Perl 6 script compiles to different targets - executable

I have a Go Script which complied to Windows and Linux where i provide it to my customers.
I started exploring Perl6 and want to write the new version with perl 6 , does anyone know if Perl 6 have any option like :
Go build , GOOS AND GOARCH where the user can set the OS and ARCH and create new executable where it will be used by the end user?

Perl 6 compiles to its own virtual machine, but from the outside it looks like an interpreted language. You don't need to set different compiling options, it will all compile to MoarVM (or Java VM) adapting to the operating system it's in.

In contrast to Go, which by default compiles to a native executable, the current Perl 6 implementation requires a virtual machine to run. This is similar to other scripting languages like Python or PHP. The virtual machine is itself an executable that is dependent on OS and ARCH.
So Perl 6 currently does not offer an option to build native executable files from scripts.
However there is a tool called Perl 6 WiX Installer Maker that can create Windows MSI installers for Perl 6 scripts. Such installers bundle everything needed to run (virtual machine, compiler and runtime) in addition to the script itself. It's still a young project, so expect some bumps on the road.


Problems with cygwin build dll for use in windows app

I use Cygwin to build source code to DLL used by windows app.
When I use GCC core / GCC g++, the app crash if it calls function (which includes printf or malloc) in DLL.
When I use Mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core / Mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ it reports error like sys/socket.h:No such file or directory.
Can anyone explain how to do it? Thanks.
The first problem is due to the tentative to build a stand alone DLL (not depending on cygwin1.dll) using cygwin only specific tools.
You have collision between multiple malloc and other C library call present in cygwin1.dll.
The second is due to the fact that sys/socket.h does not exist on Windows
see for possible solution:
Using sys/socket.h functions on windows
So you need to define what is your target : Cygwin/Posix or Windows and choose programming style and tools accordingly, you can not mix.

For package.loadlib does lua require the dll to be COFF format or ELF format?

I'm trying to load a dll into my lua script and call the function. When I create the dll using GCC (under cygwin) and lua (5.2.4) I'm able to load the library & execute it without a problem.
However, when I create run the same script from SciTE, using Lua 5.1, the dll loads successfully. However, it does not execute. In the dll I'm trying to simply write two integers into a file.
t = package.loadlib("mylibrary.dll","myfunc")
There are two questions here:
1. What format should the 'mylibrary.dll' be, for lua to understand and execute without problems - ELF or COFF.
2. Can I run dll (built under windows, obviously) under lua running on linux?
The question in your title seems to be very different from the cause of the problem you describe.
On the one hand, the format for dynamic libraries loaded by Lua is the format for the platform that the Lua code is running on. Just as you can't take a compiled Win32 executable and expect it to run on Linux, you can't take a compiled Win32 dll and expect it to load it on Linux. Obviously emulation tools like Wine exist, but those work by emulating Windows. You could run them within the emulator, but not outside of it.
But on the other hand, that is not the source of your problem. Your problem is that you're using a dynamic library that was built for one version of Lua with an application that was built for another version of Lua. That doesn't work; Lua does not retain compatibility between "minor" versions, only between revisions (Lua 5.1.3 vs. 5.1.4).
ELF or COFF, that isn't going to work.

msys2 and mingw64 gcc version mismatch? (msys-perl)

I just installed msys2 and mingw64, with their development packages. I really need perl-Gtk3. Perl is msys2 and compiled with gcc-4.9.x, Gtk and friends are mingw and compiled with gcc-5.
Perl complains "Glib.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xde00080, needed 0xdd80080)" when building Glib. Should this work?
PS ... mingw-w64-x86_64-perl is simply unable to compile. And yes, I'm careful to use a mingw shell vs an msys shell.
Are you still having this problem? I have been able to build a Perl dev environment in MinGW64, current as of this time.
I have been able to build Perl Gtk2 / Gtk3 applications in that environment and the GUIs work. (Both Gtk2 and Gtk3 based). These applications are used in a production environment with several thousand desktop users. The application runs on OSX, Windows, and Linux, and can be packed into a binary for release as an "executable" for those operating systems. The details here are for the Windows version.
I do this by either installing the requisite system packages first with pacman, then as necessary rebuilding whatever system library packages that I may have modified, from source, using makepkg-mingw.
Then I build the requisite Perl modules using the CPAN shell, and the "look" command.
I use pkg-config to detect what library and header files are needed.
I then build (at minimum), the Perl Glib, Pango, Cairo, Gtk2, and Gtk3 modules using the perl Makefile.PL command.
The LIBS and INC options need to be added to that command to create a Makefile that includes the correct header files, and links to the correct libraries. The EXTRALIBS and LDLOADLIBS sections of the Makefile needs be correct.
Also needed to be edited due to the different archname reported by the MinGW64 perl.
I am only giving a general answer, because I was thinking offing a YouTube video on this. If this is a desired topic I will.

Java executable javaw.exe, Error: Could not create Java virtual Machine

I am trying to install some commercial software that was written in Java for a Windows computer operating system. I have downloaded Java from their site and I have also downloaded the JDK package for a 64bit windows system so to my knowledge I should have everything I need to have java work. I then create a shortcut of the java exectuable javaw.exe and edit the target path and the start in path to my specifications but when I go to execute it, it tells me that it "Could not create Java virtual machine".
Does anyone know how to fix this error?
Luke H
How are you creating the shortcut? In windows, this might not be the correct approach.
Does the installer use an embedded version of java? It is possible that the software uses some native libraries that aren't compatible with 64 bit java.
Depending on the setup script, it may be passing invalid command line arguments to the version of Java you installed.
Its a bit late, but this might help others later.
Here's what worked for me:
Target: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.7.0\bin\javaw.exe" -classpath C:\OLINDA olinda
Start in: C:\OLINDA
It seems that you don't know how properly start the Java Virtual Machine, in Windows, the JVM can be started with two executables one is java.exe and the other one is javaw.exe, both do the same, the only difference is that java.exe is a command line tool (so you'll see a command line when you start your application) and javaw.exe simply omits the command line. Both use the same paramaters that can be found here:, from this the shorter way to open a Java program will be:
java MainJavaClass.class
java -jar JavaProgram.jar
Most commercial programs are packed in jar files so probably you will use the second approach, but also be warned that usually commercial Java programs use a native wrapper so you can simply launch a native application (in Windows .exe), without the need to set anything, so you may need to create a shortcut for it instead of the java.exe program, in the case you really need to call the Java program through the JVM, then what you need to change is the Target field so you include the parameters you need to pass to it like this:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -jar JavaProgram.jar"
Another way could be use a batch file to start the program and create a link to it instead.

Single Executable file

How to make single executable file ( not installation file) that run on every windows 7 . without needing any type of specific framework or platform .
For example if i make c# application and try to run on another system, it require dot net framework. How can i get rid of this problem.
Which Language or IDE i use to make independent executable file.
I don't know if it is exactly what you want,
but why not just write a c application that only makes use of Windows API and compile this one into an executable file?
IDE's compile it for you and you can run this *.exe on any computer you want.