optimal size of a tfrecord file - tensorflow

From your experience, what would be an ideal size of a .tfrecord file that would work best across a wide variety of devices (hard-disk, ssd, nvme) and storage locations (local machine, hpc cluster with network mounts) ?
In case I get slower performance on a technically more powerful computer in the cloud than on my local PC, could the size of the tfrecord dataset be the root cause of the bottleneck ?

Official Tensorflow website recommends ~100MB (https://docs.w3cub.com/tensorflow~guide/performance/performance_guide/)
Reading large numbers of small files significantly impacts I/O
performance. One approach to get maximum I/O throughput is to
preprocess input data into larger (~100MB) TFRecord files. For smaller
data sets (200MB-1GB), the best approach is often to load the entire
data set into memory.

Currently (19-09-2020) Google recommends the following rule of thumb:
"In general, you should shard your data across multiple files so that you can parallelize I/O (within a single host or across multiple hosts). The rule of thumb is to have at least 10 times as many files as there will be hosts reading data. At the same time, each file should be large enough (at least 10+MB and ideally 100MB+) so that you benefit from I/O prefetching. For example, say you have X GBs of data and you plan to train on up to N hosts. Ideally, you should shard the data to ~10N files, as long as ~X/(10N) is 10+ MBs (and ideally 100+ MBs). If it is less than that, you might need to create fewer shards to trade off parallelism benefits and I/O prefetching benefits."
Source: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/load_data/tfrecord


tf.data.experimental.save VS TFRecords

I have notice that the method tf.data.experimental.save (added in r2.3) allows to save a tf.data.Dataset to file in just one line of code, which seems extremely convenient. Are there still some benefits in serializing a tf.data.Dataset and writing it into a TFRecord ourselves, or is this save function supposed to replace this process?
TFRecord have several benefits especially when using the large datasets. TFRecord - If you are working with large datasets, using a binary file format for storage of your data can have a significant impact on the performance of your import pipeline and as a consequence on the training time of your model. Binary data takes up less space on disk, takes less time to copy and can be read much more efficiently from disk. This is especially true if your data is stored on spinning disks, due to the much lower read/write performance in comparison with SSDs.
tf.data.experimental.save and tf.data.experimental.load will be useful if you are not worried about the performance of your import pipeline.
tf.data.experimental.save - The saved dataset is saved in multiple file "shards". By default, the dataset output is divided to shards in a round-robin fashion. The datasets saved through tf.data.experimental.save should only be consumed through tf.data.experimental.load, which is guaranteed to be backwards compatible.

Redis vs Aerospike usecases?

After going through couple of resources on Google and stack overflow(mentioned below) , I have got high level understanding when to use what but
got couple of questions too
My Understanding :
When used as pure in-memory memory databases both have comparable performance. But for big data where complete complete dataset
can not be fit in memory or even if it can be fit (but it increases the cost), AS(aerospike) can be the good fit as it provides
the mode where indexes can be kept in memory and data in SSD. I believe performance will be bit degraded(compared to completely in memory
db though the way AS handles the read/write from SSD , it makes it fast then traditional disk I/O) but saves the cost and provide performance
then complete data on disk. So when complete data can be fit in memory both can be
equally good but when memory is constraint AS can be good case. Is that right ?
Also it is said that AS provided rich and easy to set up clustering feature whereas some of clustering features in redis needs to be
handled at application. Is it still hold good or it was true till couple of years back(I believe so as I see redis also provides clustering
feature) ?
How is aerospike different from other key-value nosql databases?
What are the use cases where Redis is preferred to Aerospike?
Your assumption in (1) is off, because it applies to (mostly) synthetic situations where all data fits in memory. What happens when you have a system that grows to many terabytes or even petabytes of data? Would you want to try and fit that data in a very expensive, hard to manage fully in-memory system containing many nodes? A modern machine can store a lot more SSD/NVMe drives than memory. If you look at the new i3en instance family type from Amazon EC2, the i3en.24xl has 768G of RAM and 60TB of NVMe storage (8 x 7.5TB). That kind of machine works very well with Aerospike, as it only stores the indexes in memory. A very large amount of data can be stored on a small cluster of such dense nodes, and perform exceptionally well.
Aerospike is used in the real world in clusters that have grown to hundreds of terabytes or even petabytes of data (tens to hundreds of billions of objects), serving millions of operations per-second, and still hitting sub-millisecond to single digit millisecond latencies. See https://www.aerospike.com/summit/ for several talks on that topic.
Another aspect affecting (1) is the fact that the performance of a single instance of Redis is misleading if in-reality you'll be deployed on multiple servers, each with multiple instances of Redis on them. Redis isn't a distributed database as Aerospike is - it requires application-side sharding (which becomes a bit of a clustering and horizontal scaling nightmare) or a separate proxy, which often ends up being the bottleneck. It's great that a single shard can do a million operations per-second, but if the proxy can't handle the combined throughput, and competes with shards for CPU and memory, there's more to the performance at scale picture than just in-memory versus data on SSD.
Unless you're looking at a tiny amount of objects or a small amount of data that isn't likely to grow, you should probably compare the two for yourself with a proof-of-concept test.

Optaplanner - large datasets with millions of rows

There are a couple of threads discussing the scalability of Optaplanner, and I am wondering what's the recommended approach to deal with very large datasets when it comes to millions of rows?
As this blog discussed I am already using heuristic (Simulated Annealing + Tabu Search). The search space of cloud balancing problem is c^p, but the feasible space is unknown/NP-complete.
The problem I am trying to solve is similar to cloud balancing. But the main difference is in the input data, besides a list of computers and a list of processes, there is also a big two dimensional 'score list/table' which has the scores for each possible combinations that needs to be loaded into memory.
In other words, except for the constraints between computers and processes that the planning needs to satisfy, different valid combinations yield various scores and the higher the score the better.
It's a simple problem but when it comes to hundreds of computers, 100k+ processes and the score table has a million+ combinations, it needs a lot of memory. Even though I could allocate more memory to increase the heap size, the planning could become very slow and struggling, as the steps are sorted with custom planning variable/entity comparator classes.
A straight-forward solution is to divide the dataset into smaller subsets, run each of them individually and then combine the results, so that I could have multiple machines to run at the same time and each machine runs on multi-threads. The biggest drawback of this approach is the result produced is far away from optimal.
I am wondering is there any other better solutions?
The MachineReassignment example also has a big "score combination" matrix. OptaPlanner doesn't care about that - those are just problem facts and the DRL quickly matches the combination(s) that is picked for an assignment. The Solver.solve() causes no big memory consumption or performance impact.
However, loading the problem in your code (before calling Solver.solve()) does cause a huge memory consumption: Understand that if n = 20k, then n² = 400m and an int takes of up 4 bytes, so for 20 000 elements that matrix is 1.6 GB in its most efficient uncompressed form int[][] (both in Java and C++!). So for 20k reserve 2GB RAM, for 40k reserve 8GB RAM for 80k reserve 32 GB RAM. That scales badly.
As for dealing with these big problems, I use combinations of techniques such as Nearby Selection (see my blog article on that), Partitioned Search (what you described, it will be supported out of the box in 7, but I 've implemented it for customers in a CustomPhase), Limited Selection Construction Heuristics (need to research that further, the plumbing is there, usually overkill), ... Partitioned Search does indeed exclude optimal solutions, but above 10k planning entities the trade-off quality vs time taking clearly favors Partitioned Search given a reasonable solving time (minutes/hours/days instead of millenia). The trick is to keep the size of each partition big enough, above 1k entities (hence the use NearbySelection). Score calculation speed also matters a lot, of course.


I have a FORTRAN MPI code to solve a flow field.
At the start I want to read data from file and distribute it to the participating processes.
The data is consisting of several 3-D arrays(velocities in space x,y,z).
Every process stores only a part of the array.
So if every process is going to read the file(the easiest way I think) it is not going to work as it will only store a the first part of the file corresponding to the number of arrays that the process can hold.
MPI Bcast can work for 3d arrays? But then things become complex.
Or is there an easier way?
You have, broadly speaking, 2 or 3 choices, depending on your platform.
One process reads the input data and sends (parts of) it to the other processes. I wouldn't usually use broadcast for this since it is a collective operation and all processes have to take part. I'd usually just send the necessary information to each process. If it is convenient (and not a memory issue) you could certainly broadcast all the input data to all the processes, it's just not a pattern of operation that I use or see much.
All processes read the data that they require. This may involve a process reading an entire input file and only storing those parts it requires. But if you have very large input files you can write routines to read only the necessary part into each process's memory space. This approach may involve processes competing for disk access, which is only slow in a relative sense: if you are running large-scale and long-running parallel computations waiting a few seconds while all the processes get their data is not much of an overhead.
If you have a parallel file system then you can use MPI's parallel I/O routines so that each process reads only those parts of the input data that it requires.
The canonical way of such an I/O pattern in MPI is either to
Read the data on rank 0, then use MPI_Scatter to distribute it. Or if memory is tight, do this blockwise, or then use 1-to-1 communication rather than MPI_Scatter.
Use MPI-I/O, and have each rank read its own subset of the data file (to be useful, this of course requires a file format where you can figure out the boundaries without first reading through the entire file).
For extreme scalability, one can combine the two approaches, that is a subset of processes (say, sqrt(N) as a rough rule of thumb) use MPI I/O, and each MPI process sends data to its own IO process.
If you are running your code on less than 1000 cores with a good file system (e.g. Lustre) then just use Fortran I/O where each rank opens the file and reads the data it needs (skipping the rest). Yes it takes a few minutes but you're only reading the file once during start.
MPI I/O (binary only) is non-trivial and usually you are always better off using higher level libs such as HDF5 or Parallel NetCDF. Performance will depend on how the data is read (contiguous vs non-contiguous and so on). The following links may be helpful ...

Speeding up Solr Indexing

I am kind of working on speeding up my Solr Indexing speed. I just want to know by default how many threads(if any) does Solr use for indexing. Is there a way to increase/decrease that number.
When you index a document, several steps are performed :
the document is analyzed,
data is put in the RAM buffer,
when the RAM buffer is full, data is flushed to a new segment on disk,
if there are more than ${mergeFactor} segments, segments are merged.
The first two steps will be run in as many threads as you have clients sending data to Solr, so if you want Solr to run three threads for these steps, all you need is to send data to Solr from three threads.
You can configure the number of threads to use for the fourth step if you use a ConcurrentMergeScheduler (http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_1/api/core/org/apache/lucene/index/ConcurrentMergeScheduler.html). However, there is no mean to configure the maximum number of threads to use from Solr configuration files, so what you need is to write a custom class which call setMaxThreadCount in the constructor.
My experience is that the main ways to improve indexing speed with Solr are :
buying faster hardware (especially I/O),
sending data to Solr from several threads (as many threads as cores is a good start),
using the Javabin format,
using faster analyzers.
Although StreamingUpdateSolrServer looks interesting for improving indexing performance, it doesn't support the Javabin format. Since Javabin parsing is much faster than XML parsing, I got better performance by sending bulk updates (800 in my case, but with rather small documents) using CommonsHttpSolrServer and the Javabin format.
You can read http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/ImproveIndexingSpeed for further information.
This article describes an approach to scaling indexing with SolrCloud, Hadoop and Behemoth. This is for Solr 4.0 which hadn't been released at the time this question was originally posted.
You can store the content in external storage like file;
What are all the field that contains huge size of content,in schema set stored="false" for that corresponding field and store the content for that field in external file using some efficient file system hierarchy.
It improves indexing by 40 to 45% reduced time. But when doing search, search time speed is some what increased.For search it took 25% more time than normal search.