Copying a project for Sidekick - project

When I copy a project, I give the project folder a new name particularly if I want maintain the old version and create a new version with additional features. The problem with this is the compiled project takes the name from the folder name of the project which is a pain. For example if the initial is folder is myproject and I create a new folder myprojectwithfeatures, the file once installed becomes myprojectwithfeatures and not myproject. In sidekick, the project name/App name cannot be changed it is greyed out.
Is it possible to change the App Name to maintain the name across versions.

When I copy a project, I use the tns create command thusly:
tns create mynewapp --appid domain.mynewapp --template <path to>/myoldapp/app
This seems to work well.

I personally don't use SideKick but you can always update the project name to anything by modifying CFBundleDisplayName entry in App_Resources/iOS/info.plist and android:label="YourAppName" attribute of application tag in App_Resources/Android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
More details can be found here.


IntelliJ IDEA Change default Content Root for new projects.

When I create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA (on Windows), the Content Root (where the project will be stored) defaults to C:\Users\<username>\IdeaProjects\<projectname>
I can change the path as I create the project, but is there anyway to change the default, which I would like to be S:\IdeaProjects\<projectname>?
For suggesting new project's folder, IDEA uses either last projects location or one constructed by user home and IDE's name (in your case C:\Users\\IdeaProjects).
So once you've chosen your project folder to be "S:\IdeaProjects\", when creating next project IDEA will suggest this folder to you by default.
Apart from that, I do not know about a explicit setting for default project location.

How do I commit my IntelliJ IDEA Global Library configuration into source code control?

I have IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 running on a number of machines, all with identical paths for the project and modules but different local user names. The .idea directory gets committed to the git repo. When I make changes to my Global Libraries those are not reflected on the other machines because that info is in
I want changes to Global Library settings to be required only once and applied everywhere.
Should I tell IDEA to look for applicationLibraries.xml under the .idea directory instead of in the local user's directory which is not under version control? how?
Solution was to go into Project Structure, right click on each Global Library and choose "Copy To Project Libraries..." then remove the original from Global Libraries. Then in each project remove the old global library and add the newly created project library. This way library data is stored in the .idea dir and not the user's dir.
The applicationLibraries.xml file, among others, are stored in a platform-dependent folder in the repo, for example in _linux or _windows. If this is your problem, read on.
For things like keymaps this is wanted because things work differently after all, but for libraries which either only contain jars, or contain binaries (dll/so) for all platforms, this is unwanted.
On the PC with the global libraries (assuming linux for now):
Copy the file from config/settingsRepository/repository/_linux to _windows,
Execute git add _windows/applicationLibraries.xml from the command line,
Restart IntelliJ,
Merge repo (not Overwrite remote)
This solved it for me, and now I have global libraries on all my computers, and not just my linux computers.

Setup golang environment using jetbrains

I have setup an golang developing envionemnt using idea (13.1 community edition).
It seems the SDK is recognized.
However, I could not create a GO file by right click the "New" under the source folder. (The item of "go" is grayed)
Currently I have to manually set the file extension to ".go" and edit the file, but autocomplete is OK.
This only exist on my Mac(with version 10.9.4)
I have set the GOPATH directory access mode to 777 but still not work.
This works fine on windows7.
So what should I do ?
This is what it looks like in windows
Thanks VonC, I already tried the /Users/Tom/go setting, this doesn't work and I switch to this root path.
here's my previous setting
macbook:home root# go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common"
And this is what is look like in the /Users/Tom/Go
Thanks VonC, however, this doesn't work. I am not sure what's the reason.
This is the envionment setting using GOCODE
This is several steps!
By the way, I noticed that there are a difference from mac and windows when creating a new Go Project
at this step, the windows platform will show a "project sdk" while mac won't.
Make sure your IntelliJ project reference the right path within GOPATH.
From the plugin page:
If you have only one directory in the GOPATH and you are creating a project inside that path when you are working with packages that are part of the project you must still specify the whole import path for them, not the relative one. Example:
GOPATH is: /home/florin/go
the correct way to setup a project called demogo is: /home/florin/go/src/
new package is: /home/florin/go/src/
the correct import statement is: not newpack
Also make sure you have the latest version of the plugin, as issue 756 illustrates that IntelliJ IDEA 13 doesn't create the project directory structure on Mac OS X.
Finally, check if IDEA has correctly detected GOROOT and GOPATH:
See the page "Fix missing environment paths (Mac)".
The OP python adds in the comments:
If I have create a new Go project, this new feature is disabled.
If I create a new Java Command line App, then I could right click and add new Go file.
Right-click on either the top-level project or on the src directory and then go to Mark Directory As > Sources Root. After this you will be able to access the enabled Go context menus.

How to rename project in RubyMine

I'm running Rubymine 5.4.x on Windows 7 (but that shouldn't really matter for this question) and I have managed to delete projects and seemingly rename them before, but I am stuck this time.
In the past, this is what I've done:
rename all instances of your old project name in all the files in the .idea folder in your project directory.
rename all instances of your old project name in all the files in the RubyMine config folder and subfolders (on windows, for RM 5.x - %USERPROFILE%\.RubyMine50\config)
rename all instances of your old project name in all the files in the RubyMine system folder and subfolders (on windows, for RM 5.x - %USERPROFILE%\.RubyMine50\config)
rename all FILES that contain your old project name to the new project name, a few examples - rename:
your actual project directory which would probably have the same name as the project to the new project name
the .idea/<your_project_name>.iml file
In Summary:
By deleting or modifying these files/folders I have managed to delete or rename the projects that appear in my "project list" in that startup screen/Create Project/Open Project Modal for RubyMine, and in the ReOpen Projects menu.
However, this time around I can't get the name of this particular project rename... that is it appears with the correct path in these lists, but the incorrect name.
Furthermore, the incorrect name appears in my Project ToolWindow once the IDE is launch, although directly to the right of it in parenthesis is the correct path.
Any thoughts? tia
To rename a project edit .idea/.name file manually.
There is a feature request to add Rename Project action to a File menu, please vote.
Updated answer done on RubyMine 6.3.3 when I wanted to rename the project directory:
Close RubyMine
Rename project directory to desired name
Delete the .idea folder
Reopen renamed project directory in RubyMine
I found this to be easier than combining the steps listed on the question and the accepted answer
OK... I just figured it out... IN ADDITION to everything above... you need to rename the .name file (it's just one line with the name of your project) in the .idea directory in the root directory of your project
In addition to modifying the .idea/.name file, there is also a .idea/<project name>.iml file. Open this, do a find/replace with <project name> and <new project name>, then rename this file as well.
Quit RubyMine, and reopen it. This will update everything. In your source control you'll notice a lot of other files which automatically got updated as well.
The .name does no longer exist in my version of RubyMine (2019.3)
The File|Rename project.. will automatically pick up the folder name change (if you changed it outside of RubyMine when it was closed)
Additionally, I had to rename the <project name>.mlt file in the .idea folder and change the references to it in idea/modules.xml (search and replace old project name to new project name)
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/<PROJECT NAME>.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/<PROJECT NAME>.iml" />

How can I clone a whole project in IntelliJ Idea?

I want to run some tests in my project but I do not want to affect the
original code, and I wanto to clone the project so I can run tests there
Does anyone know how to clone a project on IntelliJ Idea 11?
Using your operating system File Explorer tool, just copy and paste the entire project directory somewhere new. All of the configuration should use relative paths by default.
If your IDEA project is .ipr based, then delete the new .iws file before opening the project.
If your IDEA project is .idea directory based, then delete the workspace.xml file before opening the project.
If you want to copy and rename the project too, like I wanted to clone a project in order to use it with a newer version of IntelliJ.
Copy the whole directory to a new location, for example on Linux:
cp -r myproject new/location/
To rename the project:
2.1. rename the project folder (e.g. mv myproject newproject)
2.2. get into the new project folder (e.g. cd newproject) and edit the .name file with a text editor.
Open the new project now in IntelliJ (you may want to remove the workspace.xml if you don't want to keep the open file history - I kept it) and enjoy your new project!
For copy with rename I had to do one more step to get it to stop referencing the old module name. That was to right click on the module in the project pane and do Refactor > Rename ( or do Shift + F6 ) to rename the module.
This was for IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.3
I had a gradle project and the provided answers did not work. The project did not have a structure in IntelliJ and I did not see the source files.
The following worked:
Export project (Export to zip file)
Move the zip file somewhere new
With IntelliJ, import as a new project with "open".
Better Solution of course:
Have it in a git directory, make a "test-branch" and try whatever you want to try.
Apparently the accepted answer doesn't work anymore with current versions of Idea and the many derived IDEs (I tried this with PHPStorm). The problem: most of the config files are located in the .idea subdirectory of your project, but the file .idea/workspace.xml also contains the ProjectId, and that should of course be unique. So, if you copied the project directory manually, the easiest fix is to change the ProjectId - from what I have seen you can enter any alphanumeric string, e.g. "ProjectId123".
As far as I can see the main settings that are stored under the ProjectId are the workspace settings, under ~/.config/JetBrains/[IDENameAndVersion]/workspace/[ProjectId].xml. This file mostly contains the open editor tabs (with paths relative to the project directory) and the tool windows, so if you copy the project directory, you will always have the same editor tabs open in both projects (containing the "same" files, but from the respective project). If you want to avoid opening all files and setting up the tool windows, you can copy the old [ProjectId].xml file to e.g. ProjectId123.xml (using the ProjectId that you entered earlier).
After Copying your existing Project to a new folder don't forget to mark your src directory as Source directory. You can do this under Project Structure | Modules.
To duplicate and rename a CLion cmake project I followed the info in the other answers with some tweaks.
What seems to be the stepless way to eliminate all references to the old project name in the new one (tested with CLion 2019.1.2):
Copy folder
rename the new folder
On the new project folder:
delete the project info folder (CLion will recreate it):
<new project name>/.idea
On a text editor, open:
<new project name>/CMakeLists.txt
change every reference to the old project name with the new name and save it.
This will assure CLion will not use Project and Target info in "CMakeLists.txt" file to recreate project files and data in ".idea" folder with the old name.
Note that other info in this file referencing the old project folder, or files stored there, such as INCLUDE, SOURCE directories, and files, should also be changed to point to the new folder.
delete old compile data. Delete folders like:
<new project name>/cmake-*
Open project in CLion
It should have the new name and no reference to the old name anywhere.
If using CSV, you may also wish to delete old CSV data
EDIT: If project requires CUDA, CUDACXX environment variable must be reassigned to full path of nvcc compiler:
File->settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->CMake->Environment
IF CLion CUDA Run Patcher is installed it maybe needed to restart CLion.