the sticky session is a feature of nginx plus.

Website not accessible externally following PHP upgrade

Bit of a strange one - Over the weekend I updated the version of PHP on one of our servers and all seemed to be working fine, however yesterday, we started to receive complaints that the site was down.
After looking in to it, the site works fine when connecting from the internal network, but it times out when trying to connect from an external IP address.
Server admin isn't really my strong suit, so not really sure where to begin. I've checked the httpd.conf files and all looks fine, the apache config test reutrns 'OK' so at a loss as to where to go next.
Server is running Centos, PHP 7.2 and apache 2.4.6.
How can I get the server to respond to external requests?
You can use this tools (metod) to check where is propably the problem:
I. on serwer, check :
whether is serwer conections to internet - ping, tracerout
whether page is loading (on local) - lynks, links (text web broweser)
whether your dns is working (or dns ISP prowider) - depending on the service used, e.g. BIND (check usage this tool in internet)
whether your firewall is ok configured and good work - depending on the service used e.g. iptables
whether domen settings is ok,
II. on computer, check: (in internet, not in local network with your serwer)
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
whether host in internet have a contact with your serwer - ping, tracerout
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
The problem is wery complicadet becouse I dont now what exactly you have an infrastructure and it is settings (network, ISP, etc.) which you on host the page you are writing about. For this reason, it is difficult for you to precisely help.

err_name_not_resolved Win7 Error

I am facing a strange issue on a single PC, all other PC's I have tried are fine so the problem definitely seems localised to this setup.
Windows 7
Google Chrome Version 48.0.2564.82 m
I have developed a simple website on an Apace web server (Windows Server 2012), and assigned it an internal IP address (, and internal dns name (MyWebsite.MyDomain).
This website is only available within our company. When I type the URL MyWebsite.MyDomain into any browser I am presented with the correct web page, great. When I type the IP address into any browser I am also presented with the correct web page, great again.
This is the case for every PC I have tried so far, apart from one. Instead I am presented with the following error message;
This web page is not available
Why would this be?
Things I have tried so far on the local PC;
delete history/cache on local PC
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /registerdns
changed to Google public dns ( /
restart (multiple times)
tried IE and FFOX (same error)
checked hosts file (all looks ok)
The only change I ever made to this individual PC was I installed XAMPP and changed the hosts file (for testing purposes). I have since uninstalled XAMPP and reverted to the original hosts file - could this be the issue? I can't think of any other changes.
I had thought the issue was with my web server setup, but as the web site is accessible from all other PC's it would appear not?
Looks like a re-build may be necessary for this PC, unless somebody can perhaps point me to another suggestion? Any help appreciated.
That machine doesn't happen to have any static ip addressing configured, does it? I'm thinking that perhaps a manual entry for DNS server is conflicting or overriding what DHCP is supposed to be assigning.

Can only access computer IP sometimes (localhost always works)

I have a problem, and maybe I don’t know what do search for, but I haven’t been able to find any threads with a similar problem. So I hope that any of you can point me in the right direction or suggest a solution.
I have a wampserver running on localhost, and I have created a database and a webpage that is using this. When I enter localhost/myproject in the browser the project is displayed. I need to access this site from another device on the same network though, and for that reason I need to use the IP Address of the computer hosting the server (this is
The problem is, that the computer IP is only accessible sometimes. Meaning – if I enter in the browser window, sometimes it will display the webpage as it should while other times it won’t. It either gives me a message of something like “runtime out” or it just keeps trying but never does anything. I can always get access to the router using the IP, and here I see the computer even when I can't connect to it.
A while ago I changed the Apache file httpd.conf and added “Allow from” under Directory. I did this because I got a message of “access denied” when entering the IP in the browser, and I found a thread posting this solution – which worked. I also created an exception for port 80 in the windows firewall in this process.
I don’t know what to do now though. Any help/suggestions would be very much appreciated, thanks.
Try to increase timeout intervals in your php.ini file
If sometimes it's works, and sometimes - no, problem in timeout

mod_security blocks IP when script fails with error?

I have problem with blocking my IP, i installed php application on shared hosting and tryed to run it, but it gave some errors, then i tried to refresh the page, but after 3 rd attempt my ip got blocked to all ports. No available service(ftp,ssh). Apache mod_securty blocks it ?
Is this problem by any chance related to this one or that one?
Could You please post the errors, the php version, the address of the site so me and folks can examine it?
What was application have You configured?