Images in Vue not showing up - vue.js

I am having trouble displaying images in my Vue CLI project.
Here is what I have going on. This vue file accesses a json file with a few references to the individual Eyewear objects, all that works. I have references to the image I am trying to access in the json file. And with the current code, I can see the correct image reference in the browser, but it does not load the image. Is it something to do with webpack or another loader needing to load the image file?
<h1 id='callout'>Select Your Eyewear</h1>
<div id='item' v-for='item in items'>
<img :src='`..${item.images.frontal}`' alt='eyeware' />
<ul id='itemLIist'>
<li >
{{ item.brand }}
{{ }}
import items from "../assets/eyewear.json";
export default {
name: "ItemList",
data: function() {
return {
items: items.eyewear
<style scoped>

I don't know this works for you or not. But in my case providing the full path of the image works for me. in your screenshot reference starting from "../assets" instead of that try something "src/assets" (Full path with out dots)
and for make this simple, first just try to hard code full path src to a image tag and see whether it's working or not.
and let me know if this works for you. =)


Link from Object as src to img tag

I want to pass information (link) form Object, and give it as the src to image. Somehow tag doesn't see it. Even though it console log proper link and the link is working.
setup() {
const state = reactive({
flashcardObject: {
linkToGraphic: ''}
Where is the bug
<div class="ViewFlashcards">
<div class="image_div">
<img class="picture" src="{{state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic}}"/>
Thank you for your help!
Use v-bind, like so:
<img v-bind:src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic" class="picture"/>
Full code:
<div class="ViewFlashcards">
<div class="image_div">
<img class="picture" v-bind:src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic"/>
v-bind allows you to bind an (HTML) attribute to a data property or just some JS code. In this case you just pass along your image URL to the src attribute of the <image>.
Note that mustache syntax, {{ something }}, does not work in HTML attributes; it only will work within elements, like <p>{{ something }}</p>.
Also, note that instead of v-bind:attribute, you can omit the v-bind part and just keep the colon, like so: :attribute. This makes it easier to bind attributes.
For more info and examples see the docs
You should require it and use : to bind the image src to the required path if the image is stored in the app :
<img class="picture" :src="require(state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic)"/>
or :
<img class="picture" :src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic"/>
if the image is hosted online.

Why isn't the value of the object properties inserted here?

I started learning vue yesterday and I'm now fiddling around on the CLI3.
Currently I'm trying out the different approaches to inserting data into my markup.
Here, I basically want to make a "list of Lists".
This here is list1:
<ul v-for="item in items">
<li :text="item"></li>
export default{
data() {
return {
items: {
item1 : "itemA",
item2 : "itemB",
item3 : "itemC"
This is the list of lists:
<h1>All my stuff in a biiig list!</h1>
<listOfLists />
import listOfLists from '#/components/listOfLists.vue'
export default {
name: 'myComplexView.vue',
components: {
And this is inserted into myComplexView.vue inside views (im working with routing as well, though it doesnt work perfectly yet as you will see on the screenshot), which you can see here:
<h1>All my stuff in a biiig list!</h1>
<listOfLists />
import listOfLists from '#/components/listOfLists.vue'
export default {
name: 'myComplexView.vue',
components: {
This is the result Im getting:
Since routing doesnt work correctly yet, I had to enter the url into the browser manually. Fortunately, the site at least loaded that way as well, so I can tackle these problems bit by bit ^^
As you can see, the data was iterated over correctly by the v-for.
However, the data wasn't inserted in the text attribute of the li elements.
I'm a bit clueless about the cause though.
Maybe I'm not binding to the correct attribute? Vue is using its own naming conventions, based off standard html and jquery as far as I understood.
You've got this in your template:
<li :text="item"></li>
This will bind the text attribute to the value, outputting, e.g.:
<li text="itemA"></li>
You should be able to see this in the developer tools. In the picture you posted you hadn't expanded the relevant elements so the attributes can't be seen.
I assume what you want is to set the content. For that you'd either use v-text:
<li v-text="item"></li>
or more likely:
<li>{{ item }}</li>
Either of these will output:
On an unrelated note, I would add that this line will create multiple lists:
<ul v-for="item in items">
It's unclear if that's what you want. You're going to create 3 <ul> elements, each with a single <li> child. If you want to create a single <ul> then move the v-for onto the <li>.

Can't get image to load in Vue

Can't get a simple image file to load using Vue (using a single-file component with a .vue extension). Here's the code, which I put inside template:
<div><img :src="london.jpg"></div>
What am I doing wrong?
I'm used to put all images into the public folder, so I don't need webpack to load images.
The path of the image is '/public/assets/img/london.jpg'
So, in any Vue component I can render the image using
<a href="#">
<img src="/assets/img/london.jpg" alt="london"/>
You can also directly require in your template.
<a href="#">
<img :src="require(`#/assets/img/london.jpg`)"/>
Note that the # is your src/ folder.
When binding properties, the model or data type must be correct.
To bind :src, it must be a string or data model.
<div> <img :src="'london.jpg'"></div>
<div> <img src="img"></div>
export default {
data () {
return {
img: require('london.jpg')
<div> <img :src="img"></div>

vue-instagram : images showing as icons, even though src/url is correct

I'm using the vue-instagram component to display images from my own instagram account..
The url's are correct (when i inspect element, and open the url in new tab, the image shows up...), but it only shows up as an icon (see image below)..
Here's my code : (boilerplate from example) :
<vue-instagram token="209161622.1677ed0.cd18b9a41f0c4a53b646b8f012f465ab" :count="5" mediaType="image">
<template slot="feeds" slot-scope="props">
<!-- <li class="fancy-list"> {{ }} </li> -->
<img :src="" />
<template slot="error" slot-scope="props">
<div class="fancy-alert"> {{ props.error.error_message }} </div>
import VueInstagram from 'vue-instagram'
export default {
components: {
As you see from the image below, it only display the icon, not the picture itself :
Here is the rendered HTML :
Any idea what i'm doing wrong here ?
Your links are to the post (an HTML page), not directly to the image so they cannot be displayed as images.
From snooping around the component's Github page, it seems you want
<img :src="props.feed.images.low_resolution.url" alt="Image">

How can I solve "Interpolation inside attributes has been removed. Use v-bind or the colon shorthand"? Vue.js 2

My Vue.js component is like this:
<div class="panel-group" v-for="item in list">
<div class="panel-body">
<a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#purchase-{{ }}" class="pull-right" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne">
<div id="purchase-{{ }}" class="table-responsive panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel">
export default {
computed: {
list: function() {
return this.$store.state.transaction.list
When executed, there exists an error like this:
Vue template syntax error:
id="purchase-{{ }}": Interpolation inside attributes has
been removed. Use v-bind or the colon shorthand instead.
How can I solve it?
Use JavaScript code inside v-bind (or shortcut ":"):
:href="'#purchase-' +"
:id="'purchase-' +"
Or if using ES6 or later:
Use v-bind or shortcut syntax ':' to bind the attribute.
<input v-bind:placeholder="title">
<input :placeholder="title">
Just use
If you're pulling data from an array of objects, you need to include require('assets/path/image.jpeg') in your object like I did below.
Working example:
people: [
name: "Name",
description: "Your Description.",
closeup: require("../assets/something/absolute-black/image.jpeg"),
Using require(objectName.propName.urlPath) in the v-img element did not work for me.
<v-img :src="require(people.closeup.urlPath)"></v-img>
The easiest way is too require the file address:
<img v-bind:src="require('../image-address/' + image_name)" />
The complete example below shows ../assets/logo.png:
<img v-bind:src="require('../assets/' + img)" />
export default {
name: "component_name",
data: function() {
return {
img: "logo.png"
The most elegant solution is save images outside Webpack. By default, Webpack compress images in Base64, so if you save images in your assets folder, that doesn't work because Webpack will compress images in base64, and that isn’t a reactive variable.
To solve your problem, you need to save your images in your public path. Usually the public path is in "public" folder or "statics".
Finally, you can do this:
return {
image: 1,
publicPath: process.env.BASE_URL
And your HTML you can do this:
<img :src="publicPath+'../statics/img/p'+image+'.png'" alt="HANGOUT PHOTO">
When to use the public folder
You need a file with a specific name in the build output
File depends on a reactive variable that can change in execution time
You have images and need to dynamically reference their paths
Some library may be incompatible with Webpack and you have no other option but to include it as a <script> tag.
More information: "HTML and Static Assets" in Vue.js documentation