Insert text into flex 3 textarea - flex3

I have a textArea and a list. When a user double clicks a list item, the label of the selected item should be inserted into the textarea. When a text is selected in the textArea, it should be replaced, otherwise the text just needs to be inserted into the existing text at the caret point.
I've managed to get the text and everything, I just can't manage to insert it at the caret point. Does anyone know how to do this?

It's actually not JavaScript but Adobe Flex 3. Thanks for the help though, it did push me in the right direction. This is the way its done in Flex 3:
var caretStart:int = textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = textArea.selectionEndIndex;
textArea.text = textArea.text.substring(0,caretStart)
+ newText
+ textArea.text.substr(caretEnd);

The accepted answer works great if you do not have existing HTML formatting. In my case, I inserted a new button into the editor that the user could click to put in a key word. I kept losing all HTML formatting until I dug around in the actual class and sided with a TextRange object:
public function keyWord_Click(event:Event) : void
var caretStart:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionEndIndex;
var newText : String = "[[[KEYWORD]]]";
var tf:TextRange = new TextRange(txtEditor,true,caretStart,caretEnd);
tf.text = newText;
The nice thing about this approach is, you can also apply conditional formatting to that TextRange object as needed.

You can use txtarea.selectionStart and txtarea.selectionEnd to get Selected text position.
After that, You delete txt and add new selected text.
I don't known much about Javascript, so I wrote it for U.
You can search on google with keywords:
"Javascript Selected Text TextArea"
"Javascript add text at position"
Sample code:
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue
+ myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
caretPos = doGetCaretPosition(myField);


How to get NPOI Excel RichStringCellValue?

I am using DotNetCore.NPOI (1.2.1) in order to read an MS Excel file.
Some of the cells are of type text and contain formatted strings (e.g. some words in bold).
How do I get the formatted cell value? My final goal: Retrieve the cell text as HTML.
I tried
var cell = row.GetCell(1);
var richStringCellValue = cell.RichStringCellValue;
But this won't let me access the formatted string (just the plain string without formattings).
Does anybody have an idea or solution?
I think you'll have to take longer route in this case. First you'll have to maintain the formatting of cell value like date, currency etc and then extract the style from cell value and embed the cell value under that style.
best option is to write extenstion method to get format and style value.
To get the fomat Please see this link How to get the value of cell containing a date and keep the original formatting using NPOI
For styling first you'll have to check and find the exact style of running text and then return the value inside the html tag , below method will give you idea to extract styling from cell value. Code is untested , you may have to include missing library.
public void GetStyleOfCellValue()
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook("YourFile.xlsx");
ISheet sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(0);
ICell cell = sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0);
XSSFRichTextString richText = (XSSFRichTextString)cell.RichStringCellValue;
int formattingRuns = cell.RichStringCellValue.NumFormattingRuns;
for (int i = 0; i < formattingRuns; i++)
int startIdx = richText.GetIndexOfFormattingRun(i);
int length = richText.GetLengthOfFormattingRun(i);
Console.WriteLine("Text: " + richText.String.Substring(startIdx, startIdx + length));
if (i == 0)
short fontIndex = cell.CellStyle.FontIndex;
IFont font = wb.GetFontAt(fontIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Bold: " + (font.IsBold)); // return string <b>my string</b>.
Console.WriteLine("Italics: " + font.IsItalic + "\n"); // return string <i>my string</i>.
Console.WriteLine("UnderLine: " + font.Underline + "\n"); // return string <u>my string</u>.
IFont fontFormat = richText.GetFontOfFormattingRun(i);
Console.WriteLine("Bold: " + (fontFormat.IsBold)); // return string <b>my string</b>.
Console.WriteLine("Italics: " + fontFormat.IsItalic + "\n");// return string <i>my string</i>.
Font formatting in XLSX files are stored according to schema which has no direct relationship to HTML tags. Therefore your task is not that much straight forward.
style = cell.getCellStyle();
font = style.getFont(); // or style.getFont(workBook);
// use Font object to query font attributes. E.g. font.IsItalic
Then you will have to build the HTML by appending relevant HTML tags.

Apache Poi Word Table, information about the Alt Text

How to get the Alt Text from a Table in Word, e.g. Title or Description.
All the Information, that I found had the context, Text, Width, Style etc. to read or modify.
My goal is to identify certain Tables in a Template, so I can modify them.
I am going to make some assumptions here. First that you are talking about the docx format, and second that by "Alt Text" you mean a caption.
A caption is just a paragraph that either precedes, or follows a table. It will have a style of Caption, a run with some text like Table, and probably includes a simple field SEQ Table. That would be the default Table caption, but it could be just a run with a name like Department Heads. The key is the style name. Word uses standard style names to calculate other things as well such as TOC.
Note: in Word, you cannot modify a caption by selecting a table, and clicking a menu option. It isn't really linked in any meaningful way. You have to modify the paragraph.
So to find a caption, you need to look in the Document elements list XWPFDocument.getBodyElements(), and find each paragraph with a style of Caption. Once you have found the one you want, then you can either look at the element immediately above or below to find the table. Your search will be easier if you can know that captions are all above or all below the tables.
So to retrieve the table following a specific named caption I would try something like this:
public XWPFTable FindTable(String name) {
boolean foundTable = false;
XWPFParagraph p;
for (IBodyElement elem : doc.getBodyElements()) {
switch (elem.getElementType()) {
foundTable = false;
p = (XWPFParagraph) elem;
if (p.getStyle() == "Caption" && p.getText() == name) {
foundTable = true;
case TABLE:
if (foundTable) {
return (XWPFTable) elem;
foundTable = false;
foundTable = false;
return null;
In Word you can set the table caption to something unique, and then get the table in xml:
String tableXML = mytable.getCTTbl();
To extract the table caption:
String[] xml = tableXML.split(System.lineSeparator());
String caption = null;
for (String x : xml)
if (x.contains("w:tblCaption"))
caption = x.split("w:val=")[1].replace("/>", "");
caption = caption.replace("\"", "");

Monogame windows - make a textview scrollable

I am trying to do an appication in monogame windows. I have a long text to be displayed on screen. I tried to render it on screen using spriteBatch.Drawstring, was succesful to an extent. But, the text did not fit into a required area. I had followed this tutorial. I need a vertical scroll to be implemented to have the entire text inside my desired area. Can anyone suggest some help. This is my current code :
protected override void LoadContent()
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
_boxTexture = new SolidColorTexture(GraphicsDevice, Color.Red);
_borderRectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 500, 500);
_textboxRectangle = new Rectangle(105, 105, 490, 490);
_font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Rockwell");
_text = "He determined to drop his litigation with the monastry, and relinguish his claims to the wood-cuting and fishery rihgts at once. He was the more ready to do this becuase the rights had becom much less valuable, and he had indeed the vaguest idea where the wood and river in quedtion were.";
private String parseText(String text)
String line = String.Empty;
String returnString = String.Empty;
String[] wordArray = text.Split(' ');
foreach (String word in wordArray)
if (font.MeasureString(line + word).Length() > textBox.Width)
returnString = returnString + line + '\n';
line = String.Empty;
line = line + word + ' ';
return returnString + line;
and inside draw function :
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, parseText(text), new Vector2(textBox.X, textBox.Y), Color.White);
You can do it in the draw method instead.
Then just do what you're doing now, but instead of creating a string that you return, you just call
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, line, textPostion, Color.White);
instead. Where textPosition is just equal to the textbox position, to begin with and then you increase the Y position with font.MeasureString(line).Y for each iteration:
textPosition.Y += font.MeasureString(line).Y;
Then you check for
if(font.MeasureString(line).Y + textPosition.Y < textBox.Y + textBox.Height
|| textPosition.Y > textBox.Y)
Then just look for input of the keyboard arrows for instance (or create some buttons for scrolling up and down), and increase or decrease the textPosition.Y accordingly. Then you will have vertically scrolling textbox.
You can then make some lock by defining a minimum Y value for the position, such that the text stop when scrolling to the bottom or to the top.

How to setText in a textArea from an ArrayList?

I have an ArrayList ArrayList<String> externalDataList = new ArrayList<>(1600);and I would like to display in a textArea first 3 strings, but I can't succed:
Here is my code
Iterator<String> it = externalDataList.iterator();
int tot = 0;
while(it.hasNext() && tot<3){
String element =;
textareaShowPreview.setText(element + "\n");
System.out.println("elements are: " + element);
The sout correctly print first 3 strings
element are: 23/05/2007 ,30.9455,31.2545,30.9091,30.9545,7518142
element are: 24/05/2007 ,30.6545,31.0909,30.5364,30.6909,12851606
element are: 25/05/2007 ,30.6636,30.8545,30.4818,30.8091,9392088
but in textArea I have only first one
How do I have to modify my code to show in textArea all three strings, one string per row?
Use appendText instead of setText here is a link.
The setText, delete the previous text and set the text you are giving to it. The append keep the current text in your text area.
Hope it helps!

SharePoint get value of rich text box control created programatically

I'm writing a custom web part that need to use a couple of rich text box controls. I'm placing the controls onto the web part programatically. When the web part gets a save postback I'm able to capture the data from all the fields except the two rich text box ones. What's the trick to be able to get the value of a rich text box?
The code I"m using to place my form controls is:
private void CreateInputControls()
SPList list = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Lists["MyList"];
SPContentType cType = list.ContentTypes[0];
Table table = new Table();
table.CellPadding = 3;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
SPContext newContext = SPContext.GetContext(System.Web.HttpContext.Current, list.DefaultView.ID, list.ID, list.ParentWeb);
foreach (SPField field in cType.Fields)
if (!field.Hidden && field.CanBeDisplayedInEditForm)
FieldLabel fieldLabel = new FieldLabel();
fieldLabel.ControlMode = SPControlMode.New;
fieldLabel.ListId = list.ID;
fieldLabel.FieldName = field.InternalName;
fieldLabel.ItemContext = newContext;
fieldLabel.RenderContext = newContext;
fieldLabel.Field.Required = fieldLabel.Field.Required;
FormField formField = new FormField();
formField.ControlMode = SPControlMode.New;
formField.ListId = list.ID;
formField.FieldName = field.InternalName;
formField.ItemContext = newContext;
formField.RenderContext = newContext;
formField.ID = field.InternalName;
formField.EnableViewState = true;
TableRow row = new TableRow();
TableCell cellLabel = new TableCell();
TableCell cellField = new TableCell();
The code I'm using to save a new item is:
private void UpdateItem(string bannerImageURL, string thumbnailImageURL)
SPList list = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Lists["MyList"];
SPContentType cType = list.ContentTypes[0];
SPItem item = list.AddItem();
foreach (SPField field in cType.Fields)
if (!field.Hidden && field.CanBeDisplayedInEditForm)
FormField formField = (FormField)inputPanel.FindControl(field.InternalName);
if (formField != null)
// Saves data for all fields EXCEPT for rich text box (sharepoint multiline columns).
item[field.Title] = formField.Value;
Maybe there's an issue with the field name. Try to use the InternalName.
item[field.InternalName] = formField.Value;
I have been struggling with this and am using a workaround which I thought I'd post as this was quite frustrating.
The problem is that the RTE control is rendered empty and then populated from a hidden control with JavaScript on the client. However this hidden control is accessible server side thus:
switch (formField.Field.Type)
case SPFieldType.Note:
var rtf = (RichTextField)formField.Controls[0];
item[field.Title] = rtf.HiddenInput.Value;
item[field.Title] = formField.Value;
This may need extending for other field types but you get the idea...