StructureMap Configuration Issue with MVC4 -

I'm trying to get an existing MVC4 app running on a new machine but encountering the issue:
The installed version of MVC4 is:
It appears there is a problem with the compatibility of MVC and Structure map, but I cannot see the difference between the installations on the working and non-working machines.
Has anyone experienced this issue or have a suggestion of what might resolve it? Please ask if more info is required about versions and other installed software.

I have resolved this issue by installing "StructureMap.MVC4" version from NuGet.


the project must provide a value for configuration Error when install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation in Core3.1

When I install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation in a Web project and in Startup add :
,the project does not run and the error is:
the project must provide a value for configuration
my .NET-Core version is 3.1
How can this be fixed?
There are some GitHub issues with this problem and some solutions that have worked for people. That said I would check to see that all NuGet packages are on versions supported by .NET Core 3.1. At this particular moment that means not too new so as to only work with .NET 5 and not too old so as to only work with Core 2.2.
Otherwise, someone suggested restarting VS.
You may also try deleting Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design from the CsProj file per this duplicate question Core application is not running with VS 2017?

I have installed the visual studio 2017 for ASP.Net Core. I created Dot Net Core project. Build it successfully and run it but on Firefox it shows the blank page and on chrome it shows "**The localhost page isn’t working
localhost is currently unable to handle this request"
I thought there is a problem in code. I debugged the code and there is nothing wrong with the code. It's the default template and code generated for Asp.Net Core. I googled and tried many things like restart the VS, removed cache, etc but nothing worked for me. Then i uninstalled the VS 2017 and used C Cleaner to remove all temp files etc and installed the visual studio 2017 again but the same error came again. Then i created MVC application, console application in VS 2017 and both worked fine. Issue comes only in core application. I use fiddler to see the request status and it is 500. I debugged the code but nothing wrong with the code(No Exception). I have tried many things but did not find anything helpful. Can anyone tell me what's the issue?
The blank page response can be caused by a number of reasons. Sometimes because you are lacking something in the system , routing issues, wrong code on the wrong location, .csproj configuration issues, permission issues, and many more.
There are a couple of things you can try:
Check to see if you have the appropriate ASP.NET Core Module installed in you system. (Either x86 or x64 depending on your system )
Make sure you have enabled IIS Integration in your code
See if you have the error middleware in your Configure code, it mostly helps to solve your issues by giving full detail.
Looks like you are running into error similar to this issue with browserlink .What version of browser link package do you have in your machine
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink should be 1.0.1 referring the templates
This SO post discuss the similar issue .If that does not solve, Please make sure you have 1.0.1 in your project referenced and then try this
Clearing your NuGet cache
dotnet nuget locals all --clear
Set Environment variable DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE to 1 . This is to avoid caching packages
dotnet restore
Does it happens to be runtime compilation issues?
I stumble across this issues log while studying the feasibility of using ASP.Net Core for ERP System host on LinuxOS.
Issues #2017 on GitHub
Try setting
in your csproj

Glimpse DLL Version on NuGet different than signature

Installed a new .NET35 Website project with Glimpse.WebForms and am getting a strange issue where the update checker thinks it is out of date.
There is a bug with the version checker..
Question: has anyone else encountered this?
And then in Glimpse I get this warning:
Start afresh with a new .NET35 website project in VS2013 then all works as expected

New to C#/Mono, ServiceStack.Redis cannot find reference

I'm trying to build a console app to test out redis/mono communication. I've been hitting a brick wall using Monodevelop 4.0 (Xamarin Studios)+Nuget Port to work with ServiceStack.Redis on mac os.
All the solutions I've found online only say, change the ".Net 4.0 Client Profile" into ".Net 4.0 full" on visual studios. I haven't found a related function on MonoDevelop, not even sure if such an option exists. So no help there.
The error I am getting is:
"The type or namespace name `RedisClient' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The screencap below shows the missing references, even though it is clearly in the reference folder :(. It is very puzzling.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is generally an issue with lagging version numbers on Mono.
For example, here's an example that can reproduce the issue:
Your ServiceStack.Redis is compiled against ServiceStack.Interfaces -> 3.9.45.
But you've actually pulled the latest 3.9.48 versions of:
ServiceStack.Interfaces 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Common 3.9.48
ServiceStack.Text 3.9.48
Mono will have problems forwarding old ServiceStack references 3.9.45 to 3.9.48.
So, recompiling from source will resolve the issue.
Or, ensure all your references are using the same version number by opening up all ServiceStack.*.dll (as you've done) and ensure there are no lagging version number references.
Similarly, I had a problem with ServiceStack.Logging.NLog compiled against 3.9.44 packages which lead to various TypeLoadExceptions on Mono when the head version of ServiceStack.* is 3.9.48.
So after hair tearing fighting with the MonoDevelop IDE and nuget. I just resorted to building the Servicestack.redis from source in MonoDevelop, and copied over the output DLLs. This worked without a problem.
It seems either that monodevelop doesn't like the Dlls from nuget, or that the nuget port has some bugs with DLl references. Either way, I don't know the specifics, but there is a solution around it by building servicestack components from source in MonoDevelop.
I was having this same issue with Xamarin Studio 4.0.12 + NuGet Port running against Mono 2.10.9.
Yesterday I decided to try to get OrmLite working & when I went to add the package, I saw that there were ServiceStack updates available (to version from Installed the updates and added the OrmLite package and I started getting the same error...
"The type or namespace name 'OrmLiteConnectionFactory" could not be
found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The weird part was Intellisense was working (I could fully qualify OrmLiteConnectionFactory in the IDE and it would find it fine) but it would not build. Just like you, I also saw in Assembly Browser that my ServiceStack DLLs were referencing previous versions of some of the other ServiceStack projects.
Upgrading to the latest Mono release (3.2.3 atm) solved the issue for me. Hallelujah! Not sure why I was using Mono 2.10.9 to begin with.

Error when creating MVC Endpoints with NServiceBus

I just installed NServiceBus, started to go through the getting started sample, but when I tried to create a MVC endpoint as suggested here I got an unexpected exception stating that this product type is not supported by this installation, all other endpoint type work.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
It seems like you don't have the ASP NET MVC 3 project type installed on your environment.
Please try installing it from
If you have tried to install it using the Web Platform Installer Tool, be sure that you installed the right version and product (I use to make mistakes with so many similar named products).