How to override/replace/disable IIS client certificate validation - ssl

I have some applications that use pinned client certificates as credentials to access WCF services, and am in the process of moving some of this functionality into ASP.NET WebAPI and would like to continue accepting pinned certificates, but over mutual TLS instead of as a WCF service credential.
..However, I'm getting 403's back from IIS when I try to submit requests, and based on IIS failed request tracing, the reason is: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
This is not wrong. The cert in question is self-signed and absolutely not trusted for any reason except that it's been explicitly tied to an identity in the software. And..I want IIS to accept it so we can get to the application to decide how to proceed. My code is never run, however, because the cert is already rejected.
Is it possible to force IIS to pass the cert through, the way a WCF service would, without affecting other websites or processes running on the server?


Wcf with ssl and client certificate : request svc succes wcf call returns 403.16

Iis web app with require ssl and accept client certificates.
Web app contains wcf service.
Requesting a page from web app works as wel as requesting the wcf svc
Calling wcf from wcf client give 406.13 with same client certificate send.
Same setup works on development and several other production servers.
Checked cert store trusted root for illegal certificates. ( issued by <> issued to )
Applied reg setting schannel (from MS solutions).
How is this possible that browser requests do not fail but wcf requests do?
Must be something iis or windows related as same code works on other machines.
Any way to get more info why it thinks the client certificate is not trusted.
P.s. the wcf service method is never entered ( as my own tracing shows nothing)
Maybe this SO answer might be of some help. CAPI2 event log is the place where you should find more information why WCF considers the client certificate not trusted. Enable it both on the client side and also on the server side.

Self signed client certificate does not reach server application

I have the following setup:
A self signed certificate for development purposes
An OWIN hosted Web API, deployed on a local Azure Service Fabric Cluster as a ASF service. The Web API uses HTTPS facilitated with the dev certificate in question.
A simple .net client application that calls the Web API. In that application the ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback method is set so it always returns true (since the CA is not trusted)
Both the client application and the Web API are on the same local development machine. The certificate is installed in that same machine on the "machine store"
Now I am able to make calls to the web api using Fiddler by providing the required client certificate. However when I try to do the same via .net code (be it RestSharp or WebRequest) the client certificate is not present in the RequestContext object on the server side. This result in an Unauthorized response. I do not think the problem is with the client code, the certificate is loaded correctly and assigned to the http client or request. Fiddler shows encrypted tunneling to the server. However the client certificate does not seem to be present at the server side.
I am at a complete loss regarding what am I missing that could cause this behavior. Any help will be deeply appreciated.
Install the certificate into the 'Local Machine/Trusted People'.
The server needs to already trust the certificate before it asks. The CertificateRequest message that it sends lists the acceptable CAs that can sign the client certificate. If the client certificate's signer isn't in that message, it can't send it.
How you accomplish that in your environment is left as an exercise for the reader. In general now that SSL certificates are available free there is little reason to indulge in the time costs and administrative inconveniences of self-signed certificates. IMHO there wasn't even if you were paying for a CA signature.
I had a problem when a service called another service over HTTPS and it couldn't setup a secure connection. My problem was that since the service is running as NETWORK SERVICE, it couldn't find the certificate, because it was looking in the localmachine/my certificate store.
When I was running from my web browser it was working fine because then, my browser found the certificate in the currectuser/my certificate store.
Add the certificate to the machine/my store and see if it helps.

When we create SSL enabled Service, do we have to hand out certificates to each client?

One of my teammate just enabled SSL on one of the service that we are using and I had to install a Certificate that he gave me to each of the client machines who intend to consume that service. Now, I am not very well-versed when it comes to SSL security and that raised a question in my mind that
WHENEVER we create a SSl enabled service, do we have to hand out certificate to all the clients
Is there any kind of configuration using which we create an SSL enabled service without having to hand out certificate to all the clients?
IF it is possible then how secured that service be than the service which requires each client to install certificate on the machine?
Also, is there any easy to understand article on WCF SSL security?
Que : WHENEVER we create a SSl enabled service, do we have to hand out certificate to all the clients
Ans : No. For SSL enabled service one do not need to handout certificates to clients.
SSL certificate on server (in this case service) side gives confidence to clients that they are talking to legitimate server.
Clients needs certificates only in case of when service needs its clients to prove their identity using client certificate. With client certificate server (service) gets confidence that its sending data to legitimate clients.
Que : Is there any kind of configuration using which we create an SSL enabled service without having to hand out certificate to all the clients?
Ans : Certainly there is way with which you can make service enabled without requiring client certificate. Check SSL Settings option for website where service is hosted.
Que: IF it is possible then how secured that service be than the service which requires each client to install certificate on the machine?
Ans : Obliviously using SSL certificate doesn't stop any clients from consuming it. Any client who knows service endpoint can consume it. Client certificate is one way to authenticate clients. Only those clients who has valid client certificate will be able to consume service.
Que: Also, is there any easy to understand article on WCF SSL security?
Ans : Check out this link : Its WCF regarding security as whole and not just SSL security.

WCF - Is a service certificate needed to authenticate clients?

I think there's a gap in my mental model of WCF authentication, hoping someone can help me fill it in.
So, I'm creating a WCF service and would like to have clients authenticate using certificates, and message-level security. I'd like the service to validate these using chain trust so that I don't need each client cert installed on the service. For now, I'm not interested in having the service authenticate to the client.
Here's my understanding of what's needed to do this:
The client needs a certificate signed by a CA that's trusted on the service side.
The service needs a CRL installed for that CA.
The service config should have message security turned on, specify clientCredentialType="Certificate", and chain trust for client certificate validation.
The client config should have message security turned on, specify clientCredentialType="Certificate", and an endpoint behavior that tells how to find the client certificate in the store.
The client makes a request to the service, sending its certificate. The service sees that the client's cert is signed by its trusted CA and lets the request through.
Now, all of the walkthroughs of this process I've found also include a step of creating a certificate for the service. None of them explain what this is for, which is throwing me. Why is a service certificate needed if I just want to authenticate the clients?
You are right. In theory no server certificate is required, in practice wcf enforce you to use one. The good news is that you should use a dummy certificate for the server and also set ProtectionLevel to SignOnly. I suggest to read this article which talks on a similar scenario and mostly relevant.

WCF client only works after accessing URL with IE

We have a wcf client, which calls an external webservice. The service is accessed over SSL. The certificate is not a self signed cert. It is issued by Verisign.
The client is hosted in IIS 6 and the application pool's identity is a domain service user.
Every time we want our client to access the remote service we get the following well known exception: "Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority-.."
It turned out, that once you access the URL with IE on the same server, our WCF client is working as expected and the certificate is accepted!
My conclusion is, that the URL accessed with IE modified the server in a way, that our WCF client is able to do the validation afterwards. What is our WCF client missing?
(I'm aware that one can circumvent certificate validation by returning true in the ServerCertificateValidationCallback, but this is not an option for production.)
Considering the situation as described, I suspect that your IIS hosted client is not able to load the Verisign root certificate. And it is always a bit unclear to me under which account such IIS based client is trying to access the certificate store. It might be your domain service account user, it might be the ASP.NET user, it might be some other system defined account. This often causing the error.
When you browse the service with IE, there is no doubt about the user (your own credentials) being able to load the Verisign root certificate and resolve the trust relationship correctly.
Make sure the Verisign root certificate in in the Trusted Root Authorities store under the Local Computer Account
Have your app.config of your client refer to the correct root certificate to be loaded from the correct store.
You might want to run ProcessMonitor to find out which user is trying to load the certificate from the store.