plotting lines between points in gnuplot - scripting

I've got next script to plot dots from file "puntos"
set title "recorrido vehiculos"
set term png
set output "rutasVehiculos.png"
plot "puntos" u 2:3:(sprintf("%d",$1)) with labels font ",7" point pt 7 offset char 0.5,0.5 notitle
file "puntos" has next format:
#i x y
1 2.1 3.2
2 0.2 0.3
3 2.9 0.3
in another file called "routes" i have the routes that joins the points, for example:
1 22 33 20 18 14 8 27 1
1 13 2 17 31 1
Route 1 joins points 1, 22, 33, etc.
Route 2 joins points 1, 13, 12, etc.
Is there a way that perform this with gnuplot?
PS: sorry for my English

Welcome to stackoverflow. This is an interesting task. It's pretty clear what to do, however, to my opinion not very obvious how to do this gnuplot.
The following code seems to work, probably with room for improvements. Tested in gnuplot 5.2.5
Tested with the files puntos.dat and routes.dat:
# puntos.dat
#i x y
1 2.1 3.2
2 0.2 0.3
3 2.9 0.3
4 1.3 4.5
5 3.1 2.3
6 1.9 0.7
7 3.6 1.7
8 2.3 1.5
9 1.0 2.0
# routes.dat
1 5 7 3 6 2 9
6 8 5 9 4
and the code:
### plot different routes
reset session
set title "recorrido vehiculos"
set term pngcairo
set output "rutasVehiculos.png"
POINTS = "puntos.dat"
ROUTES = "routes.dat"
# load routes file into datablock
set datafile separator "\n"
set table $Routes
plot ROUTES u (stringcolumn(1)) with table
unset table
# loop routes
set datafile separator whitespace
stats $Routes u 0 nooutput # get the number of routes
RoutesCount = STATS_records-1
set print $RoutesData
do for [i=1:RoutesCount] {
# get the points of a single route
set datafile separator "\n"
set table $Dummy
plot ROUTES u (SingleRoute = stringcolumn(1),$1) every ::i::i with table
unset table
# create a table of the coordinates of the points of a single route
set datafile separator whitespace
do for [j=1:words(SingleRoute)] {
set table $Dummy2
plot POINTS u (a=$2,$2):(b=$3,$3) every ::word(SingleRoute,j)-1::word(SingleRoute,j)-1 with table
print sprintf("%g %s %g %g", j, word(SingleRoute,j), a, b)
unset table
print "" # add empty line
set print
print sprintf("%g different Routes\n", RoutesCount)
print "RoutesData:"
print $RoutesData
set colorsequence classic
plot \
POINTS u 2:3:(sprintf("%d",$1)) with labels font ",7" point pt 7 offset char 0.5,0.5 notitle,\
for [i=1:RoutesCount] $RoutesData u 3:4 every :::i-1::i-1 w lp lt i title sprintf("Route %g",i)
set output
### end code
which results in something like:


OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long- Matplotlib

I have a pretty simple dataframe as seen below. I am trying to manipulate the x-axis(dates) so it starts at 1996-31-12 and ends at 2016-31-12 on increments of 365 days.
Date A B
1996-31-12 10 3
1997-31-03 5 6
1997-31-07 7 5
1997-30-11 3 12
1997-31-12 4 10
1998-31-03 5 8
2016-31-12 3 9
#change date string to datetime variable
df12.Date = pd.to_datetime(df12.Date)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.xaxis.grid(True, which="major")
I am getting an error message when i try and run the above code that I am not sure what it means-OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long. ANy one know what this means? If not, is there another way to do what i want to do?

gnuplot: Spurious data points in plots when using index

I'm trying to use gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 6 to visualize some data from a file test.dat which looks like this:
#Pkg 1
type min max avg
small 1 10 5
medium 5 15 7
large 10 20 15
#Pkg 2
small 3 9 5
medium 5 13 6
large 11 17 13
(Note that the values are actually separated by tabs even though it shows as spaces here.)
My gnuplot commands are
set datafile separator "\t"
plot 'test.dat' index 0 using 2:xticlabels(1) title col, '' using 3 title col, '' using 4 title col
This works fine as long as there is only a single data block in test.dat. When I add the second block spurious data points appear. Why is that and how can it be fixed?
YFTR: Using stat on the file yields only expected results. It reports two data blocks for the full file and correct values (for min, max and sum) when I specify one of the two using index
as mentioned in the comment to the question, one has to explicitly repeat the index 0 specification within all parts of the plot command as
plot 'test.dat' index 0 using 2, '' index 0 using 3, ...
otherwise '' refers to all blocks in the data file

print Sprintf error while the input is a string which consist of symbol in heatmap gnuplot

I am working on heat map with a unique dataset. The dataset consists of a symbol.
Here is the example of my dataset 1q.txt
one two three
2009 0/0 1 0/0 1 0/0 1
2010 0/0 1 0/0 1 0/0 1
2011 0/0 1 0/0 1 6/179.5 1
2012 0/0 1 2/0.4 1 11/83.0 1
2013 7/0.8 1 7/21.3 1 17/268.5 1
2014 1/3.5 1 4/7.7 1 9/37.9 1
and here is my gnuplot script
set term pos eps font 20
unset colorbox
unset key
set nocbtics
set cblabel "Score"
set cbtics scale 0
set cbrange [ 0.00000 : 110.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback
set palette defined ( 0.0 "#FFFFFF",\
1 "#FFCCCC",\
2 "#FF9999 ",\
3 "#FF6666")
set size 1, 0.5
set output '1q.eps'
YTICS="`awk 'BEGIN{getline}{printf "%s ",$1}' '1q.dat'`"
XTICS="`head -1 '1q.dat'`"
set for [i=1:words(XTICS)] xtics ( word(XTICS,i) i-1 )
set for [i=1:words(YTICS)] ytics ( word(YTICS,i) i-1 )
set for [i=1:words(XTICS)] xtics ( word(XTICS,i) 2*i-1 )
plot "<awk '{$1=\"\"}1' '1q.dat' | sed '1 d'" matrix every 2::1 w image, \
'' matrix using ($1+1):2:(sprintf('%.f', $3)) every 2 with labels
What I'm trying to do here is I want to displaying "0/0" as a label in the heatmap and the integer number as a heatmap color.
The problem that I face here is the gnuplot only take a number before "/"
and ignore the other one.
Here is the result of my current plot.
How to make the heatmap show a lable like "1/3.5" and have color based on the integer number.
There is no need to usesprintf at all. Simply use stringcolumn to get the raw content of a column as saved in the data file:
plot "<awk '{$1=\"\"}1' '1q.dat' | sed '1 d'" matrix every 2::1 w image, \
'' matrix using ($1+1):2:(stringcolumn(3)) every 2 with labels

A programming challenge with Mathematica

I am interfacing an external program with Mathematica. I am creating an input file for the external program. Its about converting geometry data from a Mathematica generated graphics into a predefined format. Here is an example Geometry.
Figure 1
The geometry can be described in many ways in Mathematica. One laborious way is the following.
This generates the required 3D geometry in GraphicsComplex format of MMA.
This geometry is described as the following input file for my external program.
# x y z [m]
1. -1. 0.
0. -1. 0.5
0. -1. -0.5
1. -0.3333 0.
0. -0.3333 0.50. -0.3333 -0.5
1. 0.3333 0.
0. 0.3333 0.5
0. 0.3333 -0.5
1. 1. 0.
0. 1. 0.5
0. 1. -0.5
10. -1. 0.
10. -0.3333 0.
10. 0.3333 0.
10. 1. -0.
# type node_id1 node_id2 node_id3 node_id4 elem_id1 elem_id2 elem_id3 elem_id4
1 1 4 5 2 4 2 10 0
1 2 5 6 3 1 5 3 10
1 3 6 4 1 2 6 10 0
1 4 7 8 5 7 5 1 0
1 5 8 9 6 4 8 6 2
1 6 9 7 4 5 9 3 0
1 7 10 11 8 8 4 11 0
1 8 11 12 9 7 9 5 11
1 9 12 10 7 8 6 11 0
2 1 2 3 1 2 3
2 10 12 11 9 8 7
10 4 1 13 14 1 3
10 7 4 14 15 4 6
10 10 7 15 16 7 9
# end of input file
Now the description I have from the documentation of this external program is pretty short. I am quoting it here.
First keyword NODES states total number of
nodes. After this line there should be no comment or empty lines. Next lines consist of
three values x, y and z node coordinates and number of lines must be the same as number
of nodes.
Next keyword is PANEL and states how many panels we have. After that we have lines
defining each panel. First integer defines panel type
ID 1 – quadrilateral panel - is defined by four nodes and four neighboring panels.
Neighboring panels are panels that share same sides (pair of nodes) and is needed for
velocity and pressure calculation (methods 1 and 2). Missing neighbors (for example for
panels near the trailing edge) are filled with value 0 (see Figure 1).
ID 2 – triangular panel – is defined by three nodes and three neighboring panels.
ID 10 – wake panel – is quadrilateral panel defined with four nodes and with two
(neighboring) panels which are located on the trailing edge (panels to which wake panel is
applying Kutta condition).
Panel types 1 and 2 must be defined before type 10 in input file.
Important to notice is the surface normal; order of nodes defining panels should be
counter clockwise. By the right-hand rule if fingers are bended to follow numbering,
thumb will show normal vector that should point “outwards” geometry.
We are given with a 3D CAD model in a file called One.obj and it is exported fine in MMA.
cd = Import["One.obj"]
The output is a MMA Graphics3D object
Now I can get easily access the geometry data as MMA internally reads them.
{ver1, pol1} = cd[[1]][[2]] /. GraphicsComplex -> List;
MyPol = pol1 // First // First;
Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[ver1,MyPol],Axes-> True]
How we can use the vertices and polygon information contained in ver1 and pol1 and write them in a text file as described in the input file example above. In this case we will only have ID2 type (triangular) panels.
Using the Mathematica triangulation how to find the surface area of this 3D object. Is there any inbuilt function that can compute surface area in MMA?
No need to create the wake panel or ID10 type elements right now. A input file with only triangular elements will be fine.
Sorry for such a long post but its a puzzle that I am trying to solve for a long time. Hope some of you expert may have the right insight to crack it.
Q1 and Q2 are easy enough that you could drop the "challenge" labels in your question. Q3 could use some clarification.
edges = cd[[1, 2, 1]];
polygons = cd[[1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]];
Update Q1
The main problem is to find the neighbor of each polygon. The following does this:
(* Split every triangle in 3 edges, with nodes in each edge sorted *)
triangleEdges = (Sort /# Subsets[#, {2}]) & /# polygons;
(* Generate a list of edges *)
singleEdges = Union[Flatten[triangleEdges, 1]];
(* Define a function which, given an edge (node number list), returns the bordering *)
(* triangle numbers. It's done by working through each of the triangles' edges *)
edgesNeighbors[_] = {};
edgesNeighbors[#1[[1]]] = Flatten[{edgesNeighbors[#1[[1]]], #2[[1]]}];
edgesNeighbors[#1[[2]]] = Flatten[{edgesNeighbors[#1[[2]]], #2[[1]]}];
edgesNeighbors[#1[[3]]] = Flatten[{edgesNeighbors[#1[[3]]], #2[[1]]}];
) &, triangleEdges
(* Build a triangle relation table. Each '1' indicates a triangle relation *)
relations = ConstantArray[0, {triangleEdges // Length, triangleEdges // Length}];
(n = edgesNeighbors[##];
If[Length[n] == 2,
{n1, n2} = n;
relations[[n1, n2]] = 1; relations[[n2, n1]] = 1];
) &, singleEdges
(* Build a neighborhood list *)
triangleNeigbours =
Table[Flatten[Position[relations[[i]], 1]], {i,triangleEdges // Length}];
(* Test: Which triangles border on triangle number 1? *)
(* ==> {32, 61, 83} *)
(* Check this *)
polygons[[{1, 32, 61, 83}]]
(* ==> {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 52}, {1, 3, 50}, {19, 2, 1}} *)
(* Indeed, they all share an edge with #1 *)
You can use the low level output functions described here to output these. I'll leave the details to you (that's my challenge to you).
The area of the wing is the summed area of the individual polygons. The individual areas can be calculated as follows:
polygonArea[pts_List] :=
Module[{dtpts = Append[pts, pts[[1]]]},
If[Length[pts] < 3,
1/2 Sum[Det[{dtpts[[i]], dtpts[[i + 1]]}], {i, 1, Length[dtpts] - 1}]
based on this Mathworld page.
The area is signed BTW, so you may want to use Abs.
The above area function is only usable for general polygons in 2D. For the area of a triangle in 3D the following can be used:
polygonArea[pts_List?(Length[#] == 3 &)] :=
Norm[Cross[pts[[2]] - pts[[1]], pts[[3]] - pts[[1]]]]/2

gnuplot to plot histogram with lines

I've two column data as:
9 17.52
11 29.77
7 62.75
11 36.15
7 30.46
7 52.5
9 65.26
9 90.05
14 101.87
12 86.88
15 74.78
And want that first column be plotted as histogram according to index of y2, and second column be plotted as line according to index of y1. Anyone has ideas?
Maybe I didn't understand your question correctly, but are you possibly looking for something like this:
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.4
plot "Data.dat" u 2 w boxes t "boxes", "" u (column(0)):1 t "lines" w l