React Native - render shadow on view border not on content - react-native

I am having problem. I want to add shadows to the border of a view, like here:
I have tried with styled-components and with normal style prop.
I currently have:
const shadow = {
shadowOffset:{ width: 10, height: 10, },
shadowColor: 'black',
shadowOpacity: 1.0,
shadowRadius: 8,
<View style={shadow}>
<MoneyText>R$ 1.000,00</MoneyText>
<NextAllowanceText>PRÓXIMA MESADA</NextAllowanceText>
This is the output:
I want the shadow to be applied to the border and not the content inside, what am I missing?

Try setting the background colour of the view to white - backgroundColor: 'white'


How do you make rounded corners on a tab bar on React Native with React Navigation?

React Native
React Navigator
Core components only
I have this style on TabNavigator.tsx:
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
tabStyle: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
borderTopLeftRadius: 40,
borderTopRightRadius: 40,
height: 80,
overflow: 'hidden',
// position: 'absolute', // needed to ensure the bar has a transparent background in the corners
I keep commented the position absolute, there is always a background behind the corners, making it looking weird when a component of another color scroll.
Here it is, colored in yellow for visibility:
If I un-comment position absolute, the content flow behind the tab bar, making it feel more natural.
I need to add a bottom margin on each screen to compensate the space that the tab takes, or the content in the bottom is hidden.
There i feel that there should be a good practice or a known pattern, maybe a tested workaround, that would make my life easier. Do you have an idea?
Ahh, it's simple, after going through trial and error I discovered that just add Border Radius to it and make sure barStyle has overflow hidden. Here I pasted the snippet for it.
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
Thnx me later...
style: {
backgroundColor: 'green',
borderTopLeftRadius: 30,
borderTopRightRadius: 30,
overflow: "hidden",

get rid of border in Card Component React native element

In the Card Component for react native elements
I'm trying to get rid of the border by setting the border to 0 and borderColor to transparent but there's still a gray outline
containerStyle={{borderWidth: 0, borderColor: 'transparent', elevation: 0}}
<Text style={{marginBottom: 10}}>
The idea with React Native Elements is more about component structure than actual design.
Thought it might have been box shadow, but that's not it either
I've got the same issue, and I've found that border appears because the Card element has an elevation default setted to 1
You can override this (for android) :
<Card containerStyle={{elevation:0, backgroundColor:#123}}/>
and in IOS:
const styles = {
container: {
shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, .2)',
shadowOffset: { height: 0, width: 0 },
shadowOpacity: 0, //default is 1
shadowRadius: 0//default is 1
<Card containerStyle={styles.container} />
Its late but it seems that a lot of people still searching for the Answer.
React Native Elements by default have set both borderWidth and shadow Props, so in order to remove border completely you need to remove both Border and Shadow.
<Card containerStyle={styles.cardCnt}>
const styles = {
cardCnt: {
borderWidth: 0, // Remove Border
shadowColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.0)', // Remove Shadow for iOS
shadowOffset: { height: 0, width: 0 },
shadowOpacity: 0,
shadowRadius: 0,
elevation: 0 // Remove Shadow for Android
It looks like react native elements' Card component has a grey border in all of the examples I've seen. I'd suggest building your own card component. Start with something like this and then style it however you want. This one has a bit of shadow which you can turn off by passing it a noShadow prop.
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
const Card = (props) => {
let shadowStyle = {
shadowColor: COLORS.grey3,
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 0 },
shadowOpacity: .5,
shadowRadius: 12,
elevation: 1,
if (props.noShadow) {
shadowStyle = {}
return (
<View style={[styles.containerStyle,, shadowStyle]}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
containerStyle: {
padding: 10,
marginHorizontal: 10,
backgroundColor: COLORS.white,
borderRadius: 3,
export { Card };
Then when you want to use it just
import { Card } from './yourCustomCardFile'
Then in your render method
<Text>Any content you want to include on the card</Text>
<Text>More content that you want on the card</Text>
set elevation to 0 and borderColor to white like this
<Card containerStyle={{ elevation: 0, borderColor: "white" }}>
set to screen background color
Dirty but problem solved.

how to add shadow around the image in react-native

I need to add a shadow around the Image my image is a rectangular field and i need to add a shadow around that rectangular field
I want to do something like this: stackoverflow question
I wanted to know how to do this in react native that can be applicable for both android and ios
Shadow is only for iOS. For Android you need Elevation. You could do something like this. I use it currently and works fine:
elevationLow: {{
ios: {
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2 },
shadowOpacity: 0.8,
shadowRadius: 2,
android: {
elevation: 5,
Wrap your Image inside View (for semantic clarity) and then define following style rules to the View:
shadow: {
shadowColor: '#202020',
shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 0},
shadowRadius: 5,
I made an example here: But atm "snack" is so freaking slow that it's difficult to check actual results. But at least the code is visible and works as a benchmark.
You can use shadow style props for your View to achieve this. You will want
shadowOffset = takes in height and (optional, i dont really like using it, but ) width values to move your shadow in those directions.
shadowColor = takes a colour, similar to backgroundColor, indicates colour of the shadow
shadowRadius = takes a value, will dictate how far out your shadow is from the View
shadowOpacity = value from 0 to 1, indicates how strong the shadow presence is.
Heres a quick example of something you probably want. This code will make a red circle, with a slight shadow visible at the bottom of the circle. This code is of course customizable.
<View style = {{
position: 'absolute', top: 50, left: 50,
backgroundColor: 'red', width: 100, height: 100, borderRadius: 50,
shadowColor: "black",
shadowOffset: { height: 2},
shadowOpacity: 0.3,
Another easiest and the best option I came across is the use of react-native-shadow-2 along with react-native-svg. Here, we need to install react-native-svg since react-native-shadow-2 is dependant on react-native-svg.
Basic shadow
import { Shadow } from 'react-native-shadow-2';
export default const ImageWithShadow = () => {
<Image style={styles.imageStyles} source={ImageSource} />
Advance shadow styling
import { Shadow } from 'react-native-shadow-2';
export default const ImageWithShadow = () => {
<Shadow startColor='#00000020' distance=10 radius=5 size=20>
<Image style={styles.imageStyles} source={ImageSource} />
As shown in the above sample code you have to just wrap all the content (image or text or View or any other react native component) that you need to add a shadow inside the tag. No need of doing any manual styling like in react native shadow options. If you browse their documentation you can find many props that you can effectively utilize to customize the shadow applied to the component.

Creating a UI with box shadow in react native

I am trying to create a UI in react native, the UI contains a box with outer shadow. using the image I have done that, but is there any proper way to do that?
You will have to use different style props for iOS and Android.
It's very simple for android, just use the elevation style prop (See docs) . An example:
boxWithShadow: {
elevation: 5
In iOS you have more flexibility, use the Shadow props (See docs). An example:
boxWithShadow: {
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 1 },
shadowOpacity: 0.8,
shadowRadius: 1,
In summary, to get box shadow for both platforms, use both sets of style props:
boxWithShadow: {
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 1 },
shadowOpacity: 0.8,
shadowRadius: 2,
elevation: 5
Attention: Do not use overflow: 'hidden';, in iOS all of the shadows disappear by this property.
Hey, Look it's Done Now !
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
shadow: {
borderColor:'yourchoice', // if you need
overflow: 'hidden',
shadowColor: 'yourchoice',
shadowRadius: 10,
shadowOpacity: 1,
Keep in mind the shadow's props are only available for IOS.
You can use library "react-native-shadow-2", works for both android and iOS.
No need to write seperate chunk of code for iOS/android & has typescript support also.
First install react-native-svg.
Then install react-native-shadow-2:
npm i react-native-shadow-2
import { Shadow } from 'react-native-shadow-2';
{/* Your component */}
There are many props such as startColor, finalColor, radius, offset. You can use as per your requirements.
I've found a workaround using a Linear Gradient for a very similar issue. I haven't found anything better anywhere on stack, so I suppose I'll add it here. It's especially nice and easy if you only want top and bottom, or side shadows.
I added a top and bottom inner box shadow to an image with full width and 140 height. You could create multiple gradients to make an outer box shadow. Don't forget about the corners. You can use the start and end props to make angled shadows / gradients, maybe that'll work for corners if you need them.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
image: {
flex: 1,
resizeMode: "stretch",
justifyContent: "center",
flexDirection: 'row',
image_shadows: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
height: 140
If you use expo you can install it with 'expo install expo-linear-gradient' Expo Docs. If not, I believe react-native-linear-gradient is similar React-Native-Linear-Gradient github.

Setting a border for react native TextInput

Using React native 0.26,
My component is something like this
const Search = () => {
return (
<View style={styles.backgroundImage}>
<TextInput style={styles.textInput} onChangeText={(text) => console.log(text)} placeholder={"Enter Search Term"}/>
And my styles :
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
backgroundImage: {
flex : 1,
flexDirection: "column",
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center'
textInput: {
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "stretch",
borderRightWidth: 30,
borderLeftWidth: 30,
height: 50,
borderColor: "#FFFFFF",
The problems that I am facing are
The border right width and left width do not seem to have any effect and the placeholder text just begins on the left edge.
The background of TextInput is "grey" its the same as the View's background. I was expecting it to be white by default, (Feels transparent).
With iOS simulator how to bring up the keyboard, I would like to set returnKeyType and see how the keyboard looks (and have some code on onSubmitEditing and test).
Screenshot below :
1 You cannot declare a specific border directly on the TextInput unless multiline is enabled (For example borderLeftWidth will not work unless multiline={true} is enabled but borderWidth will work), but you can just wrap the TextInput in a View and give it a border.
inputContainer: {
borderLeftWidth: 4,
borderRightWidth: 4,
height: 70
input: {
height: 70,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
paddingLeft: 15,
paddingRight: 15
2 You need to declare a backgroundColor for the TextInput.
3 To make the native keyboard show up, you need to go to the simulator menu and disconnect your hardware. Go to Hardware -> Keyboard -> Connect Hardware Keyboard, toggle it off.
As of react-native: 0.61.5 you can directly set the borderBottomWidth on TextInput. Like below in inline style or if you want in separate style object.
style = {{borderBottomWidth : 1.0}}
By default the boderWidth will be set for 0. So use borderWidth : 5 defaults for (Top, Right, Bottom, Left).
If you want to asign width individually you have options like,
style = {{
borderStartWidth : 2
borderEndWidth : 3
borderTopWidth : 1
boderLeftWidth: 2
borderRightWidth: 3
borderBottomWidth : 4