Speeding up Solr Indexing - lucene

I am kind of working on speeding up my Solr Indexing speed. I just want to know by default how many threads(if any) does Solr use for indexing. Is there a way to increase/decrease that number.

When you index a document, several steps are performed :
the document is analyzed,
data is put in the RAM buffer,
when the RAM buffer is full, data is flushed to a new segment on disk,
if there are more than ${mergeFactor} segments, segments are merged.
The first two steps will be run in as many threads as you have clients sending data to Solr, so if you want Solr to run three threads for these steps, all you need is to send data to Solr from three threads.
You can configure the number of threads to use for the fourth step if you use a ConcurrentMergeScheduler (http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_1/api/core/org/apache/lucene/index/ConcurrentMergeScheduler.html). However, there is no mean to configure the maximum number of threads to use from Solr configuration files, so what you need is to write a custom class which call setMaxThreadCount in the constructor.
My experience is that the main ways to improve indexing speed with Solr are :
buying faster hardware (especially I/O),
sending data to Solr from several threads (as many threads as cores is a good start),
using the Javabin format,
using faster analyzers.
Although StreamingUpdateSolrServer looks interesting for improving indexing performance, it doesn't support the Javabin format. Since Javabin parsing is much faster than XML parsing, I got better performance by sending bulk updates (800 in my case, but with rather small documents) using CommonsHttpSolrServer and the Javabin format.
You can read http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/ImproveIndexingSpeed for further information.

This article describes an approach to scaling indexing with SolrCloud, Hadoop and Behemoth. This is for Solr 4.0 which hadn't been released at the time this question was originally posted.

You can store the content in external storage like file;
What are all the field that contains huge size of content,in schema set stored="false" for that corresponding field and store the content for that field in external file using some efficient file system hierarchy.
It improves indexing by 40 to 45% reduced time. But when doing search, search time speed is some what increased.For search it took 25% more time than normal search.


Turning off merges in Lucene with sequential segmets of fixed size

Is it possible to tell a Lucene to write its segments sequentially and of fixed size? By this way we would avoid merges which are heavy for large segments. Lucene has LogMergePolicy classes with similar functionality which gives ability to set max segment size by doc count or file size, but it is just a limit for merges.
You could use the NRTCachingDirectory to do the small segment merges in memory and only write them out to disk once they reach ~256MiB or so.
But fundamentally the merges are necessary since the data structures like the FST are write-once and are modified by creating a new one.
Maybe this can be combined with the NoMergePolicy for the FilesystemDirectory it will not perform further merges. But that will have pretty bad query performance.
Maybe do merges manually and somehow merge them all at once (by setting TieredMergePolicy.setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit())
But Merging is just a cost of doing business, probably better to get used to it and tune the MergePolicy to your workload.

How to optimize indexation on elasticsearch?

I am trying to understand how indexing can be optimized on elasticsearch. Let me clarify my needs;
I have two indices rigth now. Lets say, indexA and indexB ( Two indices can be seen approximately same size)
I have 6 machines dedicated to elasticsearch (we can say exactly the same hardware)
The most important part of my elasticsearch usage is on writing since I am doing heavy writing on real time.
So my question is, how I can I optimize the writing operation using those 6 machines ?
Should I separate machines into two part like 3 machines for indexA and 3 machines for indexB ?
Should I use all of 6 machines in order to index indexA and indexB ?
What else should I need to give attention in order to optimize write operations ?
Thank you in advance
It depends, but let me take to a direction as per your problem statement which led to following assumptions:
you want to do more write operations (not worried about search performance)
both the indices are in the same cluster
in future more systems can get added
For better indexing performance first thing is you may want to have single shard for your index (unless you are using routing). But since you have 6 servers having single shard will be waste of resources so you can assign 3 shard to each of indexA and indexB. This is for current scenario but it is recommended to have ~10 shards(for future scalibility and your data size dependent)
Turn off the replica (if possible as index requests wait for the replicas to respond before returning). Though in production environment it is highly recommended to have at least one replica for high availability.
Set refresh rate to "-1" or at least to a larger figure say "30m". (You will lose NRT search if you do so but as you have mentioned you are concerned about indexing)
Turn of index warmers if you have any.
avoid using "doc_values" for your field mapping. (though it is beneficial for reducing memory footprint during search time it will increase your index time as it prepares field values during indexing)
If possible/not required disable "norms" in your mapping
Lastly read this.
Word of caution: some of the approach above will impact your search performance.

ElasticSearch - Determining maximum shard size

Hopefully this question isn't out of date, but I haven't found a clear answer anywhere yet. According to one of the ES presentations from last year (http://www.elasticsearch.org/videos/big-data-search-and-analytics/), there's a "maximum" size for a shard. I'm trying to determine this for my application, but as far as I can tell, I haven't hit it yet. Does anyone know what the behavior of a single-shard index that's reached its maximum? Do inserts fail, or is it just that the index becomes unusable?
To test this myself, I indexed all the English articles in Wikipedia (without any history information) in a single elasticsearch shard. The elasticsearch data folder grew to ~42GB at the end of the test. Lessons learned are:
indexing speed will not be affected by the size of the shard. Mind you, I did not try indexing with more than one thread at a time, but single thread indexing speed was more or less constant for the duration of the test
querying speed on the other hand was drastically affected by shard size. Especially once you try to query with more than one user at a time. The exact numbers will depend heavily on the power of your machine, data structure and how many threads are querying. To give you an idea, with elasticsearch running on my dev machine, querying the Wikipedia shard with 25 concurrent users resulted in an average response time of 3.5 seconds (with peaks towards half a minute).
My conclusion is that a shard too large will not make elasticsearch fail just from indexing. Querying the large shard may be too slow for your needs, or, in certain situations, even break elasticsearch with an OutOfMemoryException (for example a big faceted query).
This answer is based on my own investigation. Full story can be read on my blog:

High disk IO rate

My rails application always reaches the threshold of the disk I/O rate set by my VPS at Linode. It's set at 3000 (I up it from 2000), and every hour or so I will get a notification that it reaches 4000-5000+.
What are the methods that I can use to minimize the disk IO rate? I mostly use Sphinx (Thinking Sphinx plugin) and Latitude and Longitude distance search.
What are the methods to avoid?
I'm using Rails 2.3.11 and MySQL.
did you check if your server is swapping itself to death? what does "top" say?
your Linode may have limited RAM, and it could be very likely that it is swapping like crazy to keep things running..
If you see red in the IO graph, that is swapping activity! You need to upgrade your Linode to more RAM,
or limit the number / size of processes which are running. You should also add approximately 2x the RAM size as Swap space (swap partition).
Since your question is too vague to answer concisely, this is generally a sign of one of a few things:
Your data set is too large because of historical data that you could prune. Delete what is no longer relevant.
Your tables are not indexed properly and you are hitting a lot of table scans. Check with EXAMINE on each of your slow queries.
Your data structure is not optimized for the way you are using it, and you are doing too many joins. Some tactical de-normalization would help here. Make sure all your JOIN queries are strictly necessary.
You are retrieving more data than is required to service the request. It is, sadly, all too common that people load enormous TEXT or BLOB columns from a user table when displaying only a list of user names. Load only what you need.
You're being hit by some kind of automated scraper or spider robot that's systematically downloading your entire site, page by page. You may want to alter your robots.txt if this is an issue, or start blocking troublesome IPs.
Is it going high and staying high for a long time, or is it just spiking temporarily?
There aren't going to be specific methods to avoid (other than not writing to disk).
You could try using a profiler in production like NewRelic to get more insight into your performance. A profiler will highlight the actions that are taking a long time, however, and when you examine the specific algorithm you're using in that action, you might discover what's inefficient about that particular action.

lucene file index

I have to index log record from captured from enterprice networks.In current implementation every protocol,has index files as year/mont/day/lucene file ,i want to know if i use only one single lucene index file and every day i update this single file how this effect search time ? .is it Considerable increase,in current sitiuation when i search i am querying exacly for that day.
Current: smtp/year/month/ay/luceneindex
if i do smtp/luceneindex all idex in a single file.Let me know prons and cons
That depends on a whole range of factors.
When you say a single lucene file?
Lucene stores an index, using multiple types of files and has segments, so there is more than one file anyway.
What and how are you indexing log data?
What do you use for querying across lucene indexes, solr, elasticsearch, custom?
Are you running a single instance, single machine configuration.
Can you run multiple processes, on separate hosts, use some for search tasks and others for index updates?
What are your typical search queries like, optimise for those cases.
Have a look at http://elasticsearch.org/ or http://lucene.apache.org/solr/ for distributed search options.
lucene has options to run in memory, like RAMDirectory, you may like to investigate.
Is the size of the one-day file going to be problematic for administration?
Are the File sizes going to be so large relative to disk, bandwidth constraints that copying, moving introduces issues.