How to get NPOI Excel RichStringCellValue? -

I am using DotNetCore.NPOI (1.2.1) in order to read an MS Excel file.
Some of the cells are of type text and contain formatted strings (e.g. some words in bold).
How do I get the formatted cell value? My final goal: Retrieve the cell text as HTML.
I tried
var cell = row.GetCell(1);
var richStringCellValue = cell.RichStringCellValue;
But this won't let me access the formatted string (just the plain string without formattings).
Does anybody have an idea or solution?

I think you'll have to take longer route in this case. First you'll have to maintain the formatting of cell value like date, currency etc and then extract the style from cell value and embed the cell value under that style.
best option is to write extenstion method to get format and style value.
To get the fomat Please see this link How to get the value of cell containing a date and keep the original formatting using NPOI
For styling first you'll have to check and find the exact style of running text and then return the value inside the html tag , below method will give you idea to extract styling from cell value. Code is untested , you may have to include missing library.
public void GetStyleOfCellValue()
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook("YourFile.xlsx");
ISheet sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(0);
ICell cell = sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0);
XSSFRichTextString richText = (XSSFRichTextString)cell.RichStringCellValue;
int formattingRuns = cell.RichStringCellValue.NumFormattingRuns;
for (int i = 0; i < formattingRuns; i++)
int startIdx = richText.GetIndexOfFormattingRun(i);
int length = richText.GetLengthOfFormattingRun(i);
Console.WriteLine("Text: " + richText.String.Substring(startIdx, startIdx + length));
if (i == 0)
short fontIndex = cell.CellStyle.FontIndex;
IFont font = wb.GetFontAt(fontIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Bold: " + (font.IsBold)); // return string <b>my string</b>.
Console.WriteLine("Italics: " + font.IsItalic + "\n"); // return string <i>my string</i>.
Console.WriteLine("UnderLine: " + font.Underline + "\n"); // return string <u>my string</u>.
IFont fontFormat = richText.GetFontOfFormattingRun(i);
Console.WriteLine("Bold: " + (fontFormat.IsBold)); // return string <b>my string</b>.
Console.WriteLine("Italics: " + fontFormat.IsItalic + "\n");// return string <i>my string</i>.

Font formatting in XLSX files are stored according to schema which has no direct relationship to HTML tags. Therefore your task is not that much straight forward.
style = cell.getCellStyle();
font = style.getFont(); // or style.getFont(workBook);
// use Font object to query font attributes. E.g. font.IsItalic
Then you will have to build the HTML by appending relevant HTML tags.


Increment String Value Google Sheet

Using the following code I cannot increment a value in google sheets to be plus one.
function incrementCellValuesByOne() {
// Increments the values in all the cells in the active range (i.e., selected cells).
// Numbers increase by one, text strings get a "1" appended.
// Cells that contain a formula are ignored.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activeRange = ss.getActiveRange();
var cell, cellValue, cellFormula;
// iterate through all cells in the active range
for (var cellRow = 1; cellRow <= activeRange.getHeight(); cellRow++) {
for (var cellColumn = 1; cellColumn <= activeRange.getWidth(); cellColumn++) {
cell = activeRange.getCell(cellRow, cellColumn);
cellFormula = cell.getFormula();
// if not a formula, increment numbers by one, or add "1" to text strings
// if the leftmost character is "=", it contains a formula and is ignored
// otherwise, the cell contains a constant and is safe to increment
// does not work correctly with cells that start with '=
if (cellFormula[0] != "=") {
cellValue = cell.getValue();
cellValue =+cellValue
cell.setValue(cellValue + 1);
For example "personalDataDOB_3" needs to become "personalDaTaDOB_4" I'm looking for a fast way to do this as right now I need to replace the value by typing.
You want to modify "personalDataDOB_3" of a certain cell to "personalDaTaDOB_4". If my understanding is correct, how about this modification?
Modification points :
When the retrieved "personalDataDOB_3" is converted to the number using cellValue =+cellValue, NaN is returned. So even if 1 was added, the result is NaN.
If the format of strings you want to modify is always "personalDataDOB_#", how about separating the string by _?
In order to reflect above points, please modify your script as follows.
From :
if (cellFormula[0] != "=") {
cellValue = cell.getValue();
cellValue =+cellValue
cell.setValue(cellValue + 1);
To :
if (cellFormula[0] != "=") {
cellValue = cell.getValue();
var temp = cellValue.split("_"); // Added
temp[1] = Number(temp[1]) + 1; // Added
cell.setValue(temp.join("_")); // Modified
Note :
If the format of strings you want to modify is always changed, please tell me.
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.

Workbook cell style in POI/NPOI doesn't work properly with multiple styles in workbook

I'm running into strange problem with .Net version of POI library for Excel Spreadsheets. I'm rewriting from text files to Excel 97-2003 documents and I'm like to add some formatting programmatically depend on some values gather at the begging of the program.
At the beginning, in the same method where I was creating a new cell from given value I was creating also a new Workbook CellStyle which was wrong, because I was running out of the styles very quickly (or I was just thought it was the cause of the problem).
Constructor of the class responsible for Excel Workbook:
public OldExcelWriter(TextWriter logger) : base(logger)
_workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
_sheetData = _workbook.CreateSheet("sheet1");
_creationHelper = _workbook.GetCreationHelper();
Method that is calling all the chains of operations:
public void Write(string path, Data data)
FillSpreadSheetWithData(data, _sheetData);
SaveSpreadSheet(_workbook, path);
Long story short, in FillSpreadSheetWithData I have method for creating a row inside which I'm have a loop for each cell, so basically I'm iterating thru every column, passing IRow references to a row, column value, index and formatting information like this:
for (int j = 0; j < column.Count; j++)
CreateCell(row, column[j], j, data.Formatting[j]);
and while creating a new styles (for first shot I was trying to pass some date time values) I had situation like this in my rewrited Excel: screenshot of excel workbook
So formatting was passed correctly (also Horizontal Aligment etc.) but it get ugly after 15th row (always the same amount).
DateTime dataCell = DateTime.MaxValue;
var cell = row.CreateCell(columnIndex);
_cellStyle = _workbook.CreateCellStyle();
switch (format.Type)
case DataType.Date:
_cellStyle.DataFormat = _creationHelper.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("m/dd/yyyy");
if (value.Replace("\n", "") != string.Empty)
dataCell = DateTime.ParseExact(value.Replace("\n", ""), "m/dd/yyyy",
switch (format.HorizontalAlignment)
case Enums.HorizontalAlignment.Left:
_cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT;
case Enums.HorizontalAlignment.Center:
_cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.CENTER;
if (dataCell != DateTime.MaxValue)
cell.CellStyle = _cellStyle;
dataCell = DateTime.MaxValue;
cell.CellStyle = _cellStyle;
(It's not the cleanest code but I will don refactor after getting this work).
After running into this issue I thought that maybe I will create _cellStyle variable in the constructor and only change it's value depends on the case, because it's assigned to the new cell anyway and I see while debugging that object values are correct.
But after creating everything, it won't get any better. Styles was override by the last value of the style, and dates are spoiled also, but later: screnshoot of excel workbook after creating one instance of cell style
I'm running out of ideas, maybe I should create every combination of the cell styles (I'm using only few data formats and alignments) but before I will do that (because I'm running out of easy options right now) I wonder what you guys think that should be done here.
cell format is set to custom with date type
I am using this code to create my custom style and format. Its for XSSF Format of excel sheet. but it will work for HSSF format with some modification.
XSSFFont defaultFont = (XSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont();
defaultFont.FontHeightInPoints = (short)10;
defaultFont.FontName = "Arial";
defaultFont.Color = IndexedColors.Black.Index;
defaultFont.IsBold = false;
defaultFont.IsItalic = false;
XSSFCellStyle dateCellStyle = (XSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();
XSSFDataFormat dateDataFormat = (XSSFDataFormat)workbook.CreateDataFormat();
dateCellStyle.SetDataFormat(dateDataFormat.GetFormat("m/d/yy h:mm")); //Replace format by m/dd/yyyy. try similar approach for phone number etc.
dateCellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = IndexedColors.LightYellow.Index;
//dateCellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.NoFill;
dateCellStyle.FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.LightTurquoise.Index;
dateCellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
dateCellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
dateCellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
dateCellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;
dateCellStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;
dateCellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;
dateCellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;
//Apply your style to column
_sheetData.SetDefaultColumnStyle(columnIndex, dateCellStyle);
// Or you can also apply style cell wise like
var row = _sheetData.CreateRow(0);
for (int cellIndex = 0;cellIndex < TotalHeaderCount;cellIndex++)
row.Cells[cellIndex].CellStyle = dateCellStyle;

Import CSV File Error : Column Value containing column delimiter

I am trying to Import a Csv File into SQL SERVER using SSIS
Here's an example how data looks like
Joseph Jade,2005-01-01,1,Good listener,Male,Amy
Amy Jade,2006-01-01,1,Good in science,Female,Amy
Csv Columns are not containing text qualifiers (quotations)
I Created a simple package using SSIS to import it into SQL but sometime the data in SQL looked like below
Student_Name Student_DOB Student_ID Student_Notes Student_Gender Student_Mother_Name
Ali Jade 2004-01-01 1 Good listener Bad in science Male,Lisa
The Reason was that somtimes [Student_Notes] column contains Comma (,) that is used as column delimiter so the Row are not imported Correctly
Any suggestions
A word of warning: I'm not a regular C# coder.
But anyway this code does the following:
It opens a file called C:\Input.TXT
It searches each line. If the line has more than 5 commas, it takes all the extra commas out of the third last field (notes)
It writes the result to C:\Output.TXT - that's the one you need to actually import
There are many improvements that could be made:
Get file paths from connection managers
Error handling
An experienced C# programmer could probably do this in hlaf the code
Keep in mind your package will need write access to the appropriate folder
public void Main()
// Search the file and remove extra commas from the third last field
// Extended from code at
// Nick McDermaid
string sInputLine;
string sOutputLine;
string sDelimiter = ",";
String[] sData;
int iIndex;
// open the file for read
using (System.IO.FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead("C:\\Input.txt"))
using (StreamReader inputReader = new StreamReader(inputStream))
// open the output file
using (StreamWriter outputWriter = File.AppendText("C:\\Output.txt"))
// Read each line
while (null != (sInputLine = inputReader.ReadLine()))
// Grab each field out
sData = sInputLine.Split(sDelimiter[0]);
if (sData.Length <= 6)
// 6 or less fields - just echo it out
sOutputLine = sInputLine;
// line has more than 6 pieces
// We assume all of the extra commas are in the notes field
// Put the first three fields together
sOutputLine =
sData[0] + sDelimiter +
sData[1] + sDelimiter +
sData[2] + sDelimiter;
// Put the middle notes fields together, excluding the delimiter
for (iIndex=3; iIndex <= sData.Length - 3; iIndex++)
sOutputLine = sOutputLine + sData[iIndex] + " ";
// Tack on the last two fields
sOutputLine = sOutputLine +
sDelimiter + sData[sData.Length - 2] +
sDelimiter + sData[sData.Length - 1];
// We've evaulted the correct line now write it out
Dts.TaskResult = (int)Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success;
In The Flat File Connection Manager. Make the File as only one column (DT_STR 8000)
Just add a script Component in the dataflowtask and Add Output Columns (Same as Example Shown)
in The script component split each row using the following Code:
Dim strCells() as string = Row.Column0.Split(CChar(","))
Row.StudentName = strCells(0)
Row.StudentDOB = strCells(1)
Row.StudentID = strCells(2)
Row.StudentMother = strCells(strCells.Length - 1)
Row.StudentGender = strCells(strCells.Length - 2)
Dim strNotes as String = String.Empty
For int I = 3 To strCells.Length - 3
strNotes &= strCells(I)
Row.StudentNotes = strNotes
it worked fine for me
If import CSV file is not a routine
Import CSV file in Excel
Search error rows with Excel rows filter and rewrite them
Save Excel file in TXT Tab delimited
Import TXT file with SSIS
Else make a script that search comma in the Student Notes column range

Autofitting column in combination with setting numberformat will autofit using unformatted text as measurement

When I use EPPlus to autofit a column that is formatted as a date string, the autofit mechanism is using the unformatted string as measurement for how wide the column should become.
Is it a bug or did I do something wrong?
sheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm";
widening the second column in excel
Autofit using no formatting, notice that the second column is having the same width as the supposed-to-autofit column in the first picture.
For completion, here is the result when no autofit is used
It could be your font settings either in your code or globally in excel. Try running this test (I am posting this as an answer since I cannot fit it in a comment):
public void Auto_Col_Fomat_Test()
//Throw in some data
var datatable = new DataTable("tblData");
new DataColumn("Col1", typeof (int)), new DataColumn("Col2", typeof (DateTime)), new DataColumn("Col3", typeof (object))
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var row = datatable.NewRow();
row[0] = i; row[1] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i); row[2] = Path.GetRandomFileName();
//Create a test file
var fi = new FileInfo(#"c:\temp\Auto_Col_Fomat.xlsx");
if (fi.Exists)
using (var pck = new ExcelPackage(fi))
var workbook = pck.Workbook;
var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
sheet.Cells.LoadFromDataTable(datatable, true);
sheet.Column(2).Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm";
If this shows the same thing you may have changed your default excel font or zoom which means you may have to set the font in code to Body Font size 11 (at least that was 2013 uses). If it doesnt show post more of your code.
I had the same issue.
Here is my work around:
First call AutoFitColumns, then add some padding to the column that has a special format:
sheet.Column(2).Width *= 1.25;

Insert text into flex 3 textarea

I have a textArea and a list. When a user double clicks a list item, the label of the selected item should be inserted into the textarea. When a text is selected in the textArea, it should be replaced, otherwise the text just needs to be inserted into the existing text at the caret point.
I've managed to get the text and everything, I just can't manage to insert it at the caret point. Does anyone know how to do this?
It's actually not JavaScript but Adobe Flex 3. Thanks for the help though, it did push me in the right direction. This is the way its done in Flex 3:
var caretStart:int = textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = textArea.selectionEndIndex;
textArea.text = textArea.text.substring(0,caretStart)
+ newText
+ textArea.text.substr(caretEnd);
The accepted answer works great if you do not have existing HTML formatting. In my case, I inserted a new button into the editor that the user could click to put in a key word. I kept losing all HTML formatting until I dug around in the actual class and sided with a TextRange object:
public function keyWord_Click(event:Event) : void
var caretStart:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionEndIndex;
var newText : String = "[[[KEYWORD]]]";
var tf:TextRange = new TextRange(txtEditor,true,caretStart,caretEnd);
tf.text = newText;
The nice thing about this approach is, you can also apply conditional formatting to that TextRange object as needed.
You can use txtarea.selectionStart and txtarea.selectionEnd to get Selected text position.
After that, You delete txt and add new selected text.
I don't known much about Javascript, so I wrote it for U.
You can search on google with keywords:
"Javascript Selected Text TextArea"
"Javascript add text at position"
Sample code:
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue
+ myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
caretPos = doGetCaretPosition(myField);