DR Design for MobileFirst 8.0 - ibm-mobilefirst

Is there any document on how to setup the DR env for MFP 8?
May I know if the following configuration for the DR solution is ok:
The DR site is a cold standby
Production and DR site are installed separately (IHS/WAS/DB2), and the data in DB2 will be synchronized through hardware sync (eg. SAN disk)
And there is only one adapter(with the same content) installed in both DR and Production
The DR site has a different set of ip addresses from production addresses
When there is any disaster, we simply route the traffic to DR site and allow DR DB2 instance mount the SAN disk and serve the request.
Product Version: 8.0
Deployment Environment: On Premises
Application Type: Web

The DR solution that you described works fine. I am not sure about how DB2 hardware synchronization (SANdisk) works, but I have seen customers using DB2 Q-replication for the same purpose. Usually customers only replicate the Runtime tables. That means the Admin and Config tables are not replicated normally. This is because the updates to apps and adapters deployed on MFP is less frequent activities. In this case, if you are deploying an updated adapter in production, you need to deploy the same updated adapter on DR too. But if the DB2 hardware synchronization is replicating all the tables (Admin, Config, Runtime and Push), then you don't need to redeploy updates to apps and adapter to DR.
There is no DR setup document for 8.0, but there are some blogs on Q-replication : https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/blog/2018/08/05/Db2-Qreplication-Mobile-Foundation/
There are some DR setup doc for 7.1, that can be used for reference : https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/1501_tissandier/1501_tissandier.html


Direct update not working when dynamically changing server url during runtime- MobileFirst 7.1

I have implemented dynamically changing server URL at runtime. I followed the instruction given in this link. The results were good I was able to connect different servers basically development servers like MFP Server in eclipse. But direct update does not work when a new server is connected. Similarly, if I try the same thing with stand-alone servers like our QA or UAT, then direct update works.
How can I make the direct update work for development servers?

Mobile first Server 8 queries

I new new Mobile first platform and websphere application server(WAS)
I installed mobile first server (MobileFirst- my system and I am assuming the mobile first runs on WAS
I am having following queries.
How to deploy .war file in mobile first server 8 as it's console which is run 9080 port doesn't have option to deploy war file as it only have option to deploy adapter ?
If a deploy adapter on the mobile first server, at what location on the server i find the file ?
If war deployed on websphere then still how i use mobile first sevices like push, analytics.
Can i use spring and hibernate while developing adapters or any other ibm options are available in contrast to spring and hibernate.
As I am new to ibm products, want to know what are the topics and product need to learn before i start development.
Kindly share
Before all, you should google.
How to deploy .war file in mobile first server 8 as it's console which
is run 9080 port doesn't have option to deploy war file as it only
have option to deploy adapter ?
In v8.0 you no longer need to deploy .war files to the underlying application servers. Certainly not in the developer edition.
You either start a server instance on Bluemix, or use the DevKit for local installations. Then, you either create native apps or Cordova apps - using the native tools or Cordova CLI, and develop adapters using Maven.
Learn more in the Knowledge Center and find additional documentation and tutorials in the developer center.
If a deploy adapter on the mobile first server, at what location on
the server i find the file ?
The adapter file (.adapter) is deployed to the MobileFirst database.
If war deployed on websphere then still how i use mobile first sevices
like push, analytics.
Yes, those are services that are available to you out of the box. Learn more in the knowledge center and developer center.
Can i use spring and hibernate while developing adapters or any other
ibm options are available in contrast to spring and hibernate.
Yes, you can use these technologies. And adapter is a JAX-RS application and so you can integrate a
As I am new to ibm products, want to know what are the topics and
product need to learn before i start development.
Product documentation is available in the following websites:
IBM Knowledge Center: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_8.0.0/wl_welcome.html
MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/all-tutorials/

How to deploy a local eclipse worklight project in cloud server?

I developed an android based hybrid app in the IBM MFP-7.0., My app is fetching the data from the Java service which is running in Tomcat Server. Here the app adapters are running in my local system MFP server to get the data from the Java service, So that I can only run the app in my local system android emulator. Now, we want to deploy the app in the cloud so that we can give this app to our users. Can some body help me how to run our MFP app in the cloud? Is it required to place eclipse in the cloud to run my MFP server like the way I am running in my local system?
Thanks in advance.
It looks to me like your understanding is completely lacking in this subject matter. Also note that this question has got nothing to do with programming.
You need a host machine. On this server you will run an application server (Tomcat, WebSphere Full profile, WebSphere Liberty profile - either single or a farm, depending on your required network topology and security & scalability needs).
On this application server you deploy MobileFirst
You will also need a database
This host machine needs to be accessible (with appropriate security) to the public Internet so that it could serve apps installed in end-users' devices
The application needs to be configured to send requests to the server (or to any front-side server like a Load Balancer, again, depending on your topology)
The generated application needs to be submitted to an App Store so that users could download and install it on their devices
I suggest that you will do some reading before asking any question. Since you're using IBM MobileFirst, start by reading the user documentation: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSNJXP/welcome.html

IBM WAS 8.0 to 8.5.5 migration

I am asked to upgrade IBM WebSphere application server 8.0 to 8.5.5 on linux environment. Could you please give me a step by step guide for this migration?
The simplest method (assuming your WebSphere instances have enough spare CPU/disk/etc) is to build a second WebSphere cell at the new level and migrate applications across one at a time. Access to the application servers should be controlled by either a web server (using the WAS plugin) or an IP sprayer product and which version of app server used should be controlled in that layer. Updating in place has many pitfalls and can be difficult to recover from if something goes wrong which can lead to extended down time for your applications.

how to setup worklight on public http server

I am building worklight project using eclipse environment when i run the project , i need to connect my tablet to local network then only i works for me for all the server updates and all.
I just want to move worklight server on http server which i can access using http://publicurl/anyprject which runs on apache. Now i want to work on eclipse but whenever i deploy the project it should deploy on public so that i can access it from anywhere.
Just tell me the process and what the thing i need to move on public server.
Since you've come here to ask a question, please also take a moment to write properly structured and coherent sentences in English. This will only benefit everyone and you will get a better answer, and faster too.
Try the following:
Instead of choosing Build All and Deploy, try choosing Build for Remote Server; there you should input the external (public) IP address of your machine. Next, run the generated project in your device. This should allow it to connect to the Worklight Server.
Note that both the Worklight Server (or rather, the machine that hosts it) and the device must be on the same network, in this case - connected to the public Internet.
Based on your comment, you can:
I would seriously try to open your own machine to public access
If not possible, I would try to move to develop on the Linux machine instead
If not possible, then you must install Worklight Server on the Linux machine and whenever you make changes to the project - deploy the updated .war, .wlapp and .adapter files to your installation on the Linux machine
Build the app with Build for Remote Server so that it will connect to the Linux machine instead of the local development machine
Step 3 above means you'll need to maintain 2 development environments, which is not so easy.
If you are during development, you should aspire for options 1 or 2; in other words, create a proper development environment. In Mobile, this requires public Internet access (usually).
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