Why is my POST faling in this simple VueJS form? - vue.js

This is for a vueJS form. I have a nested value named "medications" I'm trying to submit for a form....I have this code in my template and data area that is related to medications. after I select the medication from the select box and enter the remaining fields and submit I get an error telling me I'm not submitting all my values...here are snips from my code...
NOTE: I'm not showing the entire form...only the part related with medication form field.
<div class="col-sm-2">
<b-form-select v-model="medication">
<option selected :value="null">Medication</option>
<option value="name" v-for="catMed in catMedications">{{catMed.medication.name}}</option>
duration: '',
frequency: '',
name: '',
medication: {name: '', duration: '', frequency: '', dosage: '', notes: ''},
(also, here is my POST function..if it helps)
postFeedings(catID, catName) {
const vm = this;
cat: {id: catID, name: catName},
weight_unit_measure: 'G',
weight_before_food: this.weight_before_food,
food_unit_measure: 'G',
amount_of_food_taken: this.amount_of_food_taken,
food_type: this.food_type,
weight_after_food: this.weight_after_food,
stimulated: this.stimulated,
stimulation_type: this.stimulation_type,
medication: {name: vm.name, duration: vm.duration, frequency: vm.frequency, dosage: vm.dosage, notes: vm.notes},
medication_dosage_unit: 'ML',
medication_dosage_given: this.medication_dosage_given,
notes: this.notes
.then(response => {
response.status === 201 ? this.showSwal('success-message','Carelog added') : null;
.catch(error => {
console.log(catID, catName);
this.showSwal('auto-close', error);
ERROR: This is the error I get back ....
{"medication":{"frequency":["This field may not be blank."],"name":["This field may not be blank."]}}
ALL THE OTHER PARAMS ARE BEING SENT...but the ones for medication are not...
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: updated axios post as Husam Ibrahim suggested

Like Husam says, In a function definition, this refers to the "owner" of the function. So when u access this in the axios function, this refers to the axios function, not to the vue instance.
Also - what i like to do is, create the object in the data of the vue instance, and use that for your post. Makes much cleaner code, and vue can access the object and properties.
Like this:
data () {
myObject: {
data1: 'abc',
data2: 'def',
data3: 123,
data4: false
and the axxios function like this:
const vm = this;
.post('url.here', vm.myObject)
.then(response => {
// Handle response..
In vue you can use v-model="myObject.data1" to access the properties. This way you can use axxios get and assign the result to vm.myObject and vue will render the new data.

The key was in how I was getting "name" in my template. So I changed it up to this...
<div class="col-sm-2">
<b-form-select v-model="medication">
<option selected :value="null">Medication</option>
<option :value=catMed.medication.name v-for="catMed in catMedications">{{catMed.medication.name}}</option>
NOTE: see how :value=catMed.medication.name is configured? That's the key. now when I inspect my params in the browser I can see that I'm setting Medication.name to the value I intend.
And inside my axios.post I change the medication line to this...
medication: {name: this.medication, duration: this.duration, frequency: this.medication_dosage_given, dosage: this.dosage, notes: this.notes},
Now the two values are posting params ^_^


Vuejs Filter add Span

I'm filtering with vuejs, only the output I want is written in the ".00" span in the comma. how can i do it?
1.500 ,00
<p class="amount">{{ 1500 | toTL }}</p>
Vue.filter('toTL', function (value) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat('tr-TR', { currency: 'TRY', minimumFractionDigits: 2}).format(value);
I declared you value in the data() function like so :
data () {
return {
number: '1500,00',
newNumber: [],
What I did to make this work is make a created function like so :
created() {
this.newNumber = this.number.split(',')
Then, in the frontend (your p and span) :
<p>{{ newNumber[0] }}<span>,{{newNumber[1]}}</span></p>
What I did is turn a value into an array by using the split() function.
There is probably a way better solution but this is what I came up with in a short amount of time, I hope it helps.

Get multiple values from array fetch

I am sending a get request to a api where the values are inside a array.
I want to get multiple values simultaneously.
How can I do this other than using index to get specific key values?
For example below, I want every result of results.data.message.body.artist_list.[4].artist.artist_name but don't want to have to use index [4].
methods: {
fetchMusic(e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
axios.get(' ... ', {
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
.then((response) => response).then(this.setResults);
setResults(results) {
this.artists = results.data.message.body.artist_list.[4].artist.artist_name;
this.artistname = results.data.message.body.artist_list[0].artist.artist_name;
Thanks for any inputs on my code
Here is an example on how to fetch an API and display it's info by looping on the items: https://codesandbox.io/s/lucid-currying-nsoo3?file=/src/App.vue
Basically, get the results (an array so), then loop on each iteration of this array and display the wished data accordingly with something like
<div v-for="result in fetchedResults" :key="result.id">
<span>Name: {{ result.username }}</span> ~
<span>email: {{ result.email }}</span>
Btw, don't forget the key, it's important. More info here about this point.
Official documentation's examples on how to loop on an array.

Why my select value has changed but still displayed the old value?

I am learning Vue with Element-UI these days, and I met a problem today early.
I saw my select's value has been changed already on the console, but on the page, it still displayed the old value. Why?
Here's my select tag's code:
<el-select v-model="ruleForm.emp" filterable placeholder="please select" #change="empChange">
<el-option v-for="item in emps" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item">
Here's the ruleForm's code:
ruleForm: {
emp: {
id: 1,
name: '',
address: ''
startDate: '',
position: '',
positionDetails: ''
Here's the empChange method:
this.ruleForm.emp = emp;
If you need something more to help you to figure out, please let me know and I'll update at once.
Any help will be appreciated!
Update: Vue's and Element-UI's version
"element-ui": "^2.4.5",
"vue": "^2.5.2"
Update: one emp of the data emps:
emp: {
id: 1723
name: "test"
address: "address_test"
At empChange method, change:
this.$set(this.ruleForm, 'emp', emp);
See reactivity

Aurelia repeat.for within repeat.for

I will try and keep this as simple as possible.
We have a list of stations, each station has the ability to have up to 4 channels set.
Each station you can change any of the 4 stations.
There is also a summary table below the form that shows what was chosen.
Any change made to the station level updates on the summary table below, but any update to the channel does not. I am wondering if this is something to do with the answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/42629584/9431766
What I am confused about is if the station display updates, but the channels do not update.
Here is a simplified version of the code
constructor() {
this.stations = [
name: 'Station 1',
channels: [null, null, null, null]
name: 'Station 2',
channels: [null, null, null, null]
name: 'Station 3',
channels: [null, null, null, null]
this.channels = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Channel 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Channel 2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Channel 3' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Channel 4' },
this.activeStation = {}
editStation(station) {
this.activeStation = station;
<div class="station">
<input value.bind="activeStation.name"/>
<div repeat.for="select of activeStation.channels">
<select value.bind="activeStation.channel[$index]">
<option model.bind="item" repeat.for="item of channels"></option>
<div class="summary">
<div repeat.form="station of stations">
<div repeat.for="channel of station.channels">
${channel ? channel.name : 'N/A'}
<div class="edit"><a click.delegate="editStation(station)">Edit</a></div>
If I reset the channels for each station after they have updated, only then does the summary update.
I do this by using map to re-map the stations, ie;
this.activeStation.channels = this.activeStation.channels.map(station);
I would prefer to not have to reset the channels after each update, this seems like a bit of overkill.
Nice question. The behavior you observed is because the repeat at the <div/> inside div.summary element couldn't see the changes to the array, since the mutation is done via index setter (caused by <select/> binding). So we have 2 choices:
Make the mutation to channels array of each station notify the array observer
Make the repeat aware of changes inside the array.
For (2), we can do it either in your way, or a value converter way to avoid modifying source array on edit. You can see an example here https://codesandbox.io/s/httpsstackoverflowcomquestions59571360aurelia-repeat-for-within-repeat-for-yuwwv
For (1), we need to resolve to manual change handling of the select, via change event
EDIT: in v2, we already fixed this issue so it will properly & naturally work without us having to add these work around.

WebdriverIO: what is the equivalent of elementIdHtml?

How do I get an element's inner HTML from an elementId using browser object?
Is there something like elementIdHtml available in the WebdriverIO API?
The getHTML link for v4 is returning 403 Forbidden.
my goal is that i need to get all text inside all a._3cnp from an elementId
example html
<div class="container">
<a class="_3cnp">first link</a>
<a class="_3cnp">second link</a>
<a class="_3cnp">third link</a>
need to convert that to ["first link", "second link", ..]
i have the .container elementId already
this is what i did
.then(() => browser.elementIdElements(someElementId, 'a._3cnp'))
.then(buttonElem => {
console.log('->', buttonElem)
console.log('-->', buttonElem.getHTML)
buttonElem.getHTML().then(x => console.log('---->', x))
return buttonElem.value
result of elementIdElements is
{ sessionId: '2e2f144c8895a03da1b8df92f4613a33',
status: 0,
[ { ELEMENT: '0.6603119466268468-24',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.6603119466268468-24' } ],
selector: 'a._3cnp' }
but buttonElem.getHTML is undefined
im using webdriverio standalone from botium-webdriverio-connector
Change your code accordingly to the following:
.then(() => browser.elementIdElements(someElementId, 'a._3cnp'))
.then(buttonElem => {
// buttonElem's 'value' will contain a list of all the matching elements
// thus, you have to call getHTML() on each item from 'value'
// the following will return the HTML of the first matching element
console.log('\nPrint element HTML: ' + buttonElem.value[0].getHTML());
return buttonElem.value[0].getHTML();
A better approach would be to loop between them & print the HTML:
.then(() => browser.elementIdElements(someElementId, 'a._3cnp'))
.value.forEach(buttonElem => {
console.log('\nPrint element HTML: ' + buttonElem.getHTML());
return buttonElem.getHTML();
The .getHTML() property is scoped to all the ELEMENT objects. For the sake of more didactical approach, I'm going to consider the task to be manipulating the HTML code found in a series of list items (<li>), from am unordered list (<ul>).
So you can do the following:
browser.getHTML('ul.ourList li.ourListItems') (this will return a list of all the <li>'s HTML code)
browser.element('ul.ourList li.ourListItems').getHTML() (this will return the first <li>'s HTML code)
$('ul.ourList li.ourListItems').getHTML() (this is the equivalent of the command above, only a relaxed version)
If you need to iterate through all the <li>s & get the HTML, do this:
let locator = 'ul.ourList li.ourListItems';
browser.elements(locator).value.forEach(elem => {
let elemHTML = elem.getHTML();
console.log( JSON.stringify(elemHTML) );
where, elem will is an object with the following format:
{ ELEMENT: '0.285350058261731-1',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.285350058261731-1',
selector: 'ul li.fw-item.fz-16.lh-36.pos-r',
value: { ELEMENT: '0.285350058261731-1' },
index: 0