Upload images to Google Drive without access to Google Play Console - google-play-services

Is there another way to implement the Google Drive API instead of using the keytool to get the keystore sha1 and insert it into the Play Console credentials page? I'll use the APK outside the Play Store.

Based from the documentation, the overall process of making a Drive-enabled Android application is as follows:
Install the Android SDK.
Download and configure the Google Play services SDK, which includes the Google Drive Android API.
Register your application. To do this, you need to register a project in the Google API Console and get a signing certificate for
your app.
Add the required settings to your application's manifest.
Add Drive services to your application. The easiest way to begin is by creating a file.
There's no another way to implement Google Drive Android API other than the above steps. From step 3, you must register your application with the API console and run the KeyTool utility to get the SHA1 fingerprint for your digitally singed .apk file's public certificate. Then paste the SHA1 to the credential page in the API console.


Microsoft authentification with Firebase React-Native

I am currently implementing a Firebase React Native connection with Microsoft. But on https://rnfirebase.io/auth/social-auth , there is no section on Microsoft. I searched the documentation https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/android/microsoft-oauth
But I find it difficult to understand. I'm just trying to make a connection, nothing else.
You can make a connection with Microsoft Azure AD with Firebase React Native application.
Please follow the below steps to get this implemented.
To sign in users using Microsoft accounts (Azure Active Directory and
personal Microsoft accounts), you must first enable Microsoft as a
provider for your Firebase project:
Add Firebase to your Android project.
In the Firebase console, open the Auth section.
On the Sign in method tab, enable the Microsoft provider.
Add the Client ID and Client Secret from that provider's developer console to the provider configuration:
To register a Microsoft OAuth client, follow the instructions in Quickstart: Register an app with the Azure Active Directory v2.0
Note that this endpoint supports sign-in using Microsoft personal
accounts as well as Azure Active Directory accounts. Learn
about Azure Active Directory v2.0.
When registering apps with these providers, be sure to register the *.firebaseapp.com domain for your project as the redirect domain
for your app.
Click Save.
If you haven't yet specified your app's SHA-1 fingerprint, do so from the Settings
of the Firebase console. Refer to Authenticating Your
Client for
details on how to get your app's SHA-1 fingerprint.
Reference: Authenticate Using Microsoft on Android | Firebase
You Can also refer this document for more clarification : https://medium.com/seed-digital/using-microsoft-azure-identity-with-firebase-in-a-react-native-app-c9eef0fd0af8

How do I extract the token of a Google Service Account?

I'm using Fuel library on Android Studio to connect a mobile app to Dialogflow and develop a chatbot. I only need the access token.
To follow the steps of using Dialogflow API v2, I read this web page:
Do you know what command is equivalent to "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"?
You'll need to generate a service account key file, as specified in the doc page. You can use this key file to authenticate using the Dialogflow Java client, according to these instructions.

Downloading files from another dropbox account

I got a dropbox-link with some files, protected by password.
I got the link, the password, dropbox business account, and App key, App secret that i got from creating a new App in https://www.dropbox.com/developers/
What is the next step?
If you want to download a file from a Dropbox shared link programmatically, you can use the /2/sharing/get_shared_link_file endpoint. (That's the HTTPS endpoint itself, but if you're using one of the official Dropbox API v2 SDKs, there will be a corresponding method.)
This endpoint is accessible via Dropbox API apps, as well "Team member file access" Dropbox Business API apps, via the "Member file access" feature. Other Dropbox Business API apps cannot call this endpoint.

Sharing Google oAuth Tokens between Android, iOS and Web apps

We're building an application which accesses files in Google Drive. Our application has a web UI, an Android App and an iOS app. We use oAuth2 to let the user authorize our app to access their Google Drive account. We use the Google Drive Java SDK in the web application and the Android/iOS SDK of Google Drive for mobile. We're unable to use the oAuth tokens returned by the Android SDK in iOS and vice versa. We also can't use the token received by the Java SDK(by our web server) in the Android app. Because of this, we have had to create separate oAuth clients for each platform(web, Android, iOS) and the user needs to authorize once on each platform, which is not very user-friendly. Is there a better way to use the same oAuth token across clients? Am I missing something very basic here?
You'll need to get a token on iOS and Android for the server.
See this doc for iOS
See this doc for Android
On each of the app, you'll ask a user to sign in first. Then check on the server if there is already a token or not. If not then ask for that access and store the token on the server.

Getting the public signing key from a Worklight Native API

I want to use Worklight application authenticity in an Android Native Application. I have already configured my customsecuritytest and I have included the libraries that I need into my android project. The problem appears when I need to export the public signing key. I know how to do it in a hybrid application, you just need to right click over the android environment. But what about the native API project? How can I get the key?
The user experience is not great here. At all.
I've created a defect to correct this.
To add the public signing key, you need to use same public signing key as you would for a Hybrid application. This includes following the same steps. Meaning, create a Hybrid application with the Android environment, generate the public signing key and copy it over to the Native API's application-descriptor.xml.
Basically, do over slide #17 from the Application Authenticity Protection training module.